
Information Delivery Quotes

There are 50 quotes

"Delivery is everything, right? And you can have something very important that you want to teach people, to explain, and if you deliver it in a way where they can't understand it or they don't want to understand it, then it won't happen, even if you're speaking facts."
"They kind of provide information to you as a user within like blog posts but they also have a really good privacy policy."
"Tink breathlessly informed us that he had bad news and good news."
"We try to go at these cases in the best way possible so you can absorb the information without getting too triggered."
"Now that you have an introduction, you have an idea of what's going on."
"If you can somehow build a sense of intrigue around the information before you give it out to the audience like you're most of the way there to making that exposition fun."
"Morning Brew takes important but pretty dry subjects... and reports on them in a witty, relevant, and informative format."
"Find the one thing he cares about and then focus on that completely, nothing else until he asks for more information."
"You can use intonation to indicate what is new and old information for your listener. When you think the information is new for your listener, the intonation at the end of your sentence goes down."
"It's official. I told you this day would come."
"Attack with exposition. A great method to give the audience important information without slowing down the story is to use information as a weapon rather than telling the audience the facts about the world."
"Get them to talk, once someone has said everything they need to say, that's when you want to deliver your information."
"These are the three excerpts played one after another."
"All I'm doing is I'm just delivering the news that you're going to get eventually anyway."
"It was a Hall age level announcement in six minutes."
"I love the way you teach, your ability to conduct information is amazing."
"We're going to deliver honest information on a daily basis."
"Your videos do a great job of putting so much information into a chunk of time."
"The way that Moist Critical basically gave the information was really well done."
"I hope you enjoyed it and that it was informative."
"That was a lot of information, I hope it was clear."
"In the end, giving you a heap of information and data in the hope that you can now make an informed buying decision."
"That line decides whether we live in a tyranny or whether we live in a free society, and that line is the point of delivery of information."
"Indicating a lot of information very simply and cleanly."
"This is why we do it, we want to give you guys real-time information."
"Artemis Fowl is the kind of film that delivers information to the audience without ever backing it up in any way."
"This video required me to comb through over five hours of footage and was the most exhausting video I've had to make by far, but it was worth it to get all this great information and condense it down into one package."
"I'm just trying to give the best information in the most fun way possible."
"I'm just going to deliver the information and implore you to come to your own conclusion."
"Lean into what people actually want and give them the information they're there to get."
"We are doing everything we can to bring all of the latest information to you first."
"We don't just want to spit out information; we want to make sure we're providing the easiest way possible for people to consume that and then use that information."
"We're not just telling you the information, we're explaining in a way that you can walk away and say, 'Hey, I know a little bit more about this than just the headlines and the articles I've been reading.'"
"Like any good Amazon drone, I will try and deliver the main package of information to you which I genuinely believe can help people."
"It actually gave you at a glance information, intelligently delivered."
"Email is best for delivering information... or non-urgent questions that can be answered with one reply."
"We're bringing the facts straight to you on the difference."
"It's all about storytelling; it's how you give the information."
"If we had a more pluralistic means of delivering information that didn't encourage us to get trapped in these so-called filter bubbles or to fall victim to confirmation bias, you could see how that might temper some of these ill effects."
"The delivery is what I believe can become an art."
"I am here to deliver the tea and the news."
"I'm always trying to come up with new and interesting ways to either deliver information or tell the story."
"People need context they need emotion to really drive the information home."
"I don't want to waste your time, I want to get right to the point and give you really rich information that hopefully you can use and apply in your own classroom."
"We use what's called a multi-sensory approach because we need as many ways as possible to give information to children."
"And I've used storytelling as the rubric to deliver information about some of the most complex parts of the financial markets."