
Content Engagement Quotes

There are 348 quotes

"The type of content you engage in and the things you do will often times dictate the type of feedback that you get."
"If you enjoyed today's video found it helpful informative be sure to support it with a like."
"Hit that subscribe button, hit that like button, that's how I know if you guys really did enjoy the video."
"Thanks for watching! If you like the video, subscribe for more. We make two videos every week."
"People generally just won't even care for your work if your individual posts themselves are not engaging."
"The longer a post is, the less likely people are to read all through it."
"Thanks for watching, I'll see you in the next part."
"Let me know in the comments down below what you want to see next."
"If you guys enjoyed the video like the video as much as possible."
"I'm so relaxed if you're still watching this that means that you made it all the way."
"Give us content that we can engage in, that we can enjoy, that is actually rewarding."
"Thanks for watching everybody, please give this video a thumbs up."
"Now if you guys enjoyed this video and found it informative please remember to help me out by simply rating and especially sharing this video."
"If you like this video and you found it interesting, don't forget to give it a thumbs up."
"Toss a like on it before you go, get subscribed, more tech content on the way."
"I hope you enjoyed this guide and if so, please consider subscribing."
"There's so many different ways through the story. You can replay it and then you get to like different story and different ending."
"Follow me on my tick tock page at moose cafe mc we already had 250 000 followers that is insane, y'all been loving the content."
"I certainly look forward to hearing your thoughts in the discussion below."
"It's really important that you subscribe to the page so hit the subscribe button and then hit the bell next to it so you get notifications when we go live which is this time every day but there are other times as well."
"I found it really, really interesting and I want to see more."
"One of the best aspects again, those who have not watched the video in the beginning, go there, look at that."
"If this video helped you, please like and subscribe and consider becoming a pro member at fire ship IO to get access to even more content."
"Thank you guys for watching, make sure you subscribe."
"If you're new to the channel please subscribe and hit the notification bell so you can be notified of when I create new content and when I go live."
"I'm kind of in an interesting place here, just considering the fact that, kind of like what I told you in DMs, I used to be, um, a fan of your content, you know, I used to follow you really closely when I used to be pretty right-wing."
"If it gets a good engagement like 50,000 views within five days, guess what, you'll get more freakin shotgun reviews."
"Thank you for hanging out with me this morning."
"I actually go into details in my videos like I go into details and trust me you're going to love them."
"If you're watching at this point in the video you are the real MVP don't forget peace and thank yous."
"If you've liked this video, if you found this information useful please be sure to give us a big 'thumbs up' down below."
"Leave any suggestions you have for other tv shows or movies you'd like me to cover."
"Hashtag Khalil Herbert in the comments down below."
"Subscribe to the channel if you like content like this."
"If you enjoy today's video found it helpful and informative, be sure to support it with a like."
"Also be sure to leave a like, share this video, and leave your own thoughts down in the comments."
"YouTube doesn't care if it's like or dislike, I get the same kind of credit."
"I don't think any of you are mugs. I think we've built a great community. You don't have to be part of it if you don't like it, don't watch it." - Mark
"I appreciate you all checking out the video. It means a lot to me that you choose to spend a few moments of your day with me."
"I recommend that when you subscribe, that you also click that little notifications bell so that you never miss out on any videos that we post."
"Your content engages them and builds credibility for your brand, it converts visitors into customers, it allows you to build a loyal following."
"If you enjoyed, leave a comment down below. Thanks for watching, see you again very soon."
"How can I create something that is interesting, funny, and shareable?"
"Hold that thought if you like what you've seen here today."
"Let us know if you want us to unpack this further."
"You guys are doing something huge here by showing up on every live by sharing every video by being a unified TV member by supporting this organization any way that you know how to."
"Hit that like button if you find a tip beneficial!"
"Shout out to every single person who shows up and watches these videos."
"Thank you for making it this far in the video."
"So if you want to see how this journey ends make sure you are subscribed with notifications on."
"Hit that like button, subscribe, really appreciate you!"
"If you enjoyed this video, make sure you like, subscribe, and hit the notification bell for new content."
"If you haven't already, make sure you subscribe."
"Thank you all so much for watching, you made it to the end, you're incredible."
"Hit the like button if you enjoyed, subscribe if you're new. Take care and I'll see you next time."
"We'll see you tomorrow with a brand new video. Keep it 100, subscribe, slap the bell! Peace out, hashtag GetMoose5Mil!"
"Consider subscribing if you want to see more fun content like this."
"It is likely that if your question isn't answered in this video, someone else will have asked a similar one and it will have still been answered."
"It's the pace at which people swipe through TikTok."
"I felt like I could have skipped eight hours into the 20-hour long audiobook."
"Contextualizing it dramatically, that's the hard work."
"These changes are really great and I'm really glad to see them you know I think it wond had a big problem with like kind of getting people to do the content."
"Your thumbnail is like a magazine cover. So when you're clicking on a video, like you clicked on this one today, there's that thumbnail image."
"If you like this honest reporting and transparent reporting, please hit the bell for alerts, hit the button, smash the like button, and let me know your thoughts down below."
"Craft more of a story, a story or a narrative around it than just like 'check out my truck see ya.'"
"If you guys enjoy this video, please hit the thumbs up button."
"The open world validates the dive into cyberpunk's side content."
"Drop a like if you're ready, drop a like if you're ready everybody."
"Why not leave a comment like 'I can't believe what you did on day 21' or 'I never expected what was about to happen on day 70'?"
"This chapter is so cool so far. It's just like crazy."
"Hit the like button 1000 likes on this video if you want more videos like this."
"Thank you all so much for watching... be sure to like And subscribe."
"All I ever truly wanted from anybody is to just watch our content, share our content, and comment."
"Thanks again for joining me. Please like this video if you enjoyed it and please subscribe to my channel."
"If you guys haven't liked the stream or video yet, make sure you slap that like button lemonheads!"
"Hit that like button if you enjoyed today's show!"
"Thank you guys for watching! Don't forget to like and subscribe to join the squad."
"I'd greatly appreciate if you could hit the like button and let me know your thoughts down below."
"I just wanted to pop in and say I really enjoy your all's content."
"The odds are good if you've been following this channel for the better part of the last year."
"Make sure you click that button, or else I will wave a sharp Twinkie thing at you."
"Thanks for watching, and as always, I hope you keep an eye out for more Tech Rules!"
"Thank you so much for watching. Hopefully you guys enjoyed. If you did, smash that like button, subscribe if you're new, and go watch another video while you're at it. I'll see you guys in the next one. Goodbye!"
"But who else do you think fits the bill? Let me know in the comment section below."
"If you find any other crazy awesome examples of leadership or combats out there definitely send them my way so we can sort of check it out and break it down."
"The golden ticket is to make sure your viewers want to watch all the way through your videos."
"Whether you've liked them all and watched them all, left comments on them all, or you're just wondering why the f**k this was in your recommended, thank you."
"What do you think of all this let me know in the comments below or at me on Twitter and if it's your first time here please subscribe and smash that Bell for alerts for screen Crush I'm Ryan Airy."
"The longer we hang out on some social media apps and engage with outrageous content the more likely those apps are to push outrageous content to us."
"Thanks again for subscribing and hitting that bell, you can see future Minecraft videos right as they come out."
"Thank you for watching this video till the end. If you found it helpful all I ask is hit that like button."
"Before we get rocking and rolling like, subscribe, share all those things are great."
"Thanks for watching. Don't forget to subscribe and I'll see you in the next video. Okay, bye."
"If you liked about it, think about dropping a comment down below and give it a thumbs up and subscribing if you want to but no pressure."
"Now it's time to hear from you and to see what you have to say about this."
"If you enjoyed, please make sure to drop a like, subscribe for videos similar to this one, and enjoy the gameplay."
"Should you see my take and find that you disagree with it, all that I ask is that you do your best to watch the entirety of my video."
"Final Fantasy creates a situation where you're doing the one piece of content and you're really mastering it in a way that extends the gameplay without repeating the same content over and over again."
"Thank you guys so much for watching, and as always, may the lore be with you now and forever and moral."
"Leave some comments down below letting me know what you think about this video."
"If you enjoyed the video, you can find it insightful, do me a favor and drop a like on the video."
"If you enjoyed the video you'll find it at all insightful do me a favor and drop a like on the video let's see if we can hit 5000 on this one."
"Thank you guys so much for watching. If you enjoyed, be sure to hit that thumbs up!"
"If you did enjoy, please do leave a like on it, subscribe down below to join the Pixel Army."
"Hit the notification bell if you're subscribed because subscriptions don't mean a whole lot."
"Consistently playing is the key to diving into the content."
"Now if you guys can show some appreciation, whether it be liking the video, whether it be commenting on the video, both would be amazing."
"Any ideas you guys have uh put it in the comments anything else ah you you did a fantastic job brother."
"If you are enjoying this healthy meal prep series, be sure to give this video a thumbs up."
"Please give it a thumbs up so that does encourage me to keep making them."
"Hope you enjoyed the video guys, until the next one take care happy building."
"Make sure to subscribe and ring that Bell down below."
"Let's try and get this video to 4,000 likes."
"Hopefully you guys enjoyed the video. If you did, let me know with a like, but only if you enjoy the content."
"Welcome back to the channel, it's good to see everyone. Let's keep the discussion going!"
"Really hope you guys enjoyed the video like it if you liked it dislike it if you dislike it leave a comment if you know things really compels you to leave a comment."
"We trust you to do with that information what you will, and maybe that will include unsubscribing."
"Some of you are leaving the old you behind and as you pass through the gates so to speak, as you pass through the initiation, you're leaving the old behind and you're stepping into a new version of yourself."
"Welcome back guardians, this is a complete recap on everything story related that happened in Season of the Splicer."
"Hope you guys enjoyed... and I'll see you guys in the next video."
"Please do subscribe to the channel as well, bottom right-hand corner. You're very welcome here on That's Football."
"Thank you so much for watching, don't forget to hit the like button before you watch your next video, and I'll catch you next time. Bye for now!"
"If you enjoy my content and the topics I talk about, you'll probably wanna go ahead and subscribe to Possessed by Horror."
"If you like the video, hit the like button and subscribe—it'll definitely help the channel. Let me know what you think about Energy List and the EWC in general."
"You guys enjoyed the story make sure you leave it a big thumbs up and also if you haven't already subscribed to my channel for more psychedelic and just substance related content."
"Those videos are the ones that really just like grabbed me in a different way."
"Let me know in the comments what your favorite is, be sure to do all that good stuff."
"Let me know which tip you found super helpful!"
"Shoutouts all you, you know who you are if you watch that video all the way through."
"That is nuts to me that people actually sat through and watched that whole thing."
"The more trust a viewer has, the more likely they are to continue to watch a video."
"Thank you so much for watching, thank you so much for your love and support, don't forget to give this video a thumbs up if you do enjoy it and until next time I hope you guys have wonderful couple of days and I'll see you in my next video bye."
"I've played almost 10 hours of awesome blood content."
"Definitely subscribe to the channel tap that notification bell so that you are the first to know as soon as I release new videos and updates."
"If you make something engaging enough, nobody is going to be thinking about what camera you used."
"Looking forward to bringing you more stuff with this car and like if you like subscribe to the channel if you're not already, stay tuned for more videos and hit the bell even if you are subscribed."
"If you like the stuff he said you're gonna love the other content he puts out there."
"If you enjoyed this content, then please do me a huge favor and leave a like and subscribe."
"Go take a deep breath go get something to eat don't forget to comment down below what you would order from the menu just us vibing share this video with your friends."
"Thanks for watching, we'll see you in the next one. Deuces."
"Subscribe and turn on my notifications to join Gray Greg army."
"75,000 likes Chelsea will do an overnight by herself at the Sally house."
"Guys, thanks for watching my video. If you enjoy this content, subscribe to the channel."
"We'll be back on Sunday, actually, hold on, now turn on your notifications, make sure you're not just subscribing, you have notifications on."
"If you rock with your boy and you know I'm going to bring you that grade A content, then smash that like button."
"I just love every single little part of this video."
"Thank you all for watching, make sure y'all stay safe."
"That's going to do it guys and I hope you enjoyed, thanks for watching!"
"I enjoyed myself so if you want to see more of Imperial Rome on the channel be sure to like the video and subscribe."
"It felt long to me... just get right into the thing."
"Let me know how you did it down in the comments."
"Your second card should be about 10 seconds before your audience retention drops."
"People like watching my content, people fall asleep watching this fire."
"YouTube promotes videos that keep people on YouTube, and longer videos do that best."
"Thanks for watching if you enjoyed this video don't forget to subscribe hit that notification bell and let us know where you'd like to see us go next with in Canada of course."
"If you guys do enjoy this sort of content and wish to stay up to date with the channel, please do consider pressing that subscription button alongside the bell notification."
"If you enjoyed the video make sure you give it a thumbs up subscribe to the channel if you haven't already."
"You're judging a book by its cover when you see a thumbnail, so if you're appealed to the thumbnail, you're going to click on it."
"If you enjoyed make sure you leave a subscribe on the way out."
"Grab your coffee, sit down, have your breakfast, relax, because we are going into a deep into this affidavit."
"If you like the video, don't forget to smash that thumbs up button, share your support, and subscribe as well!"
"If you're still watching this video, you're a true legend."
"Like this video if you like it, share it with your friends, if you loved it, remember to subscribe to my channel."
"Thanks for watching the video hopefully there's been a bit of insight into how we're getting on three months into marriage answering some of your questions about what's going on."
"There's so much fun stuff that we get to do, so many comments, we're gonna read through these comments later today, trust me."
"If you guys really are enjoying New Star Soccer Manager and you want to see more of it, just drop a like on it, keep watching, and I'll keep uploading."
"Uh, let me know what you guys thought down in the comments below and you'll probably enjoy some more stuff that you can find right here on the end screen."
"So hopefully you enjoyed this video if you did give it a like and subscribe if you haven't already."
"If you don't want to miss out on those, as always, make sure to subscribe."
"We really do always appreciate the time you guys invest in us by stopping by, checking out our videos, or coming to hang out with us."
"Remember to subscribe if you like the content as always please be extra nice to the like button."
"Thanks guys for watching, make sure you like the video if you liked it, dislike it if not, get subscribe."
"Subscribe if you're new and comment the magical word!"
"Look, if you made it this far and found yourself on the back, celebrate six feet away from others give this video a thumbs up if you enjoyed it that other button works if you didn't."
"Please subscribe for pop culture news, views, and rants."
"Thank you for sharing, for leaving comments, for donating. It really helps."
"Let's smash this video, let's get 3,000 likes on this video, and let's get JT to 100,000 subscribers."
"I hope you've enjoyed it. If you have, please like, please share, please subscribe. It helps the channel enormously."
"Thanks for all of your questions, I appreciate you guys so much, thank you for all of your questions."
"Enjoy the video, make sure that you like, sub, and comment."
"Feel free to drop them down below, feel free to like, share, and subscribe."
"Thank you guys so much for watching today. Don't forget to live your extra life."
"As long as it's interesting for the entire video, I don't care."
"I love going through the comments and seeing you guys and all that you're saying."
"If you enjoy this content or any content I make related to this stuff, yeah, please subscribe, like, and leave a comment."
"If you love someone's content, heavily support them, comment on their stuff, like their stuff, let them know that you love it."
"The goal is that people will never miss a main channel upload, you would never skip it, you want to watch all."
"Thank you all so much for watching to the very end!"
"I really believe that there is such useful advice and great tips here, you want to watch it until the very end."
"My friends are here. This seriously the only YouTube channel that makes me immediately click on their new content."
"Thanks for checking out our video guys, make sure to hit subscribe to see more awesome knife content."
"LinkedIn, more than any other platform besides TikTok, overly rewards content that people actually want to see."
"But if you enjoyed this video guys leave a like and until next time I'll see you cuties later bye-bye"
"If you're interested in that make sure that you hit the subscribe button as well as liking the video."
"If you did watch up into this point, I definitely really do appreciate it."
"Thank you guys so much for watching and let me know your opinions on Hogwarts Legacy below in the comments!"
"Thank you for watching through the end of the video."
"Sit back, relax, and leave a like if you're excited for this video."
"If you've liked what I've said today, if you thought it was interesting and thought-provoking, please give me a thumbs up."
"Make sure to put notifications on my channel if you want to see some of the best breakdowns some of the more interesting things you probably missed."