
Repeatability Quotes

There are 112 quotes

"Science, the most consistently reliable path to understanding, relies exclusively on evidence that is repeatable and independently verifiable."
"Having a systematic process that's basically repeatable."
"It doesn't matter who you are... It's got to be repeatable."
"Once you find the way of being successful, you can do it again and again."
"To have a successful business, each step of the process has to be repeatable, including creativity."
"Science is repeatable, you need to be able to take that and repeat it over and over again."
"This is one of those quests that would be possibly repeatable, that I could have repeated multiple times."
"The science is settled if it's repeatable, right? That's kind of the process."
"I think when I review anything... I want and done or is this the movie that can keep giving... loved discovering new things every single time..."
"Unlike most twists kind of movies, Shutter Island' is designed for multiple viewings."
"You can do this as many times as you need to dial it in."
"It's satisfying to watch over and over again."
"Predictability and repeatability are the hallmarks of an objective reality."
"It's the kind of thoughtfully made NES experience that you can enjoy over and over again."
"It's a fun little thing that we can do with this, and yeah, we could do this endlessly time and time and time again."
"Results I've done for myself and others; it's repeatable and predictable."
"A lot of this stuff is repeatable—it's not just one and done."
"I'm 100% certain that we can repeat this many times and it's definitely possible."
"Simplify your universe. It becomes repeatable."
"With some care and practice, this process is also nice and repeatable."
"It has to be easy, it should be repeatable, and enjoyable."
"The simpler you can make this process, the more repeatable you're going to make this."
"Let's go ahead and cut a couple of scrap pieces that I have here, just to show you the accuracy and the repeatability of the system."
"If you want an absolute guarantee of accuracy, an absolute guarantee of repeatability, this fence is the option for you."
"Science is based on the repeatability of an experiment, and you better not just be able to do it at Texas State. You better be able to do it at UT, at the University of London, at the University of Calcutta. It's the basis of science."
"You have to be scalable, repeatable, and sustainable."
"With Docker we've always had the ability to set up environments within our image and then our containers will run with those versions and those dependencies, and it's repeatable."
"Standard work gives you repeatability."
"What's the difference between a mistake and a technique? Repeatability."
"Now we have a repeatable tile that you can stack this up next to each other infinitely."
"The plan is to make a single piece that can be printed multiple times."
"Science is about repeatability. There is repeatability. It's just not on call. There's repeated observations of similar things. That's repeatability."
"If content has shown to work once it will usually work again and again."
"It's a product that is delivered by hand, but it is a product; it's repeatable."
"It's that seamless, it's that repeatable."
"Maybe the thing about agriculture is it isn't so much about scalability of a business model, maybe it's got a lot more to do with repeatability."
"It's just an awesome fact for longevity but more importantly repeatability and dependability."
"It's one of those great go-to projects that you can knit again and again."
"The important part of the scientific method is the repeatability."
"Being able to do things simpler, faster, and in a repeatable manner."
"Clue is one of my favorite comedies because I can watch it over and over again and still laugh at the jokes."
"For me to believe in something, what I would need personally is repeatability and predictability."
"We're writing code so we can do things faster and more efficiently, in a more repeatable fashion."
"With this workflow, you can always use it over and over again."
"We want to be able to use that format over and over again so we can have efficiency and we can have consistency."
"If you know how to do that and you can repeat it, well, that often ends up giving us a pretty good answer in the end."
"It's a great beer, it's certainly something that I would brew again and again."
"That's exactly what electric ratchets are good for: low torque application with lots of repeatability."
"The methodology chapter is not just there to say what you did, but it is so that other people could repeat it."
"One is not better over the other, as long as you can repeat and do the same thing."
"Simplification would be taking out the unnecessary, taking out the waste, taking out the things that are encumbering you from being able to make things repeatable."
"Infrastructure changes repeatable and predictable."
"Reliability is the research reliable, in other words, if we repeat it, do we reliably get the same answers as we got before?"
"We want these things to be simple, we want them to be repeatable."
"Repeatability in general gives you the ability to say, 'I've got config in one branch or one data center, I want to migrate and move it to twenty branches and five data centers, it's easy.'"
"Once you make an interaction more repeatable, essentially what happens is that people start participating more."
"Science is defined as data with repeatable results."
"If we understood more about the possible morphic resonance effects... it could make science more repeatable, not less so."
"They act to organize our work so that it is repeatable and reliable."
"I actually really like this look, I would do this again for sure."
"The currency of truth in science is independent repeatability."
"The Hallmarks of really good research are first of all, the studies are very precise and they're very repeatable."
"For me, this jig offers a lot of accuracy, easily repeatability, and of course, efficiency. So for me, it's an absolute win."
"Efficiency is about having things easily repeatable."
"It allows you to simply set up a template for the information to be entered, and then it can be used over and over again on the same post."
"Once it's built, you can run it as many times as you want."
"Packages make deployments repeatable, scriptable, and trackable."
"A design pattern is a general repeatable solution to a commonly occurring problem within a specific context."
"With a finite state machine or any deterministic process, there's always repeatability."
"I'm trying to create scientifically repeatable experiments."
"A 95 percent confidence level means that should you repeat a study over and over again, 95 percent of the time your results will match the results you get from a population."
"Something like this is really easily repeatable and scalable."
"Only things verified by the scientific method are actually repeatable, and repeatability is what you actually care about in the world."
"Computers can be pseudo-random, and that can be nice because a pseudo-random sequence is repeatable."
"I really like this method for a very lifelike rose, but that is something that's very repeatable."
"Science is what observable and repeatable."
"Behavior must be repeatable, measurable, and observable."
"Science is really about accuracy... it's about the repeatability of the experiment."
"Then get involved with a simple repeatable scalable framework that we can then trade over and over again."
"You have a confidence that the gun is so repeatable that you can focus on shooting and not anything with the gun."
"The test has to be repeated to reduce the effects of a small sample size."
"You want to build a machine that's scalable, somewhat predictable, and definitely repeatable."
"Reliability basically means that you get these same results over and over again."
"In order to say that something is scientifically accurate, you have to be able to repeat those results."
"The ability to run a totally manual extraction, watch the effects of your pressure changes on flow, then save it and repeat it—that repeatability, very powerful."
"That's what they say in scientific experiments, if you can repeat it, then it's real."
"Each test has to be repeatable in any order and in any amount of tests."
"One more time, any experiments gotta be repeatable."
"Repeatability, science, you know, and that way your customers can repeat the experiment."
"This technique is going to absolutely enable you to do that in a very simple manner, in a highly targeted way, and also in a very easily repeatable process."