
User Empowerment Quotes

There are 106 quotes

"This changes the relationship between website and user, significantly shifting power towards the user."
"The software is trying to strip back the power of any one individual app to demand your attention and therefore control your life, and I'm all for that."
"Viewers are linked together in their calls. They want to know why you give the power back to the user."
"It's so amazing that people don't understand at the tip of their fingers all of this information is available."
"We're really focused on giving the power back to the user."
"Anybody in the world can actually verify this. Okay, you just put in this transaction hash, hit search, and it will bring you to this exact transaction. Wow, wasn't that nice?"
"We're enabling a tool to empower gamers to take control of their conversation."
"They reward you, they make sure that the D5 technology is owned by its users itself."
"I would also love to see more people being on boarded to defy taking the custody of their own assets into their own hands."
"The gaming run will happen when the world's most powerful games empower their users with NFTs."
"Now you can have a notification summary... we're getting a lot more power and customization to our notifications."
"Hopefully you learned a whole bunch and now you're able to control your entire website and make it just like you want it."
"App Tracking Transparency: a simple new feature that puts your data back in your control."
"You can resize it to what you want." - Empowering users with customization options.
"The answer to all of this, technologically it gets a little difficult, but the answer for Jack and Twitter and Mark Zuckerberg at Facebook and everywhere else's give as many tools to the individual to curate their own experience as possible."
"That's how we add items, so it's really powerful."
"The point of crypto is to have true decentralization, where users control the network."
"Enterprises and individual users shouldn't have to sacrifice the ability to take advantage of their software their applications their devices because of inconsistent connectivity."
"AppSheet is an amazing application where we can create our own app."
"The key to drive a wedge into it is just the creators, the users, we hold all the leverage."
"The decentralized nature of Quicks allows users to customize their digital experience."
"Users to become owners of the applications... empowering, egalitarian."
"Excel empowers users to manipulate and analyze data with unparalleled ease."
"There's something so nostalgic about this debug menu like maybe it's because games don't use these anymore but it really felt like I was manipulating the game to my will."
"Now, it seems that with Import and Export, Rockstar is finally allowing us to use the Cargobob."
"With iOS 14.5, Apple's putting some of the power back in the hands of the users."
"Surface Duo empowers each of you to do the things you need to do quickly and easily, helping you gain time and power back in your lives."
"Every single part of this machine can be purchased individually on their store, and replaced by the end user."
"Privacy features include the option to delete what you just said and control over stored data."
"It just works and you have so much control literally over every aspect of those components."
"It's better to know all this stuff rather than just use a build blindly."
"The single coolest thing announced at WWDC was universal control."
"One of my favorite Parts about the Android operating system as a whole is the flexibility offered to its users."
"Across our portfolio, we're continuously innovating on new features with the help of personal AI so that our users can better understand their health and wellness data and, ultimately, lead healthier lives."
"Their core values: safety is proactive, power belongs to the users, and radical change is human-centered."
"It feels like you have a desktop computer in your pocket."
"Empowering you with the knowledge that you need to actually come up with the best set of settings or the best configuration for you personally."
"Hopefully you now feel well equipped to get in there, dive in, and extract the most out of it."
"Reprovision allows you to sign apps directly on your iDevice."
"I want to keep seeing them go more in the direction of just giving us tools and letting us do what we want because then we'll be able to like make magic happen."
"Super Mario Maker 2 puts the Mario level creation in switch users' hands, and thankfully it lives up to the hype."
"Bitcoin is about user control, like the users control the monetary policy, like you control it, I control it, there's not a small group of people controlling the monetary policy."
"Once again, the community will have to do it for them, but if that's the case, the least they could do is give us the tools to get the job done right."
"The dislike bar has saved people. It saved people from being clickbaited. It saved people from being scammed. It saved people hundreds of hours of their time."
"In this video I am spilling the beans, giving you all the secrets and breaking down the top 15 hidden features that you need to know about."
"We need to empower users to know what they're doing."
"Isn't that awesome? I think that's really amazing that you can do this straight from the autel app."
"What if our social media platforms were more democratic? What if we were given more control over the algorithms that affect what we see, over the features that we have access to?"
"We need to educate empower and enforce for our users."
"So it's done in an opt-in way that's pro user, the user has the power, but that's a very valuable thing that people will use for incentives and various other things."
"Giving people a car that they can really take out there and drive."
"Net neutrality protections are supposed to ensure that we, not our ISPs, decide what we do online."
"Apps compete on the level playing field, and users, not ISPs, determine which apps are successful."
"You'll be able to create your own world with virtual reality programs."
"People should have the right to see what is inside their programs."
"Tell us what the printer does, give us controls, let us use them the way that you intend for us to use them."
"What this will allow you to do is for users to build more powerful AI agents in their own applications."
"You'll be amazed by the number of tools there are and by how much you can customize these tools to do exactly what you want."
"The idea of App Builder is basically you take a GUI Builder for your users to be able to build apps."
"It's such a godsend. There are so many things happening on computers these days and this allows us to see them."
"These are very, very powerful controls."
"With localization, we're putting the power to quickly create development grade localized experiences in all of your hands through the magic of visual development."
"By the end of this video, you'll have all the knowledge you need to create engaging pop-ups and effective pop-ups using Elementor."
"It gives you control over the sound that's really unheard of."
"That is exactly why we exist, to facilitate a super bespoke curated expertise to enable everyone to become their own expert."
"Empowering the user, that's what we're trying to do here."
"The Skydio autonomy engine makes anyone using one of our drones more capable and more confident."
"It empowers users to take their creativity to new heights."
"This head unit and its features are really geared towards audio control and output to give users full control over their audio."
"You have the power to set it up the way you want."
"Eat This Much is really for anyone who wants to take charge of their eating habits."
"I just wanted to show you a quick way to build a calculator that you can potentially go out and later make it even better."
"You are in total control of the experience."
"The idea is that users should be able to rebuild the software they need."
"It's so important that users start taking advantage of easily accessible applications like Wasabi Wallet to help preserve their privacy."
"Analytical is really getting away from just showing basic numbers and actually empowering the user to perform more exploratory data analysis."
"It empowers users to pick the services they want to use and trust without sacrificing the ability to talk to other people."
"The members truly have control of their online space on Vero."
"Pre-search turns this approach on its head by letting its users monetize the data themselves."
"Basically, the CRUD application allows the user to create data, read data, update that data, and it also gives the power to the users to delete that data as well."
"Winaero Tweaker allows you to adjust Windows settings that were somehow hidden from the user's eyes."
"That's the power of Express LRS, guys."
"We're trying to reduce cognitive overload by giving some powers to the user."
"Control is giving the users the ability to actually activate or deactivate these features."
"App Engine has allowed users the ability to create, delegate, and maintain custom low code applications."
"Extremely powerful, folks, where I love this is when I give my users the search ability."
"Just think, if you can build a slider with a few clicks like this and it looks really professional, what can you build if you wanted to build a whole website?"
"The end user can actually customize the view of this data as they see fit."
"Any user has the right to request their data from any company that keeps or maintains records."
"These issues can actually be debugged at a user level if you have the right tools."
"You give users the ability to create structure."
"Our goal really was just to provide as many tools as possible... and let people fit them together any way they want."
"You can transfer your social graph between applications because you're a user of the blockchain, not siloed to each application."