
Dogma Quotes

There are 95 quotes

"All of research is to debunk dogma. What we believed ten years ago is already wrong and what we believe today will be wrong ten years from now."
"Aquarius seeks to completely shatter all dogmatic blind ways of thinking and instead bring down higher knowledge to the world, open-minded knowledge."
"All it takes is one dogma. If the dogma is claimed to be infallible, that's why it's so important not to yoke the consciences of Christians to believe things that are beyond what the gospel would require of us."
"Precise Theology and inspired discourse have allowed us to create a harmonious Corpus of our new Dogma."
"I think the problem is dogma, false certainties immune to criticism."
"The Church made the assumption a holy day of obligation and a dogma, showing its importance."
"There can be no greater heresy! Let him be an example for ALL who would break our covenant!"
"The metaphysical is not bound up with Dogma."
"They're unwilling to accept slightly different options from what the dogma tells them is necessary."
"It's about defending science education from religion, highlighting the threat of the import of dogma into our society."
"Priests are free to ignore the decree because the decree is not backed by a dogmatic declaration."
"The pressure to vet ideas and jettison dogma is exquisite in science and nonexistent in orthodox religion."
"Even if an angel comes preaching another gospel, let them be accursed."
"Many a man will live and die upon a dogma; no man will be a martyr for a mere conclusion."
"I think any Dogma, any Dogma will limit you. The idea is to free ourselves from the dogma, from the identity, and from the obligation to subscribe to what the authority says."
"It's demanding the impossible for you on pain of hellfire."
"Amen, anyone that says three separate and distinct, you're a liar, that's a lie."
"I fundamentally believe that this is a quasi-religious dogmatic cult."
"People demanding your allegiance to their dogma are acting far more like evangelical priests than true scientists."
"The very ideal of science is an attitude of unbiased inquiry which does not pay reverence to established dogmas or doctrines."
"There's no single way to do it, there's not really any sense in being dogmatic about any one trading approach."
"For the last 40 years, it appears that most people don't even know what dogma is, or that it is infallible, that is, that it cannot fail."
"I think deserie being so dogmatic works when it works really really well and when it doesn't come off he's had some Fair critique I think about sort of being adaptable or having a plan B"
"So I argue and follow your heart Dogma strips us of awe it makes us so fixated on our finite selves that we miss out on being awestruck at the infinite God."
"I was taught that everything we do is right and everybody else is wrong."
"But we don't take anything on faith. There's no dogma, there are no tablets. We go where the evidence leads us."
"The Jedi were dogmatic and... it ultimately weighed them down."
"Dogma is the enemy of creativity."
"The belief system is not really settled in stone and clearly not dogmatic."
"Faith without doubt will turn into dogma and I think dogmas are very, very dangerous."
"Do this our special way at our special time or you're going to hell."
"In Buddhism, we don't have this kind of intense entrenchment in dogmas."
"It's all based on all this particular stuff, and here's one, even if you are not a Christian, I am not, you still have to conform to Christian ideas of dogma."
"We need to be freed of dogma, freed of black and white thinking."
"We need to embrace playful exploration instead of rigid dogma."
"Taking the fun out of fundamentalism."
"Each religion upon your planet has the more mystical aspects that do not have the dogmatic attitude."
"Scientists can be dogmatic and sometimes unnecessarily so it's it again it just comes down to as there being enough work to convince the proper community."
"The first consideration is dogma, and the first consideration is fidelity to the Catholic faith, come what may."
"The problem is the Jedi followed the code too strictly, even when the code is wrong. That's the problem, bro."
"Science is becoming more and more dogmatic and more interested in preserving its doctrine than bravely looking at ways in which it has to change."
"I entirely reject the heretical misrepresentation that dogmas evolve and change from one meaning to another different from the one which the church held previously."
"The followers of these avatars dogmatize their teachings and create religions around them."
"Every session, they would pass two degrees: one on dogma, another on reform."
"Question everything and reject all dogma."
"We call this the central dogma of biology."
"Others assert that differing dogmas expose the emptiness of all religion."
"There's a difference between responsibility and adherence to dogma. When the dogma becomes legislation, that's when you have the danger."
"It's a massive contradiction, many people are losing their lives even today because of this particular dogma."
"Religions attach themselves to ultimate beliefs that are unverifiable and hence potentially eternally true."
"In this desolate galaxy, their dogma is unyielding, their resolve indomitable, for they are the chosen of the Machine God, forever seeking the path to enlightenment through the clanking hymn of industry."
"The best thing that people can do right now is get rid of whatever Dogma they are currently ascribing to be open-minded."
"The only way to truly follow God is to abandon dogma."
"They set forth and prove also from tradition the very same dogmas which are found in scripture."
"Try to lead a life that is free from dogma and full of awe and wonder."
"Even the most radical of thoughts and ideas today may become the dogma of tomorrow."
"I don't think faith is bad, but dogma can be."
"We should try to set aside our biases and dogma as much as possible."
"People get locked into a mindset in a dogma and they run with it."
"I felt powerful because I overcame man-made Dogma hiding behind the facade of an unquestionable God."
"Where today's Dogma becomes tomorrow's hate speech."
"In the West, dogma is something that you read in the book... and in the East, dogma is that encounter that is too big for words."
"The central dogma of genetics: DNA is transcribed into RNA, which is then translated into protein."
"Religion is rules without reason, it is a system without substance, it's belief without Bible."
"Dogma is not only able but ought to evolve and to be changed."
"I'm opposed to certainty of any kind in dogma."
"It is therefore a dogma that the Pope must not do and may not do anything else but saintly safeguard tradition and faithfully explain it."
"I think there is a whole mass of people outside who are looking for some spirituality but actually don't want to swallow that whole dogma thing."
"The difference between dogma and just good advice is dogma is something that is enforced... and good advice is just something you can look at and say, 'Yes, that makes sense. I'll choose to do that thing.'"
"The revelation of Immaculate Conception, papal infallibility, bodily assumption... these are Revelations but they are not theopneustos."
"Escape Dogma is hard from the inside; it simply looks like truth in reality."
"His words and his commandments are dogma."
"The Holy Roman Church is the guardian of the Holy dogmas and confirms them because representing the prince of the Apostles she does not vacillate in anything concerning the Catholic faith."
"You don't need dogma, you just need empathy."
"The less plausible your dogma is, the less it meshes with reality, the larger your alternative reality will have to be."
"The Jedi order that we saw in the Clone Wars and the prequels was drowning in its own dogma and self-righteousness."
"Dogma thinks it's true 100% of the time, but wisdom knows that it's only true 99% of the time."