
Rotation Quotes

There are 332 quotes

"Remember that custom tree I designed earlier? Well, if you rotate it four times, it looks like four different trees."
"They have a surprisingly pragmatic utility for describing rotation in three dimensions and even for quantum mechanics."
"At some point, this gets overplayed and we rotate back again."
"It's kind of interesting when you think about it because it remains in a synchronous rotation with the earth in a perfect circle that's also how is it it all seems to perfect."
"The moon does rotate, it does in fact rotate."
"The Earth won't flip. It's spinning about the axis with the maximum moment of inertia. And that is stable."
"CPT invariance is the generalization of Lorentz invariance to branchial rotation."
"Venus spins clockwise; it's the only planet that does."
"I'm trying to keep a small enough makeup collection that it'll all be in rotation."
"Mars has a rotating magnetic field and not only that, it spins on its axis almost at the same exact speed of Earth."
"This setup is going to be rotated by hand."
"It's really good to edit the shoes and think about what's in your rotation."
"This is definitely one of our new favorite meals and I'm excited to have it in the recipe rotation."
"It's a good rotation for her... have right now."
"The purpose of a rotation is basically like it becomes a conglomerate super girlfriend."
"This is a classic shot with a drone, this is where you have a subject centered or a spot in the landscape centered and you're rotating around that point."
"Every time the earth goes around the sun, a year passes."
"The moon rotates on its own axis at the same rate that we do on ours."
"The holder allows you to firmly fix your phone in a comfortable position. It can be extended in length and rotated 360° as you need."
"The key to growing strawberries is not to keep growing them on the same plot year after year. They reach their peak after three years and thereafter they accumulate viruses."
"This one is definitely in the rotation. It's something that I keep reaching out for."
"This is definitely going to find a place in my rotation. There's no doubt about it."
"I might come down, I gotta, I'm down, I got a cool rotation."
"It's a really nice shoe and it's top five in my rotation right now."
"That's for your consistency, so if you're here and you start doing this, I just moved further away from the ball, so perfect backswing, no form rotation, hands get deeper, tremendous, very good."
"Absolutely going to stay in my metal rotation this year."
"The Magnus effect has to do with things that are spinning."
"Euler's formula for 2D rotations."
"The mysterious rotating island: known as 'the eye,' this tiny eyelet constantly moves around the water underneath it."
"When we rotate an electron by 360 degrees, it doesn't return to its original state but rather a 'negated' version."
"...I would have loved to see them on a new team every year for this sort of thing."
"You want to train rotation, doing things like medball rotational slams."
"What we don't want to happen is De miners working in a minefield day in and day out for long hours they do short but concentrated periods and then come out and then get rotated through so for example a d Miner may only actually do mine two or three times a day."
"So every other week we go to somebody else's house and that person chooses the film."
"Typically when I think of rotation, I think of this. I think of like this horizontal going like a merry-go-round going around in a circle."
"Let's not play with the angle but instead let's rotate the crust over that stationary subduction zone."
"I think that Housewives should be like a presidency you go on for four years and then someone in that crew has to take a break you still get paid because you're in a holding pattern"
"As I go to the top, my arm externally rotates in my shoulder socket. Yep. Now where's the face?"
"The only other trio before them to achieve this with regularity was the Atlanta Braves' big three, widely considered to be the greatest starting rotation of all time."
"Their 3.46 rotation ERA led all of baseball by a .15 run margin."
"This can be done in a rotation where five or six packs are regenerating while one is in the fridge."
"The rotational dining on the Disney Cruises is where each night of your cruise you will rotate to one of the three rotational dining restaurants."
"Everybody get a turn at some point somebody else gonna come out and do it."
"Complex numbers are the language of 2D rotation."
"Dividing by a complex number does the opposite, a rotation by the same angle but in the opposite direction."
"I've got like 10 pairs of them I'm always rotating through them they are the best thesmokingtire.com click on that Partners Tab."
"Let's see I've been trying to alternate perfumes like this perfume tray and then that perfume tray and so I don't wear the same one all the time"
"As it rotates, it catches on the edge of this and it pushes it round one step at a time for every revolution."
"The rotating weight actually only comes into play when you're accelerating or decelerating."
"Our [ __ ] was the hottest [ __ ] at that time right so to not have that number one rotation on it was like [ __ ] this station [ __ ] this [ __ ] show it."
"If a bi Vector squares to a negative number, its exponential performs a rotation."
"The Earth is like a tilted spinning top."
"We don't want to pick it up so early because that reduces the rotation... really let it turn."
"The conservation of angular momentum or vorticity stretching... If the spinning air can be converged and drawn inward towards its axis of rotation, it will spin faster."
"Wow, that's badass. Look at it, look at how it's rotating."
"I see so many different Bibles and I'm constantly kind of moving them in and out of rotation."
"Any angle that I add 360 degrees to brings me back to the exact same location."
"I love this scarf I love this strap and sure what I try to do is seriously is rotate these like every few days I switch purses because my I I'm gonna use these things I bought them I'm going to use them"
"Lightning has no effect on the rotation rate."
"I love it. So they've played five started for six times have had a different starter from the previous week."
"This is definitely a rotation you want to be in, with Valeria serving."
"I like the back line, okay, and then after that rotation and then one pocket."
"Sequencing is allowing the back leg to work and the pelvis to rotate before the torso rotates."
"Refresh token rotation guarantees that every time an app exchanges a refresh token for a new access token, a new refresh token is also returned."
"Automatic reuse detection is a key component of a refresh token rotation strategy."
"For Earth-like gravity anyway, you could simulate Martian or Lunar Gravity at a much smaller diameter without needing to exceed 2 RPM."
"If you were standing on the surface of the asteroid and it wasn't rotating, then you would be able to jump off."
"This rotation, when you pair it down and think what you can do in the playoffs with it, is a scary thing."
"The clockwise rotation is fueling this uplift."
"J represents turning the real component through 90 degrees."
"This is definitely going to go in my rotation and, yeah, I like it. I like it a lot. Let me know what you guys think."
"These diagrams actually ignore rotation, but in fact, it's a requirement."
"Ultimately the big difference here is not only do I have width and spread that I can do manipulate the price, I could also manipulate the rotation."
"It's the circle of guitars, you know you got to keep it turning."
"Venus rotates backwards play the music."
"Rotate better, are you practicing your swing?"
"This is one of those products that I have other mascaras that I keep in rotation and that I try, but I always try to keep a tube of this on hand."
"The orbit of the Earth around the sun and the rotation on its axis are some of the most fundamental aspects of astronomy."
"Most human movement is based on rotation."
"Exponentiating the gxy generator, we easily get a 5x5 SU(2) group matrix for doing rotations in the XY-plane."
"In quantum mechanics, these are usually defined with i*hbar in front, and they generate rotation operations on wave functions."
"The overall effect of transforming u to u double Prime by reflecting through V and then W is the same as rotating by two theta."
"Just pick any two vectors separated by half the angle you want to rotate by."
"The end result should be a rotation of that starting vector."
"The angle separation is the important fact."
"What a rotation for Florida on floor exercise."
"My other pairs of Lane pants are on constant rotation. I definitely need more colors, more options."
"Train your body to be comfortable in that rotational space."
"Every time I turn it once, the blades are going around four times."
"I'm thrilled to have another pair now to rotate."
"It's like your car tires; you've got to rotate them out."
"What was the reasoning behind a change in the judge? I believe he just rotated off."
"But anyways the Adidas Harden Volume 7 will definitely be my rotation and I really like playing this so it is approved by me and I would recommend it to you guys."
"But this right arm needs to be slowly rotating clockwise slightly at the same pace the body's turning."
"The video got power rotation, playing on the channel for who knows how many times a day."
"I think everyone should host. We should all take a turn hosting, that's what I'm saying."
"You can either move laterally or you can rotate. Everyone likes to rotate."
"The preservation of angular momentum is basically just inertia but for rotation."
"If you're spinning in a chair and you put your arms out, you go slow, but if you pull your arms in, you go faster."
"The entire galaxy, like the rings of Saturn, must be rotating around a central axis in one great arcing wave."
"Star trails happen when you take a really long exposure... because the Earth is rotating."
"This spins a generator rotor at 3000 revolutions per minute to generate electricity."
"Spiral galaxies take the form of a flat disc rotating around a central bulge, surrounded by spiral arms."
"The shape has actually been rotated now, it is actually a 180 degree rotation there."
"I Believe In Stocking up on what you like to use so that you can rotate through it."
"You can sweep a surface and actually add a twist to that sweep if you like to make parts rotate as they index together to join into a final model."
"I mean we're sitting on a ball that is spinning at a thousand miles an hour."
"The earth is a huge ball that turns through the sunlight and darkness."
"When we get to rotation, it's kind of just the same thing, but now I'm going in a circle."
"As the Earth makes one full turn, we watch how the night becomes day and the day becomes night again."
"Good luck on your OB GYN rotation; I'd love to hear how it goes."
"It's football, isn't it? It's almost like it's on a rotate."
"This connection is so important for your rotational movements, for throwing and catching, swimming, dancing."
"Did you know Venus rotates in the opposite direction to most other planets?"
"I'm the Moon, Earth's natural satellite, I rotate at the same speed as the Earth."
"Moments of inertia are the rotational counterpart of mass."
"In order for us to rotate, we need to be able to open up our ribs in the back or the front depending on where we're rotating to."
"Rotate to one side and center, rotate second side. We're still trying to stay as still as we can with feet down, pelvis not moving."
"You're trying to use those muscles through your torso to rotate yourself as much as you possibly can."
"The anterior-posterior compression... will lead to external rotation of the Hemi pelvis."
"Lateral compression... leads to internal rotation of the Hemi pelvis."
"Earth and her friends dance and spin all in a row, to share daytime and sunshine all over the globe."
"We're going to be able to use some of these tools that we built up when we want to look at velocity and acceleration in rotating frames."
"The Pauli X gate... corresponds to a rotation around the x-axis by an angle pi."
"It's really a nice setup there and again they offer classics every day but they don't limit it to that, they rotate their menu which is always nice because again when you're on a longer cruise you need a little bit of that variety."
"Earth is not flat, but it's not a perfect sphere either. It bulges at the equator because of our planet's wild spin."
"We live on a planet that is governed by the diurnal cycle, which is caused by the Earth's rotation."
"Whenever we see the reds and the blues close to one another, it couples, and that's where you find the potential for rotation within the supercell."
"Everything in our galaxy rotates around the center at about 230 kilometers per second."
"Look at this though, look at the rotation."
"It takes 243 Earth days for Venus to complete a rotation around its axis, but it takes 225 Earth days for the planet to orbit the Sun."
"The high range goes from 460 up to 2000 RPM, and the low range goes from 300 down to 70 RPM."
"This is gonna be added to the rotation of things that I'm just constantly watching because this was amazing."
"The Earth rotates on its axis, and this rotation takes 24 hours."
"I'm rotating and I'm balancing out."
"Storm systems in the northern hemisphere rotate anti-clockwise, and storm systems in the south rotate clockwise."
"I like to keep rotating our books to keep them fresh and exciting."
"Torque is the measure of the force that can cause an object to rotate about an axis."
"Science tells us weird things like that we're standing on a huge globe that spins rapidly in space, turning a full revolution every 24 hours."
"We do a first in, first out kind of cycle things with our process."
"Boom, everything rotates through together to the finish."
"Lift your chin up so you can rotate and you can turn."
"As they're spinning around, they're emitting gravitational waves."
"One full rotation of the Earth equals 1 day, 24 hours."
"When I say this is going to be part of our rotation, I mean it will make it once a month because it's that good."
"I've been wearing it a lot around the store, and I think it's going to be in my wardrobe rotation first for the Autumn."
"The reason why we have a day and night cycle is thanks to this spinning action over 24 hours."
"The rotational axis of Earth around itself is not vertical... it's actually spinning at an angle."
"May you have many, many more rotations, quickly and with feeling."
"One of the best ways to promote new growth is by rotating your plants every three weeks."
"An obvious choice of generator for this group would be a counterclockwise rotation by \(2\pi/n\)."
"Because of the Earth's axis, this large shadow would sweep across different parts of the globe during different seasons."
"That's just the apparent rotation due to the Terrell effect."
"Remember those formulas x times cosine minus y times the sine; this is the actual rotation of the vectors."
"Whirling behavior depends on the balance between these inertial forces from the eccentric mass and the elastic restoring forces."
"The only rotating piece really, and provided everything set up correctly, this will move at the same speed as the stars."
"It essentially negates or compensates for the earth's rotation about its axis."
"We are actually capturing the earth's rotation on its own axis."
"I absolutely love it and it's been top of my rotation as of lately."
"And now hopefully, this will turn in the opposite direction. Nice, there you go."
"I really like the fact that the rope can rotate with the ring so that the wear is placed on the soft shackle as opposed to the wear being placed on the rope itself."
"If I take this snowflake and I rotate it through sixty degrees, you really wouldn't see any difference."
"Pumpkin stars are stars that spin so fast they actually flatten themselves into the shape of gourds."
"Jupiter has the shortest day of all the planets in the solar system."
"Rotations... greatly help you avoid plateaus and keep progressing."
"You need to rotate through it just like you do anything else."
"Twist those shoulders as much as you can."
"Hurricanes go counterclockwise in the northern hemisphere."
"The true measure of rotation in a fluid is something called the vorticity."
"A crankshaft is statically balanced when the weight of the entire assembly of crank pins, crank cheeks, and counterweights is balanced around the axis of rotation."
"We're just applying our linear motion equations in a slightly different way, rotating."
"On Jupiter, day and night are each less than five Earth hours long."
"The Foucault pendulum's going to precess in the clockwise direction, through the action of the Coriolis force."
"You just put 2 pi up front, and then figure out how many seconds there are in a day, and divide by that, and you'll get that famous number, capital Omega, the rotation rate of the Earth, expressed in radians per second."
"This is going to be in my rotation, absolutely no ifs, ands, or buts about it."
"Books and language materials are rotated to maintain interest."
"I've been very happy with the tires and what I've been doing is rotating them very regularly."
"The moon does rotate, it just does it at the same rate as its orbital motion."
"Rotate and look over that right shoulder, stretching through the chest as well as into our left hip flexor."
"I am Haumea, oval in shape due to the fast rotations that I make."
"Spin and angular momentum are very closely related."
"We're going to have the ability to have the horses on each field for two days and then that field will have four days to recover."
"The laws of physics are invariant under rotations, but this room isn't."
"My name's Haumea, the third dwarf from the sun, I am oblong in shape due to the fast rotations I'm spun."
"This is our acceleration in a rotating reference frame equation that we're looking for."
"The angular velocity vector is just out the North Pole; that's all this thing is doing."
"Our planet's magnetic field partially produced by its rotation would disappear."
"Rotation in this context is important for the development of high and low pressure systems."
"Tidally locked planets by definition have to rotate in order to keep the same side of the planet facing the star at all times."
"The Coriolis effect is the effect of a planet's rotation on its ocean and atmosphere."
"This quaternion exactly represents this rotation."
"When we play the game, we now notice our player is rotating towards our mouse position, just great."
"That's an example of how to save a little bit of time if you're rotating objects around a central point."
"We like to practice good crop rotation around here."
"Fully rotate during your top turns and know the difference between re-entries and top turns or cutbacks."
"It was my favorite rotation because I think you just get to see the full breadth of Medicine."
"They can rotate around the sun. Isn't this super cool?"
"We want to be able to turn this bird around three-dimensionally on our piece of paper."
"The Coriolis force depends on the velocity of the object inside the rotating frame."
"The legacy of power and authority has to rotate."