
New Perspectives Quotes

There are 267 quotes

"Mining has given me a new outlook in terms of wealth generation."
"What I'm thinking about is really looking at the universe in new light. We have never seen the universe how Webb will show it to us."
"Freedom means something completely different to me this year."
"Every creative person who created something really new had some access to that dimension."
"New creators come in with fresh perspectives and without a profit motive, they tend to deliver good content."
"It's a bit like Maslow's hierarchy right it's all new hierarchy of thought."
"Cut out the unnecessary, enjoy financial stability and new perspectives."
"With the open heart, one gazes for the first time with new eyes upon the creation."
"It completely opened up a door into a whole new world that we'd never thought to look at before."
"Life is the new currency, absolutely. It's beyond, it's uh, you know, it's attention."
"Everything's different from how we thought it was so should we start looking at how we might differently organize Society."
"Rise to a higher level of consciousness and you will find a new world awaiting you."
"Allow yourself to integrate into this new frequency and this new energy."
"Living in 5D is living in paradise on earth. It is beyond anything we could imagine when we are still caught up in the 3D matrix."
"Humans could now embark on the happy search for new 'poetries of life' free from religious and other traditional rules."
"It has the potential to allow new voices to circumvent the rigid hierarchies and biases of legacy media and to provide new perspectives on current affairs."
"I don't care what you were told in the past; I'm going to think differently."
"You tend to shed new light where things have been portrayed."
"It really gives you agency over characters that are relatable, that are familiar to you. It's like an interactive story but with the power of video game behind it."
"For a new era of worldly frustration, we offer a fresh conversation."
"When you change your scene and you're in a different environment, you also gain a new energy."
"If we want to live in new earth which is already here that's the thing it's already here we just have to start living it we just have to start it's already here we just have to start living it and embracing it."
"It brought down a whole new light on everything that we ever thought."
"However, if it's difficult for you to hear, you should take it as good news and a blessing to have seen this from a new angle."
"When you have somebody that comes from the outside that doesn't have this political agenda they've been working on for 30 years... you just get a different kind of leader."
"The whole book of Revelation is about gaining a new perspective of Jesus." - Rod Parsley
"Use music as your soundtrack to visualize that new world."
"Your angels guide you to a new you, to a new way of moving forward, a new way of seeing things."
"You need a different way of thinking, a new perspective in a sense, and that's provided here by the diffuse mode."
"I feel like I've rented a helicopter. I feel like I'm flying over a completely new landscape."
"You are going to see yourself from a whole new perception."
"Look for happiness in places that you haven't looked before."
"I truly love the exhilaration of feeling like we are all beginning to wake up out of a suppressed state."
"This film is an opportunity to show the world in a whole new perspective."
"Hey this is great what you did was you exposed me to something a new way of thinking."
"You're bursting the old bubble and you're gonna be able to breathe."
"In this weird way, it gave me this whole other lens or perspective on it."
"Give me something to think about... It's the new earth."
"This week is the beginning of a powerful creation and a whole new perspective."
"I was like you know I've read a lot about the galactic center but there was something in here that made me go."
"Gravitational wave astronomy promises a totally new view of the universe."
"I think Moon Knight teaming up with the new Black Panther would be fascinating."
"I learned a new meaning of being a superhero."
"Thinking outside of the box for a new world, something better."
"We're living in a completely different time, a new era."
"The new earth is sitting right in front of us. It's here, it always has been here."
"All there is to love has been there all along. When you begin to find love in people and places where you haven't found before, it's always because you've grown."
"This aquarius full moon is always kind of an opening for me personally and for anybody with strong leo or aquarian energy to seeing things in a new and fresh perspective."
"Being on the floor changed the trajectory of my life."
"May change how we understand the history of humankind."
"The event horizon sounds dire, but it’s a blessing."
"Nothing beats going somewhere, filming it from a newer perspective, and the footage coming out better than the feeling of what it was like when you were there."
"It makes you a stronger person. It makes you smarter. It makes you see the world in a way that you didn't before."
"Zero is a magical number in this eclipse, the birth of a new way of thinking."
"Alts are a great way to experience the game from a new angle."
"You've really, really brightened up their life, given them a totally new perspective on life."
"One of the ways that we can change our life is by opening up some space for new stories."
"A serious one, watching that, you've got a whole world opening up to you."
"This is amazing, you can capture more memories from new perspectives."
"Come play with me, and suddenly you say, 'Oh my god, how come I've never seen that before?'"
"You're being rebirthed into a new perspective in life, opening you up to achieving your dreams."
"Your whole mindset is opening up, your whole world is opening up, and you're seeing something that was hidden."
"Develop your spiritual side; you're gaining new sight and understanding."
"Suddenly a world of new ideas and viewpoints exist to us."
"Never underestimate the power of a fresh start and a new perspective."
"When we enter the supersensory worlds, life takes on a completely new meaning for us."
"She's come through as a breath of fresh air."
"It's time for a new definition of masculinity."
"Sometimes I think a tower moment can be a good thing because, you know, the top of the tower has to fall away anyway."
"Maybe after watching this video many of you will go ride the Beast with a different perspective."
"We need inspiration, new orthogonal approaches that maybe we're not seeing."
"Pitch a different way of thinking about it; offer a different perspective."
"This concept has truly changed my entire life."
"I adore this movie... gives me a new appreciation for it."
"The moment outside the veil of culture lies an unmapped Terra incognito, as vast as the new world was to the old."
"I really like the introduction of Smoker and Tashigi in particular. Smoker specifically for giving us a new dimension to the marines."
"Open your mind to fresh perspective, fresh thoughts."
"Space brings us back to an old setting we know but shows it in an entirely new light."
"It's a new vision for partnerships; you'll have to face your fears."
"The discovery of icelandia opens up a completely new view of our geological understanding of the world."
"We gotta speak a different word, we have to denounce everything that has been our experience."
"How do you expect people to grow unless you're able to let them have a new perspective?"
"I think this is more than gender bending I think this is could be the introduction especially from this new generation of letting us know that gender bending as well as fluidity is a thing and really doesn't matter."
"This is a big deal astrologically... a new world view, a new perspective on the world."
"I hope that I was able to teach you something new or give you a new opinion to ruminate over."
"There's a paradigm shift happening right now."
"Spin-offs are always a fun exercise in media because they give audiences the opportunity to see a story from an entirely different perspective."
"Transformation leads you to see something in a new way."
"Drones give us a unique perspective on the world, from natural wonders to man-made disasters. They're tools for exploration, discovery, and even capturing the unexpected."
"This has just been an eye-opening experience."
"The mere opening of your mind to possibilities that have not been previously considered...opens you to literally an entire new world of possibilities."
"This doesn't need a fictional world with new discoveries... while and truly be a real thing almost."
"That is what is so brilliant about archaeology - you get these new little pieces in the jigsaw puzzle which can give you a whole different picture."
"Once those who are open to transformation goes through the intense process they can never unsee what they now see for the rest of their lives."
"Drones allow us to see things from a whole new perspective, including stuff we could never see before, and honestly not all of it is comforting. In fact, some of it's downright frightening."
"It's kind of like the new reality we're standing on the banks."
"I honestly feel like I'm walking away from this with a whole new perspective. I'm only seeking positivity."
"Letting something kind of come tumbling down to open you up to a different way of doing things, a different way of being."
"Step out of your comfort zone... it's about to bring you a whole new perspective."
"You're going to listen to this person, which you normally don't."
"You know, in some ways, for some of you, this might be new that you're hearing this."
"Certain people coming into your reality that are going to be activating you, getting you to shift your perspective."
"We are entering a period because people are beginning to awaken."
"It's only a matter of time before we do have a woman in charge and get to see the whole thing from an entirely New Perspective."
"When you figure out a mystery, you are now standing in a new place."
"It's like a door is open for her and she's emerged from a world that's black and white into one that's full of color."
"I had a wonderful experience. It really did open my mind to what fried chicken even has."
"Sometimes the way we think things are can be a red herring... And that we should allow ourselves to gain A New Perspective."
"You're being initiated into some new ways of seeing things, doing things, ways of living."
"Change the energy, change the environment, change your perspective."
"Life has a whole new meaning for you as a sense of personal freedom."
"Without you, they might never have started this process, starting to wake up and starting to actually like look with new eyes."
"Seeing it in person was altogether a new experience."
"This right now is the first time I'm sharing it anywhere but I believe it's going to open your eyes to a whole other realm of stunning connections that lie behind what is taking place all around us."
"Someone's getting out of this self-imprisonment mode and seeing things from a whole new perspective."
"Viewing things from a strange new perspective."
"This one's for the misfits, the weirdos, and those just looking for a different perspective." - Narrator
"2020 is perfect vision. People are gonna see for the first time."
"Honestly, I'm kind of feeling a new wave of energy wash over me."
"Trust the vision like you're Raven, ."
"If we haven't figured out what the hell UFOs are in the past 70 years it's time to look at it with a new lens."
"We need new people at the table, basically, and it should be you."
"When something becomes what you get to go do, your life's different. It's just a completely different existence on earth, brother."
"This connection may be giving you a different perspective on your life."
"I want us to redefine in this new year is the word confrontation... Confrontation means I'm seeking truth and honesty from you." - AJ Johnson
"I think there is an alternate metabolic model of cancer."
"When people have a spiritual awakening... they then see things from a totally new perspective."
"Embrace the clarity that shows you a new direction, it's meant for you."
"I think a lot of people don't learn that until they start traveling."
"An invitation to understand home in a new way in a way that frees you."
"Get on your horse and go after everything with a new viewpoint, a new way of thinking."
"This is what you call a paradigm shift, a fundamental change."
"The real voyage of discovery is not about seeking new landscapes but having new eyes."
"You are really shifting out of 3D into 5D, and you're going to a different level, a different perception of understanding."
"I think it's liberating, man. I mean, you get to see things in a whole new perspective."
"Bernie Sanders has changed the game of politics... we no longer have to pick between the lesser of two evils."
"Every experience you have is an opportunity to see yourself in a new way."
"It may have taken you a while to get a new perspective on it and find this information out, but once you do, you're plain sailing."
"Sometimes, when stuff like this happens, it can be used to clear our vision, rebirth our vision, and open us up in a whole new way."
"Intimacy has taken on a fantastic new meaning."
"When I got out of my comfort zone, I saw new lights, I saw everything."
"You made me see the light in certain situations that I wasn't seeing before."
"I never really looked at it quite like that before."
"When God calls us to let go, He wants to move us into a new perspective, a new season, and sometimes a new understanding of ourselves."
"Exploring the unknown: FPV brings us to places we never knew existed."
"Every single day something can just change and you wake up a week later and it's like a completely different world than when you went to sleep a week ago."
"When you can see the mortality of these heroes, it shows you them in a new light."
"Staying open to what you're willing to learn... please reveal to me new ways of looking at this."
"You opened my eyes to a brand new world, a world full of potentials that I hadn't even really considered before."
"It is in your ability to adapt, to interrogate new evidence, to find yourself in completely new waters, and be comfortable in your ability to consume new facts and exist in a new way."
"What if one day you actually woke up with a new ability or new mode of perception that seemed to be a portal into a real unseen realm?"
"You can re-read books infinitely... and you will probably get something new from it."
"This new person is going to be very exciting and connect you to a new way of seeing not only life but the future that you could have."
"I never ever thought to dog sled."
"This book made me cry, it made me laugh, it made me look at something from A New Perspective."
"Maybe what science has to do is get beyond our own prejudices and start using not only other languages but other ways of evaluating the language, other ways of thinking."
"My mission today is to get you to open your mind to some new things."
"You're going to learn about his new kind of perspectives on theories of everything, on quantum gravity."
"We can imagine new suns, a new way of thinking about our relationship with each other, our common humanity, and our differences in ways that aren't dehumanizing."
"I want you to be able to discover new thoughts, discover perspectives, and discover yourself."
"It's like boom, whole new world out there."
"Growing yourself is adopting new paradigms and new mindsets."
"Once you start to dip your toe into that water, you find yourself captivated by a world that you had overlooked for so long."
"It's like reading a great piece of literature... each time we get something new out of them, we see something new in them."
"We are at the beginning of a new wave of understanding of the convergence or the confluence of where spiritual awakening meets mental illness."
"The data from Boaty McBoatface gave us a completely new way of looking at the deep ocean."
"One of my favorite things about being a mother is getting to experience music for the first time through their ears."
"The idea that fantasy is just Tolkien clones is dead and done away with."
"Wow, this is fun! I've never seen the forest from this angle."
"She immersed herself in different cultures, expanding her horizons and gaining new perspectives."
"There's another world out there that I want you to begin to see."
"Let everything that have breath... that's the new baseline for being grateful."
"Break out of your reality tunnel, recalibrate your mind, and have fun on an adventure into the world you never knew existed."
"The plant Union opens a person's memory towards a new world, a world of joy, of harmony, of solidarity, of fraternity."
"It just changes your perspective on everything."
"It's just a different world for sure."
"I wake up every morning with the wonder of a 5-year-old kid because I've seen the world for the first time, literally."
"It's a movie that I have probably watched six or seven times and each time I take away something new."
"Nicaragua is completely different than what I thought, it is so much more."
"You will be able to see things this month that you didn't see before."
"To us, it was a whole new world where even an empty beer bottle was worth picking up and giving a look."
"I loved getting to see our characters again, but the biggest plus for this sequel is that we get two new perspectives."
"My plans have changed drastically, as is my outlook on everything."
"It's like you're walking into a realm of knowledge, like finding a new school of thought or something that is just so... you've never met this idea before or this kind of person before."
"People from all walks of life and all different backgrounds... when they came up against something that seemed insurmountable or incurable, they got some new way of looking at things."
"We should respect deviations from our expectations because they carve a new path to new understanding, new learning about reality and about nature."
"O'Keeffe had always sought new ways to see and the experience of airplane travel provided just that."
"We've opened their eyes to a new world."
"Seeing surfing for the first time for many, it's a kind of a real surreal experience."
"We're in a place where we can bring a new understanding to the type of stories that they contain."
"I'm curious to see what the new voices are the ones telling the stories."
"The world and the industry get more interesting when people take different approaches."
"If you are ready to hear something new, simple, new, unexpected, against almost everything you've been told till now, you're ready to hear that."
"I enjoy talking to new people, new opinions, new thoughts, new theories."
"Every time we discuss this with people who are legitimately trying to think it out, something comes up I hadn't considered before."
"Every Friday night felt like a space which challenged that old way of seeing things."
"Everything you think you know about addiction is wrong."
"The arrival of a new American dream, more specifically, multiple American Dreams for multiple American dreamers."
"Because of this little jaunt down the county's longest river, I'll never quite look at Somerset in the same way ever again."
"When we look at other things and we read those kinds of things, it brings up different thoughts in your mind and different kinds of questions that you probably never even thought about before."