
Relapse Quotes

There are 83 quotes

"If you're sober and you're an alcoholic, you have broken through the ice. And if you go back to drinking, we just don't know when the next break is going to come or if you're going to get to make it through that break in the ice."
"It is not shameful to relapse; the shame is not coming back."
"Nothing like kicking an addiction just to want it back, you know?"
"Relapse is part of addiction. It doesn't mean that you failed."
"Not long after Chef Ramsay left, in spite of positive feedback about the changes, chappie went back to his old ways."
"One little bit of contact with them can start the whole destructive cycle over again."
"Addiction is a cruel mistress, and you did well for about four or five months and then it peaked up and grabbed you again."
"My biggest fear is falling back into alcohol and becoming what she is."
"Relapse is part of recovery, right? 95% of people within their first year of recovery relapse."
"Having a family that's been 10 years clean then go back tomorrow. Recovery isn't linear, bro, you know?"
"I got sober in June of 1998, had a little mishap about 12 years ago, a one-day experiment that found me in a meeting a couple hours later. It was a relapse, it was like four beers, super lame relapse, but you know, reset the clock."
"But you know, what came from that was agoraphobia. You know, I couldn't walk my dog around the square. It was, I got better if I had a session with therapy. Well, I went into treatment, but then it would last for about an hour and then it comes back."
"Once you've had a sensation, relapses are common."
"That relapse provided an opportunity for me to get honest with myself, be desperate enough for change, and most importantly, drop the ego."
"Relapse is part of the recovery process."
"You hear that the symptoms can be mild at the start you can feel better and then there's a relapse and things come back and when they come back they come back worse than before."
"...he almost got back into it again."
"Unless you deal with the underlying dynamics that drive the behavior, you can expect relapse in large numbers."
"We see people that heal from really, really serious health conditions where they reverse the health condition and then they return back into their life and their health condition comes back with it."
"And people have relapsed and and some of those one glass of wine we those stains didn't used to drink at all but now you know now Saints can keep red wine at the house I'm not saying I do work don't I'm just saying that I have heard that things have really changed."
"Within an hour of his arrival at Baker Street, Holmes relapsed into that dreadful lethargy."
"People are yelling. They're saying I'm relapsing and they're right."
"Relapses are common in addiction treatment and should not be seen as failure."
"It's not awfully surprising that things can be triggered again later by what we think of as a drug."
"Once you're finally out, they pull you back in."
"Relapse is a process as well as an event."
"It's important to recognize a person's successes, but to be aware of impending triggers or relapse warning signs."
"I felt myself falling back into the old nightmare."
"Ketamine is rapidly active it's also effective in delaying or preventing relapse."
"Most people regain a lot of the weight."
"Gotta say, I've been off of it a week as well, so I thought."
"... and when you work out the ages it goes up with a age it's not a chronic thing people don't keep relapsing for the rest of their lives."
"I knew going back to jail was inevitable if I didn't quit, but the withdrawal was so extreme every time that I could never go more than a couple of hours without giving up."
"I've seen patients fall back into disordered eating."
"90% of people that lose weight gain it back."
"Relapse is a part of this disease... we need to get rid of that stigma and shame around relapse."
"...when you imprison someone like that and they serve their time they are released without condition and their treatment is left up to them. Eventually almost all of them quit taking their medication and they relapse."
"I always like to tell people, whether it be you had a relapse, you can look at relapse however you want to look at relapse."
"I just lost control. I don't know. I couldn't stop."
"'Relapse is not as common as with nephrotic syndrome, but you'll want to teach the patient how to monitor for future strep infections.'"
"Slipping up is so easy, you know all it will take is like one balone sandwich for instance on white bread with chips and that will cause a spiral."
"...relapse is a part of recovery. Most people relapse many times before they finally stick with it."
"...relapse shows me that you're getting better because someone who hasn't tried can't relapse. So, if you are relapsing, it means you are trying."
"You haven't relapsed, you're [ __ ] up. So now, get back on and focus on what you're doing. You haven't relapsed, you're [ __ ] up."
"Some people might relapse other people you know have less of a relapsing pattern but the disease would never quite go away all right"
"It's like smoker's cough or whatever. It's this shitty, but I'm back at it."
"I just feel like this weight, like this massive weight on my shoulders, and I'd think like, what if she relapses, you know? She's blaming herself for that almost already."
"When your depression comes back after a period of feeling okay, this is where the fun ends."
"The majority of patients will have a relapse at some point over their disease course."
"I didn't have methamphetamine on me although I did relapse."
"The road to a relapse or self-destructive behavior often starts with shame."
"Relapse isn't just a one event, it's a long row of dominoes that fall one by one by one until you pick up."
"...a person who's suffering with an addiction and here she gave in."
"Relapse doesn't happen when you pick up. Relapse happens when you start to disconnect."
"If you don't start resolving this, the relapse will continue to happen."
"Relapse is a normal part of the process. Sometimes we relapse and we put on masks to try and fit in."
"They just revert back to their old ways."
"Addiction really changes the brain over time, making it much more easy to relapse, much more likely to relapse even after long periods of abstinence."
"Relapse is not the end of the world, relapse is just part of the process."
"After you have cancer, you have 6-month checkups, and then after he went to the next checkup after he didn't have it no more, he relapsed literally like 6, 7, even months later."
"It's the psychological principles that lead people back to relapsing and using over and over and over again."
"The sixth stage of the six stage model is the relapse stage, this occurs if the individual goes back to their old behaviors and resumes their addiction."
"The risk of relapse is significantly lower in patients getting allogeneic stem cell transplant because of so-called graft-as-a-zucchini or graft versus tumor effects."
"These relapses, these moments where you miss the self-improvement habits, where you do the bad habits, they're part of the journey."
"Wicked men, though they may seem outwardly to forsake their wickedness, yet if their natures aren't changed, they will be very liable to return to their old wickedness again."
"The psychology of the relapse process is actually not nearly as complicated as most people make it out to be."
"Relapse is not an event; it's a process."
"These thoughts have been going on, I call them relapse warning signs."
"Relapse is real, and good intentions will go out the window if you don't have a plan."