
Proactive Care Quotes

There are 71 quotes

"It's low hanging fruit that we really need to pick for the health of ourselves and the people around us."
"It's not just about avoiding disease, it's about optimization."
"Your rock bottom with alcohol is wherever you say it is. Okay, you do not have to wait to have actually lost everything."
"I sincerely hope this issue isn't a symptom of something that requires treatment. If it is, then it's better to bring it up sooner rather than never."
"Maybe you should lose some weight, maybe you should have high levels of vitamin D."
"Go get a checkup, go check them out, go get a checkup."
"AGI is going to absolutely revolutionize our approach to proactive Health Care."
"I think getting into therapy sooner rather than later can save us all a lot of pain and hurt."
"Be proactive so you don't get those problems that you then have to deal with."
"If you have these unalterable or unchangeable risk factors, that doesn't mean you should just give up and say oh well I'm gonna have osteoporosis nothing I could do about it that means you need to pay careful attention and take notes."
"So you're really helping to ensure that your skin is prepped and ready to fight any acne that tries to get on that bitch."
"First of all, antidepressants should never be a last resort."
"Stay on top of your health, make sure you are getting proper biomarkers assessed during pre-cycle, mid-cycle, post-cycle."
"Know what's normal for you, and when things change, seek help."
"When you're out in the cold, proactively eat and drink before you get cold or hungry or thirsty."
"I want to stop you right there okay when you said she saw me it wasn't that I scheduled a visit it was that you had a health care provider who said I am going that one I'm going to talk to you anyway about."
"You gotta do the blood work, you gotta take care of yourself."
"Stay on top of your health. Get regular check-ups."
"It's probably the most powerful tool we have to actually intervene in our aging process, or at least to slow it."
"Empathy isn't just feeling, it's caring about the other person's feelings."
"Medicine does not apply automatically...treat any problems your pals have."
"If you ever think there's anything wrong with you, it's spotting a lump or maybe a bit blood where they shouldn't be. Go see a doctor."
"You should go and engage in your health and try to alter your risk starting today. Don't wait."
"By applying these principles of creating health, we can really modify these diseases in real ways."
"You got to get your health checks done... you cannot just ignore symptoms."
"If you think that you know someone who's even there's even a remote possibility that they're in need... reach out."
"I started doing therapy three times a week...I needed to throw myself in head first to my mental health and mental well-being."
"Prevention is key, you want to start as soon as possible."
"Getting your blood pressure under control is one of the few things you can do, without question, to extend your life."
"Please take care of your cars. Be proactive about maintenance, and it will take care of you."
"But the dam is already done, so make sure you change the transmission fluid on these."
"Is this really okay? My lesson here today is if your teeth hurts, go to the [ __ ] dentist."
"I need to actively be working on my mental health and actively be analyzing what about my job and my life is becoming detrimental in my mental health."
"If you're unhealthy in your 20s, do not wait till your 30s."
"While you've got the wheel and the drum off this is a great time to inspect your brakes and just make sure everything is in working order."
"If you've got an issue, go get yourself checked out."
"Hydration is important to be proactive about."
"Figure out what's wrong with you physically and address it."
"Functional medicine is about looking under the hood."
"Prevention is the key when it comes to hair loss treatment."
"Early cataract surgery can be a huge advancement."
"When we have friends that we're worried about, the thing you do is you ask them about it."
"It is preventing health issues before they happen."
"We have the ability to invest in mental health; we have a head of mental health services at the University of Alabama athletic department."
"We've actually added four clinical social workers to our athletic department who are boots on the ground trying to be preventive rather than reactive."
"It's your health, you should be the one who cares enough to have those metrics and really keep track of... let's do something about it."
"Take care of these pathways first, see how much of your symptoms you can correct."
"I would much rather prevent acidosis and bloat rather than try to deal with it."
"Fitness and health, you don't know you need it until you need it."
"Don't wait when something looks abnormal with your body."
"Speak to your vets, get them involved as soon as possible if you think something is wrong."
"Not everybody's going to end up with a knee replacement; we can do a lot of different things."
"Mental health is important, therapy is important, don't wait till you need a therapist to find a good therapist."
"Your mental health... is not a self-sustaining thing."
"We need to start thinking and talking about mental health long before there's mental health issues."
"The earlier we see someone, the quicker we can get them better."
"We really need to be working on their big emotions before they get too big for the dog to cope with."
"Ask your doctor, 'Did you do my test? I want to know what my value is.'"
"Apply dry shampoo before your hair gets oily."
"Anything I can do that'll help maximize its lifespan, especially things that are just really easy to do, I'm going to do."
"If you have obstructive lung disease or respiratory muscle weakness already, then it makes sense to do everything you can to optimize that."
"How well are you using your machine, and how well are you taking care of and maintaining that machine proactively rather than reactively?"
"Early detection and intervention are key, so you're taking the right steps by addressing this now."
"Manage your health... it's about actually proactively managing your health."
"A great marriage is worthwhile, and you don't have to wait until the walls fall down in your marriage to make sure that they're strong."
"Diligence, attention to detail... looking actively for the possibility of failure on the path of this young person."
"The sooner you start treating them after they form, the more likely you are to be able to minimize their appearance."
"It's just about taking care of your health. If you take care of your health, you're gonna be fine."