
Preventative Measures Quotes

There are 118 quotes

"Mask mandates and these other interventions were and are premised on a basic idea: a large proportion of healthy people may unknowingly be infected with COVID and could transmit the virus to others."
"Right now, we need to do everything possible to slow the spread of COVID-19 in order to avoid overwhelming our healthcare system."
"Our best defense against this virus is washing hands, physical distance, and staying at home."
"Ample testing and monitoring... are the keys to vigilance."
"Go to court before your license is hanging by a thread."
"If there is even the slightest chance that I am less likely to spread COVID to somebody else or have a bad case of it, it was worth it."
"Let's make it as difficult to murder a bunch of people as possible."
"The whole idea... is they're gonna try and help us prevent some of these things."
"We should stop focusing on preventing transmission and start focusing on hospitalization and death."
"Imagine if we've been able to pass meaningful gun safety legislation back then to prevent more deaths."
"Our objective is to delay and flatten the peak of the epidemic by bringing forward the right measures at the right time so that we minimize suffering and save life."
"There are just a few simple things that if you do will hopefully save you a lot of pain in misery."
"The choice we make, the precautions we put into place, are critical to overcoming the virus, reducing its spread, and shortening the duration of the pandemic."
"Improving the health of people as much as possible so thinking about nutrition as much as we can and tree identifying and treating all these other diseases as you're doing now."
"I think it should be common sense... go get this calcium test done."
"Wash your hands as often as you possibly can... if you don't have the alcohol wipes try and get them if you can't get them just try as best as possible to do it."
"With monitoring and alerts, you may be able to prevent becoming a victim."
"Regulations are only put into effect after something terrible has happened."
"This video is going to have a really large impact on any anger that you would have had in the future... it can really prevent you from getting angry."
"We have voted for the cheapest way to prevent the occurrence of something which would be of the most terrible significance to the United States of America." - Dwight Eisenhower
"Prevention is so worth it... invest in prevention tools."
"Self-care should be preventative. Self-care should be something that all women engage in to make sure that we don't get to the point where we're so overwhelmed that we have to take a night."
"Wash your hands for at least 30 seconds, wear a mask in public, do your research, get the vaccine."
"Please have your masks if you need to have a vaccine have your vaccine hygiene social distancing all that you believe in doing to protect yourself you should do that."
"The primary intervention of healthcare is going to be mostly prevention."
"Remember that authorities who look at our forecasts can use the information to prevent the events from happening in the first place."
"Balance your props, it'll cost you a lot of problems later."
"How do you stay out of the hospital? You eat real food, manage your stress, spend time in nature, have great relationships...and you exercise."
"Perform the TEG scans to catch it before it's too late."
"We should be doing through nutrition and vitamins and zinc for future years is to ensure that people's immune systems are boosted."
"By wearing a mask from now until April, we'd save more than 50,000 lives."
"The best way we can stop that is to win elections."
"An ounce of prevention is a pound of treatment."
"An ounce of prevention is better than 10 times as much cure."
"Gotta get Home Title Lock. Warned you about it before, cyber thieves remove you from your home's title and become the owner."
"You shouldn't necessarily panic if you haven't already had a problem."
"They find at-risk youth who might end up in a gang and for them, it's like $300 to get them into a positive cycle as opposed to a negative cycle."
"You don't wait until your kid is actively falling off their bike to scramble and try to put a bike helmet on them."
"Just because you brush your teeth does it mean to say you will never go to the dentist? You still go."
"Any opportunity to decrease the amount of coronary calcification and build up in your arteries and to improve your elasticity and your distensibility of vessels, take it."
"The whole reason you have an abortion is because you're pregnant. Well, why don't we prevent people from getting pregnant?"
"While unsolved, the legacy of the discovery has led authorities to prevent any such atrocities from occurring in the future."
"The most important thing to do is wash your hands."
"According to the CDC, researchers have found mask mandates do actually help to prevent COVID cases from skyrocketing."
"What should Canada's Drag Race do moving forward to prevent situations like this from occurring in the future?"
"We're trying to get rid of the reasons why people get into these issues to begin with."
"You don't want to give someone who's evil time to plan something disastrous."
"Change your life and prevent the damage before it happens."
"We need to invest in prevention rather than investing in the aftermath."
"He was the guy you know he's just the one who understood masks when no one else cared about these damn things and he'd been warning the federal government for 13 years three different administrations every agency that was relevant."
"There's no public virtue in preventative action because nobody can tell what you prevented if it doesn't happen."
"Ventilate, ventilate, ventilate. It's a major factor."
"The best way to stay out of depression and anxiety is first, you recognize this: your past."
"The drilled hole provides a nice smooth radius and hopefully prevent that."
"Don't ignore the warning signs because they're there."
"If you want to make sure you're worried about the community spread of coronavirus work on the community."
"Pausing and not doing anything really, really, really it will save you so much heartache."
"A pack of masks sent to every citizen in Britain, and then maybe when we go through this whole rigmarole of putting that mask on before we go to the tube, do that."
"For God's sake if you're only safe your family's sake don't let that happen to you."
"She was very worried that he may do it to another child."
"That would be the equivalent of saying, you know what, I feel pretty fit right now, I've been working out three, four days a week so because I'm fit now, I don't need to work out anymore."
"Mitigating risk is arguably one of the most important things a PM can do."
"CDC is really missing the mark here... It's like ignoring the smoke detector and waiting for your whole house to be on fire before you call the fire department." - James Lawler, Infectious Disease Specialist
"The three biggest risk factors to decrease a person's risk for heart disease it's high blood pressure high cholesterol smoking get those under control you will decrease your risk of of getting heart disease heart attack and maybe even the Congress."
"We say that we will fight the neoconservatives over here before they kill millions more over there."
"If you had less than four percent omega-3 in your cell membranes... that would lead to a 42% risk reduction in having a heart attack."
"An ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure."
"We think this will actually end up saving people's sanity and possibly lives."
"If you do get infected, particularly if you're higher risk, they have monoclonal antibody treatments that, if you get it early, the chance of you being hospitalized is very, very small."
"It's vital to delay the spread of the disease and reduce the number of people needing hospital treatment at any one time."
"We need to slow down the spread of this variant."
"This prevents things from going off the rails the way they did in the 70s."
"Prevention is key, you want to start as soon as possible."
"Wearing masks could really be what makes the difference between a resurgence or keeping the virus at bay."
"Let's make our house look like no one's home but at the same time batten it down to a point where it is safe and secure."
"Vaccines will probably save 9,000 lives by the first of April. 95 mask wearing can save 66,000 lives by the first of April."
"Well, we might want to start getting a hold of our lethality here."
"Wash your hands frequently, go to the restroom, wash your hands, dip out and get that up off of you."
"Masks have value unquestionably, but masks are not going at the root of the problem, vaccination is." - New York City Mayor
"Mass save lives. You can't go shopping, you can't go to work if you're sick or you're dead."
"The reason they're doing it is because they read the 10 stages of genocide."
"It is imperative you find a way to neutralize the infection."
"Make a list of deal breakers before getting into a long-term relationship."
"While it may seem like an accident like this with all of its unfortunate coincidences is impossible to prevent, the final report made a number of safety recommendations aimed at reducing the chances that similar events would occur in future."
"Americans can order free at-home tests starting next week."
"An ounce of prevention beats a pound of cure, and being a year too early is better than being even one second too late."
"An ounce of prevention versus a pound of cure."
"The police chief even said he tried to warn Travis Scott."
"It's much better to pay an attorney before you need them to stay out of trouble than to pay an attorney to get you out of trouble."
"This is the only way to try to prevent this from happening in the future."
"This stuff drives societies insane I pray that is not what happens there's still time to stop it there's still time."
"It's always better to catch something early rather than to regret it too late."
"This is an abundance of caution move, to make sure people are not spreading it to other people."
"Your diet and lifestyle could make all the difference between falling prey to it or thriving."
"The ABCs of safe sleep could save a baby's life."
"The chance of climate catastrophe is that little fire that could grow into an inferno if we don’t pay attention."
"Good dental hygiene for 2023. Dental health matters!"
"Brain scans should be part of preventative care."
"He knew exactly what was going wrong, how it was happening, and how it could be prevented."
"Start preventive spraying two weeks before pests arrive, then every 10-14 days."
"It's very important that we make sure that the brake fluid is changed fairly regularly."
"What's interesting is if someone used your recommendations and started eating sufficient protein and doing the three days a week stretching and lifting a little bit, their teeth would probably be in good condition even at an older age."
"I'm much more interested in figuring out what are the pathways for AI to actually do bad things and then trying to figure out how to prevent those pathways from coming true."
"Don't throw money at a problem without solving the cause; otherwise, you'll just pay for foundation repairs again later."
"If you're ever out drunk and you're trying to cure your hangover, just have a Hydra before bed."
"Your teeth are something you should always protect."
"Each hour of cognitive stimulation reduced the chances of attentional problems later in life by about 30 percent."
"Screening does have an important impact even if it doesn't explain the whole thing."
"Anything you can do to never have issues with your boat in the summer on a nice day or holiday is worth it."