
Natural Behavior Quotes

There are 152 quotes

"So much of this is intuitive and falls in line with what we would have done naturally as humans in the 'wild'."
"Every single animal in the world...is born with an innate sense of what's right for them and they gravitate to natural food."
"Watching the Tyrannosaurus individuals search for mates, reproduce, and raise their offspring really makes them feel like real animals."
"Incorporating a dog's natural needs into training is essential."
"I mean I have a paternal instinct to protect my child."
"In nature, those that are inquisitive are more likely to survive over a long period of time."
"The more you do it, the more you're out, the more natural it's going to be."
"I think that if you're walking by a bush with small blueberries, you're probably gonna eat some."
"The Holier becomes more natural you are isn't that beautiful."
"Your desires and your attraction towards them are very real, very natural, and very healthy."
"Last time you were at a concert and really enjoying yourself and smiling, you weren't stopping to think, 'Oh wait, I need to smile right now.'"
"It's wonderful that it's not even like a thought, it's just naturally expels."
"When hatred comes to the point where it's violent and it's argumentative and it's that way on a consistent basis, then it's not natural."
"I love being pregnant. It's the one time that I feel like I can just eat when I'm hungry."
"Ant wars do happen in the wild, all the time."
"Every day in Africa, a lion wakes up. It's too late to be scared. It's time to kill."
"Every other species on the planet tries to get as many calories as possible to survive."
"For the psychopath, lying is as easy and natural as breathing."
"You can't blame the tiger for behaving like a tiger; you gotta have a gamekeeper."
"The liver slides out and they eat the liver because it's obviously the fattiest most nutritionist part of the animal."
"Feelings you don't decide. They come on their own. Just be natural."
"One of those purposes is mating or breeding, and that's the job that a rooster has in a flock."
"Its ambush abilities are unrivaled in the animal kingdom, and as an apex predator, the Jaguar faces no adversaries in its natural habitat."
"It's a subconscious phase, you're not thinking about it, and you're naturally doing it."
"Eventually they're going to figure out... that check doesn't trump their natural instincts."
"Trout do this all day long, all their lives."
"Group cohesion and taking care of their comrades comes naturally to these individuals."
"If you look at every creature on this planet, every creature, it has an innate desire."
"The larval form which is the form they spend the vast vast majority of their time as is a brutally effective Predator build for any player who prefers the camping playstyle."
"Orchids naturally and instinctively will produce roots when they need to based on their pattern of growth."
"Never forget that to give is a natural impulse that comes as a result of loving something."
"The giant tiger fish: a monstrous predator of the waters."
"Dramatic, exciting, and creepy scenes when wild animals come across their competitors."
"But to give props to people when they deserve it it's something that comes natural to me."
"The bees are wild creatures. They can decide for themselves. You know we're not locking them up in the hives or forcing them to stay anywhere."
"The sixth house is what we do naturally—it should be our natural routine, everyday routine."
"She just sat there waiting for us to bugger off. I think we've ruined her lunch."
"What is Bobcat food? Ducks, little mice, and stuff."
"When your beliefs are in alignment, it becomes really easy because your actions are just natural."
"Do what feels natural, not what you think you should do."
"It is natural to be hungry, it is unnatural to be full."
"It's okay if you didn't major in this stuff, like you can still be curious about why do animals do that."
"You just feel that that's a natural occurrence that the flower is you know it's it's gonna do that it's gonna go where it wants to go any anywhere that it can overflow the edges and corners and things."
"Looking at a breakout right here, lovely lovely lovely."
"Non-reproductive sex while we engage in that pretty much all the time is also a common behavioral trait in nature."
"You almost feel like a pack of wolves working together to take down a much larger animal."
"The hunts continue to happen, the hyenas take the lion's prey and are getting bolder and bolder."
"The fungus directs the ant to go upwards to a high place but is immediately displaced by healthy ants who basically quarantine him by throwing him to the jungle floor."
"Birds have to fly, fish have to swim, dogs have to walk."
"Does the lion take care when he chases after the hare?"
"Laughing is just our Natural State. It's calming. Is chivalry a characteristic of an alpha or beta male?"
"This is the best, seeing an animal doing some natural behaviors."
"Footage has emerged showing the moment this wild elephant chose to square off with a large dead tree towering along a roadside."
"Eagles feed only on fresh prey, they never eat dead things."
"Hypergamy is something that's natural, it is part of women's innate mental firmware."
"So charges inside the conductor always move automatically in such a way that they kill the electric field inside."
"Gorillas have a massive amount of bacteria in their gut, which also means gorillas are almost always constantly farting."
"Once you're an ambush predator, that constraint's gone. Off to the races."
"Children spontaneously and organically orient themselves towards that type of activity."
"The boy is not sick, he's not disordered, the boy is just a boy."
"Playing interactively hunt catch kill. It's what cats are uniquely built to do."
"Of course it's run and gun... that's the nature of the animal."
"As I watched the colony going about their natural behaviours as they would in the wild."
"In this heightened state of awareness kindness becomes second nature to you flowing effortlessly from the depths of your being."
"This is a great way to show that it's natural, we all do this."
"You don't need to shave down their horns. They naturally will grind them."
"Chickens are meant to get out and wander around and scratch and peck."
"Imagine a robot basically just acting as natural as I do and just doing what I do and those sorts of things and all that is going to end up happening through Nvidia chip systems over time."
"People are going to see animals behaving as they should."
"In nature, ants come face to face with other species of ants, and usually it’s overlapping foraging trails, and on rare occasions, a full out Ant War over nesting territory and hunting rites."
"It just seemed like it was an animal in its natural environment."
"They are just doing what nature tells them to do; finish the sleep cycle."
"She's often not distant on purpose, but it's more of a body defense mechanism where the, the closing off just comes very naturally."
"It's just natural to speak Korean."
"Trying to evade predators using every tool at your disposal, and it all feels very natural in the moment."
"These fish are not used to seeing unnatural light."
"Late March brings on the rut and the Bucks start to vocalize with their characteristic grunting."
"This is why plants are so important in aquarium. If I had plants up front, he wouldn't notice the camera, wouldn't notice me, he would eat, he'd be more robust."
"If we were mammals without language we probably wouldn't need a parenting book or tips."
"So there is part of it to let your dog be a dog and not just hammer the training sessions day after day."
"Be yourself, so if your model is a reluctant model, don't get them to model, get them to do whatever they do normally."
"If you get them doing what they like doing, they're no longer modelling."
"You don't need alcohol to be an idiot; I can do that perfectly naturally."
"It's perfectly natural for Bright Bill to eat a few pebbles; they help him digest his food."
"When I know who I am, what I do comes natural."
"They're like they're eating, you know? That's how they live."
"As I admired this rare bird, the sound of a car climbing the hill startled it, and it quickly hid in the trees."
"We use the natural movements what you can see outside by young horses playing on the fields."
"Toys should be destructible... birds should be destroying their toys because it's natural and instinctive for them to chew on wood."
"I'm a firm believer that if there's commotion, if fish feel vibrations of other fish being caught, it brings the dolphin in."
"It is amazing to see a dog be a dog."
"Owls and crows are like the bird version of lions and hyenas; one on one, the owl claps the crow, no question."
"I've always done what has come naturally to me."
"Each year, these elephants travel hundreds of miles in search of food and water, following ancient routes passed down through generations."
"Religion simply seems to be a thing that humans do naturally."
"This is just normal horse stuff which is so exciting to see because you so often don't see horses being treated like real horses on movie sets."
"Authenticity is to me what's the most important, so I just ask that everybody act naturally."
"The first rule of fish club is if it fits in its mouth, it can be food."
"It's not fair to deprive an animal of its natural instinctive behavior."
"Sex is not bad or dirty or not natural."
"These penguins are actually cave dwellers where they're found in the wild."
"Immigrating, migrating is natural, especially if you are fleeing imminent danger."
"A box of dirt... a really great source of enrichment for your rats."
"The key idea of Darwinian beekeeping is to allow the bees to use their own beekeeping skills fully, not to second-guess the bees."
"The web itself actually plays a really surprising role in these spiders' reproduction."
"It's just an easy way to give our dogs more of what they want, which is to be able to explore and use their senses naturally."
"Birds need to destroy things; it is in their natural instincts."
"Foraging is just such an important behavior for birds because that's what they spend most of their time doing in the wild."
"It's an instant relief, a big weight is lifted because now she can do what all little koalas do, eat eucalyptus."
"For food, butterflies drink nectar from flowers and juice from some fruits."
"Capuchin monkeys are natural foragers for fruit, vegetables, and protein."
"Foraging and nesting are natural behaviors for a hamster."
"When fish feed properly on natural food, they're never quite as easy to catch as people think."
"Look what happens when you take off like your own biases and restrictions. Look how kids naturally play and how free they are."
"We get to see them in their natural setting, just doing what they would usually do, which is what I love about being out here."
"Be who you are, be natural, learn, improve, just like anything else."
"Gerbils will tunnel, they will kick their bedding, they will kick it back out and they will create their own natural environment."
"We actually have to allow the animal to live the behavior that it would normally experience as close as possible to in the wild."
"The whole objective of what we do is to view them naturally, safely, in their natural state without influencing them."
"We've got to let the animals do what they need to do."
"He likes his cliff, and I get it, he's a retic, they like to sit on cliffs."
"It's also sometimes good to exercise some restraint and allow a leopard to have a natural ability to go and hunt."
"It's completely natural for them to push over trees, it's part of the way in which they landscape the environment, they architect the environment."
"They don't need to be show animals or actors on the beaches; they can be with each other and can grow, and they are wild animals, and their hobbies will be just lions."
"The Velociraptor, a pack hunter by nature, has intellect inside instinct, the perfect recipe of a top predator."
"If you dam the stream of natural behavior, sooner or later the dam bursts and the cataclysm occurs."
"Nature and behavior are more important than lab data."
"The wonderful thing about elephants is they know just where to dig."
"They're renowned for it and most people are quite aware that oxpeckers feed on ticks which are located in the animals' fur."
"They actually fall into a proper sleep and involuntarily, just as we breathe in our sleep, their head comes up and takes a breath and goes back down while they're sleeping."
"These two white rhinos are still slowly feeding their way through the scrub here and still being as alert as ever."
"Chameleons don't recognize still water... they recognize waters like dew drops in the morning or rainfall."
"What did moths fly at before light bulbs were invented? Inquiring minds need to know."
"They're really on the move here, and this is something the wildebeest and zebra are born to do throughout their life."
"Another pro that I love about an aviary is simply you can come out and watch the birds be as natural as they possibly can."