
Business Acquisition Quotes

There are 77 quotes

"It's a victory, a tremendous victory that Elon Musk has purchased Twitter."
"The bird is freed... Elon Musk closes Twitter deal opens New Era for social media platform."
"The Elon Musk purchase of Twitter cannot be overstated."
"Elon Musk is buying Twitter for its consciousness."
"Justin and his co-founders rejecting offers to preserve Twitch's culture."
"Who's really winning? The West for disrupting the Russian economy? Russia for scooping up these TurnKey businesses sometimes for just a buck."
"Think of this as acquisition, hostile acquisition perhaps, but still acquisition."
"Rather than just buying the company, you're getting a collection of 15 or 20 other companies that are connected at the hip."
"Sony purchased Bungie for 3.6 billion dollars. That's a lot of money."
"This wasn't negotiating to buy a business, it was negotiating to buy a legacy." - Bob Iger
"This is a real company we bought this company was actually a sick purchase if I might say."
"It was a political decision to allow JBS to buy Huon Aquaculture. It was always going to be a political decision."
"Microsoft's acquisition of Activision has been described as the largest in Tech History."
"Late last night after winning his battle for Twitter, Elon Musk was in Boca Chica..."
"Elon Musk has purchased Twitter. It's a small step for man but a great leap for mankind, a great leap for freedom of speech."
"I'll have so much money and I'll own your company in a year."
"Dog Studio has been acquired by yourself for a whopping eighty-nine thousand pounds along with the original eighteen original IPs."
"You better hope so, he spent 44 billion dollars on this thing."
"Instagram arguably the best technology acquisition of the last decade."
"It's kind of surreal that Elon Musk has actually purchased Twitter, that this place that we love and we hate might actually be restored to a Marketplace of ideas in the political sphere. It's really, really exciting."
"The world's richest man Elon Musk is set to become the new owner of Twitter."
"Sony acquiring insomniac games... supersedes all the little scoops."
"All we can do is focus on trying to buy wonderful businesses at good values."
"Surprise, now Monica and Tom own the amusement park."
"Elon Musk bought Twitter the whole thing."
"I genuinely think that Jim Ratcliffe is going to become the majority owner of Manchester United."
"Blockchain technology is the best choice for textile providers to improve supply chain traceability."
"Ripple partner Wiz Financial gets regulator green lights to acquire UAE Exchange."
"At the core of investing, it's about being able to buy a company right now... worth significantly more in the future."
"What Elon did in purchasing Twitter might have been the most patriotic thing."
"Empowerment is working... bought his Mines from a black South African..."
"This is a huge deal, they're going to end up owning almost half."
"The answer would turn out to lie with the ride's new American owner."
"Elon Musk bought Twitter at a time when Twitter lost 221 million dollars last year."
"Speaking of a lot of money Logitech dropped a hot stack of cash to acquire a streaming company known as stream labs."
"This is changing the landscape of gaming, and there's nothing Sony can do to match a ZeniMax buy."
"Like what Facebook did with Instagram, that was probably the steal of the century."
"It's a very notable acquisition, especially when you're talking about a $1.4 billion dollar acquisition."
"The dust has not even begun to settle on this Microsoft and Activision acquisition."
"EA's buying Codemasters in a deal valued at 1.2 billion dollars."
"When Elon Musk bought Twitter I don't think he quite realized that he was actually buying a Democrat Super PAC."
"Congratulations you guys now all work for me and also I'll be having all the money you have in the world."
"Embracer Group acquiring the rights to The Lord of the Rings."
"Elon Musk did officially take over Twitter. It was a beautiful freaking moment, my guys, a beautiful moment."
"Elon Musk bought Twitter. He bought nine percent of it, then he was unhappy with the rest of the shareholders."
"The question is what will happen to Dean... somebody's going to buy it."
"So, I'll take it over and it was owned by a large chain."
"Daniel Ek's proposed takeover of the Gunners could take a long time."
"When you buy a business, you're buying a business with all the systems and processes already set up."
"If you can buy a business for effectively nothing, then if you know what to do with it, the return on investment can be huge."
"We now own Ring of Honor and we're going to lead Ring of Honor."
"Estee Lauder has purchased Tom Ford completely, everything, for 2.8 billion dollars."
"I like cold calling because it's one of the only ways to get business in real estate without having to wait for business."
"The seller basically gives you money from future profits to buy their business."
"Now that Roger Penske has bought the track and Doug Bowles is in charge of the track now, it is a breath of fresh air into that piece of real estate."
"It's just nice to hear about an acquisition not a website shutting down."
"On January 1st, a US company acquired 100% of an Italian chocolate company."
"Instead of buying the company, what she really bought were physical assets, the logo, and the library."
"There's no better way to acquire leads than to acquire a business that already has aggregated the attention and eyeballs of your ideal customer."
"Acquiring businesses for no money out of pocket, how can it be done? I do it all the time."
"Why would you buy versus a startup? Less risk, more financing options."
"If you are starting a business, there's likely somebody who started a business just like yours who failed, and you can oftentimes buy all their stuff for 10 cents or five cents on the dollar."
"Thoughts on Two Rock's acquisition of Divided by 13, very interesting."
"Our company's currently entering a deal to acquire a small business providing various recreation services."
"A business combination is a transaction whereby we acquire control over a business."