
Deficiency Quotes

There are 177 quotes

"Vitamin D deficiency and vitamin D insufficiency are increasing at a global level."
"You can make a very strong case for vitamin D being the number one deficiency in the world."
"There's a lot of people... almost half of the world's population is deficient in vitamin D."
"There is a democratic deficit at the global level."
"There was nothing out there, seriously, there was no education, no public arena education." - Tim England
"If you're seriously deficient, get under a doctor's care."
"Vitamin D deficiency... that's what causes bone loss."
"Supplementing for deficiency, that's when magic happens in the human body."
"It was rough, I think I had like a vitamin D deficiency from doing that [__]."
"There's this love that needs to be there in the Ummah, it's missing man, it's missing."
"The problem is, like, you're missing a boss."
"Are we lacking on some of the micronutrients?"
"Toxicity and deficiency are the primary causes of disease today."
"It's usually a vitamin D deficiency especially if it's in the winter."
"70% of Americans are either deficient or inadequate in vitamin D."
"95% of people are deficient in fiber."
"About 70% of the US population is insufficient in vitamin D3."
"You're not depressed because you have true depression, you're depressed because your body is deficient."
"Migraines can be caused by deficiencies in one or more of these vital nutrients."
"So vitamin D is incredibly important for mood and what's funny is that most of us are deficient in vitamin D."
"Your brain requires several critical nutrients to function optimally if you're suffering from a nutrient deficiency this could be contributing to your brain fog."
"It's a huge dose, but for most people, they are so deficient."
"Zinc is another essential mineral, and we have a global zinc deficiency crisis. So number five: are you eating enough zinc in your diet?"
"Omega-3 fatty acid deficiency increases the risk of heart disease, cognitive decline, and neurological disorders like Alzheimer's."
"Magnesium deficiency can cause muscle cramps, weakness, insulin resistance, and increased risk of metabolic disorders."
"You know, people die from rice deficiency far more commonly than they do from any poisoning from arsenic. I've never seen a case of arsenic poisoning my whole career or a case of fatty acid deficiency."
"Millions of people suffered, and hundreds of thousands died from a deficiency in a nutrient while eating massive amounts of a food that contained that nutrient."
"20% of the population is living with full-blown magnesium deficiency."
"What's missing here is leadership."
"One of the biggest lighting deficiencies on these cars is the rear reverse lights."
"Most people are just supplementing for the sake of supplementing instead of supplementing for deficiency... supplementing for what your body's deficient in and get out of its way."
"Vas constriction is a side effect of magnesium deficiency."
"A scared Trader is a deficient Trader and we do not want to be a deficient Trader."
"80% globally don't get enough EPA and DHA."
"They walk away, they dip out, they give up, because if they don't give up, if they don't dip out, you're going to see just how lacking they are."
"I think everyone is deficient in magnesium. Depression, all kinds of symptoms are due to magnesium deficiency."
"Low levels of B12 are almost unknown, almost unknown."
"We as Americans are not getting enough omega-3 fatty acids."
"Most people are already deficient in magnesium."
"...she doesn't give us everything that we need."
"Magnesium is very important and many people are not getting adequate amounts."
"The world is struggling from a loyalty deficiency."
"Rather than use a supplement for this deficiency, this is one where Phil knew that he could get my levels back on track with food alone."
"It's the fact that your nutrition's been really poor and they have multiple nutritional deficiencies."
"It's one area where I think we are really lacking now in 2023."
"Iron deficiency is the most prevalent nutrition deficiency in the world."
"Weight gain, unexplained weight gain, can be associated with B12 deficiency."
"Causes of alpha lipoic acid deficiency include severe stress, chronic degenerative diseases, overtraining, and adrenal fatigue."
"Iron deficiency is one of the most common nutritional deficiencies in the world."
"B12 levels ideally should be between 250 to 600. Once people start to go less than 220 they're now becoming insufficient."
"A deficiency will be addressed within like a couple of months."
"Ultimately what they think from the evidence was that the driver behind Huntington's is an intracellular B1 deficiency."
"Magnesium deficiency affects 48% of Americans."
"Magnesium deficiency affects over 325 processes."
"You're suddenly like I've gotta eat some fruit and vegetable and then you just get all the fruit and vegetables and then deficiency."
"Absolutely, low vitamin D can prevent people from full recovery or can cause some relapse of symptoms."
"It's not that you're unlovable. It's that the people whose job it was to show you how lovable you are, they were unable to do so because of their own deficiencies, their own problems."
"...with an estimated 75% of all adults in the United States are deficient in magnesium."
"We need fat to manufacture these chemicals, so don't be deficient."
"The economics profession has tended to promote a way of understanding societies that is completely deficient. They don't incorporate power."
"Preventing deficiency is moving toward optimizing health."
"I think one of the biggest issues that we have right now is lack of quality leadership."
"Magnesium deficiency from lack of plant foods can lead to vicious cycles of worsening health conditions, including increased sympathetic nervous system activity and vasoconstriction."
"We don't have the best, aside from muscle, aside from, well, I had to keep Sora at my side just in case."
"So you'll have a two to three year Reserve in your liver if you start out with a good amount so it does take some time to be become deficient."
"So unfortunately this is why, you know, often low thyroid conditions as it's related to an iodine deficiency is very prevalent in these areas."
"Iodine deficiency is much more common than what you would think."
"Security measures were a lot lacked."
"Research the RBC magnesium will show you more accurately if you have a deficiency."
"And it's going to lead to a vitamin B12 deficiency."
"When you corrected that passion deficiency, everything else starts to come back online."
"This machine does not have enough weight."
"It's definitely a sign that I am deficient in something or it's something with my hormones."
"Iron is the most common nutrient deficiency in the world."
"Greater than 90% of all the crops that we work on... the majority of crops are deficient in manganese and deficient in iron."
"The most common cause of vitamin B1 deficiency worldwide is eating white refined rice."
"Vitamin B1 deficiency can lead to many problems."
"Alcoholics are more liable to get vitamin B1 deficiency."
"So if you have a surplus of one cation, let's say calcium for example, you can actually produce a potassium deficiency."
"Vitamin B12 deficiency presents with the Triad of anemia, Neuropsychiatric symptoms, and glossitis."
"Trust... if there's one thing that we lack in the world today it's trust."
"You still need minerals, that's what we're missing in all of our food."
"You know the Commandments, but one thing you lack."
"Most Americans are deficient in potassium and magnesium."
"Vitamin D rises quite substantially and a lot of us are low in vitamin D."
"In this world that we live here at present, there is a lack of love."
"Our foundational skills that are sorely lacking and when people don't know how to take care of themselves... you got a problem."
"We need more than we are capable of getting, and so there's a deficiency in all of us."
"Everybody who has a dream has some type of deficiency."
"The deficiency of the last 70 years is a complete game changer to overall health and specifically to anti-aging."
"Folate deficiency can lead to DNA damage that contributes to neural tube defects."
"Vitamin C deficiency can lead to symptoms such as pain, skin lesions, and irritability related to scurvy."
"Vitamin and mineral deficiencies are common among inflammatory bowel disease patients and warrant supplementation to restore recommended values."
"They were part of a world of overbearing and yet deficient realities."
"Ninety percent of Americans are choline deficient... this leads to fatty liver and liver damage."
"Bleeding gums... that can be a sign of a vitamin C deficiency."
"Take some magnesium... the amount of athletes that are magnesium deficient, it's astounding."
"Whenever something is extended, it becomes a waste; whenever something is cut off, it's lacking."
"Fruit has antioxidants and vitamins and minerals and fiber, which no one gets enough of."
"Vitamin D deficiency is commonly linked to an increase in a multitude of diseases."
"There's not even a medical word for protein deficiency."
"There is a lack of love in our hearts."
"In people with color vision deficiency, usually there is something wrong with one of those different cone types, either they are faulty or missing."
"Vitamin D deficiency causes a whole host of symptoms like hair loss, it makes your bones weaker."
"Religious freedom is severely deficient in many Muslim majority countries."
"We really need more minerals; most people are mineral deficient in general."
"You need light nutrients and you can actually be deficient in light nutrients."
"Vitamin D deficiency can contribute to cancer, diabetes, muscle pain, osteoporosis, Alzheimer's, and multiple sclerosis."
"If you're waking up in the middle of the night, and your feet are cramping up on you, you very well might have a calcium deficiency."
"Zinc deficiency can lead to symptoms of depression, aggression, seizures, violence, ADHD, and problems with learning and memory."
"We're a green vegetable-deficient animal, and we need sufficient consumption of green vegetables for both a healthy lining of our digestive tract."
"We are unbelievably deficient in some really key nutrients."
"Magnesium deficiency will cause tiredness."
"The earliest symptom of vitamin A deficiency will be night blindness."
"We're suffering from a hydrocarbon deficiency."
"It's the excesses that are creating the deficiencies."
"Many nutrient deficiencies actually cause neurological damage and neurological disease."
"The fullness is where you came from, whereas the deficiency is the place where you currently dwell."
"It's estimated that up to 80% of the American population is deficient in magnesium."
"We are so excited to get some sun because we have been totally vitamin D deficient."
"Often our food cravings are actually cravings for specific nutrient deficiencies."
"One thing you can do to increase your health span is to recognize what you're deficient in and remedy that."
"Nutrient cravings when you're severely deficient is different than hunger."
"The noble truth of dukkha is that there is a sense in life that there's some kind of deficiency, inadequacy, some kind of problematic nature to life."
"Most of the reason why people are not living at the absolute peak of their existence and not thriving is because there are simple raw materials missing from their body."
"The colonies without enough leucine just nose dive."
"Adult onset diabetes... is actually due to a deficiency of two trace minerals: chromium and vanadium."
"The number one deficiency I see in chronically sick people is vitamin B12."
"Low levels and deficiency of vitamin D associated with insulin resistance and obesity in women with PCOS."
"Even deficiency is caused by blockage."
"Deficiencies of B vitamins continue to be a global health problem, particularly in developing countries."
"Magnesium and creatine are the supplements that I suggest because most people are deficient in them."
"If you are depleted in Vitamin A or Vitamin D, your T regulatory cells are sort of dysfunctional now, and you can have that ramp up of your immune system which can lead to autoimmune diseases."
"Those two vitamins, A and D, are extremely important, and unfortunately, most people are deficient in those two vitamins."
"Magnesium deficiencies are very widespread in the adult population."
"We need a structure, and we don't have it."
"Narcolepsy is indeed a deficiency of a chemical called hypocretin."
"Nitric Oxide deficiency is also correlated with all the chronic disease we actually have in America."
"If you're missing essential vitamins and minerals that are kind of necessary for your body's functioning, it will manifest in some way or another."
"Hypokalemia occurs if the potassium level drops below 3.5."
"Ryneck is a vitamin deficiency more times than none, and therefore they need selenium immediately, they need vitamin E."
"When people are deficient, it may be one of the causal mechanisms for depression."
"A whopping nearly seventy percent of people in the United States can be classified as vitamin D insufficient."
"50 percent of the population is deficient in vitamin D."
"What's wrong and what's missing in America is truth."
"If you're supplementing too little, you experience what's called osteomalacia, or eventually rickets, a softening of the bones."
"If we don't have vitamin C, we develop a condition known as scurvy, and scurvy is not something you want to experience because what happens is you literally fall apart."
"All losses in this world are due to lack..."
"Malnutrition may refer to the incorrect amount of nutrients supplied by the body."
"Night blindness is a vitamin deficiency disease due to the deficiency of Vitamin A."
"We don't laugh enough in this society."
"Whenever character is deficient, your gifting is insufficient."
"There is little evidence to suggest that vitamin and mineral supplementation benefits people unless they are actually deficient."