
Irritation Quotes

There are 237 quotes

"Everything that irritates us about others can lead us to an understanding of ourselves."
"That's perfect, actually. That's exactly what I wanted you to do. I wanted you to feel slightly irritated, feel like you were disagreeing with it, but actually, when we actually get to the weeds of this debate, you're going to find people watching this discussion between us and concluding we have a lot more in common than we have that separates us."
"Listen, Liz, okay? I'm getting a little heated, a little petty, just a quick moment, but I'm pretty sure that pissing off and insulting like the whole general public... this is just silly."
"It's understandable that some of them are going to be irritated by things that the rest of us don't even begin to understand."
"You know, why I did that with the audio to piss the people off who won't shut up about the audio. Turn your volume down."
"I think some people take things as facts, and that's irritating to me when it's just not factual at all."
"Young lady, I just want to say that your behavior has irritated me for the last time."
"There is increasing consumer demand for fragrance-free products. You know, like I said in many of my videos, many people are easily irritated by fragrance."
"It's not the little things that bother us, but the frustrating ones."
"Calling him Jenks nephew really does bother him, it really gets under his skin."
"Flaws are flaws, but they don't annoy me; intention annoys me."
"You feel irritated and you're definitely not emotionally feeding into the situation."
"It's the least of my concerns with this thing... it's just annoyance, really."
"Avoid fragrance in your skincare products, that can definitely worsen stinging sensations, redness, irritation in the skin."
"Don't obsess over stripping the oil off of your face, it can just contribute to irritation and inflammation in the skin."
"Beta hydroxy acids are less irritating and suitable for various skin types."
"Avoiding a lot of irritants for the skin... irritates the skin and causes breakouts."
"Passive aggressive posts are often the posts that begin with 'don't you hate it when...'"
"I hate when people start doing spoilers in the chat."
"Atkins says that binary thinking irritates me. It's just frustrating."
"I don’t like sand… It’s coarse, and rough and… irritating."
"People who get irritated by children's joy and liveliness are rotten."
"Loud chewing now, chewing really really grates with me, that's my kind of like nails yeah."
"It's just um for me as you can tell quite irritating to actually live through."
"Control bitcoin and it really pisses them off."
"Get over that incident. A week, I'm gonna be upset for a week if a fly is on a piece of cheese. They're not like, 'Well, I've been doing this, like, I want cheese, there it is, I'm having it.'"
"It feels very intrusive. It's like, 'Stay on your fuckin' side, dude!'" - Matt
"I'm like crawling out of my skin listening to this dude."
"Sometimes the things that irritate us carry our deliverance."
"If there's somebody that you find interesting and they do something that irritates you, if you've communicated and then they continue it, then fair enough."
"People get irritated in marriages and people that tell you they don't, they liars. Get away from them fast as you can."
"You're triggering all my buttons."
"...tretinoin is a bit stronger it is going to give you slightly more benefits when it comes to skin aging as well compared to you know the cosmeceutical retinols but along with that comes irritation."
"It's so irritating and it prevents me from being allowed to express myself."
"It's amazing how there are so many things we put up with every single day, but then stupid noise is probably the most hated sound in existence."
"People canceling on you last minute, it's annoying."
"It's not painful, it's more like irritating."
"It's still irritating but it's like y'all lame."
"I have never met a more irritating man in my entire life, and I have met a lot of irritating men."
"THD ascorbate is a great alternative for individuals who find traditional ascorbic acid too irritating."
"Your dogs shouldn't be bugging me while i'm eating. If your dog is not trained bro train the [ __ ]."
"My dog's my my kid's best friend yeah yeah my thing is like i hate one one of my biggest pet peeve that i just it [ __ ] irritates me when people let their dog sleep in their bed yeah like food don't [ __ ] do that way ron you do this with it."
"Hopefully by the end of this video you aren't so irritated."
"That's my biggest pet peeve. Her and her sisters do this [ __ ] where they want to watch the scariest movie but then at night I st yorando or like turning."
"Did it ever make you want to snap shoes off someone's feet?"
"Either you love it or you're going to be irritated and still love it."
"I get the irk, not the ick, but the irk, where everything just drives me up a w."
"His skepticism begins to irritate S who reveals the locations of both the real and fake bridges."
"...I was honestly just irritated."
"Most people hate the sound of metal on metal, I mean I get it, it can make your skinship."
"For him to recklessly throw his weapon, how irritating."
"Everybody just shut up shut up everybody just shut the hell up"
"But it's like a thorn in your hand you release it but it's still going to be irritated."
"The people who drive you the most crazy are the people who are the most close, tends to be your family."
"Why does she have to be beside the water dish and why does she have to throw like bowlers inside there very very disgusting girl."
"I'm sick of it. I'm just sick of it."
"It's kind of uh aggravating to hear people."
"Gronk is there again which means I need to turn to an alcoholic beverage because he is absolutely unbearable."
"I mean, we hate Priuses. Should I hate Priuses? No. I don't actually hate the product. I love the product, but every time there's one in my way, I'm [ __ ] irritated."
"Your light irritated their demons. Your life irritated their demons."
"...bakut Shield can be a great alternative to retinoids... tend to be that little bit less irritating."
"Whenever I see individuals come in and they have random skin irritations, random, they don't even know why they got them."
"What the hell is your problem, man?"
"I want to slap Vince upside the head."
"They're very bothered by you. I mean, in every way, shape, or form. Bothered. Okay?"
"It's so much noise, it's so much crap. I don't know how people put up with it anyway. Really grinds my gears."
"When someone tells me their dreams, it pisses me off because men don't do that. Coffee first, then I'll listen."
"...less irritating potentially... drying like your skin's not going to start flaking and peeling with this."
"Retinol... can be irritating if you're not used to it but it has a lot of benefits."
"I hate when people snap. Oh my god, you're right, elementary school, you mean? Yeah, yeah, it makes me so mad because it's like they want, like, quiet clapping so like, I'm like, no."
"Can't you four at least laugh like humans? I know your appearance is similar to monsters, but you guys can at least behave like humans," Evan said with an irritated voice.
"You look irritated as hell, like girl, hurry up, what you want, what you need?"
"I mean, what? Okay, okay, I need to put that kind of person out of my mind because that kind of person makes me furious."
"I have to tone, or I have to add hydration. Something that's going to soothe that irritation right down."
"...if I'm watching something or reading something and somebody in the thing says the phrase on accident instead of by accident that is like my biggest pet peeve."
"Isn't it irritating when people jabber on like some kind of authority on a product they've never even experienced in any significant way?"
"What irritates me is when couples won't watch TV shows or movies without the other one."
"He couldn't bear it either when someone who knew his little ways would begin from pure sport pestering him with questions."
"Do you guys get like really triggered when I put something in the wrong pile?"
"You're a real pain in the ass, kid."
"If you're trying to layer things that don't work together, they could both be useless or even worse, they could cause major irritation to the skin."
"It's not just dryness. A lot of women experience symptoms such as irritation, itchiness, discomfort, burning, just difficulties sitting down, a hard wardrobe under clothes because it can cause a lot of irritation."
"He's saying I'm tired of you guys, you're starting to get under my skin."
"I've learned to laugh things off, because that's what really irritates people."
"Give you what? My pencil that you're chewing on all class?"
"I am not pressed, I am highly irritated."
"We're getting over my legs are so itchy."
"I hate it when people judge stuff with no experience, that's one of my pet peeves."
"Chill, how many times are you going to hit me?"
"Can you be quiet please? You're bothering me more than you're bothering him."
"You're just gonna irritate the [ __ ] out of people."
"Final warning about this [ __ ] product: for the love of God, turn them the [ __ ] off!"
"Every irritation is an invitation for elevation."
"And all of it bothered the [ __ ] out of him."
"There are some things that are a little bit of an irritation but it's what makes this place so cool."
"If the person that you're with gets annoyed, irritates the [__] out of you, you shouldn't be with that person."
"Your irritation is a prophetic sign of your elevation"
"I wish all people who say easy even when they lose an itch under your skin that keeps moving every time you try to scratch it."
"It makes me crazy. I'm going to replace the tire."
"If you weren't afraid, you wouldn't feel fear. If you weren't irritable, you wouldn't get irritated."
"Whoever is bothered most by what you don't like, that's who's going to lose."
"He sounds like me when I'm like on my period and everything pisses me off."
"The tooth itself feels fine, but it keeps catching my cheek."
"Okay, I just got here, I just woke up, and y'all already irking me."
"I've always disliked strongly disliked when people are like just wait until this."
"It's like shortsightedness that is his pet peeve."
"People sneeze when tiny things like pollen get inside their nose and irritate it."
"Anyone who has a car or motorcycle that is unnecessarily loud... tips me over the scale in a way I can't explain."
"They nail the familiar relationship of just how much your the person your family can get under your skin with just the littlest [ __ ] thing you know."
"Love is you don't know how much you love a person until they piss you off for real"
"But if you have acne, if you have painful wounds on your skin, like you've been for a lot, but maybe if you picked your spots a lot, or maybe your acne does get a little bit irritated. Rosacea easy. Irritated skin."
"Sliver players are like Shrine players, annoying absolutely."
"You're annoying me right now, for real."
"That was not very convincing... all day long I've been seeing that guy's weird face and hearing those fingers... stop that!"
"Their redemption, their promotion, their favor should be a source of inspiration and not irritation."
"If we really understand, we will not be irritated, and if we find that we are irritated, let us take that as a symptom of the immediate need for greater understanding."
"It doesn't irritate my skin at all; I've used it so many times."
"You drive me crazy, you drive this person crazy."
"Why do repetitive noises annoy us so much?"
"I think it's a fantastic choice if you are really in a situation where you need to pare down the number of products that you use and you need to reduce the frequency of cleansing your skin is very irritated this would be a great choice."
"It's like a pebble in their shoe. I could feel it."
"It's always the little stuff that gets you aggravated."
"Next, you want to gently wipe away any excess liquid from your skin with a soft tissue or cloth since medication can be irritating to the skin."
"Please stop [ __ ] lecturing me, mate, it's really starting to [ __ ] me off."
"You're unbearable, stop talking. Don't talk unless I ask you a question, you're [ __ ] unbearable."
"Things are going to start to irritate you."
"Actually get rid of the irritations."
"Many people try to duplicate this machine, that's why one of my trademarks is often imitated always irritated."
"What's the matter with you bozos?"
"They were completely wrapped up in making all these records touring constantly running the business and really they just started to get in one another's nerves."
"Nothing ticks off officers more than the smug grin on Anthony's face."
"That's the meanest thing to say to someone: 'You ready? Calm down.'"
"I'm not liking this cause you irking me."
"Pass that down, you're reaching over [__] fool."
"Me thinking about how the human body has seven trillion nerves and some people manage to get on every single one of them."
"...how does it feel to keep asking Evil Dead questions seriously that's my answer to you okay that's fine."
"Quit copying me, Jesus! God, Mary Magdalene, come in!"
"Conor the way he said it I kind of wanted to punch him."
"You threw something in my bin I don't care is your favorite garden I don't give a [ __ ] as long as it's not spare on the foot better than on the floor"
"I trim well that could be a it's not itchy irritation it's not itchy"
"Oh, why don't you just shut up? Just as much as I hated to admit it, the sound of him raising his voice caused me to go quiet."
"'Smoke On The Water' over and over again, on a s***ty twenty-quid acoustic guitar."
"Frequent use of those can cause some eye irritation but usually any eye drops are better than none."
"Even the way you're walking is driving this person nuts."
"There are a few things more detestable than an irritating voice."
"Brothers and sisters, they couldn't protect themselves from this, they were irritated by it, just look at Imran."
"I hate men who sneeze. Think about it. It's so toxic."
"I just feel like I'm so irritated with everybody and every single person is on their last straw with me"
"Society doesn't get any less irritating; we just get better at tolerating it."
"Can you freaking believe it it just irks me to the Core like really rattled to the Core."
"Stop being like fabulous at 40 [ __ ] you stuff that irritates me."
"It will be irritating, but I like the positivity."
"I would like want to come through the TV every time I would hear somebody ask that question."
"They hated it, absolutely drove them crazy."
"Her happy exuberance irritated him no matter how hard he tried to control it."
"Essential oils can contain irritating compounds in them."
"That's mostly because I have a report them some of it also and and I think this is also a good clarification sometimes it's also because like I get frustrated I get irritated."
"Don't get me started on you, dude."
"They do not so much repel as irritate and infuriate you by their constant misinterpretations always viewing life from behind the screen of their ego and unable to see things as they really are."
"How to love people who irritate you? Don’t pretend to love them, just understand that they are irritating you."
"People irritate you because you have fixed notions about what is right and what is wrong."
"A part of me is like, I don't know what you're talking about and 'cause you don't know what you're talking about, so just shut the [__] up bro."
"You are more irritating than a urinary tract infection."
"Okay, I need some paper in my mouth, so I don't have... When I don't find paper when I need paper, I get super mad, okay?"
"...the first thing that really bugged me..."
"Why this part gets on my nerves, he always blaming Shirley's radio clout on him getting arrested."
"How many levels are we going to go down? Let me just tell you, 'Hey, I'm pissed. Next question.'"
"He drives me insane. He is very particularly so neat."
"By the time they're through, you wish I was, Mr. Meadows."
"Histamine is an allergen and the primary irritant in plants like stinging nettles."
"It's the little things, you know, as far as I'm concerned, the little things that make me happy in life, and the little things that irk me to no end. This is no exception."
"It just aggravates the hell out of me, man. It really does."
"It's really annoying, it's just really annoying."
"But my biggest problem with him is that he goes on and on about France that it just drives me up the wall."
"Why are you really so peeved by this Jennings bloke?"
"Everything gets on my nerves, I'm just annoyed all the time."
"Why are you so agitated by a space that you don't have to live in?"
"Some days we wake up and it might just be irritated..."
"He was really interested and keen, and in fact, so much so it used to irritate Diana. She used to say, 'Anyone would think he was having the baby, not me.'"
"That depends. My daughter's second cousin prefers to be called the Witch of Somewhere. She always gets irritated if anyone calls her Princess Matilda."
"Addressing her as 'Miss' began to get on her nerves."
"So, James Norton is one of those guys most blokes find really irritating."
"Later I learned the Sultan had been so irritated by those overzealous cutting decisions that he censored the censor."
"Your character inspires immediate dislike, and it gets under my skin watching."
"I love me so much but then at the same time I get under their skin."
"When someone's behavior irritates me, I take it as an opportunity to heal something unresolved within myself."
"If you irk someone, you annoy them."
"It just irked the crap out of me that people would make derogatory comments about Working Class People because they were talking about my grandparents."
"The potential irritation risk is low with rose water."
"I think if baby snoring makes you angry, you got bigger problems."
"There's no such thing as almost being in harmony; you are either in perfect pitch or it's the most irritating thing you can be around."
"I hate the way you talk to me, and the way you cut your hair. I hate the way you drive my car. I hate it when you stare."
"Everything that irritates us about others can lead us to a better understanding of ourselves."
"It was not the old man who vexed me, but his evil eye."
"VOCs can cause many negative health effects, including headaches, irritation, skin reactions, dizziness, and so on."
"It's perfectly natural to get irritated at times with the person that you're with."
"But think about it from their point of view. If somebody took the roof off of your house and started moving all your stuff around, you might get a little irritated with that as well."
"Pearls get created from irritation, I think that's true."
"Mongos flees no longer bothered him, but the family of goblins that had moved in behind his left ear was starting to get really irritating."
"Don't be irritated, I'm teaching you how to be responsible."