
Platform Policies Quotes

There are 82 quotes

"If a platform like Twitter actually cared about threatening entities on the site, they wouldn't have kept the accounts of the Russian government open all this time."
"I think that there has to be a way where nobody is banned forever."
"What was the result of that? Cancelled by Amazon, Google, and Apple."
"The fact that these arrogant [ __ ] suppress genuine well-meaning content from thousands of creators just makes me believe that somewhere along the way they might have actually started believing their own high roading [ __ ]."
"You can't sit here and put people in Twitter jail and cite German law."
"You've got to get off the ground, but it's the opposite, like I'm looking for people that don't need money."
"Tumblr's last resort: 'Tumblr made the short-sighted decision to remove and permanently ban all sexual content.'"
"Reaction channels… showcased YouTube's favoritism toward copyright holders."
"For all the jokes that people have about us being censored, Spotify has to get credit for letting me just do what the [expletive] I want to do."
"YouTube is screwing over creators that make short videos. This is killing a lot of channels."
"We're the replacement well let me ask you this because I think people will have questions what kinds of campaigns you know wouldn't be welcome on gibson go sure that's a very popular question..."
"There has never been a recourse for small channels with community strikes."
"YouTube is clear delusion at this point, censoring us all and blatantly ignoring the good that comes from heavily investigated content."
"It's not okay on the platform and it shouldn't be okay if you're a larger creator."
"Wow, they're actually removing the content that's bad."
"Twitter does not have the right to determine that because someone is mean they're not allowed to be on the platform."
"I'm hopeful that Elon Musk is going to bend Twitter's content moderation towards a greater embrace of free speech."
"If you want a platform to remain a platform it has to include even people you don't think are inside the Overton window."
"December 13th, 2021 will go down in infamy as the day that YouTube removed the dislike."
"To ban him from being on a platform is ridiculous."
"I don't like the idea of Mass Banning everybody, deep platforming everybody."
"Twitch reserved the right to suspend any account for any conduct that we personally determined to be inappropriate."
"I have talked to YouTube and that's it, it's over. No more cursing, no more violence."
"Apologies for the comments section. YouTube was able to demonetize people at the blink of an eye, delete channels at the blink of a [ __ ] eye, but they can't manage this damn spam thing."
"We only need to keep a hundred thousand wealthy Democrats happy on Twitter but we have to keep a million Republicans happy to to get the same level of you know buying purchasing power so it's just it's obvious which which direction this goes."
"The alt-right has gone quiet, hasn't it? It's not a coincidence. It's because a ton of them got banned."
"YouTube has developed a system that rewards quantity over quality."
"Prosecuting predators is more effective than deplatforming them."
"Leafy's channel was permanently banned from YouTube."
"YouTube absolutely is launching sweeping censorship."
"Twitter just rolled out their plan to 'protect the upcoming midterm elections.'"
"Who decides what is okay and what's not okay to say?"
"If YouTube could just tell us what they don't like and ask us to remove it, we'd gladly do it."
"Social media is not about people having freedom of speech. This is why they deleted videos on Facebook, this is why they delete your videos on Instagram."
"Twitter's view of racism is absolutely [ __ ] much like social media sites."
"Deplatforming and taking content down is a very different step from not recommending that content."
"What Musk has done is he keeps saying that he's about Free Speech when his platform clearly isn't about free speech."
"You don't have to agree with them to allow them on the platform."
"Crypto being a fad? Paypal allowing people to buy cryptocurrency on their platform but not allowing them to withdraw it."
"Facebook has page score, account bans non-stop, and random suspensions."
"They're not actually allowing you to reach all your followers."
"It's demoralizing and stressful when you get false flags like this."
"Instagram decided to do his job for him and they actually banned him, literally for speaking out against the platform."
"It's super shady, YouTube shadow banning anti-establishment users, video gone, no surprise it was an Alex Jones video."
"That's awesome! The first time Nintendo hasn't limited us to something."
"Twitter basically banned Donald Trump's account 88 million followers proving you could be the most powerful person in the face of the planet and have a very very high follower account but twitter doesn't care."
"Twitter suspended the official Arizona audit account, fueling criticism against Twitter and other big tech firms over their censoring of conservative voices."
"Realistically, if YouTube decides to enforce this rule... they open themselves up to a lawsuit in other regards."
"They demonetized me, they kicked me off Patreon, they're actively deranking us on YouTube's algorithms."
"YouTube doesn't censor things like I think people think it does. It just takes the money away."
"Youtubers themselves simply cannot trust you to do what's best for its creators."
"I had no idea that Instagram has a follower limitation of 7,500 people."
"If you like talking about politics on YouTube or talking about anything controversial on YouTube, you should be against mass flagging."
"You don't get to say things that are against Twitch ToS and then turn around and go, 'Well, listen, I just have a robust different opinion.'"
"I wish YouTube would put an end to this kind of petty drama that hurts creators and the entire platform."
"Content on Twitch has been a big topic of discussion the community we've reviewed our policy today we want to update you on our plans we're going to be making a policy update on October 18th to prohibit streaming of gambling"
"Tumblr perch will definitely go down in fandom history and for most it will not go down as a positive moment or a well-handled one."
"Using me to like monetize and like that when I'm not even allowed on your platform, I'm like don't use my... oh my bleep me out, oh God."
"Every time he has done a Senate hearing with people that had adverse reactions and they come in and they tell their story, literally just tell their story, YouTube took it down every time."
"They would have thought twice about eating him off the platform if he could sue them directly."
"I boosted the Eric Trump interview to see if Facebook would find it suitable for advertising."
"Profanity is being cut down and as you know we swear like sailors here, at least I do. I don't know Joe and, unfortunately, it's an issue with YouTube."
"If you touch certain subjects, regardless of the manner in which you touch them, you're asking for YouTube to get involved."
"Twitter can't become a free-for-all hellscape or anything can be said with no consequences."
"They're not focused on getting rid of us, no they're focused on silencing us, they're focusing on making us second-class citizens on YouTube."
"There aren't many platforms left that allow free speech."
"Free speech is essential to a functioning democracy. Do you believe Twitter rigorously adheres to this principle?"
"Facebook continues to ban, censor, and shadow ban conservatives while it allows violent leftists and terrorists to run free on the platform. Yes, it does."
"If we don't win this, there will not be any more Minecraft, Roblox, or Fortnite videos on YouTube. That's the stakes here."
"Facebook cares so much about small businesses that a few years ago they made it so that if you would join the page of a small business, because you wanted to get all the information about that small business, that small business would have to pay."
"Twitch banning the word virgin is like if McDonald's banned fat people."
"This is a massive issue, YouTube's unfair administration of community guidelines is one of the things that have been plaguing this platform for ages."
"The yellow icon doesn’t limit videos in search and discovery."
"Don't platform those spreading hate; it only spreads further."