
Past Events Quotes

There are 136 quotes

"I still have nightmares about this even though it's 33 years ago."
"So what if Khabib was into it? It was past that moment. I was done with it. I didn't want... But I knew because when you talk to Dana, or you talk business... I like Dana, but when we talk business, it's business."
"Don't pretend that we didn't know now what we knew then."
"Regardless, everything now is in the past and it's time to move forward to the future."
"I don't owe anyone an explanation. What's past has passed."
"Getting upset about stuff that's happened in the past is such a bad way to... your mind will get destroyed if you do that."
"You can see all of these are impossible because you cannot change the past—impossible past condition and their impossible result."
"We'd begin to get a better idea of what really went on in our own past."
"Without knowledge of the past events and acceptance of its consequences, one cannot truly understand the present and make considerable steps for progress in the future."
"Gax was really hyped to watch back in the day."
"I want to see more conspiracy from what see in 2019."
"The past is the past, what it was is what it was and it cannot be changed."
"Ultimately, history is history, right? So there's no such thing as bad information about the past, as long as it's accurate."
"Once you understand that, you really don't care, yeah. I do think it's important though that people understand that this is about last year." - "This is about last year."
"2022 is over and what an exciting one it's been."
"It's nice to laugh about it now and not go, you know, that cost me a championship or something."
"It's done, all in the past. Everything that happened as a result of it was a complete disaster."
"The past is already written, the ink is dry."
"I feel the statute of limitations has expired on a lot of this because it's 15 years ago and I'm interested in telling the truth."
"Did we hit a person that night when we were 17?"
"I have fought a lot about the events of that weekend."
"Dwelling over the past is like trying to bring the dead out of their graves."
"It's never been about what happened, it's about what I do now."
"What could possibly be the downside? It's a question that one Alabama woman had answered for her back in 1999."
"You can't change what happened but you can change what it means."
"...but that summer trip could have messed us all up."
"Think about what happened around that time for you."
"Remember when the casita exploded?"
"you did that for eighth grade dance you did"
"And the rest, as they say, is history."
"We go back all the way till North Americans, which is August of 2005."
"North Americans, I mean, no, at the Junior Nationals in 2005."
"It might have bad things might have happened."
"That was one of the coolest things from last year."
"Yeah, we was, um, actually we was, we was in New Jersey, the Outlaws, they came and they stayed at my grandmother's house in New Jersey."
"When something happens, it can leave a trace of itself behind. Not things that anyone can notice, but things that people who shine can see. Sometimes they can see things that happened a long time ago."
"The fact that this man had this one situationship in his teens and suddenly it comes back to haunt him 60 years later."
"That was the worst thing that happened in the last 5 years."
"This is about last night, this is not about tonight."
"This book shows you what was going on before so that you can at least have some hope."
"So to us it seemed like so long ago."
"This wasn't the first time the authorities got involved with Nick and Laura."
"we end up selling the house that following summer but I talked to a couple of friends that still lived there about a year after"
"They may have had you in a weird situation. That person watches you still to this day, yes."
"The footprints were still in the dust."
"What you see the manager's reaction to that which is transpired in the past."
"The past is not dead and buried, it's not even past."
"Spring break '85 baby, we're bringing it back."
"We haven't used couch surfing since like Russia in 2010."
"What are the moments that shaped who you are today? What are the things that happened in the past that created this current issue? So, it matters now. It's not something that mattered then and then went by and now it's no longer relevant. It matters today."
"It's crazy to think that it's been 25 years ago that happened."
"That is exactly what happened in 2020."
"It's not what's wrong with you; it's what happened."
"He's been, but it was only in the last 10-15 minutes this afternoon."
"We were like, you should have seen us yesterday."
"Ronnie, do you remember what happened to Sam a few years back?"
"If they didn't shoot them then you know this [__] happened to him like two months ago actually old as hell."
"Rewind time back to 2015 before we even met."
"He's normally stayed at our house, but you don't remember at that particular time if he did or not."
"All those years ago, that was really a blessing."
"But the old ones killed your friends according to you. They even dissected one of them."
"The actual account happened long before its telling."
"I feel like we're doing... I mean, we won't talk about Michael before... or three... three or four, I think it was four. We don't talk about that one."
"The truth is going to be revealed about something that happened in the past."
"I don't give a [__] about what happened 20 years ago it's done and it happened."
"This must be what happened all those years ago when the rainbow disappeared."
"About a year and a half ago something happened."
"I like though that they're reminding us of all of, yeah, because we need to have this in our present memory so we know exactly what it is that happened."
"Let it go, it was a game in December."
"Nothing would change what happened all those years ago."
"Here we have a marked revelation that will help us navigate what just happened in the last 3 years."
"Why are we still talking about when Keenan's [__] from five years ago?"
"It's incredibly frustrating, I'm over Worldcon because it was over a year ago, but it was very upsetting when it happened, but now I'm like, you know, like, we're moving on, we're not thinking about that anymore."
"Years passed and although I'd moved on, I couldn't get over the incident completely."
"I just wanted to wish you a happy 22nd. Hey, Gio's clear, bro. Gio's some [__] I'm asking for that happened 4 years ago in 2 seconds."
"I'd somewhat moved on from the previous year's events as much as anyone could after something like that."
"No apology can change what happened to you and never will."
"The only thing you can do with the events of the past is to learn from them and try not to make the same mistakes."
"...just I want to be able to look back on it and see it as like a funny memory where it's like remember that crazy guy like that was weird."
"Water under the bridge is usually something that happened in the past and you don't need to talk about it anymore."
"Everything that happened, happened, but we're here now."
"Leon's not just anyone. You saved my life back in Raccoon City."
"I'm not going to dwell on it, but I definitely won't forget it."
"Remember what happened last time. The other one was unaware of it. They meet again, and this time they were able to have a happy ending."
"Hope is grounded in something that has happened and something that will happen."
"Yes, we're going to be playing a game, but we also got to talk about what the heck happened the past year."
"The past remains the past. We can learn from it, but we cannot change it."
"It is now time to find the truth about what happened in the past."
"Release attachment to what happened or what did not happen, bravery is the first step in stepping into your power."
"I remember the incident as if it were yesterday."
"Whatever has happened, we forgive you."
"What happened happened, and you can let it go."
"You were still determined to make things work in the past."
"Years later, I got back in touch with my brother, and we talked about the night I left."
"The two boys became men, and neither ever spoke about that incident while Danny was alive."
"You said you were sorry for the way things happened 15 years ago. Was that true? Do you really want to make amends?"
"We're post everything, okay? It's in the past, we need to get over it, we need to move forward."
"When you are forgiving, you are accepting that this has happened and this cannot be changed."
"Talk about going back in history."
"What we think happened in the past isn't always true."
"Long time no see, Mary. A lot happened after that day."
"It's all water under the bridge, nothing personal."
"This question remains one of the greatest unsolved mysteries of the past."
"It's like you can never fully move past it."
"I wish none of this had ever happened."
"It's your wedding, isn't it? Yours and Kevin's wedding that never was."
"I remember that incident as if it happened just yesterday."
"Her new life starts, and this time she will recover the things that were taken from her in the past."
"These special individuals are able to recall events from the past in extraordinary detail."
"You can't change things that happened."
"I remember the night so vividly even though it was over 12 years ago."
"It's all just water under the bridge."
"Descriptive provides insights into the past to answer what has happened."
"History is everything that's ever happened. How can you not be interested in everything that's ever happened?"
"Essentially, it says that whatever happens in the future is independent from whatever happened in the past."
"So that's how it all happened, huh? So that's what happened."
"Whatever happened has happened, but we must forgive."
"For things that already happened, what's the point of using alcohol to get over them?"
"I apologize for everything that happened prior."
"A true leader understands how to put past events in the past and keep them there."
"We're starting to be able to see more what the things that happened in April and May mean."
"Just because something bad happens to you that is not your fault in the past doesn't give you an excuse to go and hurt others the same way that you were hurt."
"You got a victory in the recent past."
"The past has what's happened is in the past, you can't change that."