
Enduring Impact Quotes

There are 70 quotes

"Her enduring legacy is a Hollywood gem, continues to captivate and inspire."
"The verdict reminds us that we must make enduring systemic societal change."
"Make America great again will stay with us well after this administration."
"The pen really can be mightier, or at least more enduring than the sword."
"Celebrating his enduring Legacy in the world of hockey."
"He just made an impact, till this day. You can be 21, you could be 51. What he was speaking back in the 90s is still relevant till this day."
"Despite his age, he continues to be recognized as a legendary figure in the rock music scene."
"Regardless, The Simpsons remains one of the most beloved television series of all time, animated or otherwise, and characters, stories, and quotes have penetrated the pop culture lexicon like almost no other."
"The legacy is going to be around for quite a while."
"His estate managed by his family and close friends diligently worked to preserve his legacy, ensuring that his impact on these critical issues endured beyond his time."
"The goal isn't to live forever but to create something that will."
"The remnants of the Trump era will stay with us forever."
"Legends never die, they become a part of you every time you play."
"A film that remains thought-provoking and frightening to this day."
"Her presence in the world of Cinema remains as influential as ever, leaving an indelible mark on generations of film lovers."
"Sexton's enduring impact on the industry, his indomitable spirit, and his innovative designs will continue to inspire generations."
"Casting's legacy leaves an enduring impact, influencing the global automotive industry at large; tributes to Francois J. Casting."
"Grief is just such a difficult thing to navigate and it stays with us."
"The laughter is all on the right because we're laughing at that."
"My musical outlive me and my family, like your musical outlive everybody."
"His legacy endures and influences politics today."
"Epic, incredible job... won't be forgotten anytime soon." - Gears of War 3
"The power of Heroes may fade, it can never die."
"Van Der Mont's legacy spans across music, film, and education, leaving a profound impact in every field she touched. She was an undeniable force beloved by many for her varied talents and enduring spirit."
"Leaving behind a legacy of unparalleled acting prowess and a commitment to roles that have solidified his place as one of the greatest actors in cinematic history."
"Some duty does not end in death; their actions echo down the ages, enlightening those who would listen."
"Tiffany Thiessen remains a beloved figure with a lasting impact on pop culture."
"This movie like I said earlier is one of my favorite movies of all time."
"Rockefeller was and forever is a part of his legacy, same as mine."
"You left a legacy that's gonna always live on. They say legends never die."
"Marley's legacy as an influential musician and cultural icon cannot be overstated."
"you can kill the Revolutionary but you can't kill the revolution"
"The idea of the Crusades continues to impact Christians, Muslims, and Jews up to the present era."
"We're still suffering to this day. We're still the bottom caste of society to this day."
"The enduring quality of something like 'Whole Lotta Love' is really quite extraordinary." - Jimmy Page
"Romance is an art form that, if Done Right, will live on in viewers' imaginations forever."
"Life has had to continue with this mystery for years now, which is so torturous."
"Life experience, what you have experienced in life, those things will never leave you here."
"Bo's Legacy lives on indelibly carved in the annals of television history."
"Someday they'll be living dead, but their legacy is already incredibly strong."
"The decisions that we make to stay on and to fight, these decisions will stay with us for the rest of our lives."
"Earthbound's legacy has stood the test of time and not only that, it has thrived."
"Robert House has affected nearly every post-war wastelander to ever exist."
"I think we can all take some solace in the fact that his legacy is going to live on for years."
"Just rewatching it gets me every time, that's the power of that show."
"His legacy continues to have an impact today."
"truly the most enduring character in all of genjian impact"
"A final shot that will still be praised for its terrifying simplicity for decades to come."
"Your love has inspired us and I know it will go on inspiring us forever."
"We are writing a legacy right now that will always stand the test of time."
"Travolta's enduring career and cultural impact have solidified his status as one of Hollywood's legendary figures."
"Masterpiece is not a word that I throw out lightly... but it is one that absolutely merits the use of that word when talking about John Carpenter's The Thing."
"People still talking about this show, and it ended 13 years ago."
"If you offer love and you offer it unconditionally, a lot of people will and they'll do it in enduring, consistent, systemic ways."
"The peace and forgiveness brought through the gospel has been enduring to this day."
"Gratitude is a gift that keeps on giving."
"For Hussein Rezaian, the brother of Flight 655's captain, time has not healed the wounds. I still feel the same way, although I try to keep myself busy not to think about it, because still, I mean, it's an unforgettable human tragedy even after 17 years."
"It's still Thrills me to this day."
"He was so inspired by aeroplanes for him that never really left him."
"Many shall commend his understanding and so long as the world endureth, it shall not be blotted out."
"The story is more potent and more powerful, always here."
"Imagine a book written in 1903, 'Souls of Black Folk', which still outsells any of the books that I've written today."
"Buddy Holly's influence on the music world is a vibrant and lasting testament to his enduring legacy."
"Ray Charles's legacy will always shine bright, inspire us, and be like a song that stays with us forever."
"It was something very, very special and continues to be something very, very special."
"An event that happened roughly 60 years ago is still impacting the politics of Iron Fest today."
"A piece of beneficial knowledge that they left behind."
"The original trilogy will live forever."
"His life influence on our field goes on forever."