
Financial Challenges Quotes

There are 200 quotes

"I mean he's got ten million dollars worth of just lawsuits coming at him left and right."
"We've all been knocked down. This COVID situation has caused all kinds of financial drama."
"Mo money, mo problems. No, no money has way mo problems."
"The hardest thing I'm running into is trying to figure out how to add to my income... You live for the moment where you're not that caregiver; you just want to go somewhere, outside, alone."
"The biggest challenge people are having is just financial; it is super expensive to care for a loved one."
"The hardest part for me is... the financials."
"Bitcoin is the solution for corporations squeezed toward insolvency."
"A lot of these people on the channel are going to be wondering how on earth did you do that because you didn't start off with 100 grand."
"You're living on the edge of your economic capability and the fact that you can't afford to fill up your car anymore puts you into unemployment and food deprivation in relationship to your children."
"Cost of living allowance was a massive issue."
"Financial pressure is a significant challenge for many university students."
"The best things in life are truly free, so you know all this financial collapse stuff? Yeah, it sucks, but doesn't mean you still can't live your family love your life enjoy everything enjoy all the precious moments that we have left."
"You know, there was a time when my bank account went to that financial predicament."
"This sort of financial instability forced me to get very serious about my life purpose."
"In America, you should not have to face financial ruin because you want an education."
"Neglecting your paperwork is how most small businesses go under a 50 grand tax bill is enough to financially ruin a lot of people and it nearly did for me thankfully everything's in order now."
"The best part of being an entrepreneur is when you're broke because you really have to think."
"Being broke is the best thing that can happen to you if you have the character." - Daymond John
"How are you going to print Bibles without money?"
"The bills don't stop no matter what's going on with your financial situation."
"Finding a balance between creativity and financial motivation is hard."
"Many landlords say they have no wish to keep renting to tenants who have repeatedly shown that they cannot pay."
"It's gonna be a rough year... it's going to be all about a high interest rates environment."
"This is one of the most challenging and treacherous times in history for investing."
"Don't allow your lack of finances or equipment to tell you that you're out of the game."
"Trying to buy a home these days is a real struggle."
"Good luck buying a home, good luck renting an apartment."
"The financial havoc and pain that people are dealing with right now."
"We as creators work damn hard to accumulate any dollar we can and when they're not obstructed by copyright claims, the monetization and various other obstacles creators should be able to rely on receiving the money that they have earned."
"Eventually we're going to have to pay the price, that means economic pain."
"It's not just the lack of ticket revenue, it's the lack of postseason money."
"There's an indication that you're not able to fulfill the kind of lifestyle that you want with the means that you have at the moment."
"My campaign for president simply does not have the financial resources to continue."
"It's not that easy... takes like a lot of money... if not 100 thousand at least."
"It's about fine, I just started doing YouTube for a living I don't have any cash flows right now for that."
"In the last few months, a lot of investors have learned they're just not cut out for investing in stocks."
"It's like all right it's a bloodbath yeah we can't afford that right we just came out of a pandemic."
"It's not easy, we will be the first to admit it, markets are very, very tempting places."
"No amount of income or whatever makes you immune from these problems, right?"
"This is not the first time you cried, this is not the first time you were hurt, this is not the first time you didn't have enough money, this is not the first diagnosis."
"Now we got a serious problem which is problem number two: nobody's making any money doing their job right now."
"Living with multiple roommates, buying the avocado toast, buying expensive coffee—because all of the other things, like just saving up to go buy a house, it doesn't seem that easy to do."
"Highest inflation in 40 years - nothing is getting cheaper."
"Because of the cost, a lot of families don't clear title to their property."
"It's expensive as hell to be an independent vendor to come and showcase your game."
"The situation in China is indeed bad as they face a liquidity trap."
"My husband left me and I have car loans and a mortgage that I'm behind on."
"Babbage couldn't pay for the construction of the entire device."
"The January transfer window is going to be like no other... Deals can still be done cheaply but clubs aren't gonna have a lot of money to spend."
"I spend all day on a couch right look at that making money is like I wish it was that easy I wish."
"Months like these where we have all of these things do before we were budgeting would really really mess us up..."
"Money can't bring you happiness. You know what money brought me? Tax bills, blood. That's what, and it made me have to learn bear [__] blood."
"For a lot of people, it's hard because they go through bankruptcies. It can make them tougher."
"In the midst of an economic depression, money for the expedition was hard to come by."
"Most people don't even make thirty grand a year. Even if you have a hundred thousand dollars, even if you're making a hundred grand a year, it's really hard for people to save that type of money."
"Financially or emotionally, that was my lowest point."
"You have passed some sort of test here. If you've gone through any financial tests... this is almost like you passing some sort of test based off of something."
"It's almost like I'm a proper YouTuber at this point, I'm even starting to hurt for money like a proper one too."
"I can't see any world in which it's a quick bounce back."
"Financial issues are a factor: But your ships are coming in, money looks great."
"A massive thing is going to be to have a big squad... teams that are that have less money."
"Being a gamer is hard work. It doesn't matter if you're a modern or retro gamer, you just haven't got the money to play or buy them all."
"The end of the pandemic will leave us with massive debt and a whole bunch of bubbles."
"I appreciate it but this is the deal that I have said for years, the teaching profession they are not going to get an increase unless they confront the financial restrictions."
"But I went to college and they didn't have a film program in school I went to and I didn't have a lot of money for school."
"On top of all of the financial hardship, we're going to have to contend with nature now."
"Debt was not going to stop me from hitting my goals."
"Money, it is a lot of work. It's not just a case of playing games."
"Nobody's going to struggle to sell players more than Manchester United because we overpay."
"I feel like there's got to be a better way to make more money right it's just this stuff is so expensive."
"Something that financially has been difficult... may get a big push forward with the mercury retrograde."
"Top ten again, Cloud9. The problem is with where buyouts are at now you're gonna spend an arm and leg just to get those players and then you still might not even have a lineup."
"Buying those properties turned out to be the beginning of a nightmare for him."
"I'm an everyday guy with no money, no credit, no banks, no solutions, but I'm just focused the whole time."
"It's really easy to get to about a million five hundred thousand dollars per year... but getting past that is really hard because you need a lot of momentum."
"When you consider how strapped for cash they were, you start to realize just how amazing that really is."
"We didn't have much money, but we had a lot of love and a lot of support from our whole family."
"There shouldn't really be shame attached to having grown up in poverty."
"Lack of money is not an obstacle, lack of ideas are."
"He didn't have the money to keep developing us. He had to find a fallback solution in order to make ends meet."
"All the baby boomers who are now mortgage-free homeowners went through paying interest rates three times what they are now."
"I wanted to do some real [ __ ] [ __ ] and I barely made it, barely will make a [ __ ] dollar on this album because I used so many samples and I was so true to form and so true to sampling and hip-hop and everyone that's inspired me, you know."
"I bet on myself before it paid off multiple times. Going full time as a YouTuber, I bet on myself putting myself under a lot of financial stress. It paid off every time."
"We've got ESL trying to dominate the scene through dark arts. We've got startup leagues that can't make any f*** money despite promising better deals."
"Inflation may be higher than people realize, affecting prices."
"Rich people have a choice with where to put their money. For poor people, it's actually surprisingly difficult."
"Yeah, watch your back cya yeah so we got a seventy-six million dollar budget deficit at the Vatican."
"Production costs for an original IP were high."
"Millennial money... it's like living on 88K a year in the Bay Area. Millennial money!"
"I don't want to walk away with financial troubles."
"I think it's funny how this kind of outrage only ever goes in one direction."
"So long as he was you know working uh on his uh in grad school but that's because he lived in an apartment and he just never had the money or time."
"The label has faced countless financial lawsuits."
"Even in the future, if I can't financially support all these cars... I'll still keep doing YouTube."
"At AMC, we were within months or weeks of running out of cash five different times between April of 2020 and January of 21." - Adam Aaron
"It's basically impossible to save money for things like leisure time or retirement."
"You're feeling stuck, you don't have enough finances."
"Are you willing to work on it even when it's not making money?"
"More money, more problems, but that's a path that I'm willing to take on."
"We're still in debt, we've not had the investment neither new owners."
"A lot of those programs are now starting to come apart because guess what? People can't afford to pay for them. They're totally unsustainable."
"Virgo's need to get ready to work. 2024 does not promise them particularly easy money."
"People are struggling mightily, but with that said, to keep this work sustainable really depends on the viewers here, on my readers, on my supporters."
"Making money is really hard. If it wasn't really hard, we would all be in Fiji drinking fruity drinks from a coconut."
"It costs several hundred thousand Yuan to attend the show. I haven't even got one client."
"You're lessening the financial pain of not having a man, but it doesn't do anything for the burden on the child's end."
"Our numbers were down by 60 to 70%. So we needed a moment to breathe to be able to strategize."
"You guys are amazing and we would have completely bankrupt and we won't be doing the show anymore if it wasn't for the fact that a lot of people stepped up to help us out."
"The reality is my husband is a police officer and if you're from the United States you know that means we're not making Bank."
"The challenge now is closing the gap and trading at all-time highs."
"The hardest part is actually keeping the money."
"Shamath himself said SPACs may be easy to raise but they are hard to execute."
"We're left with about 900 thousand. It's gonna be difficult."
"You give us a thousand and I'll count is overdrawn that leaves us with nothing."
"The ongoing softness in the real estate industry remains the most significant hindrance to economic growth."
"How am I supposed to compete with these people if I can't make any money?"
"The London and Northeastern Railway though dogged throughout its existence by various Financial crises was by far the most iconic of the big four."
"Saving for retirement is a lot harder for millennials."
"Race school is probably the easiest part on your race car Journey you know how to drive a car you're gonna do A-Okay at racing school the hard part comes when you actually start trying to find money to pay for all this."
"Nearly three weeks after the escape, the investigators are running out of time and money."
"The American dream was upward mobility, but now 99 ladders are getting the axe."
"Shout out to him for standing up, because there's so many companies and projects out here that don't have the money to fight."
"I think for me, what's been hard to be obedient is the financial implications of being a founder."
"I might have financial challenges now, but I'm not where I want to be or I envision myself to be, but I'm better than I was two years ago, way better."
"We've had moments where we have had an income of zero, you know, and like in between jobs or in between moves, and we've had to just make the most out of everything. So this is going to be a fun chat."
"One study says that 53 of the largest cities in the United States haven't generated enough Revenue to cover their bills."
"That's probably our biggest challenge: being broke."
"For an artist, you know, they don't make the money they used to."
"Back when I was in college and when I was trying to do YouTube full-time there was a handful of times where I was in a pinch of money."
"Once you do Kickstarter, get some money and then realize, well, that's still not enough. You don't just give up."
"That's why I really have such admiration for him and any filmmaker nowadays. To make movies, it's so expensive and very rarely do you get your money back."
"Major supporting detail 1: For one thing, students may have financial problems."
"The point of who the hell is Edgar is that the answer to the question doesn't matter Brian Larry eggs are not going to pay the rent."
"An elegant woman has high self-esteem and self-worth, even if she's facing a financial challenge."
"Acting is a tough career to pursue, and one of the main reasons why it's tough is the financial side of it because acting income is very unpredictable."
"Being an artist is an expensive job, it really is. It costs more money in the beginning than you will make in the very beginning."
"I didn't have money but what I did have was I had priorities, I had goals, I had dreams."
"I'm starting to really appreciate how hard it is to support your family."
"What they knew they couldn't provide financially, they made up for with love."
"I just don't have a lot of money these days."
"She was going to find some way to overcome the financial issue, and she was bound and determined to keep this camp going."
"Whenever I get a raise or a bonus, something breaks in the house taking a chunk of that."
"Having no job, I still like having no job. What I don't like is having no money."
"When my husband and I got married a decade ago, we had no money."
"It feels harder than ever to get ahead financially."
"It's really hard to make money that's going to last you enough for a lifetime."
"I'm not just here to make money; believe me, I haven't made a penny so far."
"Love can build a bridge; it can help you when you can't find a way to pay your bills."
"This economic crisis isn't done yet."
"Over the last four years, no matter what, no matter how the money situation showed up, we still showed up."
"If you have a shortage of money, you have a personal problem."
"We're going to be skint and we can't afford to eat, but we're going to be happy, and that's all that actually matters."
"We didn't have much money... I wouldn't necessarily classify us as poor, but we didn't have any money."
"I have a mortgage, okay? Do you know how hard it is to buy a house in this economy?"
"My grandad knew first hand how hard it was to come up with funds and how much going to different places affected his kids and helped them grow."
"Doing this stuff is not easy, we struggled, like, you know, I'm not gonna sit here and front like, you know, I'm a rich artist."
"Please also understand that making money from music is not easy."
"I remember starting with 5,000 compact discs and I remember the distributor owed me forty thousand dollars."
"It's about the working actor who can't make ends meet."
"It's a tough world, and I think that's the toughest part of the sport, is that it's a money sport, and it has gotten more expensive over the years."
"I've learned a lot, but like yeah, I could barely make rent."
"Everybody gets behind on their bills."
"You might be temporarily financially embarrassed, but that doesn't mean you're poor."
"Land has gotten to be so expensive now that it's very difficult for a young person to actually go out and purchase any kind of farm or land."
"There's a lot of students out there that have not got money."
"When I started dating the girl I'm going to marry, I didn't have any money."
"Most people I know who've adopted, ourselves included, did not have the money just sitting around to say like, 'Sure, I'm gonna do this twenty thirty thousand dollar adoption.'"
"If you persevere, if you work hard at this, it will happen for you. It's not easy, you have to deal with all of your hang-ups and issues with money and all of those different things."
"While middle- and upper-income people can afford the basics, they struggle to save, pay for vacations, education for their children, and retirement."
"In today's world, it's hard making ends meet without sacrificing your quality time."
"For the first time since opening up a business, we're facing financial difficulties."
"How to actually get rid of debt seemed like it was the biggest pain point."
"We're at a stressful macroeconomic time."
"Many of us know HBCUs, some more than others, are in financial trouble... due to alumni support, due to fundraising challenges."
"We didn't really have any money so we have to be very creative."
"Challenges with regards to money systems... could bring something up pretty significant."