
Social Media Usage Quotes

There are 59 quotes

"Twitter is mostly used by journalists, certain niches of society. It's not this mass public platform like an Instagram or even a TikTok."
"The most sincere people on social media are our parents or people who use the Instagram app to take a picture in real time and will post it simply because it's ergonomic."
"Hope you guys have enjoyed, like I said, don't forget to leave a like and subscribe if you're new around here."
"I want to use Instagram in a way that serves me, not me serving it."
"Last night, you know, I was on social media a lot, had a few drinks, was very happy."
"I would post four or five times on Instagram a day for six years."
"Follow the least amount of people possible, only people that are going to add to your life."
"Nobody tweets or posts a video that doesn't want attention."
"Unsubscribe from channels of various social media accounts... keep only the things that reflect your values."
"Like I said, people are just now joining, so they don't know that they need to subscribe. You need to subscribe guys."
"It's the pace at which people swipe through TikTok."
"How individuals use social media is more important than time spent online in regards to mental health."
"He's the President of the United States. Should he stop tweeting about why biplanes are better than fixed-wing aircraft? Probably."
"If I don't tweet for five days on Twitter, it's not absurd. There's no expectation that I will be there."
"It's easy to focus on what's negative about things like social media, but I think now more than ever we're all learning that if we choose to use these digital tools in a constructive way, they can be as good or as bad as we make them."
"Just as easy as it is to express a like, it's also just as easy, if not easier, to not do that."
"The way we use those apps tends to keep us surrounded by information we’re primed to believe and agree with."
"Profilicity entails creating profiles on social media through the selective display of pictures and other bits of information..."
"Just make sure you're tagging correctly as well because that's like that helps more than you think."
"Donald John Trump is the one signing his tweets."
"Transparency is very helpful; I'm not going to tell any of you to not use social media, but I'm gonna tell you know what you're allowing them to access so that you can make that choice."
"Since the onset of the pandemic, we've been spending more time on social media than ever before."
"Greg Doucet ivv Pro Instagram do that and watch the video here this one here it depends you have to watch one not both but one."
"More than 15% of teens say they're on YouTube or TikTok 'almost constantly.'"
"If you did a fuckin' Instagram story right now and said, 'I'm taking an intern to be my videographer,' you know how many people would rip their arm off?"
"It's just a call to innovate and elevate how we use Instagram as a platform."
"All he has to do is hit the bell and turn the notifications on."
"Social media, they are all dating applications."
"All of my stories are like what you would see on someone's close friends or like my friends only on snapchat where it's like it's just stuff that personally only I would really like."
"Instagram shouldn't be a place to project an illusion but to connect for real."
"If you guys happen to know, let me know in the comments but I don't even know what it is yet so I don't know how to check."
"She is using her platform for that purpose to gain that clout."
"Live the moment. I've noticed that actually. I will. You guys probably know, I don't post as much on Instagram these days."
"If one parent doesn't want a child on social media, I don't think the child should be on social media."
"Tools cost money. However, jump onto Facebook, you are more than likely going to find a bundle of tools like this for not much money to just get started."
"I understood what social media was and used it as a tool."
"Social media was put to good use by Congress in Karnataka."
"I will tweet in truth and telegram if I do."
"Perhaps we should minimize the time we spend on social media."
"I'd pay like 20 or 30 bucks a month just to not see advertisements on my Twitter feed."
"You don't need to take it from me you don't need to be using social media to be vengeful over somebody not liking you because at the end of the day like I told him you have more important problems."
"I want some crazy person to let go of a rant and I can quickly post before they tell me no."
"I'm taking a break from social media. I'm not telling anyone else what to do but I've wasted too many days and not had a positive use of that."
"Just be like, 'Yeah, I got a playset of the Moltres.' Ah, yeah, I'm cool. Like me on Instagram. Actually, don't do that. I don't know how to do Instagram. I don't know how to do any of that."
"I don't know if I'm gonna put stuff on there. We ain't got to put nothing on there."
"The wit is all there and conservatives have used social media very effectively since the beginning."
"I do want to give you your flowers because I slowed down on social media. Yeah, I ain't gonna lie. I stopped the skits. I stopped the rants. I went through all that [ __ ]."
"Just start with the free stuff, meaning post it on your Facebook, your Instagram, your Snapchat."
"How do you think U.S. border patrol found the drugs? Comment down below with the hashtag #startopic and let us know your opinion."
"Social media is free, you know, use it, take advantage, take advantage of it and just engage."
"I would never call somebody a coward for using an anonymous account."
"I hope to be a better Holly in the world of social media and be mindful of how I use social media myself."
"For me, social media has always been a tool, and I use the tool; I don't let the tool use me."
"That's how you use social media today."
"I tried to do everything in my power to use as little social media as possible."