
Dietary Impact Quotes

There are 156 quotes

"How many calories you eat is not the issue. How many calories you absorb, how fast you absorb them... that's what matters."
"The things that we put into our body can affect our body."
"This patient had commenced a high-fat ketogenic style diet and by all objective markers he was doing a lot better."
"Fructose causes inflammation in the brain, insulin resistance, and mitochondrial suppression, which are characteristics of Alzheimer's."
"The issue is the cholesterol and animal products that you're eating to a degree independent of what they do to your blood test."
"Food is information. Change your plate and you change your mental state."
"A study of 105 countries in the Journal of Economics and Human Biology noted that animal food, particularly dairy, most correlated with increases in height."
"About 750,000 Americans will die prematurely this year because of eating the standard American diet."
"If Americans ate the level of animal products the Gullah Geechee did, we'd probably have a fifth the rate of heart disease."
"Reducing meat and dairy consumption can help reduce carbon footprint."
"Decreasing insulin and carbohydrates is the cure."
"Carbohydrates tend to raise the insulin levels very high and therefore, they're something that you should reduce."
"People who eat fruits and vegetables rich in vitamin C have fewer signs of aging."
"On detoxifying the body: 'Repopulate your gut flora before detoxifying; organic plant-based diet; probiotic supplements; juiced vegetables.'"
"When the brain is using fat for fuel, it's not aging."
"This diet stabilizes brain chemistry, calms the brain, heals the brain."
"Low-fat diet is very helpful. It can control the disease. Started early, patients can start with a 95% chance of preventing disability."
"Fatigue is a symptom of something you just have to first fix the diet."
"On a lower carbohydrate diet not only did their weight get better but their risk profile got better too."
"Food is linked to disease, would be paradigm shifting in Western medicine."
"When I really cut both dairy and meat out and went vegan and plant-based my skin started to show improvements within three or six months"
"Losing weight on any method is of no benefit at all... only weight loss that you keep off for the rest of your life is of benefit."
"When they eat that way they feel amazing, they can live their life. Yeah, they feel normal and happy."
"Foods can help starve a cancer by cutting off its blood supply."
"It's completely frame-shifting and I think that it, I feel the same way. Like, let's get that guy a steak, let's get that guy some liver."
"Food is medicine and quality matters, and then it's not just calories, it's information, and it literally can upgrade or downgrade your biology with every bite."
"The diet is going to help you to get much better, your arteries can clean out or that process can start regardless of age."
"That decision about what you're putting on your plate has downstream ramifications and impact that are as serious as murder."
"The sulforaphane content in sprouted broccoli seeds was suggested to have the capacity to reverse abnormalities associated with ASD."
"Metformin should be used if despite a low carb diet you still don't have adequate control of your diabetes."
"There is no excuse for you trading years off of your life because you love food so much."
"An imbalance in omega-6s to Omega-3s leads to dysfunction of your hunger related hormones and increase fat storage even with calories being the same."
"Lower quality carbohydrates in a high amount ended up increasing the risk of infertility by 78%."
"Something that actually has a design and maybe a gradient color, and actually layer, I mean, create an arbitrarily sized text box to fit your needs."
"Kale has these goitrogens in them that basically can block thyroid function."
"Selenium can drop your thyroid antibody levels, just like getting off of gluten."
"A Short Fast actually lowers insulin BETTER than Low Carb."
"The cause of his diabetes is starting to go away... a diet based on healthy vegetables and fruits and whole grains and beans is the fuel your body works on."
"Reducing sugar intake is crucial for preserving Kidney Health."
"For the most part, I do think what we put in our body is the most important thing."
"Our nutritional choices can absolutely impact our overall health."
"Judged on their nutritive value per calorie or gram of fat, the least healthy would be given the highest tax rate. Consumption of high-fat food would drop."
"Because you are cutting out the carbohydrates in your diet you're going to lose a lot of weight really really fast so that was really motivating for me to see."
"It's the difference between throwing gasoline on a fire or throwing a log on the fire."
"People that eat well don't need quite as much sleep as people that don't."
"What we eat affects us mentally, just as much as it affects us physically."
"Meat played an integral role in the evolution of the human brain."
"Stimulating collagen you can have a much better chance stimulate collagen if you eat the right foods."
"I think it's a very interesting way that these tiny dietary decisions make a huge impact."
"When you eat the living foods the fruits the vegetables and the nuts and the seeds that are fresh it awakens your consciousness."
"If I'm eating a large meal during the middle of the day... that big dump of food often causes my thoughts to be muddy, and I don't like that."
"I swear it was truly effective like I would eat eat a huge kale salad and then the next morning I would wake up and the pimple would be gone and this has happened without fail I would say beyond a hundred times and each time the kale."
"Our skin responds incredibly well to leafy greens and just vegetables in general."
"One of the biggest culprits of acne for me was dairy... so I cut dairy out completely and my skin has been so much better since."
"It's not only what you eat, it's what's eating you."
"Do not be quick to assume or be quick to point fingers at any specific ingredient because it could not even be that ingredient that is causing you issues."
"The right food keeps them under control. Genes don't get expressed."
"The benign-looking table fork...conveys foodstuffs that are going to kill us." - John, British ethologist
"Understanding the more broad impact of macros."
"Food is information...literally sending instructions with every bite."
"Food that's high in cholesterol doesn't cause you high cholesterol in your blood, inflammation causes high cholesterol."
"Once you balance your glucose levels, so many things fall into place."
"We are going to review a new study... 'Potential reversal of the epigenetic age using a diet and lifestyle intervention.'"
"It's as important to DNA methylation, it's as important to genetic expression as any of our dietary interventions."
"Nearly all cardiovascular risk factors improve on this diet."
"Food is the biggest single thing... every day are the pounds of food you eat."
"Eating trans fats is associated with aggression."
"Minerals and phytonutrients and eating the right foods actually have a psychological aspect on the way you look at reality."
"I'm seeing more and more patients in clinic who are having very impressive gains and improvements in their mental health with just dietary change."
"The highest level of Omega-3 was associated with 10 times less risk of dying from a heart attack."
"When you optimize your diet, magical things can happen."
"Your skin is your biggest organ, and if you eat extremely well, you'll see it."
"Believe it or not, the food we're eating is killing us."
"Changing diet can lead to significant improvements in mental health."
"Low carb diets reduce inflammation in the body."
"Whatever you take in is literally going to dictate your whole damn day."
"Food plays a profound role in helping us to prevent these kinds of conditions."
"The second you get rid of acidosis and toxemia... the cancer already stops."
"Your skin is the largest organ on your body, and its state reflects what you put in your body."
"Fish may also adversely affect the outcome of pregnancy."
"Nutrition is the biological expression of food."
"In certain cases, people have reversed hospice level cancer with a vegan diet."
"A healthy diet has to make you feel good and optimal."
"The guys who lift harder will get bigger, and the guys who eat more food will definitely get bigger."
"What can we do to change the way we age with our diet and lifestyle?"
"I can't say enough about how diet would really change the trajectory of any child's life and it's really important to just dig in start learning and talking to people that have done it and dealt with it before now."
"Hope was raised that the tea link was causing effect when the randomized trial found an improvement of bone turnover markers."
"I've never seen somebody not improve their autoimmune issues on a carnivore diet. I just, like, I've yet to see that."
"Fasting and calorie restriction increase longevity."
"If you're eating foods that help you feel better you're more likely to move and to be active..."
"95 percent of all sickness and disease can be controlled by what you eat and what you drink and what you breathe."
"Most people accept that when your Omega ratio is out of whack and you don't have enough Omega-3s, that's correlated with increased risk of depression."
"Plant oils are very high in omega-6s, promoting inflammation."
"Just eating five servings of fruits and vegetables a day could significantly reduce the risk of strokes, cancer, and heart disease."
"Men and women who don't eat meat, egg white, or dairy proteins have significantly lower levels circulated within their bodies...this is one way to explain the low rates of cancer among plant-based populations."
"A mass global shift away from animal foods is urgently needed and would have significant and almost immediate impact in addressing our climate crisis."
"So what we eat when we're eating animal products that are scientifically linked to 14 to 15 leading causes about death."
"Our gut microbiome can be improved, enhanced, fortified."
"The majority of your skin, the glow, the health, the everything is about the diet you eat."
"Reducing phosphorus absorption plays a critical role in the natural healing process of the kidneys."
"You can really change your gut yeah you can actually change your body by what you eat."
"What causes diabetes is continually and constantly eating high sugar high carb foods."
"The other thing I think I should say is you know rapamycin is not so different from fasting."
"Weight loss has a lot more to do with what you're putting in your body than it does working out."
"If you don't consume enough carbohydrates you get depressed that's what all these low-carb people are just caffeine and drugs and really on the edge of breakdown because they're just so carbohydrate deficient."
"After all that yo-yo dieting over exercising all the things that I did wrong, my body after just one year of carnivore is healing and the healing hasn't stopped."
"You cannot have a healthy body if you're on a glucose roller coaster."
"Food isn't just calories, it's information. Are you upgrading your biology or downgrading it with every bite?"
"The introduction of these dietary guidelines in 1980 coincided with a steady increase in the diabesity epidemic."
"How did we get to where we are? Very, very briefly, it's because of what we eat."
"It's not just all about the calories and the energy... it's about the behavior of these metabolic tissues."
"The pineal gland is the source of our power and it can be deadened or strengthened by what we eat."
"If you're dealing with macular, flat, and raspy breakouts... focus on foods and digestive system health."
"Whole food plant-based eating builds your immune system, helps ward off illness."
"Sugar is your enemy if you're consuming sugary substances like cupcakes, brownies, um, what else? Juices, am I missing anything?"
"When you get rid of carbohydrates, your testosterone should go up."
"One of the most important health breakthroughs of all time."
"So yeah, it improves bowel regularity, but can't be used by our good gut bacteria to make those compounds that block your cravings, right?"
"Sugar doesn't contribute to obesity? I'm not saying it's the only culprit, but it's definitely one of the key suspects."
"The cholesterol in meat, dairy, and eggs clogs arteries and slows the flow of blood to all body parts, not just the heart."
"There may be foods that you eat or you avoid that improve your odds of getting pregnant."
"Every food comes with hormonal instructions. The foods that trigger a quick response from insulin, when you say hormonal instructions we're talking about hormones like insulin, leptin, ghrelin."
"When the fat goes up in your diet, it becomes all but impossible to get sugar out of your bloodstream to your cells."
"It's this diet that opens your mind to other things: cruelty to animals, global warming."
"Omega-3s are fantastic, they have a major impact on Mental Health like you can actually Google omega-3 depression omega-3 anxiety omega-3 feelings of loneliness"
"Something you eat every day may be killing your nerves or interfering with your nerve recovery."
"The truth behind this new Netflix documentary called You Are What You Eat is absolutely insane."
"These are all the benefits of the ketogenic diet."
"I understand where you're coming from, however, I think you'll find eating less meat is the best solution when it comes to global warming."
"Most of us agree that 'processed foods' are probably the major driver of chronic illness in humans."
"I definitely feel better after Mindy's meals."
"Imagine what eating for your mitochondria can do for you, your family, your country, your community, your world."
"Most Americans could add 10 years to their life just by making some dietary changes in middle age."
"Reflecting on this case, it really makes me think how important it is for healthcare providers to ask people about their diets."
"Calorie restriction does not make aging go in reverse; it slows aging down."
"You are what you eat and you are what you put into your body."
"If you eat more food, your basal metabolic rate rises."
"Start taking care of your skin; if you have acne, put the ice cream down, put the pizza down."
"What you put in your body makes a big difference."
"My anxiety has gone down dramatically ever since I became vegetarian."
"I became much more aware of how food affects the human body."
"They found 28 percent less cardiovascular events on the Mediterranean diet than on the lower fat diet."
"I thought red meat was bad for my kidneys, but my kidney function has actually doubled."
"Nutrient deficiency can also cause dysfunction in the microbiome; if you're not feeding the workers, they're going to wither away."
"Broccoli and Sulforaphane in particular, have a very profound effect in killing cancer cells and inhibiting cancers."
"Carbohydrates cause heart attacks and strokes, and if you remove the carbohydrates, you radically reduce that risk."
"I stand in awe because usually they come back and go, 'It's the bread, it's got to be the bread that's all we changed,' and this happened, this happened, this happened."
"Unlock the mysteries of broccoli and discover how this humble vegetable could revolutionize your health."
"We lost 100,000 pounds of sugar out of the kids' diets in one year, and guess what? Their grades got better."