
Government Overreach Quotes

There are 51 quotes

"Freedom surrendered is rarely reclaimed, and it's tough to do. People have worked for a decade to fix this law that, when it was launched, Americans were cautioned it's going to be abused. And sure enough, it has been abused."
"We absolutely cannot allow the government to impose another Patriot Act-style post-9/11 absurd encroachment of our civil liberties."
"If the government prosecutes lawyers for defending people or for giving counsel, that's violating the right to counsel, the right to a fair trial."
"The Justice Department's attempt to rewrite their core constitutional protection is a threat to every person or entity who publishes information."
"If America ceases to exist, the primary factor in the downfall would probably be the overreaching government."
"Can you protect yourself from civil unrest and armed government overreach? Can a Democratic Society remain free much longer?"
"The FBI's conflation of domestic speech with foreign malign influence poses a grave threat to America and our civil liberties."
"If you let the government quash the First Amendment then eventually they will come and quash yours."
"The consequences of this overreach can be devastating for the people affected by it."
"This is tyranny. It really is. The government overtly cracking down on freedom of speech."
"The First Amendment is under assault in the most egregious overstep of power I've ever seen."
"The tyranny that's in place today believes that the heart, soul, and mind of man belongs to government."
"It's never been like this before. I don't remember the government forcing people to do certain things like this."
"History teaches the dangers of government that overreaches, political control taking precedence over free economic growth."
"The government does not have the right to tell people that because we don't like the way you have sex or we don't like the way you're attracted to people you have to live your life without the consolation of erotic love."
"The First Amendment stands between a free press and executive tyranny."
"Freedom dies a little bit every time we allow the government to overstep."
"It's just simply not the government's business at all. Full stop. Ever."
"We have an accelerating tyranny... the government is now saying you can't assemble with who you want to assemble with."
"MKUltra will forever be etched as a dark chapter, a lesson about the potential pitfalls of unchecked power."
"People have a right to believe that in America, Biden and the Biden State doesn't have a right to tell you what the truth is."
"The first amendment defends your ability to speak freely. The idea that the government now has an agency... this is 1984."
"We should vote for people who won't allow government authoritarianism."
"If the virus went away, the tyranny is not going away. The tyranny is getting worse."
"The government has taken a tool designed to collect foreign intelligence and prevent terrorist attacks and has used it as a domestic spy apparatus."
"The Constitution has been absolutely destroyed by the current government."
"This ain't America anymore when the ATF has that kind of power to come into anybody's home and keep doors down and things like that."
"The Bill of Rights protects citizens from the use of government authority for political purposes."
"If the FBI or CIA or ATF can just stroll up to your house and kill your wife and your only son, what else are they capable of?"
"This was the government acting outside of its power."
"It was literally an example of a big government yelling at the average citizen and telling them how they should act."
"We've seen today the Dark Side of those activities, where many Americans who were not even suspected of crime were not only spied upon but they were harassed, they were discredited, and at times endangered."
"You'd be surprised how many people are willing to take the constitution, set it over here, and replace it with a piece of paper their governor has signed saying, 'No, you can't do this because I said so.' That's why."
"In the most disgusting disturbing overreach of government power in my lifetime."
"The FBI was not only investigating crimes... but it was using the cover of Investigations to build dossiers."
"The FBI is completely out of control we've talked about that at Great length and over the weekend inexplicably with guns drawn the Federal Bureau of Investigation rated a man in Pennsylvania a Catholic pro-life speaker."
"When the government wants to get into your lives and tell you who you can see, when you can see them, and dictate everything about your life, the overreach is just too much." - Chris Deering
"Once you have a government agency of who's been naughty and nice making decisions like that, then you have this, you know that's just, it's a terrible solution."
"It violates informed consent, it violates parental rights, and it is pure overreach."
"Politicians who would take that from us because they think they know what's best for us more than we do ourselves..."
"Convoy was a once in a lifetime event in Canada. I hope the government never overreaches to the point again where it's called for, and that's the point."
"There will be no vaccine passports no private sector vaccine passports there will be no commandeering of state rights by the federal government there will be no lockdowns there will be no kids in masks enough is enough let's meet the moment."
"If you stay silent and comply, this becomes your consent and thus we've seen government rear its ugly head. These police officers are a perfect example of what happens when too many people have complied to too many unlawful orders."
"All you needed to do was make a joke... and the FBI would purposefully misrepresent it as though it was a credible allegation."
"It's your mandate to do this stuff if the government is infringing on your rights."
"When they attack the First Amendment like this, it may be one of the most egregious things the government can do."
"It's simply not the function of government to select which issues are worth discussing or debating."
"The purpose was to protect individuals from government overreach and undue control."