
Natural Remedy Quotes

There are 249 quotes

"Vitamin D is probably one of the most potent natural anti-inflammatories."
"Ginger tea is life-changing; it's nature's medicine."
"Tea tree oil is the absolute best to get rid of like any breakouts or pimples."
"Cryofreeze CBD: a hundred percent natural CBD-powered remedy."
"Coffee, green tea, just caffeine in general is a natural appetite suppressant."
"Turmeric inhibits viral infection and has promising potential."
"Oregano oil kicks the cold fast and cuts sick recovery time in half."
"Chaga has more antioxidants than almost any other natural substance."
"Rice water is like the holy grail for hair growth."
"CBD is proven to be a natural way for people to cope with a lot of different ailments."
"Yarrow is an incredible plant when it comes to wounds."
"Nowadays I don't need a single pill of any sort all I need is a good Netflix some extra cuddles from my pups from steak and butter guy some extra meat because usually my appetite goes up and I am set."
"One of the best foods on Earth to stimulate melatonin is pineapple."
"Magnesium is a natural anti-inflammatory agent."
"Triphala is popular for weight loss due to its lipid-lowering properties and ability to satisfy appetite."
"Triphala mouthwash is effective for reducing plaque accumulation and gingival inflammation, promoting dental health."
"D'Arco benefits the skin: acts as a natural antiseptic and mild laxative."
"What's the most powerful healing mechanism on the face of the planet? Water fasting."
"Extra virgin olive oil: the natural anti-inflammatory that can save lives."
"Turmeric might be the best natural anti-aging ingredient we've ever found."
"Juice lime juice... it's medicinal, preventing you from getting scurvy."
"Apple cider vinegar is good because it just helps create balance throughout the entire body."
"Fasting did that, I had to see no doctors, I had to take no injections, I had to take no prescriptions."
"Coffee is one of the best facial exfoliators in the entire world."
"It's an all-natural solution, it works great."
"Rosemary oil is a nice adjunct to use… it helps to improve blood circulation block DHT."
"Peppermint tea is known to just soothe your stomach and also help get rid of cramps."
"Deep relaxation is a natural and healthy analgesic."
"Propolis works well for inflammatory skin conditions like acne and hyperpigmentation."
"Mewing is your tongue as a natural palate expander."
"It naturally helps reduce stress, anxiety, pain, and sleeplessness."
"Peppermint essential oil is actually incredibly helpful when it comes to keeping the little butterflies away."
"Aloe grows naturally all over the Americas, and its gel has been used for thousands of years to heal burns and reduce inflammation."
"Castor oil penetrates deeper than any other oil... Great for cysts in the breast, for breast cancer, great for irritable bowel, great for constipation."
"Onion compress: Not one more cough for the whole night with the onion on the bottom of his feet."
"Proof of God, that is the best way I can describe what castor oil is."
"Castor oil is a perfect example of underestimating how effective and powerful natural remedies are."
"This oil is so powerful users have noticed incredible benefits with their eyes on accident."
"...a natural anti-depressant without all the side effects in times when things get tough having St John's wort around could really help keep Spirits High."
"It's like a natural anti-depressant without all the side effects."
"A natural remedy for seasonal affective disorder."
"Castor oil, a natural warrior against the discomfort in your joints, working quietly as you sleep."
"Activated charcoal is known to draw these things out of your hair without being harsh on your hair, it does not disrupt your natural moisture levels."
"If you're someone who does not like chemicals on their hair and wants to either color their hair black or replenish their existing dark color, this could be a really good option for you if it works the way people claim it'll work."
"A strong plantain leaf tea can be one of the most dramatic healers for inflammatory digestive problems."
"Fulvic acid delivers 65 minerals to the body. It's like a magical elixir."
"Chilled cucumber slices help reduce inflammation, refresh, and hydrate the eyes, while also shrinking capillaries and reducing lymph fluid."
"Chilled tea bags containing caffeine can help refresh the eyes, reduce dark circles, and shrink capillaries."
"Chilled potato slices do all the same things as cucumber slices, but the enzymes in potatoes provide a tightening effect."
"Amla also does a good job at reversing grays and making the color of your hair darker."
"Henna is a protectant, it protects your hair. It is the armor for your hair!"
"Olive oil is amazing for the hair, so I'm going to go ahead and add an ounce of that as well."
"Ginger is one of the best things that you could take for your body."
"Charcoal is an amazing ingredient to basically draw out impurities from your pores."
"Fume is a natural inhaler that makes it easy to get the benefits of super plants on the go."
"Aloe vera is literally helping with my hair growth, this is one thing that I've added in this year and I really do think it's helping."
"Deep sleep is the most wonderful form of natural blood pressure medication that you could ever wish for."
"Working out is like a natural antidepressant."
"Sunshine, exercise in a day full of activity allowed Nana to get to sleep without a pill."
"We have a symptom-relieving medication in the form of a plant."
"These natural anti-itch patches work instantly to take the itch away."
"Apple cider vinegar is so beneficial in so many ways for lowering your insulin."
"Castor oil offers a natural and effective solution to address your skincare concerns."
"Castor oil steps into the spotlight as a natural remedy with properties that can help alleviate pain, reduce inflammation, and contribute to an overall sense of relief."
"The benefits of the pineapple, and especially the pineapple skin, is that it contains a protein-digesting enzyme that is used as an anti-inflammatory."
"Extra virgin olive oil has been found to be as anti-inflammatory as low-dose ibuprofen."
"I'm a true believer that the aloe vera saved that day."
"If you get at least 30 minutes to half an hour of bright light in the morning, it's one of the strongest natural antidepressants we have."
"Alliums is one of the better antibiotics that you can get and use on your homestead that is a natural antibiotic."
"He had some Moringa, he went ahead and powdered it, put it in caps, he'll start taking it. Four months later, his cholesterol had gone down 50 points."
"It's called the miracle fruit, this has so many antioxidants."
"Honey is actually a relatively good moisturizer."
"It's good for you, man, it is sweet potato medicine."
"The Earth is a natural antidote for electron deficiency and can provide animals with an infinite flow of electrons through grounding or making direct contact with the Earth."
"I'm a fan of plant healing, pure CBD gel with calming botanical blends to relieve muscle and body tension."
"If you use anything, use castor oil because this is like the Magic The Magic oil that I swear by."
"The elderberry juice reduces the inflammation."
"Mango Leaf is good for your lungs."
"You have found your body's own natural anxiety cure: relax your body, focus on something relaxing, wait for it to pass."
"It's honey good for the old voice."
"This instantly soothing pain relief cream is a plant-based clean alternative to chemical packed products and it effectively eliminates minor pains so you can feel more you."
"CBD is good for inflammation, helps to get rid of swelling."
"Neem oil is a popular ingredient in hair care due to its ability to strengthen hair, promote hair growth, and fight dandruff."
"Treat the cause of fever, however, and temperature decreases naturally."
"Garlic is a healing herb, helps with hypertension and even can help with the common cold."
"In countries like China, women make their own rice water to wash their faces because it helps brighten skin, fade age spots, and reduce dark circles."
"Indian women use turmeric in their beauty regime - it's packed full of antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties."
"Say goodbye to sleepless nights naturally."
"Here we are in Paradise, taking an aphrodisiac. Natural medicine, many people have told me."
"According to WebMD, ginger helps fight germs, it's antibacterial."
"Listen closer, listen carefully, the olive leaf extract can reverse high blood pressure and diabetic high blood sugar."
"That gel is so good for soothing cuts or burns, helping wounds heal."
"Chamomile offers a natural and gentle remedy for soothing and protecting the eyes."
"Garlic is a natural antibiotic and also it has tons of vitamin C."
"Honey is anti a lot of stuff, antimicrobial."
"If you need something to help you relax, chamomile's great; it's a very very mild but natural relaxing kind of sedative."
"GABA is the brain's natural valium."
"It's actually a really good natural dewormer, believe it or not, pumpkin."
"Every mushroom is medicinal, every single one. They all have a gift."
"It's antiviral, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory."
"You should be having locally sourced honey, and then you build up an immunity to it."
"Reishi mushrooms are amazing, great for the prostate, great antioxidant, great to stimulate the immune system."
"Apple cider vinegar... may actually help promote fat loss."
"Sunlight is the best bleach, don't you think?"
"Apple cider vinegar has been shown to be potentially effective against high blood pressure."
"Apple cider vinegar's mild cleaning properties make it ideal for rinsing the scalp clean."
"Local honey contains a small amount of pollen from the local area that can help desensitize the body to local allergens."
"It's important to take a little bit of garlic every day, it's like a natural antibiotic very important to take every single day."
"The significance and benefits of using cinnamon or honey on your cutting is that it serves as an antifungal."
"It's an amazing antiseptic herb, and so we use it a lot for staph infections, for weird rashes and stings, and fungus it's been effective for."
"Horsetail plant acts as a natural diuretic and can help to alleviate the symptoms associated with urinary tract infection."
"Just by squatting, it's almost like a wild state of nature's cure about resetting your posture."
"The Himalayan pink salt is very good for your respiratory system."
"Coffee oil can be used to promote healthy hair growth, add luster to dull hair, soften coarse hair, keep hair moisturized, reduce frizz, treat excessive hair loss, and even darken hair."
"Coffee oil is great to use as a pre-poo and as a hot oil treatment."
"The answer to hemorrhoids is a really high fiber diet, no animal products at all."
"Manuka honey is really great for the skin because it's antibacterial."
"Garlic... a nice natural antibiotic that is selective to those bacteria but won't create any damage to your cells."
"Honey is actually known to help you, like, with sickness."
"Rice water is full of amino acids, it's really good at strengthening your hair, smoothing out your hair, making it strong and shiny."
"After showering, I like one of the oldest concoctions in the world: rose water and glycerin."
"It's good for purification, helping to clear up blemishes, rashes, bug bites, eczema, cuts and stings, and even burns."
"This was from eating asparagus and beans and rice and bread and peaches and just normal food without medication."
"Virgin coconut oil has been shown to be anti-inflammatory, it can lower the water loss and it's also seen to be anti-bacterial as well."
"Food is a more powerful drug than most drugs."
"The raw honey is excellent for balancing bacteria on the skin and giving skin that radiance and that glow."
"Goat milk products are excellent for people with super sensitive skin or skin issues like eczema."
"The castor oil is like nature's Botox; it's incredible."
"Fish skin on the wounds is known to have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties."
"Chia seed is medicinal. And it helps the body a lot."
"If you have breakouts and you've never tried tea tree oil for your pimples, it will completely change your life."
"Not only does this help with the pain of having a toothache but it's actually also antifungal and antibacterial."
"There is healing in black seed for all diseases except death."
"It has antimicrobial properties and is a powerful antioxidant."
"I use frankincense on my face every day... it's excellent for wrinkles, wonderful for scars."
"According to research, cinnamon may be helpful in curing baldness."
"It's kind of like my favorite way to get in some natural electrolytes."
"CBD isn't about what you feel; it's about what you don't feel like stress, anxiety, or pain."
"If you're tired and you don't feel good, and you need to sleep, and you're looking for something natural, take these Goli gummies."
"Salt water is a natural healer, so it's supposed to be good for your skin."
"Clove oil is antifungal, anti-inflammatory, and antiviral."
"Curcumin is isolated from turmeric and is very well known for its antiviral properties."
"Turmeric has anti-inflammatory benefits and it's actually originally designed to treat acne."
"Try valerian tea to help reset your sleep cycle while traveling."
"Pumpkin is amazing for the skin; it's full of alpha hydroxy acids which helps with cell turnover and skin brightening."
"Manuka Honey has so many benefits to improve hair health and growth."
"Celery is really rich in electrolytes. You know don’t drink Gatorade just drink celery juice for your electrolytes."
"Cold is one of the most potent natural stressors to the human body."
"Health in a glass, it's like I'm drinking medicine."
"It's supposed to have some superb healing properties for the skin."
"Castor oil is beneficial for the skin, acting as a natural moisturizer that helps to hydrate and soften dry, rough skin."
"Pretty incredible to think that something as basic as a turmeric root potentially can be cancer preventing."
"Pumpkin seeds are actually a natural dewormer for reptiles and other animals."
"The peach is one of the great remedies and medicines for the liver in this tradition."
"It's natural, so beneficial, it's great for your skin, hydrates, and it is awesome stuff."
"Tart cherry juice can boost melatonin levels and a lot of insomniacs use it with great benefits."
"We believed that saw palmetto... would show a benefit in reducing the symptoms of BPH."
"It's all-inclusive that the bones and joints need because it comes from nature one hundred percent. There is no residue at all."
"Honey actually has antibacterial properties."
"I used to have -5 diopter myopia, currently of 20/20 eyesight, not from Bates method, eye exercises, eye vitamins, or LASIK, but rather by reversing my myopia naturally."
"Manuka honey is celebrated for its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant capacities."
"I swear by turmeric, it's such a good anti-inflammatory property."
"I am obsessed with ginger water and what that can do for your skin."
"I always refer to essential oils as plant medicine."
"I have fantastic skin because I come from the land of the olives; it's an olive oil thing."
"I have a friend that uses it for high blood pressure and arthritic knees."
"Psyllium husk... absorbs water and with it absorbs toxins from your system from your guts and then excretes it out."
"Cucumbers are a great natural solution for bad breath, more efficient than gum."
"They call it nature's medicine, but it can be used as a cordial as well."
"This is the wisdom of the body, so even though it's very common that when people have fevers they immediately take Tylenol or something to lower it, we're basically saying if you don't have to take it, this is the way your body gets better."
"Naturally relieve your headache and stress."
"Tea tree oil can be great for those dirty little wounds."
"The pollen from sunflowers has been proven to be medicinal for your beehive."
"The synergistic effects of these compounds make raw onions a potent natural remedy for reducing microbial presence and enhancing food safety."
"I'm drinking some pine needle tea... it's high in vitamin C which is a very good thing at this time of year of course."
"Exercise is the drug of choice... you have to learn to use the ones that don't have any negative side effects first."
"Apple cider vinegar... it's great for scalp health."
"Tea tree oil is an antiseptic and antifungal essential oil."
"Marshmallow root is one of those magical ingredients... very very good for swelling, for wounds, for burns, for scars."
"Try doing a honey mask, and it will change your life; your skin will glow."
"Asparagus, one of the most nutrient-dense, nutrient-packed vegetables out there, also a natural diuretic."
"I drink it every day; I'm no longer on heart medicine. I lost 100 pounds drinking apple cider vinegar."
"It's incredible for immune support, this is literally medicinal grade honey."
"Coconut oil is awesome in the cosmetic world; it's been shown to increase moisture, help to reduce eczema, help reduce hair damage."
"Honey is really good for healing the skin; it's great for hydration."
"Rosemary is like the super herb for hair growth."
"CBD naturally reduces stress, anxiety, pain, and sleeplessness."
"Cherry juice helps you fall asleep and stay asleep."
"It's a salve our people have used for years; in a day or two your burns will heal."
"A natural way to bind toxins and help elimination cycles."
"Lion's mane is known for helping with clarity, focus, you know, clearing out the brain fog."
"Sea moss breaks down the mucus in your body and it contains, I believe, 98 or 99 minerals that your body needs."
"If you are not making Rosemary water for your hair, you need to start immediately."
"Aloe vera is amazing at soothing those itchy fiery hell spots on your body."
"Honey is great as an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory agent."
"Oatmeal is known for moisturizing and soothing the skin; it has anti-inflammatory properties."
"I make a mixture of coconut oil and grape seed grapefruit seed extract... it's very soothing and antibacterial and antifungal."
"We're going to look at how we can use the Redbush Willow to help fatigue and body weakness."
"Allicin is a great antibacterial, antiviral, and antifungal."
"It's believed to heighten your immune system by combating some bacterial, fungal infections, and viral infections."