
Economic Power Quotes

There are 185 quotes

"Will these events be the end of the U.S. economic power, or will they be able to bounce back on their feet?"
"If enough people start to say it... I think that black people need to exercise the power of our dollar."
"We should be making peace around the world, projecting economic power rather than military power."
"The US dollar has three superpowers: trust for trade, power to buy oil, and lastly, it has all the excess Forex reserves invested in its own economy with 7 trillion dollars in bonds."
"The Qatar of today is a fabulously wealthy country for its small size, and with that wealth also comes enormous global influence and power."
"BlackRock is the largest asset manager in the world with assets pushing 10 trillion dollars, more than double the GDP of Germany, the fourth largest economy in the world."
"This is the power of money, you can literally get performance enhancing tailored to your specific needs."
"Examine the success of any titan of industry, whether it be Carnegie and his mountains of steel, or Rockefeller and his sea of oil, and you will find a coveted green commodity fueling their industry ... Money."
"The Christian west would triumph because it had a more powerful economy, more innovative technology."
"From the sea have come wealth, power, and new ideas from across the globe."
"The ability to borrow is what makes capitalism so powerful."
"The ruling class in this country, the oligarchy, is not going to give up its wealth any more than the slaveocracy did give up its slaves. It took a civil war. It took a revolution."
"The dollar is power and how we use it will determine if we actually build wealth inside of our communities."
"Money is the only language these corporations and these Executives speak."
"Energy business allowed Putin to pick and choose who would be rich and who would be powerful in Ukraine."
"We have this tremendous economic power over China and I'd use it if we have to."
"Black people, personally or individually, are poor. Yet collectively, represent one of the largest economies in the world."
"If you control the money, you control the people." - Dr. Pete Windham
"China is a complete power... economically and militarily." - Dr. Ross Stewart
"The British Navy well-manned well-resourced and backed by a powerful economy was able to secure complete Naval dominance during the Napoleonic Wars."
"The point is, it just took somebody scared. So it took somebody dumb enough to think they can fight a billionaire."
"The US has leveraged its powers against Europe, they have leveled its massive economic power because they obviously have complete control of every corporation in the United States working in symbiosis to put the sanctions that they have on Russia."
"I do not believe that democracy is about a handful of billionaires being in a position in which they can spend as much money as they want on any political race in this country."
"China apart from being the largest economic state in the world will be the most resourced economic state."
"There's one other thing they can do with that massive amount of income... they can buy your mom's house."
"We must also realize that the problems of racial injustice and economic injustice cannot be solved without a radical redistribution of political and economic power."
"Ethereum is not just pretending to be a credible store of value; it actually is the substrate that powers an entire economy."
"China saw that money turned the US into a global superpower and how micromanaging everything destroyed the Soviet Union."
"It's about a division of power because if capital is stronger, more powerful than labor then they can dictate the rules of the game."
"African people in America have one of the world's largest economies."
"We show up, we show out, our dollars reign supreme."
"Money is power, and when you have the power, you must exercise responsibility."
"In the future, those who control the microchip business will control the world."
"Kanzak's combined GDP would make it the world's third-largest economy."
"The century on which we are entering can be and must be the century of the Common Man, a radical redistribution of economic power."
"He who has the gold makes the rules. It's been the law of history."
"Black businesses are a threat to white supremacy."
"The more the wealth of a nation comes from the productive citizens of the nation, the more the power gets spread out."
"Money buys the world once again, and billionaires just proved it."
"With trillions at his disposal far beyond global GDP far beyond the governments of the world's leaders it offers the only real prospect of achieving fundamental economic transition."
"This is literally the perfect storm for what we all call the globalist world, the economy of the antichrist."
"By the turn of the 21st century, Qatar had been revolutionised from a poverty stricken colonial backwater into a regional powerhouse."
"China has not only surpassed the US, but also now accounts for roughly 18% of world GDP."
"You need to get your bread up... your life could be better than someone with perfect credit because you have money."
"Why do we feel like we need guns instead of financial power to maintain hegemony?"
"The single biggest power group in the economy going forward are older women because there's a lot of them and there's more every day."
"Trillions of dollars coming into the marketplace, controlled by a small group of people."
"This new 11-member bricks will control it will include six of the top 10 oil exporting countries in the world and 80 percent of global oil production."
"The only thing more powerful in the world of 40K than faith is cash."
"Naval trade is even more powerful than land trade is. It is brutally powerful."
"Unlike teenagers who are mostly broke, middle-aged men who own a motorbike generally have a lot more money to spend."
"We have to understand the power of our dollars."
"If they were to spend millions of dollars a day they would literally never run out of money. It's pointless funny money but they are willing to kill you to get more of it."
"He who has cash in a recession is king because you can do things that other people can't."
"Bitcoin whales now hold 9% of the circulating Supply totaling about 1.8 million in Bitcoin."
"Money is power. I want more power in the hands of people who want to build, who want to share."
"Follow the money. Who owns everything, right? Who owns the banks? I told you who owns the banks."
"Lights out cause we have the power of ads and money on our side."
"Voting with your dollar is always important."
"In under 200 years... grown into a multinational conglomerate with the power of a small country."
"It's a madness that there's only about seven families around the world that are controlling the whole wealth of the world."
"Whoever owns the gold gets a seat at the table."
"But where you have to be careful is when you have these gigantic whale wallets that can dump the market."
"Europe, which is already financially a juggernaut, will get over that, oh we could be in the EU."
"We’re winning. Because we’re the piggy bank."
"So the United States has been the most powerful economic engine in the world longer than anyone’s been alive. And the foundation of war is economics."
"If what happened in China stayed in China, that would be bad enough. But instead of America's changing China, China is leveraging its economic power to change America."
"You don't have to go to war anymore if you can make your economy powerful enough and cultivate a good relationship with the person you're dealing with."
"Economic supremacy of this particular class must be defended through any means necessary, either be it liberal, fascist, or whatever else."
"These companies, because they are so large, have tremendous economic power and tremendous political power, and they're spending hundreds of millions of dollars trying to protect the status quo."
"Money in the United States lets you do whatever you want and it's just going rampant."
"The scale of Shichi Lop's business puts him in the same league as El Chapo."
"Money is not nice, controlling the factors of production that control the money is where the power is."
"Black people are individually poor but collectively we represent one of the largest economies in the world."
"Black people individually are poor, but collectively we represent one of the largest economies in the world."
"Money creates choices, it's about the freedom."
"Charity is how you help a community play struggle, not mix. Charity does not lead to power, not mix. There is almost no example of any group of people that has become powerful economically by relying on somebody's charity."
"These corporations that own 190 plus percent of the world won't do [ __ ]."
"We need to form a coalition of black millionaires and billionaires."
"If you have some ability to get access to the capital, that gives you strength."
"Hey Ernest, did you know that the Black community has 2.7 trillion dollars of spending power? Are you ready to see what you can do when you combine and recirculate our resources to expand the pool of Black excellence?"
"Money runs the world period correct whoever has the most money buys the best weapon absolutely you know so on so forth."
"Imagine controlling 80% of a world currency, the power that comes with that."
"If any single corporate decision is such a big deal, it's a sign that corporation has gained too much power."
"Workers going on strike, realizing their labor power, really showing the country that they are the one that is making America rich, they are the one who built this, you know, it's a really powerful tool."
"Money is power, and with enough power, you can rule the world."
"What we have here as an economic system is powerful. It rewards hard work. It rewards ingenuity."
"Money is power every time you spend a dollar you are transferring your power to another person."
"I could afford to paint the entire empire in marketplaces."
"Money is just a piece of paper, but it controls lives."
"Money is power, money is control, money is influence, and it's everywhere."
"We're establishing our complete undeniable economic dominance over the hated red team."
"The petrodollar gave the U.S three huge advantages or superpowers."
"This isn't rich, this isn't even wealth, this is generational money, this is I can buy a few countries and control their economy money."
"So it's just cue talking about ask yourself if the U.S. GDP gross domestic product is greater than the total of all others combined in the G7 and yes it is which allows us to negotiate from a position of strength."
"That's right, 90 billion dollars. Yes, that's right, 90 billion dollars."
"The market power of these big corporations has grown..."
"Whichever crypto wins in this crazy race, we all win because the power of money is given back to us, the people."
"Corporations have a lot of power, too much power over all of our lives."
"The biggest universal power nowadays is money and information. Way stronger than ultra instinct."
"Germany is not a weak country; it is highly populous and economically very strong."
"The size of the economy does not determine your political or strategic power."
"The problem is the overwhelming power of money in politics."
"Yeah I don't think they're gonna need bullets yeah I said to me that's like bullet is not something only the only way you can invade some country it's like China found a lot of weight that's like economic."
"China has displaced the American Empire by deftly projecting economic power over the past decade."
"Amazon is becoming the biggest market player the world has ever seen."
"I agree, the power of the market and people standing together."
"The U.S. dollar is not backed by anything but U.S. military and economic Supremacy."
"Real money's involved and whoever's got the most money tends to steer the herd."
"Private central banks exist to serve their owners, to make them rich beyond the dreams of Midas."
"I used to believe that only cash and big machines could move mountains."
"This election is an opportunity to challenge the reign of economic and political power."
"The size of the recorded numbers of goods combined with every other function filled by temples only serves to confirm their might as economic, religious, and political centers of power within Egypt."
"We're talking only 147 corporations that control upward 80 to 90 percent of everything on the planet."
"The US is losing ground to China and thus its economic leadership."
"Money is power, and as long as you got it, you make the rules."
"Unless we choose to do it. And if you can find anywhere in history where somebody has willingly given up the global reserve currency... I'll buy you a beer."
"Build an economic base by your politicians that then affects you can then affect the judges in the courts in the and the police..."
"China's economic influence creates political influence."
"How do you get to be a trillion dollar company? You dupe the masses, man."
"Anti-s slap was designed to stop the people who have a bottomless litigation budget from suing everybody."
"It can't be denied that California's economy is one of the most powerful economies by itself in the world."
"You're not going to change anything anyways unless you have hundreds of billions of dollars or you're a trillionaire. You have no power to change anything."
"We live in a world where globalization and trade have become one of the most vital aspects in determining the power of a country's economy."
"Economic power is what becomes the investment for military power."
"In a world based on white supremacy, you can't have black economic power."
"The enemy will be terrified when Muslims start building economic power."
"Black people are the largest consumers on Earth. We have spending power, we have buying power, but we don't have any economic power, and that comes from lack of money management."
"A standard like bitcoin distributes power to the individual. The state gets its power from printing money, so a state-managed economy can't outperform a free market over the long term."
"Without a doubt there has been a decline in economic power."
"At the end of the day we vote with our dollars."
"Secondly, that India, if it continues to grow at five or six percent, seven in 50 years, will be the strongest economic power in the world. We're talking about this century."
"We are flexing our social power, we are flexing our economic power, and we are flexing our creative power."
"After World War II, America emerged as a global economic power."
"I think that the the way in which data is the new oil is that it is in by and large going to be the main lever for economic power and economic influence over the course of the next few decades."
"The upper classes, the bourgeoisie, as we referred to them, they don't only rule through economics. It's not just that they wield power through forcing people to produce and exploiting people and taking, but they rule by perpetuating cultural norms."
"Capital in fact was never linked by contract to the society that it dominates. It is a challenge to society and it must be responded to as such."
"The Saudi royal family's control over the country's oil resources has been a major factor in their accumulation of wealth."
"During the last 40 years, Japan has risen from the agony and ashes of defeat to become one of the world's major powers."
"It's never a good idea to have corporations monopolizing basic infrastructure and services, and also gaining so much capital that they can basically push the federal government in any direction they want to."
"Money is power, and the day India has money, things are going to change very significantly."
"When we have the finances, the world will pay attention."
"This small group dominates key sectors of the economy."
"Salt was so vital to everyday life before refrigeration that even a tiny, sleepy little village like Hallstatt could become very powerful."
"China is now economically the second most powerful country in the world; it recently overtook Japan."
"It's money that harnesses the forces of nature, creates the machine, and makes it go when money says go, and stop when money says stop."
"We have everything we need on Earth; we could paralyze the world economies."
"Germany is the third largest exporter and importer of goods in the world."
"Together, we represent half of the world's economic and military power."
"Economic power is not just about money; it's about improving lives."
"China is a great, powerful economy... able to reach its national goals without the use of force."
"If the US loses its position as world reserve currency, you can't actually have any consumptive power with printed dollars."
"Its economy is the most powerful in the world, with a strong industrial sector and intensive technological developments."
"I think people really underestimate the power of having capital."
"Essentially, it's the traveler's dollar that defines the future of the elephant tourism industry."
"Three Wall Street firms control assets of over 20 trillion dollars, which is equivalent to the GDP of the United States of America."
"In essence, VO is not just an investment; it is a stake in America's economic powerhouses."
"The Republic of Korea is in many respects a global economic power."
"Snapchatters hold 4.4 trillion dollars in global spending powers."
"Asian Americans are only 6.3% of the American population but they have 1.3 trillion dollars in consumer buying power."
"Our economic strength is a source of strength in the world."
"The city's enduring economic clout is further highlighted by its 60 billionaires."
"We don't need to beg for nothing when you got 1.3 trillion dollars to spend."
"Out of the hundred biggest economic entities in the world, 51 are companies and only 49 are states."
"Together the allies of Ukraine outrank the Russian economy 25 to 1, so we just got to make it count."
"Money brings a lot of opportunity, and you can't underestimate the power of money."
"The black community alone is a trillion-dollar economy."
"We're changing the country through the power of commerce."