
Economic Sanctions Quotes

There are 106 quotes

"Russia is currently facing severe financial sanctions from the West, and most of these countries were export markets for Russia prior to its invasion of Ukraine."
"Sanctions... actually had the opposite effect. Russia's economy is more independent and more prosperous than it was before the sanctions were imposed."
"Economic sanctions don't punish leadership; they punish the people."
"Economic sanctions exist as an arm of American foreign policy to bully countries into aligning with what the United States wants them to do."
"Please do not sponsor Russia's war machine. Not a single euro for the occupiers."
"Over the last 18 months, Russia has faced a wave of financial sanctions which has meant that it's lost sales to countries in the west."
"It's the analog to using the leverage of the swift system to cut out you know foreign adversaries or to use that leverage to pressure them to do something we want it's an extension of the same basic principle and done for the same reasons."
"Zimbabwe has been on sanctions which have negatively affected its people."
"The impact of these sanctions is really being felt now." - James Longman
"The biggest issue that they're facing today is the sanctions that are currently in place against the government."
"You know the United Nations which is in the United States is foremost in legislating economic sanctions."
"We've got to do everything we can to tighten the noose on Russia's economy."
"I think that this is eventually going to drag out long enough and the sanctions are going to build up bad enough that the Russians will kind of be forced into a peace agreement where they leave Ukraine..."
"We're moving in the right direction with sanctions, and there are more sanctions to come."
"U.S investors' money could be used to fund Beijing's effort to counter U.S sanctions brought on by its suppression of Hong Kong, its massive surveillance over the Chinese people, and persecution of the Uyghur ethnic group in Xinjiang."
"Lesson 5: Sanctions are slow, but they do work, and China is very much aware of this."
"The U.S. is targeting the main artery of Russia's economy."
"The world must impose devastating sanctions."
"It wasn't just about taking away Russia's favorite Western treats; it was part of a broader campaign aimed at weakening the country's economy by cutting off technology and investments."
"We need to continue to apply the most severe of sanctions possible to target specifically President Putin and his wealth."
"When you cut off the money flows, that's the end of the Putin regime."
"Sanctions have choked Russia's economy, their stock market has lost 40%."
"The totality of our sanctions and export controls is crushing the Russian economy."
"We will continue to go further not just with military assistance but also by tightening the vice on the Putin regime."
"When sanctions lose effectiveness, it gives rise to reserve currencies and creates a multi-polar world where new alliances are formed."
"The Chinese regime has issued rules and its proposed unreliable entities list which enables it to sanction foreign companies."
"We're talking about seizing their assets, seizing their yachts, and making it harder for them."
"Economic sanctions on Belarus... we just announced a huge number of sanctions... in coordination with our European partners to send a clear message..."
"There is absolutely no question that the sanctions are having a negative impact on Russia right now."
"The U.S sanctions war is now starting to enable the Russians and behind the Russians the Chinese to press forward more vigorously."
"There is a better way to shut off Russia's expansive policies that revolves around diplomacy and economic control."
"Oil embargo will be a very effective measure to deprive Putin from much-needed revenue."
"Recent reports confirmed that G7 and the EU plan on setting two more price caps for Russian products"
"If we deny Russia this flow of currency, then they'll be able to stop their aggressive behavior."
"Sanctions are temporary unlike permanent penalties."
"Sanctions are very important... telling the world that any country that wants to invade a neighbor will feel this brunt of economic pain."
"The best weapon the United States has to stop Putin and help Ukraine and the other countries Putin might be eyeing down the road isn't military, it's economic."
"At the end of the day, it's like fighting a professional boxer every single time you try to hit them they hit you ten times harder and that's exactly what these sanctions are for the West."
"We're also announcing new sanctions of more than 400 individuals and entities aligned with the European Union."
"China gives them a reliable Market to sell their oil when the world shuns them China has helped Russia overcome the sanctions that it experienced after it invaded Ukraine."
"Conditional sanctions help Ukraine’s bargaining position."
"Russia has proved astonishingly resilient in the face of U.S. sanctions pressure."
"The West chokes out Russia with these caps then it's only a matter of time until we choke out Saudi till we choke out other members of OPEC."
"This operation will help to choke off the funds that go to that corrupt regime."
"Take the money that they have in Western banks, take the assets that they've bought all over the world. You take their villas, you take their yachts, you take absolutely everything that's in their jurisdictions."
"Quite literally overnight, Russia lost access to half of that money thanks to some of the toughest sanctions ever imposed on a country."
"Sanctions have a long history, and I think we've seen the impact of sanctions on so many other countries in the past."
"The time to be harsh with Russia economically and politically is now."
"This war is a way to circumvent the embargo."
"Every cent paid to Russia they turn into bullets and missiles aimed at other sovereign states."
"The Western measures are a tightening noose and the costs for Russia will accumulate."
"ANC have begun to realize that we were put under sanctions by the financial system knowing that we've got a very strong state-owned economy."
"U.S blocks American firms from doing business with China's biggest chip maker."
"The sanctions that we've proposed on all their banks of equal consequence maybe more consequence than SWIFT."
"The U.S. accelerated its move to decouple from China this year, imposing sanctions on some Chinese companies due to national security concerns."
"Every time the West places more sanctions on Russia, it all adds up—it's death by a thousand paper cuts."
"Russia is under severe economic sanctions imposed by western countries."
"Sanctions aimed at shattering the Russian economy and making it impossible for business as usual to continue have definitely had an impact."
"There are different types of sanctions, and the most impactful ones... imposed on Russian banks."
"And so we're starting to see what the future looks like which is, you know, Russia's put in this camp of the official baddie pariah states that the U.S is going to try to sort of bleed dry and crush economically over a long period of time."
"This war is hurting Russian people because of the sanctions... there's real suffering."
"Banana sanctions, that's when you know Russia's playing hard ball right now."
"This is the analog to using the leverage of the SWIFT system to cut out foreign adversaries or to use that leverage to pressure them."
"The threat of crippling sanctions will deter large-scale military action."
"We are in the process of ejecting Russia from the global economic order."
"The purpose of these sanctions on a wide scale is to deplete his resources."
"You have to hurt those oligarchs to a maximum degree until they say to Putin, we're done with this."
"Sanctions on Russia could have unintended consequences."
"Many countries began to impose embargoes on Russia."
"The British have been at the forefront of the sanctions war against Russia."
"The G7 countries declared economic war on China during the summit, signing a joint declaration condemning China's economic practices."
"People are willing to accept higher prices to punish Russia for these transgressions."
"The sanctions on Syria risk a situation similar to the genocidal impact of sanctions on Iraq."
"We're trying to stifle their economy until they back out of Ukraine."
"There's gonna be greater reluctance both in the US and in Europe to apply this full set of instruments on China rather than Russia."
"It's Putin who is bleeding Europe. Sanctions are backfiring or poorly enforced."
"We should support whatever level of sanctions are necessary to make it extremely clear to the people in Russia who do make these decisions."
"The more the sanctions intensify, the more the West is destroying itself and collapsing under the weight of the sanctions."
"Russia blamed the soaring price of food, cooking oil, fertilizer, and energy on the West imposing sanctions and hindering Russian shipments and sales."
"We have been clear... if they invade Ukraine we have a range of economic options... significant and severe."
"The sanctions we've imposed have generated two-thirds of the world joining us. They are profound sanctions."
"When Libya dared to challenge such projects, the forces of imperialism came in and started using military conspiracies, military bombings, economic warfare and so forth."
"Sanctions are effective because we are the reserve currency of the world."
"The most powerful sanctions to date have blocked Russia's largest financial institutions and its central bank from the global financial system."
"The sanctions against Russia have really shaken the confidence of rich people in having their assets in a particular basket."
"We have hamstrung Russia's central bank, thus depriving Putin of access to his war chest."