
Exoplanet Discovery Quotes

There are 50 quotes

"For the first time, mankind discovered a distant world that, based on a number of signs, could sustain life."
"We've discovered all the new genes that we didn't know existed even 20 years ago and we've discovered all these planets, exoplanets, that we didn't even know 25 years ago."
"This discovery gives us a hint that finding a second Earth is not just a matter of 'if,' but 'when.'"
"Kepler-1649c, located 300 light years from Earth, is very similar to Earth in size and estimated temperature."
"The recent past heralded a boom in discovering exoplanets."
"Nasa discovers a strange Earth-like planet with an unknown atmosphere."
"These worlds are absolutely lifeless, however, the most recent analyzes suggests that even our galaxy alone may Harbor from 300 million to 40 billion Earth-like planets."
"Using its groundbreaking imaging and spectroscopy tools, Webb will have the capability to discover perhaps thousands of new exoplanets."
"The Kepler space telescope was developed exclusively to hunt for undiscovered planets it brought the final undeniable proof that the earth was neither unique nor rare."
"It's like this interesting game of what the best targets are, like where do you focus your energy to try and find planets around their stars." - Dr. Lisa Coltenega
"We've identified over 5,000 exoplanets in an array of different sizes and types."
"We've uncovered hundreds of these rocky exoplanets in the Milky Way."
"There are billions of planets out there waiting to be discovered."
"The fact that we can even find exoplanets in other solar systems makes the chances of finding alien life much higher than ever."
"Are you up to speed? 5,000 known planets beyond our solar system."
"Rocks 42bb is an incredibly massive exoplanet estimated to be more than 13 times the mass of Jupiter."
"JWST was used to confirm an exoplanet... an Earth-sized planet is passing in front of its star."
"We had the AI and with machine learning AI learn how we extract the signal of planets orbiting other stars from the data."
"That discovery indicated that it was possible to search for planets around distant stars and it was profoundly important it's changed the whole field has changed our understanding the universe."
"Scientists are developing new techniques to find these extra solar planets all the time."
"This could be the first planet that was actually detected, this one is real."
"This was one of the interesting results from Kepler, is most of the planets we're finding, there's no counterpart in our solar system."
"...result is a list of only the most habitable and most earth-like planets discovered to date."
"The E-ELT will reveal planets orbiting other stars."
"Astronomers recently discovered a new super planet out there, K2-414b, an exoplanet that's around 200 light years away."
"Since its launch in 2009, the Kepler space telescope has discovered lots of exoplanets orbiting distant stars."
"NASA plans to launch a new generation of telescopes in the 2040s; they'll help us find real twins of our planet."
"We're going to complete the Copernican revolution; we're going to find planets like Earth and find signs of life on them."
"Earth is not as unique as we thought it was maybe 10, 20 years ago."
"It will find hundreds of thousands of exoplanets using gravitational microlensing."
"At a distance of 640 light years from the Sun, scientists discovered planet WASP-76b where it rains iron."
"Proxima B... represents one of the most intriguing exoplanets discovered to date, located just over four light years away."
"The first exoplanet found around a normal star, 51 Peg B, mass comparable to Jupiter."
"It's a very efficient method for finding not only discovering exoplanets but also getting their properties."
"Planets are very common, hundreds now known, most known are not good for life."
"Our chances of finding life on other planets have increased dramatically over the last two decades."
"Extrasolar planets continue to be discovered in the most unexpected locations by astronomers."
"The Kepler mission will launch in one year, February 2009, what that mission will do is look at nearby stars to see if they dim as the planets orbit in front of those stars, blocking some of the Starlight."
"We found a remote dwarf exoplanet."
"Kepler observed hundreds of thousands of stars and in doing so helped us discover over 4,000 planets."
"Not impressed by that? I invite you to try to find exoplanets; it's pretty impressive."