
Political Optimism Quotes

There are 74 quotes

"The 2022 election...paints a very positive and encouraging picture for 2024."
"Fear not, my friends, for though we face a democratic establishment in full control of our cultural institutions, there is hope."
"Elections like this one really do give us something to be hopeful about."
"My gut instinct is we're going to win this thing in a landslide."
"Democracy will triumph as it has for centuries."
"Both sides have fundamentally good intentions... everyone wants a prosperous America, a fair America, free America."
"We are going to take back the house, we have great chances of taking back the Senate."
"It's almost not understandable... we have the best economy that there has ever been, let alone for an election so I think we're gonna have tremendous success tomorrow." - President Trump
"The red wave is coming, so be encouraged Patriots."
"I think if anything it might actually be the final dose of inspiration necessary to bring both sides together and ensure something gets done."
"You guys saved your democracy for at least the next four years."
"Even though we may not get there in our lifetimes... I still have faith we can create a more perfect union."
"Canada is shaping up quite nicely actually, it's looking like we may get reelected in our next term."
"California is savable because the people want the change."
"I'm very much on the lead is real Joe is going to win."
"We're only a handful of weeks away from these midterms... let's just stay positive and remain optimistic."
"I believe we're going to come through this 100% I believe we're going to come through this, I believe Mr T is GNA get back in there no doubt about it, but it's going to be an ugly [__] show."
"This vote shows that this country deserves to have this move forward movement."
"We have had a summer of strength and we're going to buck history by making history."
"Yes we have problems yes you're going to get elected and fix them."
"The people want to come back. It's a miracle what we did, and we'll do it again."
"I see good things happening on the right and I see extraordinarily intelligent young people who are waking up."
"People are voting for hope, people are moved for the hope of a new Lagos."
"We're going to bring America back stronger than ever before."
"The fact that in most cases, the democratic process ends in the right result gives me great hope."
"I think the backbone of American democracy and the institutions... are strong."
"Out of town and we're going to have an actual democracy in this country. November 2020 could also be potentially the greatest day of our lives. Let us whisper of a dream."
"This is the year of seeing a red wave blowout in Minnesota."
"People want freedom and democracy, and it all seemed perfectly possible at the time."
"The future of leftism is optimism, engagement, and pragmatism."
"A second referendum would be another big win for leave."
"We're going to have a big victory and we're gonna make America great again."
"I absolutely positively believe that America can come back from its political divide."
"I think that we are going to win an unbelievable Victory on November 8th."
"Canada is on the path to actually being fixed."
"I think I'm the guy that can win the primary, win the general election, and then deliver."
"I do firmly believe that in the end... the Republicans and the Democrats will be able to work together." - Josh
"In 2024, we have a chance to make hope and history rhyme again."
"Is it great news for the country and for the world? Yes, definitely."
"Politically things are not where we want them to be, but we're going to continue to be optimistic, of good cheer, happy warriors." - Charlie Kirk
"Congratulations President Biden and Vice President Harris. We look forward to building a better future with you."
"This week we're going to get more revelations and if you are fearful, know that there is a good steward at the helm of this chariot so to speak in Merrick Garland."
"I had high hopes for Biden, I really did. And I still do. But sometimes you have to take five steps back to take one step forward."
"We're on the verge of a great American comeback."
"It's going to be a very good Republican night."
"His win is not just a political shift, it's a Beacon of Hope for those who cherish Freedom, individual responsibility, and economic sanity."
"With the help of everyone here today, the American dream is back, bigger, better, and stronger than ever before."
"I'm here to tell you tonight we believe we're on track to win this election."
"We probably will extend the life of our democracy another hundred years because of yesterday."
"We are the party of optimism and happiness. Yeah, we're a movement of free people and free enterprise."
"The European Union will come out of this debacle stronger."
"I think the republic is stronger than we give it credit for."
"Donald Trump is going to be our President; we owe him an open mind and the chance to lead."
"Republicans will be stronger and better prepared to lead than we ever after before." - Rashad Richard
"The future of America is brighter because we have a President who believes in American exceptionalism."
"A lot of people want to look at the election today as a new beginning."
"Doug Mastriano can absolutely win in Pennsylvania."
"There is also hope on the horizon of a comprehensive Ukrainian victory in 2023."
"There is hope, we will eventually get dark money out of politics."
"One thing to know about Joe Biden is that Joe Biden is an optimist, and his optimism is being put to the test."
"It feels like a trustworthy leader for Japan has finally come forth."
"Great news for the president tonight and Republicans in Congress."
"We remain wildly optimistic about our future, about the ability for us to defeat Maga."
"With the grace of God, we will win this war and we will make America great again."
"It's time to celebrate, you deserve it Kevin McCarthy will do a good job and maybe even a great job, just watch."
"Many people were euphoric about the prospects of Western democracy."
"I do believe that both bills are going to pass, and a big reason both bills are going to pass is because the American people supported an enormous caucus of 95 house progressives to defend these kinds of investments."
"It's a land committed to the dream that more people will be happy than ever before in any political community."
"I'm not buying into the doom and gloom; I'm seeing a whole lot of potential for Republicans to still maintain their leads and to gain leads here."
"Vote for hope and optimism, not fear and division."