
Sacraments Quotes

There are 154 quotes

"Prayer and the sacraments are the primary means of fighting against these spiritual problems."
"Father Gerald Murray: 'The spiritual good of the faithful is the primary purpose of canon law. It's to promote access to the sacraments, to hearing the word of God, to exercising the works of charity.'"
"Christ willed that His Church would be the minister of healing and salvation by the means of these two sacraments."
"The sacraments don't make it easy to become saints; they're the only things that make it possible."
"With the deaths of the apostles and the loss of priesthood, the institutional power to perform and oversee saving sacraments or ordinances, learn the mind of God, and interpret scripture was no longer on earth."
"Catholicism teaches us that the sacrament of matrimony is only valid when there is a male baptized male and a baptized female who give consent and intend to enter into holy matrimony."
"It's a physical, touchable, doable thing that reminds us that through the grace of the sacraments we can bend our will to God's."
"For Catholics, we go and we touch and taste and eat and taste and see the body and blood of Christ."
"Christ risen from the dead lives in us, he will now make sacramentally new his sacrifice on Calvary to nourish his life within us."
"Here's the thing everybody: the Eucharist is the source and summit of the Christian life."
"There's something here of crucial significance."
"Unless we eat His body and drink His blood, we do not have life within us."
"Baptism and confession of faith are the only requirements for salvation."
"We have a moral Assurance of our salvation whenever I receive Eucharist I'm stating I have a moral Assurance of myself exactly right."
"He just started asking him questions about like the sacraments, like, so you believe in seven sacraments as an Anglican, he's like, well, yeah, but like, there's two of the gospel and there's five of the church."
"The sacraments not just rites and rituals; they're meant to sanctify, build, and glorify."
"After that, you will know that every seven sacraments in the church, others Spring Water of the Holy Spirit who pass through him that was given from the art of Jesus the flowing water of the art of Jesus."
"The sacraments are the way to help us get to heaven."
"The seven sacraments are the seven ways Jesus Christ left to heal the world."
"Jesus is truly present in the sacraments."
"The sacraments are more powerful than an exorcism."
"What if it's just simply going to confession, receiving the Eucharist, and opening your heart when you do it?"
"God Himself is not bound by the sacraments. He is able to be merciful towards people and take an understanding of whatever epistemic position He has placed them in."
"We acknowledge one baptism for the forgiveness of sins."
"You want to be where Christ is, where the sacraments are, where the Eucharist is."
"Since becoming a Catholic it really just has been such a a rich experience and so peaceful and so blessed just to access Christ through the sacraments and that's really what I was missing."
"All of the essential acts of the church are those of Christ: teaching, baptizing, ruling, loosing, binding, offering sacrifice."
"There is nothing more powerful in the spiritual fight than the sacraments."
"The whole reason for the church is to maintain the sacraments, those are graces given to us by our Lord."
"Less chalk, less oil, plus water: sacramentals are powerful means of communicating divine graces."
"The Eucharist is the sign of unity. It brings us into communion with our Lord and in communion with the church."
"Confession after baptism... the only two ways to get back in the state of grace other than perfect contrition are confession and anointing."
"Do not be afraid. Come back to the sacrament and experience the manifest mercy of God."
"The sacraments are means of grace, by which God strengthens our souls and our understanding of his word and of his promise by which we live."
"The efficacy of baptism and our supper lasts and lasts."
"The sacraments are not just symbols, we think that baptism does actually engraft you into Christ."
"You should have Anointing before you get the Apostolic Pardon so that you're in a state of grace."
"Calvin's goal was to restore the native purity of the sacraments and to resume their former dignity."
"'You do not know the power of the sacraments. You do not understand the divine life that is being communicated through these institutions of grace.'"
"'Share them with those around you that they may experience what you experience every day.'"
"People would read this and suddenly prepare themselves to celebrate the sacraments in a deeper way."
"God wants a personal relationship with us like in the sacraments show us that."
"We need God, we need other people, we need the sacraments, we need the full gifts of everything the Catholic Church gives us to be the man that God calls us to be."
"It's mystical union with Christ, certified by baptism and taking the body and blood of Jesus in a sacred meal."
"The sacraments don't make it easy to become holy it makes it possible."
"Is means is, and is means represents. We say the sacraments are a union of the sign and the thing signified. So the bread does indeed represent the body of Christ, but we also call the bread the body of Christ."
"I believe that the Protestant churches need and want and desire the sacraments."
"The number one thing on this list is that no priest should ever tell you that it cost money for the sacraments. It just that that is such an egregious misuse of the role of the priesthood to charge for the sacraments."
"It's kind of similar to the first and it's about the denial of the sacraments. One of the things that a priest should never say no to is baptizing babies. I don't think a priest should ever say no to that."
"The sacraments are essential for becoming holy, but the sacraments don't make it easy, much less automatic."
"It’s only faith that’s used to save us, faith in Christ, and that the means to help bring about that faith are baptism and the Lord’s Supper."
"Blessings can be given so long as they aren't confused with matrimony."
"The sacraments are a sacred, precious gift, and even if we disagree on the nature of that precisely, we can agree that they are sacred, they are precious."
"The church is God's, and the sacraments are God's sacraments. It's not my mass, it's not yours, it's our Lord's."
"...when taking part in the most usual sacraments which are considered the most important baptism and communion..."
"Are my sacraments not valid? That's a continual challenge."
"The Sacraments aren't just symbols, but actual grace. They do something."
"The sacraments are protected by the Holy Spirit."
"The sacraments are like fire; they can either warm us or burn us."
"God does use bread and wine and he uses water and he uses the words of the preacher to administer salvation."
"The sacraments ground us, and if our life is focused on the sacramental encounter with Jesus, you stand a much better chance of becoming like him."
"Pray receive the sacraments care about the poor the disenfranchised those who are less able to fend for themselves and we are I am my brother's keeper and so are you."
"...I don't question my salvation. I don't become desolate anymore, because I know I have access to the sacraments."
"We went through those different rites and sacraments. So I remember that time of formation. Maybe we didn't take it too seriously, but I'll never forget the night that we were confirmed, and we were on our way back, and I just I sat in the car and something was different."
"At Baptism, we are given the theological virtues of Faith, Hope and Love."
"The Holy Spirit is the key, and He comes to us at Baptism and Confirmation."
"Baptism confers the first sanctifying grace and the supernatural virtues of Faith, Hope and Charity."
"Baptism is always about a new start, a rebirth."
"Through Holy Baptism, we entered into union with other souls."
"By all means, we want to sow those sacramental seeds everywhere, but we're sowing them because we are working toward a harvest."
"Baptism does not save you. Taking the Lord's Supper does not save you. They are symbolic."
"The sacramental and christological character of our redemption is primary."
"God uses means to fulfill his purposes: preaching, prayer, fellowship, and the proper use of the sacraments."
"And now, matter matters, and now, God communicates with us and we participate in Him through material things. And this is the whole underpinning of sacramental life and theology."
"I believe in the validity of their sacraments like we believe they have real priesthood."
"The sacraments are a tangible thing that we do. We go to the Eucharist, we receive the Eucharist, we are imparted with grace."
"The sacraments, you know, as I think about my life now, to have the means of grace available to me."
"Everything I had I now have in abundance and more in terms of the sacraments."
"the important thing in Baptism and in communion are the spiritual state of the person receiving the sacrament or the ordinance"
"The sacraments make us different from every other religion."
"The sacraments bring us together and govern us in unity."
"We ascertain the form not by anything apparent but rather by the pure preaching of the word of God and the due administration of the sacraments."
"The marks of a true church are the preaching of the gospel and the right ordering of the sacraments."
"Once we take these five steps, the sacraments start to have this resounding effect."
"Sacraments are efficacious signs of grace, instituted by Christ and entrusted to the Church, by which divine life is dispensed to us."
"The sacraments... they pierce into the darkness and brokenness of our lives and bring us these real moments of joy."
"Participation in the sacraments implies that we are in communion and communion for the Orthodox means that we share the same faith."
"God has given us real sacraments and sacramentals, and they work 'ex opere operato'."
"Oh Lord, we pray for all those who are preparing to receive a Sacrament."
"We have such a special gift given by our Lord in the sacraments."
"Sacraments are efficacious meaning they do something; they're not just symbols, they are symbols that accomplish something."
"In the sacraments, we experience a foretaste of the kingdom of God."
"The sacraments are perceptible signs, words and actions accessible to our human nature by the action of Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit; they make present efficaciously the grace that they signify."
"The sacramental economy is the way that God chooses to interact with us through the sacraments."
"The sacraments are everything: the Mass, the Church, the Magisterium, and Scripture."
"The sacraments are the most powerful protection we have."
"The gospel was to be proclaimed, the sacraments were to be administered, the church was to be planted and nurtured."
"'Our Lady leads you to the sacraments; this leads you to Jesus Christ.'"
"Christ is the point. No matter how bad it gets, we can still receive Christ's life in the sacraments; we can still be in union with Him to the limit of our willingness; we can still learn Christ's truth."
"Lord and Savior, bless us with holy priests; through their ministry, may Your lifegiving presence in the sacraments always be present in Your church."
"The sacraments are precious means of grace that signify the benefits of the gospel, confirm its promises to the believer, and visibly distinguish the church from the world."
"It affects the sacraments, it affects ecclesiology, and very importantly, it affects eschatology."
"Confession and Communion are the recurring sacraments."
"I die in the Catholic faith, not doubting any article of my faith, no nor doubting in any sacrament of the church."
"The sacraments are the expressions of God's grace, God's power that comes to us."
"On the natural level, the greatest thing man can do is to have and raise children; on the supernatural level, there is nothing greater for man to do than give sacraments, and above all, the Mass."
"The service of Charity presupposes and is inseparable from the two other responsibilities of the church, namely the proclamation of the word and the celebration of the sacraments."
"These sacraments are the normal means of sanctification and they put us in close union with the Cross of Christ."
"The sacraments were all instituted by Jesus Christ Our Lord."
"The sacraments come to us by Jesus in the power of the Holy Spirit."
"The Catholic Church administers seven sacraments: Baptism, Confirmation, Eucharist, Confession, Anointing of the Sick, Holy Matrimony, and Holy Orders."
"The Christian initiation of adults begins with their entry into the catechuminate and reaches its culmination in a single celebration of the three sacraments of initiation: baptism, confirmation, and the Eucharist."
"Since God has done us this benefit of condescending to us, let us not be ashamed to do this honor to His word and sacraments."
"The sacraments are so much a part of our Catholic life that sometimes we take them for granted."
"The church from the very beginning believed in the communion of saints and believed in the real presence in the Eucharist."
"Jesus himself gave us these seven sacraments."
"The sacraments operate in virtue of their own power."
"It's a condescension to our human nature in our created physical state that Christ gave us the sacraments."
"The easiest and most simple way to have assurance is the sacraments."
"The seven sacraments touch all the stages and all the important moments of the Christian life."
"...this is one of the clear scripture passages we have the distinction between baptism which they already received and confirmation which can only be administered by a bishop."
"One man, one woman, a bunch of love, they have to really like each other, they need the sacraments and the graces they're from."
"The tangibility of the sacraments... there is a spiritual strengthening that happens through these sacraments."