
Historical Patterns Quotes

There are 167 quotes

"From wealth accumulation to wealth distribution is as old as history."
"History has shown us this repeatedly over and over again. No matter how dark things are, some will make it and good and light love will win in the end."
"Like the Maya, we moderns need to find ways to flatten the boom-bust cycle that has plagued all populations across time."
"We're always kind of fighting in the last war, that's America's bad habit."
"There is a pattern consistent throughout history of oppressed people turning on the oppressors."
"The story of people making the same mistakes over and over again but also of real lasting change."
"Historically, disasters, plagues, and famines are often linked together. Based on the current trajectory, it seems that the outlook under the CCP's governance can hardly escape this fate."
"Putin's popularity will remain intact yet we should all remember that we've seen this movie before."
"History may not repeat itself, but it certainly rhymes at times."
"Is this the history that we want to keep repeating itself?"
"Don't tell me history doesn't repeat itself."
"The cycles of history... the American empire is right on track." - Dr. Ross Stewart
"It's important to remember this that this is a pattern that repeats itself throughout history."
"Preservation through transformation: 'While producing many of the same results...'"
"Humans are just repeating the same mistakes of yesterday."
"History doesn't necessarily repeat itself, but it can often rhyme."
"As history repeats itself, we are called to break the cycle of sin and despair by embodying The Hope, love, and transformation found in Jesus Christ."
"Trends are your friends. History can often repeat but it might not always repeat."
"Can you see a pattern emerging? What if these Heavenly gods were the same ones who helped the Inca develop a secret language?"
"History doesn't repeat itself but it sure often does rhyme."
"We've seen these things come and go, just because the technology is new, it doesn't mean the dynamic isn't old."
"So what's the conclusion on all this? Well, I mean if you look at the data and you look at history and history tends to rhyme doesn't it always have to repeat but tends to rhyme."
"If a country has been successful for centuries and others have failed for centuries there's normally a long-standing reason for that which will not change in a matter of a single decade."
"Every single time in market history that the S&P 500 has pulled back more than 20 in a single year, it has proven to be a buying opportunity."
"I see a lot of very dangerous historical patterns repeating."
"With those historical patterns, they're not gonna be making something that's not useful."
"We've kind of been here before, and the common experience is if you lean on what it's done before, that's most likely to happen."
"History has certain patterns, doesn't mean that good things are going to come of those patterns right away."
"History doesn't always repeat itself but it does tend to rhyme."
"Almost always the greatest golden ages follow the worst struggles... chaos breeds order and vice versa forming a beautiful nexus that is creation."
"History doesn't teach us how to behave in any given situation, but it shows us how large groups of us might behave in certain situations."
"History repeats itself; it's never any different."
"History doesn't repeat but it tends to rhyme."
"It's very practical for a continuity standpoint."
"People have been doing this same stupid [ __ ] for all of human history."
"Why does this happen over and over? Why don't they fall apart in the same way today?"
"History never repeats itself, but it often does rhyme."
"It's all thanks to you guys that you've made it possible for us to not just be lonely gamer people and our bedrooms but we get to be on the internet now."
"This pattern will replicate itself whether it's in the Fertile Crescent whether it's in Mesopotamia whether it's in the Nile River it man will always act the same."
"History just keeps repeating and repeating and repeating."
"History does not repeat itself, but it sure does rhyme."
"Feels like we're in for the double pump... 2013 repeat."
"He writes about Modern Warfare but he also writes about time; his novels reveal the ancient patterns of war that no amount of Technology can erase."
"Nearly every single major infectious zoonotic disease outbreak in the past 120 years is inextricably linked to our exploitation of animals."
"History is essentially just repeating itself and people are not picking that up no one has learned from the past it's scary."
"We know this because they seem poised to repeat them."
"People have been disappearing from national parks in their thousands over the last few centuries."
"Aren't most quests for total domination doomed to fail eventually?"
"It's not that you are fated to repeat these patterns."
"History doesn't necessarily repeat itself, but it rhymes."
"My confidence about what will happen in the future is rooted about what has already happened in the past."
"History has demonstrated in the past century exactly where this is headed."
"History doesn't repeat itself but it sure does Rhyme."
"History doesn't always repeat itself but it can rhyme."
"Empires cling to the past even when the signs clearly indicate that there's no way to resuscitate the past." - Andrew Bacevich
"It's a case of history repeating itself with the world's top superpower using bullying to justify war."
"Putin is extremely unsuccessful in international politics as well as in state administration."
"Throughout history, there are a series of patterns that reoccur depicting demons involved with nightmares or night terrors."
"The destruction of civilizations that got too advanced is a common theme throughout all of history."
"History doesn't usually repeat itself but it often rhymes."
"History repeats itself... victory by any means on Sunday."
"Mindful of the importance of the samples that were found and the fate of poor Mac Brazel, who was the farmer in the Roswell Incident, they set in motion a scheme to ensure the complete safety of the Welsh crash fragments."
"While history doesn't exactly repeat itself, it does Rhyme."
"You heard it here first. We are looking at a worldwide pyramid building culture."
"History doesn't repeat itself, but patterns do." - David Toler
"Every time I find a new piece of life's puzzle it opens my eyes a bit more."
"If the past is destined to repeat itself, then all we need to do is look back."
"We're heading right back where we were with the indulgence of the press."
"Every time that people of color have made progress, there has been what Carol Anderson at Emory University calls 'white rage'."
"History never repeats, but it often rhymes." - Mark Twain
"Mark Twain is often quoted as saying history doesn't repeat, but it sure does rhyme."
"We're looking at history kind of rhyming here."
"When will people finally find where they've had enough? When will they rebel? The formula is as old as history, played out exactly as in the French Revolution."
"It's history, it's just repeating. If anything, that's a lesson we all can learn."
"History does necessarily repeat itself but it often does rhyme."
"History is repeating itself so clearly that I don't see how people can miss it."
"History doesn't always repeat, but it often rhymes."
"These things tend to rhyme, they tend not to repeat. If you zoom out of today, what do you see? You see the need for censorship resistance and the need for an alternative to fiat store of value going up in people's minds."
"There's a window of opportunity now... will history repeat itself?"
"I've been really struggling as we've been discussing getting over the loss to Croatia."
"History repeats itself if you let it. History only changes when you are ready to adapt to something new."
"Can lead to conflict and eventually does. Everything that you saw with Russia you are seeing with China."
"If history doesn't repeat, it surely rhymes."
"Every single time these crisis periods come back around, they resemble each other."
"History doesn't repeat but it always rhymes."
"History doesn't always exactly repeat itself, but it damn sure rhymes sometimes."
"Damasks: busy, symmetrical patterns, inspired by natural forms, popular in earlier time periods."
"Every 80 years we go through a world war and the people who weren't in the war are now in the war... So the way we prepare for these kind of things is to become more familiar with ourselves and our power."
"History repeats itself, but we can only hope that the critical thinkers of our society can stop these wrongs from being repeated."
"Individuals rarely change; therefore, history tends to repeat itself."
"It's illogical, but it also tracks with history, where it's like, you know, at times of chaos where people feel uncertain and, you know, whatever, there's a scapegoat, here you go, here's the people to blame."
"History is cyclical because sin is predictable."
"The history does not repeat itself but it does rhyme."
"History doesn't always repeat itself, but it often rhymes."
"When was the last time in history this phenomenon occurred?"
"Historically speaking, war is a lot more common than peace."
"History actually repeats itself, it's the same thing, it's deja vu all over again."
"History doesn't necessarily repeat, but it does rhyme."
"If history is to repeat itself even remotely or rhyme or smell the same then we're looking at the same thing out of bitcoin."
"History doesn't repeat itself, but sometimes it rhymes."
"All of this has happened before and it keeps happening."
"History could repeat itself, as it typically does, at least rhyme pretty well."
"It's so obvious or racist, it's been done all throughout our history, right?"
"History does not repeat itself, it does rhyme."
"Success leaves clues, just look at track history."
"History repeats itself: mainstream has told us beforehand in almost every event."
"History does repeat itself. The past predicts the future."
"Historically you do see these patterns of four years about performance."
"It’s often said that history repeats itself."
"I think once we hit all-time highs...we mimic the first leg of the last Bull Run."
"History rhymes, it doesn't necessarily repeat. There very well could be a chance that bitcoin's best performing year is in fact 2024 and not 2025."
"Is the stock market going to crash? Are we going to enter a recession? This mental model of 'this time is always different' is again, very liberating."
"History has a tendency to repeat itself."
"Hard Times lead to tough men, tough men lead to easy times, easy times lead to weak men, and weak men lead back to tough times."
"History can repeat itself unless its sins are confronted."
"Every major bubble in history... takes a very basic good premise and exaggerates it because the masses go towards it."
"The accelerations are always peacetime; these slowdowns are always wartime."
"History doesn't repeat, but it likes to rhyme."
"We're back to the reality that we have been in for hundreds of years."
"History doesn't repeat itself, but it does have repeating patterns."
"Looking back in the history of the area, it seems some things never change."
"I'm really excited to share some more progress I've made this time on my outfit that I'm hoping to make mostly by hand from 1892 knitting and sewing patterns."
"The same forces that drove conflict in old stories like Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet and historical events like the Trojan War still animate the world today."
"History can give us a guide to these overview patterns."
"History repeats itself, you know."
"It finds certain patterns in human civilizations."
"History truly does repeat itself."
"That's one of the things that I really like about Rough Rider, they bring back patterns from history."
"Great Awakenings historically run for decades."
"Digital networks might have something to do with improving this horrible pattern of human social behavior that's existed throughout history."
"History repeats itself, over and over we see the same patterns that God ordained, established, woven into the fabric of the universe."
"The only thing that has ever truly passed down, of course, is hatred."
"If you understand how to tie all these relative components, you can tie any wet fly pattern that has ever been innovated historically or in the future."
"Most of history is the history of Empires."
"The absence of similar patterns deepened Brazilian regionalism both during Empire and Republic."
"History doesn't repeat, but it does sometimes rhyme."
"Is there a logic of history? Is there something beyond all the casual and incalculable elements of the separate events?"
"When we look back into the historical, archaeological, and geological records, what we discover is that time and again there are repeats and cycles of these events."
"History repeats itself; it's so important."