
Extremity Quotes

There are 390 quotes

"His love for us is the most extreme thing there is."
"The American ideals are kind of extreme actually. Free speech, self-governance... For most of human history, it was done the other way."
"Our monstrous rulers are forcing people to engage in the most extreme, desperate act of political protest just to be heard."
"In recent months, the Democrat Party has also been aggressively pushing extreme late-term abortion."
"Courageous in the extreme, competent in the extreme."
"It's kind of like...launching thermonuclear warheads."
"Doomsday's comic book origin is expletive insane."
"The Holocaust is the most extreme form of a universal human disease."
"If you have doubts or concerns about him or Dave Ramsey, you are not only weak, you're disloyal, lacking intelligence, and you are going against the will of God."
"It's not that his opinions are good, his opinions are insanely idiotic and totally ridiculous."
"This is savage! Area 51's got nothing on us, boys!"
"That dude just willingly loses his fucking mind for content, I love it."
"Normal people don't have those photos... it's insane stuff."
"No, I know that example was kind of extreme."
"Life was so polarized— the poverty was extreme, and the rich was extreme... You can say that about nowadays, but I don’t think it’s even touching the levels of what society had back then."
"Experiencing extremes, seeing nature at its best, its most beautiful, its most dangerous, is a life-changing experience."
"This is our version of an extreme cooking and decorating competition, emphasis on extreme."
"The heat of the fire: 70 times more intense than the hottest fire on Earth."
"There will be no middle ground where Necromancer is just pretty good."
"Letting people die because they can't afford medical treatment is extreme."
"The sickest [__] that he's ever seen in his life."
"We live for love, we kill for love, and we die for love."
"It's stupid, it's insane, it's not even close."
"Being ultra means pushing beyond the limits, going extreme, and learning new things from it."
"There's no such thing as climate alarmism anymore; nothing you say can be too extreme."
"The law is so extreme, so cruel, and so dystopian."
"You become a more extreme version of yourself over time."
"The Dead Sea is regarded as one of the saltiest water bodies in the world, almost 9.6 times as salty as the ocean."
"I think it's crazy, I think it's super irresponsible, I think it's the worst thing a person could possibly do."
"Quite simply one of the most breathtakingly insane cars ever manufactured."
"This was extreme. This was not normal behavior."
"Bitcoin is the most hardcore version of gold possible."
"Fire is the worst type of torture imaginable."
"Chaos shows up to try and bring truth, and this week it's showing up in the most extreme ways."
"This wasn't just... they got paid... these valuations were so extreme that they went from these subjective okay it's mushy to it's absolutely fraudulently criminal."
"This is as close to insanity as I have ever seen in a video game."
"You would die if you were cut off... You would absolutely."
"One of the strongest Cyclones ever observed in the world."
"There's just not enough words in the dictionary to tell you how bad it is."
"There'll be Great Tribulation as was not since the beginning of the world to this time nor shall ever be."
"This is the most insane thing that has ever happened to me in my life."
"In the culture War, I don't think it's possible to go too far by speaking truth. The truth is the truth."
"No, the worst possible situation, absolutely."
"This one's probably one of the craziest ones of them all."
"Imagine being famous for being not just a ruthless killer but a ruthless cop killer."
"That extreme idea is the greatest threat to all of Western society."
"Some people treat football as a matter of life and death but it's more important than that." - Bill Shankly
"This is possibly the craziest thing that's ever happened to us."
"And you’re anti-Democrat and you’ve convinced yourself that nothing, nothing could be worse than having a Democrat in the White House."
"Truth is extreme, and to make it moderate is to lie."
"If your reserve parachute doesn't work the procedure is basically you're going to hand salute the world and you're going to hit the dirt because you're going to die." - Jocko Willink
"The more extreme you could make a situation, the more extreme language you could use, the more emotional ammunition you have."
"How much worse can you be without being dead?"
"What in the world can happen so extreme that the rest of our society could totally fall apart into immorality?"
"Maximum effort, insanely technical flip lines, Beyblade of a human."
"Just the lengths that this guy goes to in order to sort of set up the perfect murders is really crazy."
"On one level any book ban undercuts Free Speech but it is a whole nother extreme level to literally jail people for reading a book or sharing it; it is despotic in America."
"Just the sheer amount of things that he did and people he killed and crimes he committed is absolutely insane."
"If you were on the surface you'd be vaporized."
"The tidal wave of insanity and outright evil that we face is beyond true comprehension."
"He legitimately died for that." - Emphasizing extreme dedication or sacrifice for a cause.
"Everything about the guy from his hard drinking to his rule breaking screams badass."
"Every day, I live stream. For over eight hours, straight. There was a moment where I smeared fake blood on me."
"I mean, this is as radical and extreme as it's been in a very, very, very long time."
"This is as radical and extreme as it's been in a very, very, very long time."
"This thing is insane, dude. This is one of the gnarliest looking vehicles I've ever seen."
"When it comes to the worst, you can’t get any worse than someone just killing and destroying entire galaxies for fun."
"The depths of the ocean are an extremely extreme environment."
"This may just be the craziest muscle car that will ever exist."
"I think it's almost to the point of hilariousness."
"I could get behind that. I was like, that is too extreme, yeah."
"Sometimes you've just got to murder a few men to break a few eggs."
"Hell in a Cell match, one of the most destructive matches in WWE history. Anything goes, anything can happen."
"Do love passionately... they love things that are extreme."
"Once you lose nuance, that's really the definition of black and white thinking."
"You create an enemy, and I don't mean an opponent, I mean an enemy. That's madness."
"Early punk rock was just 'what can we do that's the most extreme thing possible.'"
"There are people in this world who can go to any extent to hurt other human beings."
"You are pretty much as far away from a butthole as you can possibly be."
"It's beyond imagination and it's so ridiculously over-the-top that's what makes it cool."
"Things went too far, you mean the fight? That [expletive] was actually cool."
"This town is so cold that their name literally translates to 'pole of cold.'"
"There will never be another New Jack. He put the 'E' in extreme, he was actually more extreme than ECW."
"I think that giving these injections to Children is psychotic."
"What if I told you somewhere among the annals of recent internet history there lies a fandom so hilariously awful that it might be the worst out there?"
"If you do something I don't like, I think you have the right to kill me."
"Putting yourself on fire, putting pins in your head, it's all about the music."
"Every single time you're just gonna look to be more extreme because if you don't, your content is going to be deemed as boring."
"I'll make him laugh at you starving to death, it'll be the funniest thing you've ever done."
"I'd rather kill myself than go back. Not even a thought."
"Ford doesn't do anything small, they have to go to the extreme with pretty much everything they did."
"I'd rather be dead in a world without Naruto."
"That's like another level of crazy."
"Things are about to change, and when I say change, I mean from one extreme to the other."
"It was without a doubt one of the very maddest things I've ever witnessed and done."
"It seems to show that everyone that you know is a terrible person, is roughly as terrible as someone who would let a child drown and die because they didn't want to get their clothes muddy."
"General disregard and disrespect for others mixed with a strong desire to be as extreme as possible for likes and clicks."
"He's more north than a vegan at a barbecue."
"...everything has just gotten so extreme..."
"Everything in this movie is turned up to 11."
"Do it all or nothing, feast or famine."
"There's no such thing as too extreme."
"Go extreme. Don't just do maybe, even double would be a mild decision. Just go super extreme because that's the name of the series."
"The heat is now beyond description."
"Her transformation was so extreme that her own parents couldn't recognize her."
"Jones claimed that if his followers were loyal, they should be willing to jump off the Golden Gate Bridge for the cause."
"When it does bad, it does very, very bad. But when it does good, it's amazing."
"Anything that's just kind of extreme like that is innately awesome."
"It's hailed as one of the coldest capital cities out there... It can get to below 50° C at its worst."
"That's how far out on this side of the spectrum I was, physically."
"That was extreme. That was crazy."
"If he was dying of starvation, I wouldn't defecate in his mouth."
"This is going to go down as my craziest Cape York adventure ever."
"Swinging from one extreme to the other like a pendulum will not get you anywhere."
"This is just insane. This is probably one of the most extreme examples that I've seen."
"The biggest problem we have is that it's everything or nothing."
"Sometimes the extreme part is that it's extremely effective and extremely beneficial."
"There's mad, and there's a monster."
"One of them is going too far, it's too extreme, but there's still a great benefit to identifying with that life force that's inside yourself."
"I mean, that's how desperate you are. I mean, that's... I mean, that's pretty extreme."
"what heightens Danny's current impact in rap is that he stands for everything that people want more of in the most extreme way possible"
"Poetry is all about extremity of passion."
"Finalizing out the lot right here. Nothing more extreme."
"...short of that, if you take nothing else away, remember that we are willing to go all the way."
"He was fully prepared to rip the universe asunder for the sake of his own personal enjoyment, to prove a point of how big his appendage was."
"Opportunity, everything they've denied, an extreme."
"If you're not extreme somewhere, you will not be great anywhere."
"That's the totally craziest [__] in the world."
"They have to designate the extreme ends of the vehicle."
"The extreme manifestation of control is everything frozen."
"That's beyond that. Absolutely beyond that."
"All they had to do was cut his fingers off."
"It's just the ultimate nightmare."
"If you take anything to an extreme, it's a problem."
"Jupiter is the most extreme environment NASA's ever visited. To send a spacecraft there is a little bit insane."
"In the most desperate times in battle, good men were forced to become beasts, even resorting to cannibalism."
"I've been drunk before, but I'm not sure I've been 'taste poison' drunk."
"His peak and subsequent valley are so extreme and so abrupt that it's almost hard to believe how this all went down."
"This was the biggest gap of all time between the best match and the worst match on the same show."
"The ideal type of war seeks the extremes of violence, escalating until one side annihilates the other."
"I guess some people are just extreme."
"I do the extreme because I love it."
"She's really intense, like Oya is, when you hear about any of her stories, just any of her interactions. She doesn't seem to know a middle ground, and we don't want her to either."
"She doesn't seem to know a middle ground, and we don't want her to either. Because if she knew the middle path, she wouldn't be as exciting."
"Saw off your hand, saw off your hand."
"Her body was dismembered in such a grotesque and extreme manner that the medical examiner had to determine the cause of death as homicide by unspecified or unknown means."
"You don't need to jump to cannibalism in order to survive."
"Honestly I feel like it's kind of like the Runaway Bar to a certain extent where it's like the whole picture of my dick sort of thing."
"This is actually probably the most insane video I've ever seen."
"The temperatures here are insanely hot for any matter to exist."
"Extreme is an understatement and history is only eight seconds away."
"Craziness doesn't work, super craziness the fine balance works."
"That's absolutely insane, it's unfathomable."
"Most Australians, let alone the rest of the world, rarely get to experience the extreme and remote tropical north."
"The Kodiak Island felt rugged and raw, like the ends of the earth."
"I mean never after the phone call professing love for each other the word never seemed so extreme"
"Whatever extreme form our desire may take, whether some truly noble altruistic form or some deeply perverse masochistic form, in essence, it is still only a desire for our own happiness."
"Go all the way. This could mean losing girlfriends, wives, relatives, jobs, maybe even your mind."
"Love it or love it, this place doesn't do anything by halves."
"Do not put your hands on anybody unless it is literally your life or death situation."
"10,000 gallons of blood soaking a field. That's 10 or 20 football fields long. To me, simply walking that field the next day would be one of the extremes of human experience."
"It really puts into perspective how wild the stuff they do is."
"When it rains it pours and the weather in space is even crazier."
"When man's extremity is God's opportunity."
"One thing never been questioned is skill, bravery, and sometimes sanity."
"It's a very extreme thing to do, and I wouldn't do it unless I thought there was some chance of happiness."
"Undefinable, unjustifiable, unimaginable, uniquely impossible but very, very real."
"In the extreme, the point is most revealed."
"Motor racing at its very highest level is the most extreme form of human endeavor outside of war."
"Lured by the supernatural slabs of scurban, naked rock on the edge of the world."
"A new low that we haven't reached before, which is obviously insane but it's significant."
"You've now reached the absolute extremes of human survival."
"In a survival scenario where the cold is bad enough to actually be dangerous, rather obviously you should cover absolutely every part you can."
"I think it's the hottest day in the history of the planet, 99 Fahrenheit."
"San Jacinto is the sheerest faced mountain in North America."
"God does not work miracles for us in our abundance; He works miracles for us in our extremity."
"If you don't need to be as extreme, don't."
"I bring you greetings from the uttermost circles of hell."
"Of one not easily jealous, being wrought perplexed in the extreme."
"So close to death, he could only feel alive."
"Carolina Reaper pepper, I believe, is the hottest known chili pepper on the planet."
"In the heart of the hot desert, where the sun blazes in a relentless display of power, there exists a breathtaking beauty that is both awe-inspiring and dangerous."
"This is the most insane thing that I've ever done yet so far."
"The times of the extremes are definitely upon us: extreme speed, extreme transformation, and extreme happenings."
"Bear Grylls has been as close to death as any human being should ever get without dying."
"You need to be able to show that your child exhibits extreme and disruptive behavior."
"There was a young lady of Russia, who screamed so that no one could hush her. Her screams were extreme; no one heard such a scream as was screamed by that lady of Russia."
"Extreme conditions demand extreme protection."
"This is the most insane lightsaber I think anybody has made."
"Black holes are the most powerful and extreme things in the universe."
"The temple was famous for viracha sadhana, viracha is an extreme form of Tantra sadhana."
"This is the roof of the world: the vast, desolate stretch of polar wasteland called the Arctic."
"It's an even more hostile environment than space, that's why fewer people have been down to the bottom of the Challenger Deep than have walked on the moon."
"The United States incarcerates more people than any other country in the world."
"This is one of the craziest places I've ever been in my life."
"It is plausible that the most extreme environments in the universe are where everybody congregates."
"It's insane what people do on a motocross bike."
"It's named Valley of Death for many reasons, so it takes you beyond the limit."
"Even in the most extreme conditions, in the ice, in the dark, life finds a way."
"The Dead Sea is the lowest place on earth, 1,400 feet below sea level."