
Natural History Quotes

There are 206 quotes

"The Aleutians are born of volcanoes; in fact, they are the peaks of an underwater mountain range."
"It's an incredible thought but it nearly wiped out life itself from the face of the planet."
"In dinosaur Britain only the strongest survived."
"Now we're right at the start of this great period of Discovery in Natural History."
"Coastal redwoods live on average for 600 years, with some living over 2,000 years."
"Evolution by its very nature occasionally covers its own tracks."
"We're the product of millions of years of evolution."
"Darwin discovered evidence to support his theory of evolution right here on the North Downs."
"They solve non-trivial problems in their way and have evolved over hundreds of millions of years to do this."
"Sharks have been around for around 450 million years."
"Among the largest of the eagles, a harpy eagle’s wingspan can stretch to up over 2 meters."
"Yet remarkably, there is some precedent for a reptile this size."
"While the men didn't come across colossal claw, they did still stumble upon a remarkable piece of Natural History."
"The largest animal that ever existed: the blue whale."
"The whale's transition from four-legged land mammal to the giant of the oceans is one of the most extraordinary stories in the history of evolution."
"Even in the biggest and most heavily developed urban environments, natural history is all around us, just waiting to be explored."
"The legacy of LA’s natural history is just as epic as any Hollywood blockbuster."
"It's incredible to see how many people have an interest in paleontology, Evolution, and the natural world."
"It's one of those trees where if you're walking in the woods you wouldn't imagine it to be 100 years old."
"Humanity is free to lie in our backyards at night contemplating the stars not because threats are rare, but because we’re what’s left after all those threats collided over and over again with tooth and claw."
"Upon those Islands existing in perfect isolation from the rest of the world could then be found a rich tapestry of life eons in the making."
"Here at the very edge of the earth then existed a prehistoric lost world of flightless Giants and winged predators left alone to grow to immense sizes in perfect equilibrium with each other for millions of years."
"Everything ends eventually, even entire species!"
"There's something about dinosaurs that captures the imagination, giant mysterious animals that roam the Earth for millions of years now gone forever."
"The giant guinea pig wandered the earth 8 million years ago through what is today Venezuela."
"An Aldabra tortoise...died at 250 years old...age was unconcerned."
"They've had hundreds of millions of years to adapt like this."
"Old rocks bubbled up from below to form the dome-shaped Adirondacks."
"The Daintree Rainforest possibly the oldest rainforest in the world."
"The Megalodon was a fearsome hunter that had rows upon rows of razor-sharp teeth, each measuring several inches in length."
"Alligators have a well-deserved reputation as one of the most amazing predators on the planet."
"Snakes may have made us smarter... well, actually, snakes made some of us smart."
"When this dinosaur swung its tail from side to side, these things crossed each other and acted like a pair of bone slicing sheers."
"Every few 100 millennia evolution leaps forward."
"Welcome back, it is home to one of the oldest plant species on earth, the giant sequoias which have been growing in this part of California for over 16 million years. That's pretty cool."
"Sharks have a longer history on this earth than trees do."
"Evolution is a continuous and ongoing process that has shaped life on Earth."
"The Siberian unicorn, an extinct genus of rhinoceros who roamed Eurasia some 39,000 years ago."
"Giants Causeway... the result of an ancient volcanic fissure eruption..."
"There is no other animal that fits all the descriptions given here other than a dinosaur like the Diplodocus or Brachiosaurus."
"I would like to point out this tree, it is a petrified tree from Colorado, it would have been seven and a half feet wide and 200 feet tall."
"Birds are living dinosaurs... evidence of evolution in progress."
"Blue holes are sinkholes composed of carbonate bedrock slowly developed over the years."
"The largest insect in the world is a moth from India called Atticus Atlas."
"The world of living things is constantly finding its way it is opportunistic during the Carboniferous period insects took advantage of favorable circumstances to increase in size."
"640,000 years ago, the eruption poured out around 240 cubic miles of material, enough to bury the whole of New York state tens of feet deep in ash."
"As soon as it's dark, hippos will leave the river to feed. Despite their murderous reputation, they are herbivores and need 50 kilograms of vegetation every night."
"Octopuses managed to go through an evolutionary path that spanned hundreds of millions of years."
"These things happen. You can look at the Earth and see the scars. They happen and they're going to happen again."
"The sandhill crane is considered one of the most incredible living fossils in the world."
"The aardvark is considered one of the most incredible living fossils on earth."
"The giant ancient mushroom has been spreading its black shoestring filaments through the forest for an estimated 2400 years."
"Ancient Mendenhall forest: an ancient forest that is now exposed to the world for the first time in more than one thousand years."
"The worldwide flood is the best, most reasonable explanation of all the features we see on this world today."
"Things that are way older than you probably expected: The rings around Saturn are estimated to be between 10 and 100 million years old but sharks are about 450 million years old."
"The cave is in Iceland and was created by the eruption of a volcano roughly one thousand one hundred years ago."
"Darwin's great insight was that life evolved steadily and slowly, inching its way over four billion years."
"There's so many satisfying and beautiful secrets and mysteries and teachings around the evolution of our planet and our form."
"At nearly 1,000 years old, the oldest collection of oak trees in Europe has been discovered."
"I just think it's really cool to remember that dinosaurs, as majestic and awesome as they were, were animals that lived and died just like anything on the planet at any given moment."
"Haast's Eagle, the biggest eagle to have ever existed."
"Number 3: 'Bulldog rat, bigger than the rats we know today' — Bigger than the rats we know today."
"These creatures have survived four major extinctions in their 360 million year existence, that is wild."
"Turns out the cave was an empty lava tube formed millions of years ago by molten lava that flowed underground from the Newberry Volcano."
"The Megalania was considered the apex predator in its habitat."
"Even for the Predators, it was a difficult life and we see it in like skeletons they have lots of injuries."
"The largest animals to have ever existed in the history of life on earth."
"Both of these creatures are without a doubt marvels of the natural world."
"Researchers have found dinosaur footprints at Grand Canyon National Park."
"Trees could speak, what a story these 500-year-old trees would have to tell."
"This beast was the largest carnivorous creature to walk the earth since the days of the dinosaurs."
"Here we are in the aviary. Up in these trees are the remnants of the dinosaurs."
"Oh it's another little mouse, it's a little mouse, that's our first mammal I think."
"Surprisingly the journey to flight and all these animals mirrors our own evolutionary Journey."
"The world's most important natural history collection is home to 80 million priceless specimens."
"Shoshone falls is at the junction of two channels of the Bonneville flood."
"This area of Bolivia has within the very ground a treasure trove of planetary history."
"The green anaconda is the largest living snake species in the world."
"This once majestic ash tree stood proud over the forest for more than 100 years before it blew down in a storm."
"The first European naturalist to ever see a duckbill platypus thought they were a hoax."
"The natural history shows over 500,000 years of volcanic activity."
"It's kind of a geological rarity, about 50 million years ago the Caribbean and Coco's tectonic plates collided and it set off underwater volcanoes."
"Evening Museum of Natural History: Dive into the natural wonders."
"The Appalachians are supposed to be well over 250 million years old... there shouldn't be any East Coast."
"The river is older than the mountains."
"Looking at wheat. This has not been recycled, it's not come up in volcanoes, it's not been subducted and mixed up and pushed up again, this is just some of those original layers."
"We are breaking new ground in natural history."
"Birding is not only about numbers but more about the habitats, behaviors, and natural history of the birds."
Number 8: "The American Museum of Natural History located in New York City is one of the largest and most prestigious natural history museums in the world."
"The Smithsonian insect collection alone is mind-blowing."
"Algae has been around 3.4 billion years."
"Mushrooms have their forms long before we had ours."
"Sharks are older than the rings of Saturn."
"It's amazing how Natural History objects can be turned into their own artwork."
"Isn't it crazy that dinosaurs existed? Like these creatures were so big and they were like the top."
"It's extraordinarily beautiful and in our view it's also a testament to the judgment of the flood."
"The whole process of burial, erosion, formation of fossils, and the exposure of fossils is going on today the way it has for so many years."
"The frilled shark looks like a creature you would find in a national history museum, yet it's very much alive in the modern world."
"It's easy to understand why Charles Darwin visited Arroyos in 1832, being impressed by the variety of species."
"I was blown away by seeing those whale skeletons for the first time."
"The horseshoe crab may just be the most remarkable of the trillions of species that have lived and died on Earth."
"The once lush forest died, leaving behind only the skeletons of the trees that still stand today as stark silhouettes against the sky."
"For more than two million years, the river has been cutting through limestone, sculpting three magnificent canyons."
"They're some of the longest lived vertebrates on the planet."
"The river is almost 900 feet below us and started carving this massive Gorge at least 3 million years ago."
"The glorious waterfalls in the Gorge. They are primarily the result of Ice Age cutting by the Columbia River against an uplifting Cascade Range."
"The Peñas de las Monjas are a group of volcanic rocks formed millions of years ago."
"I hope you've enjoyed visiting the Bruno Sand Dunes, learning why they're so tall, learning a little bit about the composition of the sand, how it came to be."
"Understanding California's natural history, how it came to be and how it functions, is the key to its sustainable future."
"The sun and the stars are older than the earth."
"These museums of natural history also have a huge responsibility which is to explain what is happening to the natural world."
"We are animals, and we did evolve naturally."
"Honeybees evolved over millions of years."
"You can see the actual layering in the bedrock."
"1.6 billion year old rocks and fossils."
"Darwin taught us... it looks like somehow they're related by descent with variation."
"Daintree Forest in Australia is the oldest rainforest in the world."
"Australia's evolution took a unique path unlike anywhere else on Earth."
"This species grows incredibly slowly, so to see trees of the size that we're about to take a gander at means it just gives you an idea of how old these things must be."
"The tasmanian tiger was also known to have amazing smell, being able to track its prey from kilometers away."
"Evolution is indicated and vindicated at various levels and myriad ways."
"The Baltic Sea Anomaly is simply a glacial deposit, much of the Baltic Sea was carved out by moving glaciers during the Ice Age."
"When you get old knots like this, you know this thing's been growing in the mountains here, and it's so old."
"This water has been underground for up to three million years before it's pushed up to the surface."
"There is, after all, one true tree of life, the unique pattern of evolutionary branchings that actually happened."
"That shell grew up and grew out and got so big, it grew into what we now know as North America."
"We stand guard over works of art in museums; however, we allow the work of eons and millions of years of evolution to slip beneath our fingertips." - Naturalist Al Wilson
"We are collaborating with the Smithsonian, the National Museum of Natural History."
"Snakes evolved from the Jurassic era alongside the dinosaurs."
"Our planet was born in violence and grew with disaster."
"The Grand Canyon was formed around 6 million years ago by the Colorado River."
"We owe these catastrophes our existence. Humans, just like every other animal alive today are the ancestors of the few survivors of these mega eruptions."
"Look at that wall from the Mesa down to the bottom of the canyon, you are looking there at over 300 million years of rock formation."
"Eggs from deep inside the earth, eggs that volcanic eruptions brought to the surface," he continued.
"I have to meet David Attenborough before he's no longer around, one of the biggest inspirations in my life."
"It's such a brilliant balance of history and wildlife."
"What do you think the biggest animal that's ever lived on our planet is?"
"One of the coolest things that's ever lived on the planet, it has to be."
"It is remarkable that the creatures survived there beneath the ground for millennia."
"The Canadian Shield... that's the natural geology of the place, there's this exposed granite that was scraped clean by retreating glaciers."
"They're an astonishingly diverse group with a history reaching back some 230 million years."
"It is known as the Tyrannosaurus Rex of the deep, a monster that terrorized the ocean for 25 million years."
"Fossils are formed in a number of different ways, but most are formed when a plant or animal dies in a watery environment and is buried in mud or silt."
"I had the strongest desire to collect objects of Natural History."
"The holes created from rocks that fell in the hole and then got blended around from water to create a deeper hole... seeing that and how deep and perfectly round these were really puts into perspective how long these rivers have been there."
"After the astonishing success of Walking with Dinosaurs, Beasts acts as a sequel series showcasing the events that occurred after the extinction of the non-avian dinosaurs up to the present day."
"The whole likely formed during the Ice Age when flooding eroded the limestone rock near the coastline and created a void."
"Molecular clocks... it's a powerful tool that can give us a lot of information about natural history."
"Protorosukis's legacy, in a way, lives on not just in its fossilized bones but in the crocodilians and birds of today."
"Explore the fundamental role of microbes in the natural history of our planet."
"The geological heritage in the UK is probably unrivaled anywhere on the planet."
"You couldn't ask for much more in a natural history museum than you get here at the Denver Museum of Nature and Science."
"When I look at a piece of driftwood... it tells me something of what the tree encountered growing, that shows its character and tells the story."
"Darwin closely studied every rock, plant, and animal around him, keeping an extraordinary amount of journals with him."
"Granite type rock of today's mountains... geologists think these mountains have been uplifted and eroded for millions of years."
"The Karakorum is a region that has been rife with volcanic activity throughout the ages and is host to several of the highest mountains in the world."
"There's a fish called the Mojave chub; it's actually a really cool prehistoric fish that is from dinosaur times."
"Crocodiles are one of the most stubbornly resilient things on earth; they've been around for about 200 million years and have barely changed."
"Bees arose about 150 to 160 million years ago, around the same time when modern flowering plants arose."
"The entire tradition plateau is one big Ice Age river delta."
"Arachnids, the real spiders and scorpions, had already escaped the poisonous seas by moving on to land more than 100 million years earlier."
"Every fossil is a transitional fossil because we're constantly in transition."
"Tree ferns have evolved over millions of years in soils that have the rotting detritus of fallen leaves and sticks and what have you and a bit of animal manure."
"They're survivors of the mass extinction that wiped out 75% of the animals."
"Adaptive radiations often follow mass extinctions and lead to many strange and wondrous species."
"It's a natural history of autumn."
"In the mid-eighteen hundreds, Alfred Wallace, a renowned British explorer and naturalist, explored through the Malay Peninsula down towards Indonesia."
"In the struggle to survive, evolution has produced millions of creatures, yet 99.9% of them are extinct."
"They survived when dinosaurs didn't."
"The National Museum of Natural History in Manila is a modern museum dedicated to showcasing the natural wonders of the Philippines."
"Elephants live up to about sixty years old."
"The Caldera we're standing in right now is the Silver Creek Caldera; it erupted 18.1.2 million years ago and was classified as a super volcano."
"Everything we still have, all the species that are alive today, represent only about 1% of everything that has ever lived."
"This might be the greatest moth performance in the history of Natural History filmmaking."
"I went to a lecture at the Natural History Museum; there was a man there, he was giving a lecture on the evidence of human evolution."
"The earth will become just as she has done many, many times in the past."
"The broken, jagged top of Broken Top was created by ice cutting through that volcano and exposing the interior of the volcano."
"The Painted Hills shows you the layers here, so you can see layers of ash that were dumped on an area and then soil developing on top."
"The species was rediscovered exactly 100 years after the last specimen had been collected."
"The great lakes were formed during this period."
"Water, every cell that makes up the wonders of our natural history, needs this life-sustaining molecule."
"These deposits are both tremendous and terrifying to see."
"The beauty of dinosaurs is, you know, they're all organic creatures."
"At the end of the Ice Age, there would have been enormous changes in animal and plant life."
"Rhinos have been on this earth for over 60 million years in some form."
"It's the oldest surviving species of fish on the planet, having first appeared more than 400 million years ago."
"The origin and date of the Great American prairies form one of Nature's most majestic mysteries."