
Asylum Quotes

There are 146 quotes

"Seeking asylum is not a crime, it's a statutory right fundamental to the American heart."
"You have a right to seek peace, you have a right to seek asylum, you have a right to not be tear-gassed, the right to be honored and dignified."
"Would we like to be a country where people who have just had the worst imaginable luck in life could find refuge and shelter? Yes."
"I've had to flee my country, my home because of the ongoing threats and the lack of action from law enforcement."
"Our nation has a proud history as a safe haven for desperate souls."
"Federal Migration Service has confirmed publicly that they have issued Mr. Snowden temporary asylum for one year and allowed him to leave the airport."
"Asylum is protection for people fleeing persecution in their own country."
"It's a messy situation but I hope it ends peacefully it certainly isn't right now because there's violence being done against his cohorts and he might need to seek asylum somewhere."
"The United States became a haven of refuge, a promised land for many who faced persecution and oppression."
"Seeking asylum is not a crime it's a statutory right this is the basic to the American heart."
"Refugee council analysis, the Home Office's own data suggests a full 61 percent of migrants who travel to Britain by boat successfully claim asylum, meaning they are, according even to the Home Office, genuine refugees."
"We want to let good people come to this country, legitimate Asylum Seekers."
"But Charlie never forgot his mother and rescued Hannah from the asylum in 1921. She spent her last seven years in luxury in California, a world away from the workhouse."
"The left likes to pretend that if you want to enforce the law on asylum you're against asylum. No, in fact, when you enforce the law on asylum, credible asylum claims are handled expeditiously."
"We need to honor our values and create a safe, transparent, and organized way for people to apply for asylum."
"It doesn't reflect what the law says Asylum should be which is a universal right to protection."
"Refugees have the right under international law to seek asylum."
"Starfleet captains must exercise discretion and judgment when offering asylum."
"Azula's descent into madness evoked a sense of pity from her brother rather than facing imprisonment like her father, she was instead committed to an asylum."
"The abandoned mental asylum: dark history, torture, experimental drugs, unimaginable torments."
"He revealed why he was seeking political asylum."
"We offer knowledge: insights into our technology, our energy systems, our medicine. In return, we seek asylum and the chance to share in Earth's cultural and scientific bounty."
"Snowden's asylum was renewed and he still lives in Russia to this day."
"What is asylum? The protection granted by a nation to someone who has left their native country as a political refugee."
"What term from the Greek for refuge or immunity from extradition granted to a political refugee? Asylum."
"Edinburgh Manor is said to be one of the most haunted asylums in all of Iowa."
"I'm requesting political asylum on Earth."
"You do have a stronger case of asylum if the country conditions are very strong. That can be sufficient to get asylum in the U.S."
"I know what you can expect to be asked in your asylum case, and I'm sharing this with you in this exclusive free training."
"'Snowden 2' didn't have a relaxed time fighting asylum in Russia."
"It is a small percentage that are granted and it's probably less than 20% of these cases that are granted."
"Herod Agrippa II granted asylum to the Christians who fled from Jerusalem before its destruction."
"MPP made sure people got due process but they did not get what they want most of these people from my experience don't really care about Asylum they don't really care about the legal documentation or process they want to be released into the United States."
"The screening system seeks to separate those in need of international protection from others."
"This country has a proud and long tradition of welcoming those who are fleeing from persecution."
"The government's £140 million plan to send asylum seekers to Rwanda now lies in tatters after the Supreme Court ruled it to be unlawful."
"Every one of us has a right to seek asylum."
"Your written statement really should focus on what happened to you and what you're afraid will happen to you if you go back."
"I want to live in a free country and I'm seeking protection."
"With good leadership, this country would not be taking the position that it currently does in relation to Asylum Seekers."
"No mother, no parent would ever put their child in harm's way unless the situation at home was worse."
"It is not illegal for migrants to come here to seek asylum."
"In order to win asylum, you have to show that you have a well-founded fear of persecution back in your home country."
"Anyone can apply for asylum, even if they entered without inspection."
"You see, there were these two guys in a lunatic asylum... and one night... one night they decide they don't like living in an asylum any more. They decide they're going to escape!"
"The United States offers protection in the form of asylum to eligible individuals who are fleeing persecution in other nations."
"Nehru's government was keen to offer asylum to Tibetan separatists, including the Dalai Lama in 1959."
"I would be happy to have the boy claim asylum in the Suna village."
"I'm very grateful for Australia for letting people in, getting these migrants that need to really escape from political persecution."
"The asylum was a regular stop for a physician who conducted extreme medical procedures."
"The James hle Asylum was built to house a burgeoning population of the criminally insane."
"I'm not gonna lie, I absolutely loved the rush that asylum brought."
"The Athens Lunatic Asylum remains an important reminder of the past and the need for compassionate and ethical treatment of those suffering from mental illness."
"22,000 communist soldiers decided to seek asylum rather than return to their home countries."
"We need to uphold the rights of asylum."
"The way we treat asylum seekers... goes very much to our obligations under international law which we've signed on to."
"The vast majority of migrants who are coming here seeking entry to the United States at the southern border are doing so because they are fleeing violence and persecution."
"I never knew about that maniac, but after researching the area, I found out that there was a mental asylum hidden on the outskirts of a nearby town."
"This land, if it lives up to its principles, will become an asylum to humanity, a place of refuge for people seeking freedom from religious, political, and economic oppression."
"Seeking Asylum is a legal right of all people in the face of authoritarian threats."
"A person with a well-founded fear of being persecuted for one of five reasons: race, religion, nationality, social group, or political opinion."
"The history of this country has been to accept people here seeking asylum."
"He awakens inside the asylum, lying on a hospital bed dressed in a hospital gown, just like Jacob said."
"Asylum is a right that we all have; it's an international right."
"Seeking asylum is an internationally protected law that each and every one of us has a right to claim."
"Seeking asylum must be based on actual real-life situations which involve threat to the life or freedom of the applicant."
"If you are somebody who faces any form of persecution or you have a well-founded fear of persecution in your home country."
"All individuals have a right to seek asylum."
"More International students are seeking asylum in Canada, numbers reveal."
"The number of international students who seek asylum in Canada has more than doubled in the past five years."
"This country here has a mandate to also protect people who are fleeing danger."
"It's truly an honor to support you in your asylum journey."
"You must provide a detailed and specific account of the basis of your claim to Asylum or other protection."
"At the end of the interview, the lawyer gets a chance to say a few words, and this is where a good asylum lawyer can really add value to your case."
"Harm doesn't have to be just physical... psychological harm... could be enough to get asylum based on the severity of the psychological harm."
"It just goes to show how corrupt and cruel asylums were back in the day."
"I believe we should provide protection to children who are fleeing death and persecution."
"After seven years held inside the asylum, Gustl Mollath was finally released from the mental hospital by a court."
"She was finally released in 1967, 22 years after she was illegally placed in the asylum."
"Hatcher cunningly turned the mental health system into his own private sanctuary to avoid criminal prosecution."
"We Came Upon an abandoned asylum, half-wrecked and ruined, it sent a chill down our spines."
"Shall oppressed humanity find no asylum on this globe?"
"It's an honor to support you in your asylum journey."
"I am an immigration lawyer, I specialize in asylum claims."
"The most important thing for you to establish is that you are genuinely at risk of persecution."
"To win asylum you have to show all of the following: That you have been harmed or have good reason to believe that you will be harmed in your country of origin."
"Applying for asylum is a personal choice and it may also be complicated depending on your situation."
"If you win asylum, your legal spouse and your children who are under 21 and unmarried can get asylum based on their relationship to you."
"It is very important to be honest on your asylum application."
"My life was in danger, but now, thankfully, I can apply for asylum."
"Once you explore so many asylums, you know that this one hits different."
"We have an asylum system and a record of giving people asylum in this country that we should be proud of."
"It is free to submit a work permit application as an asylum seeker."
"Ensure that you have an actual strategy for pursuing asylum that can make you a stronger applicant."
"I'm passionate about giving people the tools they need to get asylum so they can stay safe and stay here."
"I'm confident you'll come away from this training, feeling better prepared for your asylum interview."
"I used to be an American asylum officer."
"It feels great to grant asylum to a deserving applicant, especially when you can just tell that they're gonna go on to do great things in the United States."
"Asylum officers overwhelmingly just tend to be, due to the nature of the person that the job tends to attract, the kind of people who are glad to see someone get the chance to build their life in the United States."
"For an asylum seeker to succeed in their asylum claim, they must show that they will be persecuted for one of five reasons: race, religion, nationality, political opinion, or membership of a particular social group."
"No privilege is more eagerly sought by many millions of the world's people than asylum in the one nation which for 150 years has been an unfailing refuge of the world's oppressed and persecuted peoples."
"Human beings fleeing for safety are not illegal."
"The Romans imagined that their city had originally been a city of asylum seekers."
"We have to file for asylum... and we ended up winning the lottery, more or less, and coming to America as refugees."
"If you win asylum, you will be protected from deportation and you will be able to live and work anywhere in the United States for as long as you want."
"Asylum seeking is a journey of no return."
"The insane asylum on Blackwell's Island is a human rat trap. It is easy to get in, but once there, it is impossible to get out."
"We should take genuine refugees, people who are in fear of their lives because of their race, their religion, their class, their views."
"We're a nation that says if you want to flee and you're fleeing oppression, you should come."
"Once individuals arrive in the United States, they will be eligible to apply for asylum or other available immigration pathways."
"There is sufficient evidence to support a fear of persecution. I am granting her asylum."
"The warden had lost control and the asylum now belonged to the inmates."
"We have to look for where we can create safer legal routes. People should not have to come here to apply for asylum."
"The UK has always welcomed those who are fleeing persecution, regardless of whether they come through a safe and legal route."
"This country will always welcome those seeking asylum, those fleeing persecution."
"I come to seat myself on the hearth of the British people; I put myself under the protection of their laws," he wrote.
"The fact that it's inside what was once a real asylum adds a whole nother layer to the creepiness."
"James Madison viewed America as an asylum to the persecuted."
"It is right that we offer sanctuary, but we will not be able to sustain an asylum system if in effect simply being gay or a woman or fearful of discrimination in your country of origin is sufficient to qualify for protection."
"We need to have a process that is well run so that people who do claim asylum, their application is processed."
"An asylum seeker is someone who's trying to get refuge in a foreign country because their life is in danger in their home country."
"Over 5 million people are displaced today, and more than 1 million Congolese have sought asylum."
"The United Kingdom, the European Union, is a party to the 1951 Convention on Refugees. It states that it adheres to the right for all people to seek asylum, to receive asylum, and to enjoy asylum."