
Grilling Quotes

There are 304 quotes

"The bamboo doesn't burn when you grill... This is ingenuity."
"The grilling process requires meticulousness, you need to turn all sides evenly to ensure the meat is cooked evenly and the flavors are absorbed."
"Grill marks on a fresh charred piece of meat are one of the most appetizing sights."
"The type of fuel you're burning on your grill or in your pellet grill is as important as the protein that you're putting on."
"As for me, well, I'm going charcoal this year."
"It's so tender, it's delicious. I mean it's been grilled so there's little crunchy bits on the edges but still inside not dry at all."
"The best grill I have ever used, hands down."
"You're not gonna get that on any other grill."
"If you're grilling your meat without rubs, like you're wasting your time."
"Put the burgers on, oh yes, some of those dogs, put them on the grill."
"Steak seasoning: a perfect blend of salt, pepper, and aromatic spices for grilling perfection."
"The seasonings all the flavor cooked on that grill is perfect."
"If you don't have a grill again I will give you instructions for how to do this in the oven just basically roasting them like you would a chicken but I do think that grilling wings gives you sort of the best of every world."
"This grill is awesome... there's something about this real primal cooking that just... this is like outdoor cooking, this is awesome."
"This style is a great variation on the more mayo-based classic, in my opinion, and it's perfect for a grill out where bratwursts are gonna be featured."
"Everything on the grill tastes exponentially better."
"The way we grill our proteins, like, particularly the steaks, perfect grill marks is not the goal. Even browning, even grilling is the goal."
"This grilled chicken marinade is my favorite ever; the trick is to grill this low and slow on the grill."
"The biggest difference is you're not using a can or something to put your coals in the middle, you're just kind of putting them on top."
"Get ready to grill like a pro and create Unforgettable moments that will have everyone coming back for seconds."
"That fish comes right off the grill there is no sticking the cam chef strikes again."
"When it comes to lighting your charcoal grill, this right here is the most effective and affordable tool that you can possibly have: a Chimney Starter."
"Charcoal Choice, how you light it, how you control temperature, the features of the grill, and cooking space are all important."
"Put anything on the grill and it'll taste good."
"I often recommend pellet smokers because I ask them a couple of questions."
"Everything tastes better on a grill."
"That's what separates grill gods from a guy who's about 50/50. Like sometimes it's your stuff turns out okay and other times it doesn't because it's overcooked, undercooked, whatever."
"Definitely, if you guys have a grill, get out there and grill yourself some dinner."
"On pellet grills in general, you'll find that the right side of the grill is the hotter side. That's where the smoke stack is."
"We recently grilled burgers and brats for all of our friends."
"Grilling watermelon actually enhances its unique flavors and texture."
"The highest temperature we recorded for the Napoleon Grill was 776°F."
"The kettle grill is super easy to clean. It has the one-touch cleaning system."
"There are a few things that taste better than a grass-fed burger on the grill."
"This tastes like it just got off a charcoal grill, wow."
"...these guys are wizards of the grill."
"We don't really like going into stores to shop. We're either grilling or we'll see something we like."
"I'm going to throw these on the grill right now."
"That's part of grilling. It's part of the barbecue. It's okay."
"Swiveling dual Grill lets you grill a feast over an open fire."
"If you're serious about your grilling, ask yourself where's my money going? Is it this or is it this over here?"
"What a perfect night for a little grill moment."
"That steak has been on the grill for like four days, bro."
"Now having done these two side by side, I did them many, many times independently on their own and found this experience to be true, but I'm absolutely going to confirm it doing it side by side today that for me fat cap up makes a better overall."
"There's an amazing variety in different ways in which you can grill and different ingredients you can grill and there's a huge power to be able to showcase vegetables as much as fish and meat."
"Next week we're moving into another basic, what I consider the most basic grill out there, and probably the most owned grill out there. I'm referring to a kettle grill."
"So that's why the flexibility of this grill and just how well performs cooking on it, it's my favorite grill, it's my number one travel grill even though it's not technically a travel grill."
"Don't let anybody tell you that you can't have good food on a gas grill."
"Not bad for the first time on a Coleman grill."
"...let me go outside and get the burgers come back and bring them these and be like whoa you made these on the grill like yeah I did."
"Here is the conclusion guys, grilling is fantastic for lobster, but don't put any seasonings on it or you'll ruin the amazing taste."
"...this is something I'm going to be grilling very often in the future."
"The grill marks will tell you which foods to flip and which foods you don't have to flip."
"If you keep moving and flipping and tossing and turning your food, you're never gonna get those grill marks."
"I think making the grill industry even cooler, if that makes sense. It's already awesome. I think it is, you guys probably do if you watch this channel, it's making barbecues really cool, which is awesome. I think it's great for the industry and it's a great product."
"Why I like to use two zones even in my Weber Smoky Mountain is so I could put that tri-tip on the bottom a little bit further away from the direct coals."
"If you start to go too much, let's go extreme, 50-50, you're going to have wood burning more than charcoal."
"With these mats, you can make the juicy steak and sauté your vegetables. I love using this mat when grilling because I don't have to worry about things falling through."
"Everything tastes better on the grill."
"And that's what we're talking about, guys. You see how the sun is already right there starting to come down at this hour? And look at it, no sun, straight shade while I grill. Not sponsored by Home Depot."
"So I'm not going to be grilling these, I'm actually going to bring out my electric griddle and we're just going to grill them inside."
"He's really, really good at it but I'm going to give him the day to get the grill set up."
"Who will be the grill master? That's me, I love grilling."
"It tastes so good, literally right off the grill."
"This barbecue Daddy is a perfect tool to help you scrub or scrape your griddles and grills."
"Get ready for some big news: now you can have grilled food whenever you want, simply, conveniently, and quickly right in your kitchen."
"This is that outdoor grill taste that I love and it's also healthy, though because all the fat has drained away."
"The turbo grill gives you taste, it gives you speed, and flavor all in one."
"The turbo grill: a little hole and a little slant so the way the food is cooking, any of the oil and extra juices run out."
"Look no more babysitting your grill, you can go play golf."
"The Green Egg XL has the most available cooking height from the grate to the top of the cooker at 13 and a quarter inches."
"Briquettes if I'm doing some hot and fast grilling, lump if I'm building a fire or trying to create a really consistent coal bed."
"Once again, we gotta go back to what Tom said: You're making burgers, even if you say we're grilling burgers."
"So if you guys remember, I was also doing some rib ends while I was cooking these other ribs on the Traeger."
"If you're reverse searing low and slow with a steak or a tomahawk or something like that, I want to get some smoke on it and then I want to transfer or you know straight up to smoking hot."
"There's nothing better than a grizzly burger off a [__] grill in the backyard with a slice of American yellow cheese on a little potato bun, a little bit of ketchup."
"Our grill is used so much in the summertime."
"The man grate is perfect for anyone that loves the great taste of meat on their grill."
"If you've got a meatloaf recipe that you enjoy, I highly suggest you try it out on one of your grills or smokers."
"It's the perfect time for grilling, tailgating, and cozy comfort food."
"So we've got a grill going sitting at 250 degrees it didn't take it long you know when you got the gas you turn it on about 15 minutes it's ready."
"You've got nothing to do, you've got to not fill up any extra charcoal."
"When I'm grilling, I really love to get stuff sort of knocked out at the beginning before people even come over so that when I'm grilling, I'm chilling, you know what I mean?"
"It's got this charred flavor from being on the grill but it's not overbearing. You get a little bit of spice in there too, starting to creep in."
"Less is more, especially when it comes to the coals, even with the weather beaming down like it is out there now."
"Grilling is so fun, why are more women not doing it?"
"Whether you choose to go with breast meat or leg meat, I hope you feel better equipped to hit the grill with a pan of raw chicken this summer."
"This is a weekly session we'll be doing mainly to teach, to show you all the great things that you can do with a Broil King grill and help you do more."
"I love that charcoal grill flavor I miss it all the time when I'm griddling."
"These grills have become extremely popular because they simply produce incredible food."
"The beauty of the Komodo kamado is it doesn't matter how much charcoal is in your basket."
"The beauty of this design for ash removal is that the front draft door is flushed to the bottom of the grill."
"We got a Traeger here, we got a beautiful barbecue, we got some butcher blocks and we got some amazing steak here today prepared for you."
"There's almost nothing that can replace that grill flavor. Something about the fire touching the fat on the meat, it just activates this flavor."
"Grill grates just won their eighth national steak cooking competition."
"There is something to that process of it reminds me of my dad first of all and like grilling with him as a kid."
"If you've ever had one, you can toss them on the grill."
"Always gotta make sure there's a ADT around whenever you're grilling too."
"Whether you have a smoker or you have a grill, you can still smoke on your grill. It's just a little different."
"Can you really look at this grill and tell me that it's not glorious?"
"The entire grill plate heats up to a searing 450 degrees."
"An offset smoker will bring you advantages no other grill will, and that is why these little smokers are so popular."
"Always clean your grates off when the grill is hot if you can, it's also a lot easier to clean when it's a little bit warm."
"One-Stop shopping with one Grill it's great."
"They the yellow Jack had the beautiful grill marks and the flavor, outstanding!"
"There is no better smell than meat on a direct heat cooker."
"Now it's time to put our fish on the grill."
"That's a grill. It's pretty neat."
"Nothing like the smell of grilled burgers while camping."
"Welcome to my backyard, and in today's video, we're gonna take this ordinary grilling station and turn it up a notch."
"I like to grill when the weather is good and my neighbors actually love me for it."
"People love chicken. There's almost no one who doesn't like chicken, and grilling is a big thing."
"This chicken is delicious. The flavoring just isn't on top and on the grill, but it's also inside of the chicken."
"It's perfect timing heading into the summer; there's a lot of grilling recipes in there."
"Whenever I'm home, I got a Traeger out there and that's been like something that's really brought... I just love it, man."
"You're gonna get a hell of a grill when you buy Pits and Spits."
"Enjoy the summer sun while you're grilling steaks to celebrate the fourth with this grill."
"We have a grill, we have fresh snapper, we have asparagus and steak."
"What better way to end the day than protected from the sun while we use the grill to grill our surf and turf."
"There's really very little better than a really nice grilled steak."
"One of my very favorite things to do in the whole wide world is to grill."
"Kudos to the grill chef master, that had a beautiful smoky aroma to it."
"Grilling season is here, and we like to use this Montreal steak seasoning on just about any meat that we grill."
"Let's get some of this chicken here. Oh man, a little bit of that blacken sort of marinade with the charcoal flavor."
"I just love cooking over charcoal on this gas grill; it's just another element of flavor that you can add to your food."
"Introducing The Nomad Grills Barbecue Base Camp, a truly portable grilling colossus that effortlessly transforms any campsite into a five-star culinary festival."
"If y'all haven't tried whole fish grilled, highly recommend it."
"So with our brisket all seasoned and rubbed down with our Not Just for Beef rub, let me show you how I set up the Slow and Sear kettle for cooking between 225 and 250 degrees."
"The smell of the corn on the charcoal is so magnificent, it always gives you an instant appetite."
"We're going to be grilling our amberjacks with a homemade roasted garlic and chive butter."
"I love maitake mushrooms that are just grilled, they smell so good."
"Everyone loves food cooked on the grill, family gatherings that give us a thrill."
"Serve it with a good marinade and cook to medium rare on the grill, and you have a nice sliceable steak to pair with a little chimichurri and a good Malbec."
"This is a luxury kamado grill... a long-term investment."
"A bun that's been grilled first, the color, the crispiness, just really enhances all the flavors of it."
"Komados are world renowned for helping lock in and retain moisture."
"The fat dripping down goes into the fire and it's gonna add our flavor, and that's what we want."
"The convenience of a gas grill and the high heat of a gas grill, the easy cleanup of a gas grill, it's really, really nice, especially if you're cooking in a pinch."
"I'm getting some good smoke flavor, and I get the benefit of like a gas grill sear also."
"Grilling is woven into the fabric of American life."
"I love the Gorilla Grills Kong Kamado cooker, I am super happy."
"We got some hot sausages, some hot dogs, some peppers and onions, and we are grilling."
"This charcoal is really, really good."
"I eventually started seeing the innovation on Kamado Joe which lured me over."
"You have the crunch on the outside, soft meat on the inside, full of juice, smoke from both the fat and the wood deposited all over the outside."
"These five barbecue secrets have improved my grilling and smoking game on a kamado style grill more than anything I've done over the past 10 years."
"Let's go ahead and make use of that grill top right there and that wood, and we're going to cook us some steaks."
"This is one of the coolest Kamado charcoal grills I have ever seen."
"Got our Grill on, that looks so good, looks like a truck, right?"
"Indulge in the succulent artistry of the perfectly grilled steaks."
"This is without a doubt the best accessory I've seen for a grill or a smoker or any piece of outdoor equipment across the gamut of brands that I've run with."
"It's a full one hundred percent American-made grill."
"What a great day to come out and grill."
"When the steak gets a nice char in it like that, that's when you know it's going to be tasty because that's the flavor."
"If you get a good cut of beef, honestly, you don't have to be a grill master to be able to put a good steak out."
"I can already tell you that I'm pretty impressed with the build quality of this Char-Griller Gravity 980."
"Everything is made to order on the grill."
"You don't even have to have a smoker; you could do it on a grill."
"The joy of summer is experienced with the favorite grilling recipe, seasonally inspired ingredients."
"We feel like most Americans, most people in the world, it's an attainable grill. We want to show you guys that you can put out great products on this Weber kettle."
"If you cut cherry tomatoes in half, then grill them with a little bit of pesto, you will have orgasmic tomatoes."
"We know it can Grill, but can it smoke? That's going to be our next experiment."
"Let's taste this while it's grilling!"
"Smoky, snappy, delicious, plump smoked chicken sausages."
"I love it, one of my favorites. I could sit with like charcoal grilled meats and vegetables with the naan bread all day long."
"I love grilled oyster mushrooms, when you chew into it, it's so like chewy and soft with a nice crisp on the outside."
"I love the taste, the smokiness, the char grill that you can get on the food."
"Look at this, it's perfectly charred."
"Grilled really adds something to the flavor."
"I don't know, basically roast chicken over fire, a couple sausages, honey vinegar, grilled vegetables, some peppers."
"Lone Star grills... they're the first of two American-made cabinet style smokers we're going to talk about that use pellets."
"A lot of people out there in the pellet grilling community believe that Lone Star grills has cracked the code to getting the best smoke just using the pellets."
"The beauty of a good char-broiled burger."
"The actual chicken itself is super flavorful. The fact that it's charbroiled is a major plus, lending it a wonderful smoky flavor you won't be able to get enough of."
"The cool thing about grilling like this is that you get all these big flavors from the grilling and you get that slightly charred feeling and the smokiness, but it's still cooked quite gently."
"Grilled equals less calories and less fat and less carbs, same amount of protein."
"Having a box of meat show up at your front door with Premium Cuts is something that's going to Delight every griller and barbecuer that I know."
"If you're that guy that's like, 'I want the best grill in my backyard,' it's one of these two, I promise you."
"It's the greatest thing ever, I can preheat my barbecue as long as I want, I can cook whatever I want, I never have to worry about running out of propane."
"We replaced it with the 17 inch Blackstone which is awesome, absolutely awesome."
"I'm building a grill, why? So I can cook steaks."
"The Angus and the Brahma both come standard with interior lighting."
"The Blaze LTE Series, this grill right here is our number one selling grill in this category."
"Oh my mouth is just... there's nothing that makes my mouth water more than seeing meat on the grill."
"I love steak on a charcoal grill using a combination of natural lump charcoal and hardwoods like oak specifically."
"The meat is actually superb. Tons of flavor, still super juicy, and what I love is that you can taste the grill."
"We actually love grilling, and the places we stay don't always have a grill, so having a portable grill is something we never thought of, but it's an awesome solution."
"Why do we make grills? For being part of your life... All of your life."
"Why do we grill? For living life with the people that fill you with life."
"Flavors are really good, but flame-grilled taste on that burger is very nice."
"I love the ceramic inside that this kamado grill provides, and our steaks turned out delicious."
"If you like your steak charred a bit like we do, then the Kamado grill is just for you."
"Best chicken off the grill I've ever had."
"Barbecue is a culinary technique that involves cooking food by grilling it over fire."
"If you've not had corn on the cob on the grill, you're missing out on life."
"Imagine this: you're firing up your grill, meat sizzling away, and you suddenly hear the word 'basting' thrown around."
"We have our Green Mountain grill set up, we have the pizza oven attachment on it, and we're gonna cook around 600-700 degrees as well."
"Let's mix those kebabs nice and easy, we got a grill, then make them busy."
"Traeger Timberline is an awesome grill to get."
"If you're trying to cook something on that grill, I want to try to maximize that space to get the most meat out of the smoke that I'm producing."