
Breaking Free Quotes

There are 93 quotes

"Life lessons: You can break free from recurring negative patterns; you guys broke free of a lot of patterns."
"It's about courage, this is breaking the chains of anything that may have been holding you back but finding the courage to action your life path."
"I'm breaking free from negative attachments."
"Just to decisively actually break up with that thing that's that's a that's an all too rare experience and it's it's uh it's very positive when it happens."
"Out of the shadows, the morning is breaking, and all is new."
"Breaking the trauma bonds, reversing the illness and the disease caused by the toxic relationship."
"You can break free, you can go no contact, you can break the trauma bonds."
"You don't have to stay stuck in that little miserable box."
"You are not beholden to their energy. Hear the sound of that glass breaking as you break through any of those old karmic ties."
"I believe we're infinite beings of immense power and our power has been hid from us it's been shut off because we've been kept in this Paradigm but now we're breaking free."
"You're freeing yourself from something finally that you've wanted to free yourself from for quite some time."
"2021 is breaking out of those old dimensions."
"No more BS, no more fear, no more bondage. I'm setting myself free, speaking my truth."
"Where do we go from here? I don't know, gotta break free from the lies."
"That's the only way you get the permanent change. That's the only way you can really break free."
"Some of you may end up with a situation of Breaking Free or breaking away from an existing commitment vow a legal agreement Partnership of some sort in order to generate a new version of you that you feel is more potent and who you are."
"This is an energy of breaking out of those containers, those cages, those parts of ourselves that we thought we had to be a certain way."
"It's a necessary... evil because uh the devil there's a training here uh and you need to break out of those chains in order to find Freedom."
"People are breaking free from the chains of bondage and freeing themselves."
"Don't trust the illusion, break free from karmic ties, head towards your true fulfillment."
"You're meant to break free from old emotional connections."
"There's a way for people to get healthy and kind of break free of those chains of illness."
"The system has become an addictive drug and you've got to break away."
"Making decisions to unbind yourself from some vow or contract that may be holding you back."
"I finally broken free from that toxic relationship."
"Breaking the chains from anything that no longer serves you."
"Break it, break it, break it – break away from anything holding you back."
"I stayed loyal to this game, no more. I want to break free from your lies, you're so self-satisfied, I don't need you."
"You are birthing into something new. You are breaking free of the box."
"We're gonna break these chains and step on up."
"You're definitely not going to sit around, let someone keep you stuck."
"I feel like you're realizing that you're not stuck, that you don't have to stay stuck in whatever you're stuck in."
"You're so concerned with the opinions of family and tradition and where you've come from that you can't even see that like you can step out of it."
"This is about potential, freeing yourself up from any stagnancy."
"Let yourself go into that new partnership. Let this person help you to break free from that toxic bond."
"You no longer have to desperately stay in the toxic dynamics that no longer work for you."
"Surrender unhealthy relationships; you deserve to be treasured."
"Severing ties with something you've been chained to."
"Finally able to break free from Twinkl Town."
"If you want to break that final chain, find new community."
"Break against systems that want to keep us stuck."
"Obstacles are being removed, you've broken free from the chains."
"You don't have to continue to live through your past right now you can be whoever you want to be."
"You're becoming more strategic to succeed in the long term."
"You're breaking that framework, you're breaking that mold."
"Every covenant tying me to failure, to death, to weakness, to defeat, let it be broken."
"You're breaking free from what has always been."
"It's a chain, a damn chain and it's got to be broken."
"Break yourself free from that cycle of keeping yourself stuck."
"You can have the life that you want. Yes, you can believe in yourself and you can break free."
"This is really how you break free for good."
"It's hard to even pick a Kids film that has been made in the last 15 or 20 years that doesn't follow this theme that is I'm going to break free of whatever Norm is being tossed upon me and I'm going to discover my true self."
"In this video, I talked about why they do it, I talked about how they do it, but I want you to know that you can break free, you can break out of that state, you can break free out of the cycles that they keep you stuck in."
"I'm breaking free from this toxic cycle, and I won't look back."
"Persons, places, or things that have led us into sin, the sin, well, we've got to break from that."
"You're breaking out of the corridors and the confinements of tradition. You're breaking free of tradition. You're doing things in a different, new, unique way."
"With each strike, the bindings that had restrained him began to shatter."
"When you decide to break free, the Yoke won't be on you."
"That's the one movie that just breaks free from the comic book confinements."
"Breaking is freeing. Broken is freedom. I am not broken. I'm free."
"Get out of the shackles they want to put you in."
"Those chains will be broken, baby, and you'll become that newer person, that refreshed person."
"You have both here: a lot of people repeat it and they can't break it, and a lot of people do break it."
"Listen carefully because today I am breaking the chains and releasing the bonds that have held you captive."
"You're here to break the yolk, break the curse."
"This is the breaking of binds and the breaking of bonds."
"If you are in Christ, any curse from the past has been broken."
"We break the chain that holds us."
"You're going full Fleetwood Mac, break the chain, huh?"
"The snare had me trapped, but He broke the chain."
"He managed to break the chains restraining him."
"You're breaking free, whatever was holding you down is now broken."
"Your strength is going to begin to grow until you bust out of that cage that the enemy has you locked up in."
"You guys are the chosen one, you are meant to break free from a lot of scarcity."
"Both of you are really helping each other break free from feeling restricted or responsible for things in life that are not for you."
"You're breaking free from mind control, from limitations, from feeling trapped or stuck in situations."
"They're going through a transformation where they're no longer feeling stuck."
"You're not staying stuck in no dead-end jobs, relationships; you're going after what you know you deserve for yourself in your life."
"Break the chains from anything that has been holding you back."
"Free yourself from the patterns and the obstacles."
"Break those chains that bind you."
"There's freedom from patterns, toxic energy, or people."
"Breaking from your limitations or behaviors that have really limited your experience so far."
"You're going to break free of some chains here, breaking patterns, habits, traditions, beliefs."
"You are freeing yourself from whatever outdated thinking or illusions that have had you trapped."
"Break free of anything that is holding you back."
"You're breaking free of the cycle; you're not letting anybody keep you stuck anywhere."
"It is time for you to break free of a mold of restriction."
"You're breaking free of something, now you feel free to do whatever you feel called to do."
"This talks about freedom, breaking the chains."