
Investor Behavior Quotes

There are 99 quotes

"The consequences of a debt ratings downgrade extend far beyond mere numbers and figures; they shape perceptions, influence investor behavior, and have the potential to reshape the global economic landscape."
"All it takes are a few very wealthy investors to try to get theirs before the masses wake up."
"In the end, the real bad guys are not the short sellers or the retail investors, it is ignorance and wishful thinking."
"You have long-term holders coming in and setting the floor."
"Despite all that, there's twice the amount of people that are holding Dogecoin versus Cardano."
"But an investors have really been quite thoughtful about earnings potential."
"Bear markets make Maxies. Greed can go in both directions."
"I think a lot of people will be willing to just stay long and sit through the volatility." - Nick Reese
"Understanding where a lot of Traders are going to be screwed because where there is pain there is gain."
"Short-sighted investors with short-term thinking are also generally speaking short on gray matter."
"They want you to sell. That's what these big institutions want. They want you to sell so they can buy more."
"Price is suppressed because the retail investor is nervous."
"High level is just the fact that a lot of the holders are still here and they're still holding up strong."
"The stock market's like, 'There's nothing to see here, move along' amidst mass unemployment and GDP declines."
"Retail not capitulating. Retail investors staying in and buying more than ever. Added $20 billion to stocks in the last week alone."
"The roles reversing: the retail investors have outsmarted the smart money."
"Some of the largest rallies actually come in Bear Market phases."
"The majority of the market participants, at the end of the day, all they are is an exemplification of what the psychology is of the majority of the market."
"99.9999999% of people will not sell the top."
"People are irrational beings driven by emotion, so if their plan actually was to buy at the bottom of the market and they just see one day in the green they may decide that it's time to buy buy buy."
"Markets do not really react to bad news; they react to uncertainty."
"Usually when we're talking about insane amounts of retail investors coming into crypto, it's a bad thing. But when do we see that? We see that at peaks, not after a 35% correction."
"Times of extreme fear and greed are the most dangerous times to be invested in the market."
"People driving this rally are different from those who drove the last three."
"That's telling the market and the whales, 'Hey, there's no one really wanting to sell, this is a good bottom.'"
"Investor behavior driving the market, not fundamentals."
"A lot of people still remember me from being very bearish last year."
"It is finding patterns that repeat time and time again from investor behavior within the markets."
"The markets are a weighing machine, but in the short run, they don't know what they're doing."
"We need to get the market freaking out again."
"Recent developments in the market have reduced the pain tolerance of crypto investors that were already reeling from the May crash."
"A highly critical week when it comes to sentiment a real test of the sentiment between bulls and bears who is going to give up first will it be the bulls or be the bears."
"A rising stock market is critical for the powers that be... You get fear of missing out (FOMO)."
"Retail investors seem to understand the opportunity a little bit more than institutional investors."
"Volatility is good. It's like, listen, people that freak out and get pissed off about the crypto markets... Oh, I lost the bag. Usually, it's for one of two reasons..."
"Think about how many people get the top exactly right."
"The fear greed index is extreme, there's a degree of complacency, everybody's largely on the same boat."
"This is not for you. What's wrong with you? Like we saw a 5% dip in Bitcoin and people are bitching. Why are people bitching? That's not even a crash."
"Every rally that we have is going to be a sellable rally here for a while."
"People that are buying Bitcoin right now are under the impression that runs will continue happening."
"Anyone who's doing anything negative, they either never had a position, they sold too early like a paper-handed person, or they're actually short and they're losing even more money."
"Will it go up or will it go down? It's just a matter of, you know, the whales, if you will, trying to decide exactly where the price needs to end up going."
"The investor class is giving you all of the ammunition that you need."
"The sell everything question: Is it time to cash out your stocks?"
"even with the concerning level of debt, investors don't seem to believe that a debt crisis is inbound"
"There's just so much uncertainty around that right now that people, particularly investors, are acting with a certainty that just doesn't seem warranted given what we truly know."
"The long-term holders of Bitcoin are not selling regardless of what happens."
"The main thing that determines whether an overvalued market continues to advance or drops like a rock instead is whether investor psychology is implied towards speculation or risk aversion."
"Everybody's worried about inflation, that's why you're seeing a lot of people not wanting to move their cash to other assets."
"We need this in the market for... we need this from an investor psychology standpoint."
"Bulls in a bear market are much more annoying than bears in a bull market."
"Morning, the dip buyers showed up again. This is a sign of strength, a sign that the dip buyers are here for the bears."
"When people start getting salty and lean bearish, the market is nearing the bottom."
"The only people that freak out during a market pullback are those that simply did not prepare."
"Given this information, what's an investor to do? Nothing. Absolutely nothing."
"Retail investors are willing to chase these shares at any price irrespective of valuation."
"Over the years, nearly every millionaire or billionaire who has ever had anything negative to say about Bitcoin ended up popping up at some point talking about, you know, like we've actually been in the market since around 2014."
"Are we seeing the distribution pattern with the Insiders, the smart money who bought early on is now handing these shares to the dumb money who's chasing right now."
"The tendency of a market to run those stops, make people freak out, make the weak hands exit."
"Bullish engulfing signals show a change in investor sentiment towards buying."
"The reason why these coins are higher is not because TA says they're gonna go higher, they're higher because there's people that believe in them and they're buying more."
"As long as above that line, the bulls are in control."
"Retail FOMO is real. Don't underestimate retail FOMO at the same time as institutional FOMO. This bull market is unlike anything we have experienced yet."
"If the market continues to go higher and higher and higher there will be more and more FOMO."
"Tesla has gone up so much mainly due to retail investor speculation."
"Once these people stop telling you to buy the dip and they finally capitulate, that's when the Bottom's in."
"The number of Bitcoin hodlers reaches new all-time high despite crypto market bloodbath."
"We're holding, not selling. No, no, no, no, we're not doing that."
"Congrats to those who did not partake in the 'we're going to 12K' group."
"In crypto world, sometimes it just seems like we forget how fast things move. Within a week, we've seen tremendous gains, and now we're just taking a breather. It's perfectly normal."
"Savvy investors are stepping back in as the noob investors are selling their fear."
"GameStop can potentially go to a thousand dollars a share or the entire stock can deflate if people start to get weak hands."
"This is the best time to invest folks, honestly. I see too many investors get excited about stocks as they're heading higher."
"85 to 90% of Voters in Britain really do feel very strongly attached to Britain they feel proud of the country they um they view their national identity as a key part of who they are."
"Candlestick charts allow us to detect investor sentiment and emotion."
"Every time retail pretty much leaves the market and all that's left is long-term holders, well that's usually when a rally is around the corner."
"Wow, we got people pulling out of crypto entirely, look at this, look at this, defectors, that's what capitulation is, people, that's how you see it, that's when all of it is over."
"Retail investors didn't pile on the pressure as much as we needed and the shorts were ready for it."
"You know people remember this and it's holding very well so it usually creates another run."
"If there's good news and the market sells off on good news, it's just simply telling you that everybody's already long."
"Investors are the reason we don't have the supply; it's because of their excessive demand."
"But what surely is in control of an investor is his behavior."
"The greatest trick that the market ever pulled is convincing investors that we're in a bear market when most stocks have been going up since June."
"Despite all the changes, the general principles which are essentially dependent on humans and their psychological tendencies to get overly exuberant and to get overly depressed... remain."
"There are no bad investments, there are only bad investors."
"When markets over a very short time horizon only listen to one emotion, panic, you set yourself up for logic to kick back in and a situation where you get a nice whiplash."
"When the stock is rapidly going up, shorts are gonna panic and they're gonna panic buy."
"All price action is driven by two things: fear and greed."
"In hot markets, a lot of times investors will get more generous and start valuing companies off their future projections."
"Market movements follow a specific structure based on investor psychology."
"Why are investors so calm in an otherwise terrifying world?"