
Greenhouse Effect Quotes

There are 61 quotes

"Venus is close proximity to the sun made it too hot to sustain liquid water. Instead, its water evaporated into the atmosphere, trapping the heat deposited by the Sun and creating a runaway greenhouse effect."
"97 percent of scientists likely agree that carbon dioxide plays a role in greenhouse warming phenomenon."
"The physics of climate, how the greenhouse effect works... bridging the gap between a Wikipedia entry and the peer-reviewed literature."
"The greenhouse effect is crucial for life on Earth, but increased greenhouse gases are the primary cause of global warming."
"So, if we go back 150 years Unice foot an American female scientist and activist she discovered the greenhouse effect very simple she took two test tubes one filled with air one filled with CO2."
"Carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas, and the more greenhouse gas you have in the atmosphere the warmer the surface gets."
"The atmospheric greenhouse effect, produced entirely by carbon dioxide molecules, raises the temperature by hundreds of degrees, giving Venus's surface furnace-like temperatures close to 500 degrees Celsius, 900 degrees Fahrenheit, the hottest in the solar system."
"The atmosphere of Venus is very dense, 97% of carbon dioxide, with a very strong Greenhouse Effect."
"Trapping gases, greenhouse gases in the atmosphere equals heat."
"This is going to act like a mini greenhouse."
"These greenhouse gases form a blanket around the earth."
"Carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas, so more CO2 being released will lead to global warming."
"The greenhouse effect: the Earth's emitted long wave infrared radiation is absorbed by gases, warming the air around them."
"Their research has established a direct link between man-made greenhouse gases and the warming of this distant land."
"The greenhouse effect is a good thing; however, because humans are increasing the amount of carbon dioxide and methane in the atmosphere, it is getting stronger and leading to global warming."
"The portion that's radiated back down towards Earth is what we refer to as the greenhouse effect."
"This greenhouse effect makes Venus the hottest planet you will see in the solar system, even hotter than Mercury."
"Carbon dioxide contributes to climate change as does water vapor as they are both greenhouse gases."
"This dense atmosphere simultaneously blocks heat from the nearby star while also trapping volcanic heat from the planet's surface, creating a significant greenhouse effect."
"The only reason life exists on this planet is because we have a naturally occurring greenhouse effect."
"We have more than 160 years of scientific study of the greenhouse effect and planetary warming establishing that basic physics of the problem."
"Venus serves as a strong warning for Earth, highlighting the devastating effects of greenhouse gas accumulation."
"As temperatures have increased on the planet, this has caused more water vapors from the ocean to form, which in turn creates more heat and more vapors, causing the snowball effects of greenhouse gases."
"Methane is 25 times more potent than CO2 as a greenhouse gas."
"Carbon dioxide contributes to the greenhouse effect or global warming."
"Increasing carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere will trap more heat in Earth and it will lead to a warmer planet."
"We need the greenhouse effect to keep our Earth's temperature at a stable 57° Fahrenheit."
"When we have an excess of that greenhouse gas, carbon dioxide, which is the primary player, that's when we begin to worry about changes to our climate system."
"Greenhouse gases... they let the sunlight through but they reflect heat or infrared heat back to the earth."
"The greenhouse effect is normal, it's natural, it is the effect in which our planet warms itself."
"When you change the composition of the atmosphere, you get an accelerated greenhouse effect or it has been enhanced, and in particular, it's been enhanced by humans."
"Global warming is the way in which the Earth is heating up excessively due to the greenhouse effect."
"Only by getting rid of carbon dioxide will we be able to stop the greenhouse effect in its tracks."
"The surface temperature of Venus is hotter than Mercury due to its insane greenhouse effect."
"Methane is 20 times more efficient as a greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide."
"Greenhouse gases act as a kind of blanket around planet Earth."
"The greenhouse effect occurs when gases in the Earth's atmosphere trap the sun's heat and make the Earth warmer."
"As our increased greenhouse gases trap more heat in the atmosphere, a lot of that heat gets absorbed by the ocean."
"Temperatures on Venus continued to rise, and the greenhouse gases in its atmosphere enabled a positive feedback loop that eventually boiled all of its oceans away."
"Carbon dioxide traps heat from the sun; if the level of carbon dioxide increases, more heat gets trapped, and the temperature rises."
"The greenhouse effect is actually a very good thing; without it, during the nighttime, those temperatures would drop so severely."
"The greenhouse effect is really, really important for life on Earth."
"It traps the heat from the Sun; it doesn't let the heat go away."
"The greenhouse effect helps to naturally warm our planet."
"Without greenhouse carbon dioxide as a greenhouse gas, planet Earth will be a lot colder than what it is now."
"Both carbon dioxide and water are greenhouse gases and both of them will actually warm up the atmosphere."
"These build up in our atmosphere and trap heat, which warms the planet."
"The greenhouse effect is defined as the warming of the earth's surface by atmospheric gases that reflect the heat back down to the planet rather than allowing it to escape into space."
"The greenhouse effect... because the sun's rays can't escape, the Earth heats up."
"The gases become trapped in the atmosphere; it's simple really, because the sun's rays can't escape, the earth heats up."
"This greenhouse effect makes Venus the hottest planet in the solar system, even hotter than Mercury."
"The science is really clear, and the effect of greenhouse gases is anthropomorphic."