
Natural Diet Quotes

There are 72 quotes

"Salt is an essential nutrient, but you get all the sodium you need as part of whole natural food diets. You do not need to add salt, oil, and sugar to the diet."
"The plants absolutely intend for you to eat ripe fruit."
"We are perfectly created to eat fruit... I would follow that monkey around and eat that monkey's food."
"Whole, real, natural, unadulterated forms of food help avoid added ingredients you don't need."
"Your body was designed to do this if you feed it the proper Foods."
"Eat sort of as unprocessed and as natural as you possibly can."
"It's difficult to be healthier than the foods that we are supposed to be eating right, which is natural foods."
"We should be eating food as close to what our bodies evolved to eat, which is whole, real, unprocessed food."
"If you eat something like a natural human diet, you're likely to be healthier."
"Glutamine, found in protein powder, can be obtained naturally from food sources."
"Use common sense to portion control. Trust yourself to eat in a natural way."
"Wild fish eat a lot of shrimp which makes their meat that trademark pink orange color."
"Eat a steak, cook up some spinach, eat some meat, get some iron the natural way."
"The whole goal is to eat instinctually and naturally, and eat what you feel like eating."
"When you eat from a tree, that fruit is designed for you, it nurtures, it heals you."
"There's no life in your food if you cook it."
"Eating what you're biologically designed to eat should not cause dysfunction at all."
"The formula is designed to mimic what your dog would eat in the wild but with a special twist."
"Everybody's like, I feel like the natural condition of the human is to eat green things."
"Eat the way that nature intended you to eat."
"The happiest animal that you could possibly imagine living on the farm before it hits our plate is you know ideally it's fed its natural diet it's in its natural environment."
"Your body wants what the planet provides. It does not want cereal and bread and legumes and the things that the government are trying to get us to eat."
"Natural plant and weed growth is beneficial because many times it's edible and allows the tortoises to constantly have access to food. They take a little bit here, they take a little bit there, and then they come back around and they do it again."
"The only way to achieve this is to eat the way you are designed to eat as a human being and to exercise appropriately which means means appropriate volume appropriate intensity appropriate rest days in between."
"Long term every day we've got this beautiful gorgeous pasture behind us here and it makes sense to let them eat a lot of the bugs and the nature and the grass and all of the goodies that the land has to offer."
"Whole prey is considered the best method for ferrets as it is closest to what they would naturally eat in the wild."
"When we say eat five servings of fruit, we're saying eat the fruit that is within the sugar that is co-packaged with by Nature with fiber."
"Nature's true fruit is not as fructose rich as it is now, nor is it common or normal to eat like 10 fruits in a day."
"Everything is from the garden, so natural."
"Forget calories, focus on food quality, and let your body do the rest."
"Feeding a raw food diet to our dogs can not only be safe but also healthier than a more ultra-processed food such as kibble."
"A raw diet is usually made of fresh fish, fresh eggs, fresh meat products, poultry, bones, cartilage, berries, things like this."
"Eat real food. We've done it for millions of years. It works pretty well."
"For 99.9% of the time on Earth, dogs and cats have consumed their natural diet, which is an ancestral diet of fresh foods."
"I'm a huge advocate of feeding pets an unprocessed diet, as this is exactly what they were designed to eat in the wild."
"I staunchly believe that we want to do the minimal amount of processing to our food as possible."
"It's like your body's designed to do this by itself without your input if you're eating a proper human diet."
"We think that Optimize 52 is the most natural whole food diet that you'll find for your tortoise."
"Eat only what God created for food, eat it as close the way as God created as possible, and avoid food addictions."
"Everything an animal that is kept outdoors is eaten, that has also been outside, it's already covered in pollen, it's basically pre-dusted in just a completely natural way."
"Beyond the Pellet: Feeding Rabbits Naturally."
"We're not designed to eat ground-up rocks; we're designed to get our minerals by eating plants, grains, vegetables, fruits, and nuts."
"The fruit we have to offer these guys in captivity is nothing like the fruit that they have access to in the wild."
"We need to eat to our biological design or at least get more close to it."
"This is woods nettle which I eat every morning, my favorite of the probably 20 or 30 edible spring greens in this garden."
"You need to go back to eating fruits and vegetables and juicing."
"Geese are essentially getting most of their diet in the warm months by eating all the lush green grass that we have on the farm."
"We need to get back to basics and feeding normal food to our kids, to our dogs, and their food is meat."
"I think you should eat when you're hungry and you should eat normal food."
"We're definitely better off eating real food than fake food."
"No one had a dietitian telling them, 'Hey, you need to hit your RDA of this,' all they cared about was, 'I'm hungry, I need energy, I'm gonna get my protein, eat animals, hey there's some berries, hey there's some honey, I got energy, I'm gonna go for that.'"
"The best diet is a balanced, unprocessed, and species-appropriate diet, and one that dogs are designed to eat in the wild."
"I believe that when you're eating meats of any kind, they should have a diet that consists of eating what they would normally get in the wild."
"Every animal in nature eating its species-specific diet is effortlessly lean, fit, and healthy."
"It's better to have some fresh food in the dog's bowl than not at all."
"Kibble's only about 100 years old and before that, dogs ate real fresh whole human foods."
"Feeding our food isn't about spoiling your dog or being fancy; it's about recognizing that no natural digestive system, human, dog, or otherwise, is suited to highly processed food."
"If you're eating natural healthy animals, you are ingesting a decent amount of thyroid hormone as well."
"The aardwolf that I told you about is a beautiful, beautiful hyena-like animal that feeds on termites."
"If we eat meat and nothing else, then we're going to work the way we're supposed to work."
"Prioritizing natural sweeteners, foods that are in as close to their natural state as possible."