
Salt Quotes

There are 117 quotes

"The disadvantage of salt is that it's a powerful stimulant of passive overeating."
"Purple Salt: Purest Form of Salt, Complex Flavor"
"The most comprehensive and easy to understand treatise on salt that's ever been written in the history of humanity."
"A pleasant experience to be sure, and I think that added bit of sodium really goes a long way."
"Salt consumption used to be much higher because salt had been the most effective food preservation technique at the time."
"Every type of salt should have a different purpose."
"Everything needs salt, our kids don't have any salt, no seasoning, put some flavor god into this."
"It's not just a matter of lowering the salt intake or even taking blood pressure pills."
"It's the salt you like, so why don't you put salt over the top of good things that are healthy for you?"
"Most people don't know that the reason that you get salty is because you don't have enough actual salt in your body."
"97% of Earth's water lies in the oceans so if we just remove the salt problems solved, right?"
"...salt is harvested by hand in the coast of Brittany in France, in a region of Guérande, and it produces a unique sensation with a crunchy, briny finish."
"I don't get anyone that has to dress up their popcorn. Look, I like caramel popcorn, that's fine. But at the end of the day, I just like basic [ __ ] popcorn with a lot of salt. That's what I like."
"Both salt and light invade whatever space they are introduced to."
"There is nothing passive about salt or light."
"There is no correct amount of salt, there is no right amount of salt to add to food, and if you like a lot of salt on your food, then, you know, as long as that's not doing you any harm, then more power to you."
"Salt and sugar are some more inexpensive food items and these are good since they never expire."
"I'm in my backyard now to the fancy French restaurant oh look at this though a little bit of salt."
"Salt tends to clump together over time. To prevent this, add some uncooked long grain rice to your salt shaker and you'll notice your salt coming out with ease from now on."
"Good quality mineralized salt is super important for your health."
"Think I found the best salt in all the sh to be fair though he's got his priorities straight."
"Doctors nowadays, this is what they say, and they don't clarify. We need salt, like salt is super important."
"Salt also independently has been shown to damage the lining of the vessels and it impairs the endothelial function."
"Why is this dial pepper? Pepper is not the opposite of salt. What if I want both salt and pepper?"
"Salt brings out flavor in food. If you're adding the correct amount, you'll be rewarded with a great tasting dish."
"There's a huge range in actually how we respond to salt, this personalization that no one's really tapped."
"...features salt, salt is kind of interesting, it adds a kind of a marine-like experience to fragrances."
"Human beings have been using salt forever to manage our blood pressure and our blood volume."
"Salt is 100% necessary for our bodies. Salt is very important and it's a forever food."
"I do cook with quite a bit of salt I like things to taste delicious"
"Are you surprised with our inability to detect the salt? It just showcases the flavor of the meat."
"The average person eats more than one and a half times the amount of salt they should every single day, and that can put their risk of health complications really, really a lot higher than they would like."
"Salt is not a benign thing and it can raise your blood pressure, and if your blood pressure is too high, what are you looking at? You're looking at a higher risk of stroke in particular."
"Salt is good, but if the salt have lost his savour, wherewith shall it be seasoned?"
"I eat effectively zero processed food and so I have almost no salt in my diet outside of what I add on top of my steaks."
"Salt really pulls all the energy out of things and it doesn't distinguish between good energy or bad energy it just will strip it out of the objects."
"Now the salt when it comes to scouring, that's going to help add more coarseness to it."
"Salt regulates many aspects of our health and our ability to perform in various contexts."
"Having sufficient levels of salt in your system allows your brain to function."
"Our physiology is dependent on salt."
"Salt never made anything worse. Just ask McDonald's; it's in all their stuff."
"Salt is critical to a slew of functions in your body."
"But if the salt have lost its savor, wherewith shall it be salted?"
"The golden rule about salt and spices is that you can always add a little more later."
"Redmond sea salt and the minerals are more unbound from the salt and there are over 80 minerals with redmond sea salt."
"Salt got demonized... Sodium and chloride are everywhere, activating enzymes and moving molecules down pathways."
"Salt is the foundation for so many meals and ferments in a farmhouse kitchen."
"Salt has the natural ability to absorb and neutralize negative energies from the environment."
"While salt is commonly associated with elevated blood pressure, it can also inflict damage on various parts of the body, including the liver."
"Recent studies have shown that excess salt can seriously harm the liver at a microscopic level, leading to cell deformation, swelling, and even cell death."
"If all the salt in the ocean was removed and poured onto the continents, it would cover them to a depth of 500 feet."
"Avocado by itself tastes horrible, but once you put that lime and once you put the salt, it tastes so good."
"Salt can kill yeast, so I like to keep them separated."
"I love salt, but I don't know her."
"Liberalizing salt intake can ameliorate symptoms very nicely without any other prescribed medications."
"I got my chicken salts let's go maybe it's Placebo maybe I'm just trying to convince myself because I just spent 30 dollars but this is like the best salt"
"Salt just makes all of the flavors combine and pop."
"It's very simple. I'll give you a very simple example. How would you like to make your medications for kidney disease twice as effective? Cut down salt."
"Salt strengthens good information and protein strengthens good information."
"Be ye salted in him that none among you grow putrid."
"What the salt is going to do is it's going to pull the water out of the cabbage."
"And at this point you know you could taste for salt and adjust."
"I think the only problem with this kind of stuff a little bit the story we had earlier on is people just use way too much salt which then burns the skin and dries up the area."
"So I've got all the minerals and nutrients in there that our bodies need which you don't get if you're just buying you know the T white table salt."
"...nobody comments on that. I don't tell them there's no salt in this bread, they all rave over the bread."
"A little bit of salt in something like ice cream actually goes a long way in making it taste really good."
"...you only need a tiny amount of salt at each end."
"Every time we eat salt, there's nothing to tell us until we get thirsty, and at that point, we've actually activated this switch."
"Excessive salt intake poses a daunting challenge for the kidneys, which filter waste from your blood."
"There's no evidence from any clinical study ever that people who take more salt die, get cardiovascular disease, or anything."
"Salt is no use in the box or the salt cellar; it has got to be in direct contact with the dirt before it operates. In other words, it operates by presence and not absence."
"Perfect for protecting against corrosion and salt."
"Salt brings flavors to things, and we bring the flavor of Christ into the world."
"I feel like a lot of this dating advice that y'all be getting, y'all have to take all this with a grain of Sal."
"Processed food industry: no salt, no sale."
"Replacing salt with a salt substitute can decrease strokes and heart attacks."
"You need to have about 500 milligrams or less of salt per meal."
"Restaurants use more salt than you would even use at home."
"Natural salt it's just real salt."
"Regular V8 is a salt bomb, but the low sodium is also loaded with potassium."
"Salt increases appetite, I think."
"Many people are salt sensitive. When they eat a high salt diet, the weight goes up."
"Salt is super important, especially for things like meat. Salt really brings out that flavor."
"We want the water to be salty because it gives us flavor"
"Seriously, if you salt the crust, like specifically the crust, it makes taste like pretzel."
"I love salt. That is insanely good."
"Salt was very important because of its ability to preserve food for long periods of time."
"Salt mining has a very old history in the region of Holstadt."
"A salt is a compound produced when an acid is neutralized by a base."
"It's really delicious salt, I'm going to take some put on my dinner tonight."
"If something just doesn't taste right, add some salt. I guarantee it'll make a difference."
"Salt was so vital to everyday life before refrigeration that even a tiny, sleepy little village like Hallstatt could become very powerful."
"The name Hallstatt literally means 'place of the salt,' and it is this white gold that helped the early day town prosper."
"Sodium chloride is commonly known as table salt."
"We are the salt of the earth, the preserving force of this earth."
"Inside, you'll discover a mesmerizing world filled with chambers, sculptures, and even chandeliers, all made from salt."
"Salt is another essential item that you should never forget to add to your stockpile."
"Salt is kind of one of those things where everyone kind of thinks it's a poison, but it's actually an essential mineral."
"I keep salt in an olive wood bowl."
"Salt doesn't evaporate, so the salt is still there, it's just the water that evaporated."
"They established for themselves a monopoly on selling salt in the whole area and then they jealously guard that monopoly for a thousand years after that."
"Salt is a pernicious habit and it's your lifetime exposure to Salt determines your risk."
"With all your offerings, you shall offer salt."
"Salt just makes everything taste better, like salted caramel."
"On the rare occasions water reaches here, it eventually just evaporates away, leaving a thick salt crust that has built up over thousands upon thousands of years."
"Isn't it interesting? The cocoa with the salt?"
"Salt and sugar will last pretty much forever."
"God wants to use us to be the salt and the light of this earth."
"Salt from the Adriatic Sea is the only salt that does not taste bitter."
"I love salt. I can add salt to salt."
"Pink Himalayan, earthy, briny, it's sexy, pink is sexy, let's be honest."
"Salt is a seasoning that brings out flavor and that's important."
"That salt on top though, so good."