
Unexpected Benefits Quotes

There are 123 quotes

"I mean, I've had a great life because of this, in a way that makes no sense, but it's changed me for the better."
"There are gifts in dementia people would not believe that unless they experienced it, but there are gifts."
"A blessing in disguise because there's something that's so meant for you."
"A year starved of movies turned out to be a good thing."
"It's just one of those things where you didn't ask for it, but at the end, that experience was absolutely worth it."
"Sometimes things can be a blessing in disguise."
"One of the main reasons that I love the YubiKeys is actually pretty surprising as it has nothing to do with security."
"He's been more useful dead than he might have been alive."
"If I never find out who it is, the things I have learned, especially, and the people I have met and learned from them along the way has been so worth it."
"I want the technology to not even be anything you are projecting for it. I wanted to benefit from innovations, may I say out of left field, something you didn't even know was on its way in that lands in your lap technologically."
"Even in funny ways, like a sickness can unlock your fortune, as seen with Nikola Tesla."
"Not all surprises are negative; some lead to something better."
"I feel like that's what like marriage is like sometimes because you think you have everything you need but there was like a small garnish that changed everything about that dish."
"A blessing in disguise: something seems bad at first but turns out to be good."
"It was a blessing in disguise because now he has a much better job."
"It's gonna be a nice by-product from this WeWork issue."
"Copyright your faults... Some of your biggest flaws may in fact be assets."
"It is absolutely possible to just dip your toe in and get a pretty interesting experience - in some ways affordable older projectors can be more useful than you might expect and also offer surprising benefits."
"I have no body odor... if I sweat it doesn't smell... and my poop is green."
"And no matter what your experience, you're gonna have really soft skin after that and that's pretty cool."
"You're healthier you're physically you are healthier your blood sugar is coming down you're losing weight your digestion is finally sorted itself out but the other thing is your tastes are starting to change in ways you didn't expect."
"Don't be so quick to discount something because it could be a blessing in disguise."
"That rotten houseboat turned out to be a blessing in disguise."
"A moment of pain led to serious eyebrow gains."
"The corkscrew is great, but not for the reason you think."
"The online format was kind of a blessing in disguise."
"It's a change that I didn't even know that I wanted and now that I have it I love it."
"In the rare case where somebody is called out to lay out the white linen and cut the belly and they refuse... it's not only not the end of their career, their sales usually are multiplied by a factor of seven."
"I think this situation could end up being like a blessing in disguise."
"I think it's a blessing in disguise. I think I'm gonna grow bigger."
"This really ends up being a blessing in disguise."
"Imagine the most delicious decadent dessert and finding out that it gives you a six pack and is good for your cardiovascular system."
"It's almost been a blessing in disguise. A lot of people thought, 'Okay, we're stuck at home, it can be very, very difficult. Subhanallah, a lot of people I talked to, it was their best Ramadan they've had..."
"If anything it gave me a good chance to get stuff that I needed and didn't have so it might have been a blessing in disguise."
"It seems as though the things we really hated ended up being the things that, without us realizing at the time, were keeping the game alive."
"Honestly, I think the bicep thing might have been a blessing in disguise."
"Life goes on and life throws you things that you don't expect and then sometimes you realize it's all for the better."
"We had a couple of things which I thought were kind of frivolous, but I actually think were really fantastic in the end, like a bread machine."
"Trials shape us, refine us, and bring unexpected blessings."
"The best thing that never happened because it led to us."
"Take a vacation and you'll have unexpected gains."
"Unexpected money, gifts, or stability coming your way."
"Sometimes it can be the greatest gift in the world."
"When things happen that we perceive to be bad, sometimes it can be the greatest gift in the world."
"A surprising new benefit to look out for with roadhog is his environmental kills."
"Sometimes the worst things that happened to you end up being the best things that happened to you."
"I guess being stranded in the sky does have some perks."
"The worst thing that I thought could happen to me ended up being an inner transformation."
"The pandemic honestly for Roman Reigns ended up being a little bit of a blessing in disguise... he went from trash to Hall of Fame in the span of like three years."
"An unexpected situation is the will of fortune, this is most certainly going to be very beneficial when it comes to your life."
"If we have kindness and sincerity, good things will come to us from unexpected directions."
"A benefit of even bad surprises is that they're often a prod to action."
"COVID was kind of a blessing in disguise for the channel."
"Chances are marriage is a lot harder than you thought it would be... it's probably also better than you thought."
"I accidentally bought a bomb but a trans mutagen bomb that's pretty much the best thing ever."
"Something couldn't have worked out any other way. Oh, it hurt like hell at the time, and it's not what we wanted or at least it's what we thought we didn't want, but it turns out it was in our best interest. A hidden gift."
"Out of the horrors of 2020, this is actually one of the greatest things that we didn't know we needed."
"Sometimes the worst things in life happen to me but they end up becoming the blessing in disguise."
"It's turned out to be a fairly pleasant surprise."
"Finishing in the lower ranks, I swear you get better rewards."
"It was probably the luckiest injury that I've ever had."
"The insane fishing is truly just a bonus on this trip of a lifetime."
"Some of these changes may feel unpleasant at first, but then they turn out to be a blessing in disguise."
"There could be a blessing in disguise coming in for you."
"We could see things happen that we think we don't like... there might actually be some benefits to the new technologies."
"Who would have known being trapped in my bathroom would put me in such a good headspace."
"I stumbled into it; however, it provided me with a family when mine was broken down."
"Sometimes there might be blessings in disguise."
"They thought global warming was going to be a good thing."
"Laughable bad choices will ultimately work out in your favor."
"Rice Krispie treats right before your workout... game changer."
"Don't panic if things get chaotic. It's often a blessing in disguise."
"Believe it or Not sometimes good luck comes disguised as bad luck."
"Guess ‘bumbling’ isn’t all that bad after all."
"A lot of the things that you think are terrible are actually good."
"Whatever this big shake-up is that really hurts at first is a blessing in the skies."
"Make time for them, because you'd be surprised."
"Everything I avoided in High School turned out to be good."
"Sometimes when things go wrong, it's good, isn't it? Because you end up with something brand new."
"Hey, I gotta say, anytime they tell you you can go home early, it's almost like the feeling you get when you have a snow day at school."
"Something extra is coming to you that will be a serious bonus."
"Just like I said things that you never even knew you wanted in a vehicle are in this kia carnival."
"The things we think of as being specifically bad have ended up, you know, although being challenging, bringing with them specific benefits that you wouldn't have thought of beforehand."
"...all of a sudden you've got a big benefit."
"If anything, if there is a disruption and a diversion, you might actually find that the disruption and the diversion actually ultimately brings you something that will contribute to your ongoing success."
"Looks like the trip was good for even more than I expected."
"Nobody wants to work with the deputy, nobody wants to work. The deputy turned out to be one of the best things about it."
"I consider it a blessing in disguise."
"You think it's bad for you, but it's actually good for you."
"My compliments to masks, by the way, I have not smelled a fart in like six months."
"I love this institution, and it gave me so many things that I didn't even know I wanted."
"Everything happens for a reason, it was a blessing in disguise."
"It may have been a blessing in disguise; it brought us closer together."
"It has helped me in so many ways that I didn't know were possible."
"The idea that you're getting smarter by working your muscle... it's just not obvious, but it's true."
"Sometimes mistakes can turn out to be a good thing and make scenes and films a whole lot better."
"It was such a blessing in disguise, to take a step back and just breathe."
"I never thought that it was a blessing in disguise."
"The worst thing at the time always turns out to be the best thing."
"Without exception, every single time I've been involved in working on a benefit map, it's always resulted in the identification of benefits that the people and the key stakeholders involved hadn't thought about originally."
"Maybe this was a blessing in disguise."
"I am all about the emotional part, but the closeness and the unexpected benefits from doing this blows my mind every day."
"Sprinting has helped with a lot of things that I didn't even think about before."
"It's really been sort of a blessing in disguise, this pandemic, in the sense that I've had a much more open schedule to be there and to be a present parent which is awesome."
"He thanked that monk who eventually became the Sangharaja; he thanked him so much, those two years in prison were some of the best years of his life."
"This is what the perfect example of a blessing in disguise looks like."