
Platform Development Quotes

There are 113 quotes

"Meep City walks so that Brookhaven could fly."
"Creating a social media platform that actually works, that becomes a place where smart, well-intentioned people are wise to spend their time, is a really difficult problem to solve."
"The platform looks awesome. Thank you very much. It was quite a bit of work to get it working the way I wanted it to."
"Ethereum is already a platform, what every tech company wants to be."
"We just want to have a platform that's easy to build on and that anyone can come to."
"The higher Ethereum rises in price, the more attention it gets, and the more people end up building their platforms on top of it."
"Back when I started playing Roblox, everything was very basic."
"You have done amazing work and need amazing credit for creating an ingenious platform."
"Gabe Newell: 'We're rethinking what it means to create a game or a gaming platform.'"
"I think that's the freedom: when you actually start building your own platforms, you can just do whatever the hell you want."
"Uniswap V1, V2 was a huge improvement, V3 is actually massive improvement."
"Our goal is to be the most compelling platform."
"I think it's such a wise move to try to build your alternative platform."
"The only way to end a rivalry is for someone to rise above it. You have to be the bigger man."
"Everyone asks me why doesn't someone stand up to big tech? Well, we will be soon."
"We believe that the next computing platform has the potential to be more social and more human than anything that's come before."
"Reddit is getting into the NFT space, hiring to create their own platform."
"OpenAI is the most advanced and the most widely used AI platform in the world now."
"We want to build a gaming platform where the world's best creators can build games to reach players anywhere."
"Big thumbs up from me. Aave is doing all the right things for developing a successful platform."
"This platform has aspirations for the future."
"We've built Pandora for SoundCloud, which is sure to polarize opinions regarding music discovery."
"It's sort of like a platform that we can build on for a lot of years... I'm super excited, I'm proud of the team."
"We call our recommendation modern Android development. And modern Android is opinionated and powerful with a more complete platform."
"I really wanted to build a platform to make the world a slightly better place."
"The new Sequoia even though it's on an all-new tngaf platform..."
"I applaud Elon Musk though because I love the fact that he's trying something new on the platform."
"This is the sort of thing that make me look at the platform I wanna go yes he's going places this is the right way that YouTube should be led I don't really right now at least see."
"I want to take everybody with me, build this community, build this platform, have a great time, and touch as many people as I can on the way." - Michael Chandler
"Our concept for the spot mini product is to make a platform, like the Android of robots."
"Companies that provide platforms on which others can build are the ones that get sustainable."
"I just like doing what I do, man, and I'm making videos, hopefully making you laugh."
"The iPhone for Apple is going from being a money maker to a platform to build more money makers on."
"We're going to be relaunching Patreon. We're going to be introducing new tiers, a lot of fan service to the people who really like what we do."
"Our goal is to make PlayStation the best place to develop find and play great indie games."
"Use that energy to help, to lift, and to expand your ideas."
"Core is a platform for the game that should be continually improved and updated."
"Bethesda's bold move: Transforming Skyrim into a gaming platform."
"Software is everything to me. It's everything to every platform, really."
"We want to be the platform for creators to be completely independent."
"We might have to survive for the next few years as a completely independent platform."
"YouTube didn't start with the intention to ever make us any money really at all."
"Zen 4 is a bridge architecture for this platform they're launching now."
"Everything's moving to Polygon off of Ethereum, like Uniswap as well."
"For some of you out there... building a platform or a software might be worthwhile to explore."
"Our long-term goal is still to become an independent handheld gaming platform. We want most games to be optimized for our handheld so that players can achieve the optimal gaming experience."
"I love to see what developers can do with the platform we build. It's just so exciting." - Jeremy Epling
"Sovereign has become by far the most feature-rich DeFi platform anywhere in the world."
"We're trying to grow and evolve the platform without leaving behind any of the things that people love."
"At the intersection of gaming and creating is NVIDIA’s modding platform, RTX Remix."
"This basically turns Minecraft from just being a game into more of a platformer."
"The success is having the crypto trading business up and running with hundreds of listings."
"Profit should be distributed fairly to users who contribute to the development."
"If you want to see this platform thrive and grow, hit the subscribe button right now."
"The most important thing is the platform it's the platform that we have to build upon from this point."
"FTX was attracting new users every day and was turning into one of the largest exchanges in crypto."
"This is going to help propel user adoption, developer adoption..."
"Bitcoin now has become a platform more than anything else."
"I think 2023 is going to be big for them because they'll finally have some of that big content."
"Does the free market even exist if tech companies can't build platforms without being cut off at the knees?"
"We're very, very grateful to see a number of ecosystem companies already building truly next-generation tooling and capabilities into and around Chainlink."
"We're making some changes to ensure there's a way for our community to continue watching our content for free."
"We're unapologetically pro-democracy so wherever you are in the world if you want to help grow this platform."
"We need to come up with an ideal platform that adds more value rather than just fundraising and doing nothing else."
"It's been a slippery slope downwards, so we at StoryFire are really truly building a place for creators."
"We just have to build alternative platforms and when they're strong enough we migrate over there."
"This is the first in the Volkswagen brand that will rest on the MEB platform."
"Platform and software technology to create these markets and platforms for the world."
"If you build the system properly, your consumers help you. They build your next app on top of your platform, or they show you the path."
"All of these platforms arose from unexpected sources."
"We want to build the best platforms for millions of creators to make a living."
"I've been putting a huge amount of time into developing the raised platform and honestly, it's almost done."
"We're always trying to create a win-win, for creators, for the users of a platform, for the platform itself."
"We did everything we could to make this platform as best as it could possibly be."
"Good platforms almost never force change on their users and good platform teams do extra work to reduce the chances of forcing changes on others."
"I hope that maybe if you didn't agree with everything I said, you at least are starting to think about how our platforms could be better, how they could be greatly simplified and cause less pain."
"These particular knowledge will help you to build platforms like Fiverr, Upwork, or even AliExpress."
"Every platform that comes up today really creates value in the filter that it builds to make sense of the abundance."
"And that really is sort of the journey in a very, very short form of the first mile of the platform, which is sort of data and ontology."
"That's how you write policy, that's how you develop a platform in policies."
"I want to have a platform where I can run these things that's new, that's current, that's being evolved all the time and having features, and it's portable."
"What's our next act? Our second act was really our platform business."
"We spent a lot of time the last two years to really developing our platform and our infrastructure to create what I believe to be the best reseller infrastructure in the world."
"It's cool that Tula is at least providing ammo right now and this stuff's in the country where you guys can at least develop this platform and get it going."
"We've taken four products and put them onto one single platform over the last 16 years."
"Our intention is to make something in a platform that people can not only do what hasn't been done but they can also increase that awareness in the marketplace."
"It's very nice to see this, upgradable platforms."
"They have optimized their platform for concrete and actionable insights."
"We continue to build the platforms that help make more innovation possible."
"Here at AWS, we are building a platform that best supports modern application needs."
"What we've really tried to do with this project is build a platform, a platform that is both hardware and software-based."
"I really like the direction YouTube's going in, the features they're adding."
"Android is growing very, very fast."
"Awesome. We now have a really well platform."
"We're really excited about how far the platform has come and we're even more excited about the future."
"We're excited for a platform that makes it possible to really rapidly share data around the world with everybody."
"They're continually and rapidly growing that program to make Tableau as a platform."
"We're going to create a sort of Mega chain multi-chain platform where everyone can build and use at high scale."
"Daedalus is eventually going to be a platform, so the goal is Daedalus is to start looking a lot like Android."