
Divination Quotes

There are 295 quotes

"If it's a good reading, blast, keep doing what you're doing; if it's not so pretty, you have the power to change and create your own reality."
"The Tarot is a tool to connect with the divine, to connect with your intuition, your gods, and your angels."
"At some point in the 18th century, they began to be used for divination in the form of teratology, where people would allegedly gain insight into the past, present, and future by posing questions to the cards."
"When you reveal a tarot card, its positioning can reveal different meanings."
"Runes can be used for a lot of different things, but the main thing they are used for is future prediction or fortune-telling, or even decision-making."
"The implicit premise of divination is that the universe speaks to us."
"The Gospel of the Lots of Mary comprises a series of oracles used for divination and foretelling the future."
"Do not be petty this month. Devil's reverse, seven of pentacles, queen of wands."
"The omen table answers the question of how to make divinations feel vital and useful."
"Tarot is a divination tool, my love. It's an intuitive practice."
"The divination wizard lets you play out the fantasy of being the master of fates and the manipulator of the future."
"In the ancient world, just about everything could be read for divination, from the flight of birds to ripples on water."
"Having a DM who shuts down divination completely and doesn't give you what you're hoping for out of divination is not a good DM-player relationship."
"The universe has three of Pentacles, ten of Pentacles."
"Are we more obsessed in understanding alchemy and understanding the true source of divination?"
"Follow your heart and look it here's this angel holding two cups."
"You've got the magician, you've got the six of Wands, you've got the ten of cups. Okay, I don't know what the problem is here."
"The pendulum is absolutely amazing for asking more specific questions because if you want just like a straight answer to a question, the pendulum is absolutely amazing."
"It's not Tarot, it's not date specific, okay? There could be something from last year that could help you over the week ahead."
"Yes, queen of pentacles and the lovers love."
"So I mean, there's a lot of different meaning to the queen of pentacles reverse."
"You have big dreams, and these dreams could come into reality."
"The Fate Domain as the cleric sibling of the wizard's Diviner."
"Divination and ritual practices belong to a realm that we could label as ‘meta-rational’."
"Plato made room for divination, and especially inspired divination from oracles."
"They are clearly valued as necessary both for the individual and for the collective."
"I've had the Vintage wisdom Oracle in my collection for a very, very long time."
"Tea leaf reading has been done for hundreds upon hundreds of years in many different cultures around the world."
"Tasseomancy can be done both for yourself and for another person."
"The Moon card suggests communication on a cosmic, spiritual, subconscious level."
"Hold on, hold on, you got two cards right off the bat about a wish fulfillment."
"Hit Shuffle and think of your person's name, say it out loud three times and then the next three songs that you hear, your person's got messages for you."
"You have the Six of Pentacles, The Chariot, the Four of Swords, and you also do have the Emperor."
"Having a divination tool like the prayer beads will help you to really manifest that."
"Hello my Amor, and welcome to a new pick a card."
"Once we have gotten that figured out, we're going to go ahead and go into the tarot."
"My readings are timeless; whenever you come across this, the message could be for you."
"Her decks are going to give you affirmation, comfort, support from the face of the sacred feminine and the sacred masculine in some cases."
"They offer you a sense of empowerment and an understanding of repetitive patterns in your life path."
"Decks like the Sacred Rebels will help you understand your soul, your soul's purpose."
"It's the cutest little teacup, so that we can do our divination."
"Observe the stones, the numbers, see what calls out to you."
"The full moon is a heightened state of being, great for divination."
"Observe the numbers, the stones, see what calls out to you."
"With horary, you’re casting something for that moment, and then the random or chance-like characteristic is seen to be purposeful instead of just random and meaningless."
"That could be why you know somebody's pressed because also 666 like you guys may watch pile number one."
"Divination is about not being afraid."
"Once you are exposed to one form of divination, and you understand the basic underlying principles, it opens up an understanding of how the world works."
"Shamash in Babylonian mythology, through his priests, called the baru, was especially honored for revealing the secrets of the future—particularly through liver divination."
"Astrology came to assume an increasing prominence as the main mode of divination."
"I'm going to be telling you anything and everything about the characteristics and the happen stances and the circumstances of how and where and when and what all specifics about your person or your future spouse."
"If you stop a spirit that is a spirit of divination that is supposed to influence you to go the wrong way in your future, Satan has to send jailers to hold you back from the future you have seen."
"...building these skills of your intuition, using a divination tool like tarot..."
"You have four cards in a row that indicate the ending of a cycle. This is huge."
"Best outcome possible outcome: there's a King of Swords reversed, this is somebody who's typically a liar."
"Rather than diviners and mediums, Yahweh will raise up for you a prophet."
"What's coming in for you: Justice, Ace of Coins."
"Alright, let's get into it. Let's see what Spirit has for you."
"Tarot as divination is indisputably being used against the original intent of the cards."
"The practice of telling the future in ancient Rome before the Romans ever came to power was done by special members of society called harus specs."
"Drawing cards, that's what I'm doing."
"What man was always seeking was some way to discover the will of his deities."
"If you are interested in the divination of any kind, be sure to center this divination upon trying to be quiet enough to let the best in you govern the rest."
"The cards do have an uncanny way of working out, that there is something that happens in connection with the use of them that seems to be still oracular."
"For some reason I just got a vision of this being a magic eight ball...there's an unknown kind of element to your life but it's also very freeing."
"So here with when it comes to sorcery having spiritual experiences using things like divination like a Ouija board or other things like that it was forbidden because you're Crossing Realms you're you're you're not abiding by the divine order of things."
"Powerful reading, powerful, and I feel pile number two, you're in for a surprise in many ways."
"Do we have a way of scrying one more time before the day is up?"
"The astrology is a different kind of oracle, it's a different kind of divination."
"People really seem to enjoy the tarot."
"The wheel of the year spread is more to understand the year ahead of you and different lessons that you can potentially learn for the upcoming year."
"Remember to be nice to everyone, be nice to yourself, do your own tarot card reading."
"Imagine that, my group number twos. We have hot Sunday, which makes me think of the three of Cups. It also makes me think of friendship."
"The tarot is obviously a very important aspect."
"What do you want Libra to know when it comes to the magician and the mirror? Oh my goodness, okay look at this, look at this."
"Wow, I could not make this up. We have the Two of Cups, okay, and then we also have the Knight of Cups."
"Each cup represents a situation, and they got the truth and clarity on everything."
"Never say you couldn't create. I think creation is better than divination honestly because you control it."
"It's about Miss Cleo the fortune teller."
"You figured out which plants aid in divination; they can help you predict a lot more than relationships."
"We all have a choice and that's why readings may not resonate because maybe we choose not to activate that timeline that reality. We're here to work with our intuition and to deliver Divine wisdom that is being given to us through various symbolism."
"I feel like with this tenderness card coming up and then fourth chakra, I hear a divine masculine's heart is softening in the physical world. Heart is opening to greater love and deeper affection in the physical."
"There are those among them who undertake to foretell future events by reading holy books and using purifications."
"The crows confirm it, the four of Wands."
"I have asked a Tarot reader about you."
"This is a very powerful connection, a really powerful connection. I'm just going to dive straight in and draw some more cards and then we'll draw a rune or runes as well."
"Who doesn't want to know not just the future but their future? It's one of the most tantalizing ideas and tantalizing pieces of technology."
"Whatever you will need to hear will come up here in this reading."
"These are the decks that I always use for daily pulls, for confirmations, for clients. They always seem to be the ones that I'm drawn to."
"Oruma is the only spirit that witnessed all creation. He knows when you're going to die, when I'm going to die, if you're ever going to get married, how many kids you're going to have."
"People view your beauty to be so beautiful and this is not my words, this is the cards' words."
"Tarot is a divination tool, it's an intuitive practice to take what resonates, leave what does not resonate."
"Tarot is just a tool. You are the one in control of your own life."
"You are a Tarot reader, tapped into Divine wisdom."
"Let's get to it for pile number one."
"On that note, stay fortified. If you're interested in divination and all that, I'm not babbling, I'm a proud practitioner."
"Some people will tie their mood ring to a string and use it as a pendulum."
"This person's losing their power, and there could be some sort of romance coming to you."
"Stay until the end if you want to hear charms because we'll pull charms for really specific details."
"He argued that meaningful answers are the rule with the I Ching, and that it seems to have a remarkable intelligence of its own."
"The I Ching isn't just a book filled with ancient Chinese philosophy, it's an oracle used for divination, to look into the future, and to answer questions about our lives."
"This is like a sign that you need to start doing something for sure, I'm telling you, this is like a powerful sign. It really feels like the divine is coming through for your pile today."
"Finding lost objects is like easy divination magic."
"Some of y'all could have been in a connection, a relationship. King of Wands, you Four of Swords, Knight of Wands, Six of Wands."
"Dandelions are well known as being a very early divination tool. They've been used in so many different ways to help divine the future or outcomes for a situation in one way or another."
"For Destiny, we have a really interesting card here: ancestral realm, karmic release, healing the lineage, boundaries."
"Tarot I always say is like a diagnostic tool it's a bit like an x-ray."
"The art of scrying is essentially the art of staring aimlessly into a surface or an object for the purpose of allowing subconscious and psychic images to come to the forefront of our mind."
"The pendulum can tell your past, present, your past future and more."
"Oh my god, let's see. The King of Coins. Yes, they hit hot ones. Very nice, there. Yes, this is what I was waiting for. We have two main, oh yes, this was, yes. Why am I not surprised? Because this was my feeling."
"Your next blessing is two of cups at the bottom of the deck."
"If you want to learn tarot or you just want to give yourself messages every day just do this cuz it's so easy."
"Tarot is a divination tool, it's due to practice. So take what resonates, leave what does not resonate."
"So first of all, this is a divine connection right from the beginning. We have two cup cards that fell out right next to each other, the first is the knight of cups, the second is the queen of cups."
"Hello my chariots, welcome to another pick a card reading."
"The tarot brings us on a reliable basis all the time whether we're collectors or not."
"When will pile three's crush confess and make a move? We have the King of Wands."
"Every reading I do, every Oracle deck is circulating around the idea of divine timing."
"Islam is against fortune telling. Quran says, 'Oh you believe, most certainly, intoxicants and gambling, divination of stones, divination of arrows, obtained from this, Quran says, this fortune telling is sitting in handiwork, abstain from it, that you may prosper.'"
"Pile number one, pile number two, pile number three. I will put the picture up for you, and I will see you at your reading."
"This is a unique divination tool."
"Tarot is just a great little universal symbolic key for the occult traditions."
"Whoever this Queen of Pentacles is, is someone I keep getting, 'move aside, it's pile two's time, you've had your shine, it's pile two's time now.'"
"Holy Spirit, what message is here for the collective energies?"
"It's the same thing, remember I said last time? I didn't pull money cards, I don't think it's for money."
"You may be pulled to more than one reading, and that's okay. Maybe I have more than one message here for you."
"Welcome to my channel, my name is B, and in today's reading, we are going to be uncovering your compatibility and fate with your person. Does the universe want you together?"
"...welcome to your reading if you chose the Moss Agate L stone or if you chose the third eye tarot and these are your messages so welcome today we are asking how that person on your mind is currently feeling about you and about the connection..."
"We have the Two of Cups, the Page of Wands, and the World."
"The final thing that this gives us an example of is, remember, the concept of ‘Fortune’ houses, because the Lot of Fortune is in Libra, in ‘Fortune’ houses, that becomes the 1st house."
"I am seeing the five of cups at the bottom with the Ace of ones this almost makes me feel okay very specific message for some of you."
"In modern times, palmistry continues to fascinate and intrigue people around the world with practitioners offering insights into relationships, career prospects, health issues, and spiritual development."
"Embrace your powers of divination."
"There's definitely something coming in about money. Let's go ahead and pull some cards of advice."
"The prophetic has four different realms: prophecy of scripture, office of a prophet, atmosphere of the prophetic, and the gift of prophecy."
"I feel like he also is in regret as well divine feminine he still got two cups left up left but he's in regret he's looking at you now with his head down for some of you guys he is um crying 9:09 on the clock when I said that that's confirmation for somebody"
"Hello, beautiful souls, and welcome. So, if you chose image 2, Angel Number 588, or purple amethyst, you're in the right place for today's tarot pick-a-card reading, which is going to be all about the person on your mind."
"These people cannot sleep, why? Because look at what's at the bottom of the deck, the Ten of Swords, ultimate betrayal."
"I consult my decks when I have questions and need guidance."
"While I say my day starts with a cup of coffee and a deck of cards for my daily tarot reading, my day actually probably starts with this deck because it's the first thing that I see in the morning."
"If you can read the Rider-Waite deck, you can read any deck."
"There's something more to the empress, shall we get one more card for smidgen to you?"
"You could have gained something. Ace of Pentacles, Sun card, Happiness, joy, Legacy, new business."
"Maybe summer could be very important for you guys. We have a lot of cups here, which represents summer for me. And then we also have swords, so that could also represent winter. So, yeah."
"Summer could be very important. So who knows, you guys? For those of you that really feel like, 'No, it's going to happen sooner,' summer could be very, very important."
"Let diviners and schemers be disappointed and put to shame."
"It's a vibrant topic, it's fun, and I think a lot of us have a really powerful interest in divination."
"All things which are used to tell the future: stars, numbers, palms, palmistry, and reading tea leaves."
"Sometimes you want me to cast for you too. I don't mind. I'm happy to guess where."
"You have a natural talent for divination, revealing what is hidden or hearing answers that may come in many different forms."
"Anything can pop up, but what's important to note is that with this reading, it's going to be for thousands of people. It's not a private reading, so please take what resonates and leave the rest."
"I often find myself doodling while zoning out. Could I adapt this to be a form of divination? Is it similar to automatic writing?"
"Let's see what message Spirit has for you."
"It's this deep knowing, this deep intuition that tells you when to stop shuffling the cards."
"So use your energy sense in this way in a form of divination to really develop your intuition."
"He enjoyed delving into subjects such as psychology, palmistry, astrology, and learned to read the stars and read horoscopes."
"One good thing about a reader reading Oracle cards like from the book on the channels, you don't have to buy all this stuff yourself to gain the knowledge that's in the books."
"Many people nowadays use tarot cards in the West as well."
"The biggest misconception about the I Ching is that there is only one authoritative method."
"Included with the deck is a guidebook which explains how to use the deck for divination or gameplay."
"Ten of cups. Nine of cups. Page of pentacles. Something from the past is coming back. Somebody has been making sure that there was a strategy to protect you the whole time."
"Everyday Witch Oracle makes it easy to find the answers and inspiration you need."
"You can actually read with playing cards. It's been going on for centuries."
"Oracle cards can be used for everything from inspiration to a call to action, divination, magical work, and more."
"Whoever here was playing with magic thinking that they can, someone underestimated the [ __ ] out of you. Someone here was trying to, someone was trying to travel towards you and something happened. Or this is something that's to come."
"These cards indicate that their future will be filled with bright light."
"I do think there is a magical component to divination... it taps into fate."
"Divination from nature is probably actually the one that's most known to you and you don't even know it yet."
"Purposeful signs are basically when we cast something in order to arrive at an answer."
"I'm really feeling it today. I think they're going to be good readings coming out today."
"What is Astrology? It's the Divination of the supposed influences of the stars and planets on human Affairs and terrestrial events by their positions and aspects."
"So, our topic for our pick a card is what is unfolding for you right now."
"If you've been really wanting that live reading, this is the best time because you will get the Twin Flame Oracle for free, only for the first two people."
"Pile number one, you're manifesting new love. This is going to be someone who's going to offer you something long term."
"You guys may have even gotten a tea leaf reading, you guys may see leaves around you, you may work with herbs. Something with the hand is coming through, so maybe even like a palm reading."
"They're going towards the person that they love, the person that they're interested in, the person that they have this attraction towards. Yeah, it's you pile number three."
"Switch up the timeline if you don't like the answer because I can see that, unlike some other piles, there's a lot here to work with."
"Does Tarot actually work? Yes, Tarot does work. And my take on this is that it does work and I do believe wholeheartedly in it because just like with any type of spirituality, there is something that everybody kind of holds some kind of belief in."
"Because it is the ultimate paradox and illustrated really cool and really fun to use it makes it a tool of mysticism which is beyond divination."
"If you chose this tarot deck and this amethyst tower, then these messages are for you."
"There is messages in these piles for you."
"So I thought today we'd do like a mini reading for the collective for sex like What's it gonna be like with your Divine counterpart what's his relationship to sex."
"She finna see just how much this king of Cups devil energy ain't never [__] with her and the Holy Spirit says that's the truth."
"Wow, this is a very different reading... Manifesting new opportunities, multiple people in your life."
"Tarot is one of the most fantastic tools for getting in touch with your emotions as they physically live in your body."
"I want to find out and to help me I'm going to use playing cards."
"Anyone who practices divination, sorcery, interprets omens or signs is detestable to the Lord."
"Water scrying could be your next spiritual adventure."
"Whatever they send towards you, beloved, it will be blocked and returned. Like I said, that feels right on top of magician reverse."
"Welcome to my channel! Today we're doing a pick a card reading for you babes. We're gonna find out who wants to talk to you, who wishes they could talk to you, and what would they like to say if they did."
"Best outcome, The Lover's upright, a new contract has begun."
"There could be something better than what you're currently doing, with the eight of Pentacles, alright? Because this card says 'labor', a new job of some kind is coming your way."
"to them it's not a question of if but rather a question of when another great detail about this phenomenon is that no other diviners who use magic to see the future have been able to see this event not even the gods"
"They prophesy a false vision, divination, a worthless thing."
"Astrology is astro-psychology, a demonically inspired practice, divination, and evil. Satan was the one supplying the insight to the practice of astrology."
"The temptation of divination lies in an unhealthy desire to know the future by arrogating to oneself a power that belongs only to God."
"Keep in mind this is a general reading so the messages may or may not resonate. Take the messages that resonate with you and leave the rest."
"This is a message of unexpected income, unexpected wealth, or a positive change happening. A return on your investment."
"Last but not least, I want to say thank you, Spirit, ancient ancestors, universe, spiritual guides, angels, for giving me the opportunity to be here today, to do this reading for the collective. Bless."
"The Gospel of the Lots of Mary: the book was used to look into the future."