
Social Learning Quotes

There are 89 quotes

"We evolved as a species in which kids play in mixed age groups. They learn the skills of adulthood. That's how you develop your brain to become a mature adult."
"It's imperative that we partner with, learn, and befriend people who are not culturally or look like us."
"I didn't know that the whole coercion thing was bad I didn't know about all these terms and pressuring and gaslighting until women taught me."
"Gaming is beautiful man. What do you think's the number one thing that gaming has taught you?" - "The importance of camaraderie, man."
"Every connection teaches valuable lessons and brings valuable energies."
"Instead of being enraged by it we should say how can we learn from each other."
"Nah the charge screen was messed up, full combo two bars, you got a brittle you have to, this is an easy brutal setup right here, wow you did the optimal as well into the brutality, no you made Chino look broken for a minute right there."
"If you want men to learn manners, they learn how to behave from other men whom they admire."
"White people need to learn and listen a little bit more."
"Boys are not born angry, they're born blank canvases and then they learn anger."
"I think you can learn from people's reactions on everything."
"You learn from other people. You learn manners. You learn language. You learn all things valuable."
"Albert Bandura's Bobo Doll Experiment provided empirical support for his social learning theory, emphasizing the role of observational learning, imitation, and modeling in the acquisition of new behaviors."
"The internet is full of fascinating interesting smart people... there's so many smart and fascinating people who have helped shape what I think about things today."
"Do in-person or online language exchanges, learn by talking with somebody."
"They've been documented to learn these skills through social interaction, observing, and then passing on the newly learned skills to others."
"Stick around the kids who are nice. If you hang around with them a bit, I think you'll start learning a lot more and starting to enjoy it a bit more."
"Social learning is crucial to the survival of a group of animals and to the entire species."
"What if there was somewhere you could go for seven hours a day where you just got to be social with your friends, relax, hang out, and learn about things you're curious about that are relevant to your life? That would be amazing."
"More and more men are learning, yeah, and understanding the games, tricks, and manipulations that many modern women try to play. Suck it, yeah, it's good. Keep learning men, keep learning."
"Your videos really help me to understand social cues a little better."
"You don't learn from your parents or teachers... you learn from your mates."
"It's not just what you learn... It's the people you're around."
"When you're a child, your sense of morality is very eye for an eye. It's like, yeah, if someone punches you, they're like, 'Oh, just let me punch you back and then we're good.'"
"The internet is a judgmental space. Having a conversation with a human being can help us learn more about each other and ourselves."
"There's an art to being a lady, it's not something that we just, oh it's something that we kind of learn through experience but it is an art."
"Follow people you don't like, interact with people you don't agree with. That's the best way to learn."
"You can profoundly transform your experience of school or college or university by treating studying as a multiplayer game."
"Did Irish immigrants, perhaps fresh-off-the-boat, learn the place of the Negroes?"
"That's our role, is to teach them how to understand humans, why they do these weird things, and trying to understand how to make friends and get on with other people."
"The most harmful aspects of masculinity are learned behaviors."
"Acknowledging how racism affects other people has allowed me to accept other people and to learn and grow from their stories and experiences."
"We're going to be doing that talking to folks and learning what it's like to be part of the crew."
"Once they have the chance to be with other kids, once they have the chance to see the whole face, they're going to learn it very quickly."
"...when one particular monkey in one particular location picked up a skill, eventually the entire monkey community in Japan started to display that skill."
"So the key, the secret of our success, is not our intelligence but our cultural abilities, the fact that because we're such powerful social learners, we can accumulate ideas, beliefs, values, heuristics, bodies of know-how, bits of our language."
"You couldn't have gotten [racism] from the Spirit of God, and it couldn't have been genetically transmitted because it's a socially learned thing."
"Amazing how these gestures are learnt amongst the group."
"Not all behaviors are learned through association or reinforcement. Many of the things we do are learned by watching others."
"Remember the key to learning is social learning. If you're only reading books or self-help alone, you're making it too hard on yourself."
"Social and interpersonal factors facilitate the learning process and create strong relationships."
"Habitus is a capacity produced to classify and recognize. I learn how to classify things from other people."
"A board game is one of those things that people can teach, people can learn, people can watch and people can spread without any writing, without any formal communication but just by demonstration."
"Preschoolers love to ask questions both to learn facts as well as how to interact with others."
"Informal education describes learning about cultural values, norms, and expected behaviors by participating in a society."
"We're really excited to talk today about the foundations of social and emotional learning."
"It's a common misconception that people with autism struggle with social development when in reality they can grasp the nuances of social interaction perfectly fine, provided you actually teach it to them."
"The entire education was trying to teach somebody that had no empathy what empathy looks like."
"You have to be taught how to hate."
"Think about education, which is equally abnormal. We never evolved to go to school and learn algebra and learn to read and do all those sorts of things. So how do we make school fun? We make it social."
"You learn so much more from seeing people in social situations."
"It's just a very sweet thing watching her kind of learn social skills."
"Speak to more people you don't like, watch people get along, that have a difference of opinions, and learn."
"If I show you a video of me being outgoing and it resulted in positive things, then you might be more likely to do it again because you've lived through the experience yourself."
"Politeness is a fundamental set of skills for the social world that even the youngest children need to learn."
"When children interact with the world, they learn what to expect from others by how the people in their life respond to them."
"It may not have the best reputation in society, but it provided valuable social learning experiences."
"When we are with one another, we learn what a husband or a wife is, what a partner is, who we are."
"It all takes a conversation and it takes people learning about other people."
"He interacts with a lot of women because he's learning that they're people."
"Learning in the context of social engagement is way better."
"Listen and learn. Listen to the highest and the lowest. Learn from the Prince and from the Shepherd."
"Most of the people who attend the classes find it's a nice way of getting to know one another."
"People learn by observing others, and those behaviors are chief factors in influencing our development in any particular area."
"That kind of interaction taught you respect."
"We are a social race; we need to know new places and culture, and I think it's really important to improve our knowledge about every country."
"What I learned is that people here want to be respected."
"We learn just as much from these sorts of relationships as we do from our actual lectures and textbooks."
"There is a little bit of thinking involved in the social learning theory."
"Social learning theory is a combination of cognitive and behaviourist ideas."
"Learning happens between the individuals from a social constructivist perspective."
"We see other people doing good, guess what we do? We copy, we stealing, bop, thank you, it's mine now. Facts."
"Social learning really, really valuable, really, really important."
"Without teaching civil discourse and civility, where the hell are you going to learn it?"
"We learned to treat other people's property the way we want them to treat ours."
"Learning cognitive development is a social phenomena, it's not individualistic."
"I met a lot of good people out here since I've been out here, learned a lot about myself, about the community and society and how things really run."