
Norse Mythology Quotes

There are 238 quotes

"Odin's enchantment is what makes Mjolnir so special in the first place, and it constantly challenges Thor to live up to the lofty expectations of worthiness."
"'Loki's career as a villain comes at Ragnarok, the prophesied end of the world, where he will lead an army of jotnar and monsters in battle against the gods.'"
"After Odin's defeat, there's a denouement involving almost the entire cast of characters. Ragnarok may have occurred, but it did not result in the end of the world after all."
"Loki transforms into a mare... and Loki gives birth to Sleipnir."
"Kratos and Atreus must get to each of the nine Realms in a quest of answers, encountering terrifying foes along the way."
"We want to draw inspiration for these adventures in the battles of Norse mythology or the conflicts of the Greek gods of Olympus versus the Titans."
"The Asgardian royal family has been driven by issues between a father and his sons."
"Odin Valhalla Rising: a Norse-inspired action MMO."
"There has only been one queen of the Valkyries, the goddess Freyja."
"Freya was Queen of the Valkyries at one point."
"The pagan Norse believed that the dead in their burial mounds would become álfar - elves - spirits of the land."
"The Northman is a Norse myth tale that is just full of rage and anger and yet it is gorgeous."
"This beautifully hand-painted adventure inspired by Norse mythology lets you carry your choices from previous games. Now the full saga becomes available on Game Pass."
"Mjolnir: the hammer of Thor, capable of leveling mountains."
"I can see him going to Valhalla. He's smiling, meaning that he died happy."
"A son of Odin has killed a son of Odin in a place of grith, a sacred place of Peace; as such, no one could take Vengeance."
"Loki is not consistently referred to in any specific gender term. The gender association appears to be consistent with his shape-shifting."
"Aurgelmir was the purest essence of fire and ice, combined with the essence of darkness itself from Ginnnungagap."
"And the next season is the Ragnarok season where we have the Norse mythology themed skins."
"The ultimate gift for somebody into Vikings if you see this send your partner a hint."
"Nothing is true until it is severed from the branches of Yggdrasil."
"It's constantly reinforced that the world of Norse mythology is actually nine worlds of magic and wonder."
"In the beginning, there was only the blackness of Ginnungagap, then Surt appeared out of the darkness with his flaming sword and touched land."
"Thor's hammer Mjolnir never misses its target when thrown and destroys everything it hits."
"Here we have a historical link with the mythic story of Odin's halls in Asgard and his 12 attendants."
"In Norse mythology, Loki is a trickster sometimes helping, sometimes hurting, but always playing by his own rules."
"The Bifrost is a device that holds the light of all time, using the device you can travel to any of the nine realms."
"The dart thrown by Hod pierced Baldur's heart and killed him instantly, leaving everyone in a state of shock."
"Frigg offered her love, favor, and fortune to anyone who would go to Helheim and ask its ruler, the goddess Hel, to let Baldur come back to the land of the living."
"After Ragnarok, Baldur will come back, alongside his brother Hod, together with Baldur having forgiven him."
"The death of Baldur is one of the most important stories from Norse mythology." - Tragedy
"Being a Norse Viking being put to the death in battle is your road to Valhalla."
"Ice trolls are one of the coolest and most ematic units on the norske roster."
"Both gods, Freyr and Odin, were highly worshipped."
"The destroyer armor cracks open and out falls balder to the brave."
"Loki becomes a chick look he's a girl but loki being a woman is is amazing."
"Glapionish... holds the wolf Fenrir until Ragnarok."
"Just imagine an epic blending of Norse mythology and sci-fi with promises of innovative gameplay and only being the first chapter of a gaming trilogy."
"Thor's hammer, Mjolnir, is made of metal from the heart of a dying skeleton."
"It combines extreme metal elements such as thrash metal, death metal, black metal, with lyrics based on Viking and Norse mythology."
"Odin, King of the Gods, the all-father... once hung himself from a tree and plucked out his own eye, all to gain wisdom."
"After nine nights and nine days, Odin gained the knowledge he was seeking; he understood the magic of runes."
"Fate is inevitable; Ragnarok was bound to happen, there was nothing Odin could do to stop it."
"Odin did everything he could to avoid what he knew was meant to be the trigger for Ragnarok: the death of his son, Baldor."
"Loki's anger over the treatment of his children and the pain he suffered... that is what really caused Ragnarok."
"The first sign of Ragnarok will be the fimbulwinter, three great horrible winters with no summer in between."
"Midgard is now finished, and Odin was crowned as king of all the gods."
"Asgard was built to be perfect, with endless palaces and thrones made entirely of gold."
"Odin began to prepare for the coming of Ragnarok, he knew that he would need the greatest warriors in the world by his side."
"Welcome back to the wisdom of Odin."
"The Odin Stone also governed oaths. Oaths sworn by it were considered unbreakable, and great misfortune or even death would follow any transgressor."
"These oaths were ascribed to the god Odin, and a tale of an Orkney pirate, John Gow, relates how powerful this oath was."
"Norse mythology is rich with adventure, tragedy, and even horror."
"I cannot die not until I fulfill my destiny and lay waste to your home. That's your destiny Ragnarok, the fall of Asgard!"
"Tyr also makes his end at Ragnarok while fighting another wolf creature called Garm, who is the guard dog of Hel. The two slay each other, much like Loki and Heimdall do at the same time, putting an end to the tricks the gods reigned in mayhem."
"So who actually survives the events of Ragnarok? Odin's sons Váli and Vidar, and Thor's sons Modi and Magni will survive, though their future and the future of the world post Ragnarok differs from source to source."
"The most popular ending is that the world is reborn and repopulated by two humans called Lif and Lifthrasir, who hid beneath Yggdrasil during the war to survive. The new sun is also born from the devoured soul, and the new world will have a new, albeit unspecified ruler."
"Let's talk Ragnarok. This event would see the obliteration of the Norse cosmos and everything in it, including the gods. In fact, the word Ragnarok itself means fate of the gods, and spoiler alert, it doesn't end well for them."
"The Norns, super powerful beings, carved runes into Yggdrasil, affecting everything in the nine realms."
"In the annals of Viking history and Norse mythology, the name Bjorn Ironside resonates as that of a legendary Warrior whose exploits have captured the imaginations of people for centuries."
"Offering a glimpse into the material culture of the Norse people."
"This is an Old Norse nightmare they've stumbled into."
"Thor's journey to retrieve his hammer led to unexpected challenges and revelations, showcasing the complexities of godhood and the power of resilience."
"Thor's encounters with Jotun and other adversaries revealed layers of his character, from his fury in battle to his capacity for mercy and cunning."
"Despite his might and divine status, Thor faced setbacks and challenges that tested his resolve, showcasing the vulnerability and humanity within the god of thunder."
"Thor's journey through trials and tribulations underscored the depth of his character and the enduring spirit that defined him as a legendary figure in Norse mythology."
"Thor hated many creatures but none so much as Yormungander, the sea serpent of Midgard."
"Odin always did whatever he wanted to do because he felt like things the way they were just didn't make a lot of sense."
"The wild wolf Fenrir swallowed Odin whole."
"If you are into Norse or Viking lore, this is really cool."
"It's gonna happen. We're going to cap off the Norse series with it."
"Norse mythology is famous for its unique Gods but at the same time it doesn't lack when it comes to incredible and weird creatures."
"There's a common, very popular portrayal of two, maybe three alternatives where the majority of the Dead go to hell, those who die in battle go to Valhalla or to folk Vung, and that's pretty cleanly it. But in fact, our Norse sources are much more complex than that."
"In Norse mythology, apparently Loki turned into a horse, got [__] by a horse, and gave birth to a horse."
"Which day of the week is named after the Norse god Odin? Wednesday."
"The Norse gods, it's just one big celebration and appreciation for life."
"Sif's golden hair: How Loki brought mischief in Asgard"
"Njǫrðr is often called the god of the sea, but we have to be careful about those labels in Norse mythology."
"Norse mythology was an integral part of the everyday lives of the Scandinavian people."
"We asked everyone for a name, and I think we might just call him Odin. I do like Odin, that was a good name that come through."
"You know what Odin wins. Odin wins. Odin thanks, buddy."
"The fearin region is inspired by Scandinavia and Norse mythology."
"Mjolnir has always been alive, son."
"Mythical realism is a combination of Norse fantasy or mythology, historical detail, and this pre-digital color."
"Hail Odin, wise warrior, one-eyed wanderer!"
"The poetic Edda is a more primary source than the prose edda."
"Shields will be cloven before the world sinks in the sea."
"Odin comes to riot against Fenrir, the monstrous wolf."
"Thor will be splendidly arrayed riding his horse Sleipnir with eight legs."
"According to the poem, the world will arise anew out of the sea after all of this."
"They're all about like we will go to war and reach Valhalla."
"Aurgelmir, also known as Ymir, was the first being to emerge from the primordial chaos and the progenitor of the Jotnar, or giants."
"The world itself is believed to have a cyclical fate, destined to be destroyed and reborn in a cataclysmic event known as Ragnarok."
"Draugr often portrayed as powerful warriors embody the heroic ideals and values esteemed in Norse culture."
"The primary role of Valkyries is to serve Odin, the chief god in Norse mythology."
"Óðinn dispenses his advice in a poem called Hávamál that’s in the Poetic Edda."
"He gave up an eye for wisdom and he collects dead warriors in his hall, Valhǫll, to fight for him at Ragnarok."
"Óðinn also has two ravens named Huginn and Muninn: thought, and memory."
"There is a strong sense of fatalism, that everyone has an inevitable ‘death day’ chosen by the Norns."
"Loki's dual heritage places him in a unique position, often serving as a bridge between the gods and the jötnar."
"The portrayal of the jötnar in Norse mythology reflects the ancient Norse worldview."
"Jormungandr's role in the narrative of Ragnarok is pivotal."
"Jormungandr's symbolism extends to various aspects of Norse mythology and cosmology."
"How shall Freyja be referred to? By calling her the daughter of Fjörgyn, wife of Odin, mother of Balder, rival of Jörð, a mother-in-law of Nanna, queen of the Aesir, of the Asynjur, a Fólkvangr, falcon form, and Vingólf."
"When Hermóðr went down to Hel to speak to your son Balder upon his death, your daughter-in-law Nanna gave you a gift of a linen robe, and I brought you that here to connect with you on a deeper level."
"I may be doing an offering to Frigg further down the line, but I really hope this did give you a good baseline of starting your own practice and worshiping and honoring Frigg today."
"Meanwhile, in the court of Hilak, King of the Geats, a warrior stronger and more noble than all others heard of the creature Grendel."
"Thor is referred to as 'Old Red Beard'."
"Helmeted heads drawn back in their death throes tilt red and golden beards grimly upward."
"To learn what it is to live and die in honor, to be in battle slain and in death put in the Valkyries' embrace."
"She does enter Valhalla, greeted by Heimdall and brought into Valhalla. I thought that was great."
"No story had more lasting influence in Norse culture or beyond it than the saga of the Volsungs."
"You told me then that you would never taste a drink that was not served to us both."
"Hail to you now, Loki. Take this drink I offer you of our good old mead."
"The Vikings saw their world, the universe, and the afterlife much differently than we do."
"You think we are a challenge? You have no idea how strong Odin has now become."
"Odin gave his eye to acquire knowledge. I would give far more."
"For honor and glory, I earn my place in Valhalla."
"It is Oda's most wanted arc to do because it's what inspired him, Vicky the Viking, everything like the Norse mythology is peppered throughout everything."
"The Valkyries, these mythological battle maidens who are said to take the fallen warriors away to Odin's hall of Valhalla, are also sometimes described as riding a particular kind of horse."
"But above all she was frightened to think of the evil that would fall upon the dwellers in Asgard if she were not there to give them the shining apples to eat."
"In those times the gods lived: Odin and Thor, Heimdall and Tyr, Frigga and Freya."
"The city they would call Asgard, which means the place of the gods."
"Hey, you know why Norse gods never have to worry about attacks from behind? Because they have Asgard."
"The belief in Valhalla was like a warrior cult, a psychological phenomenon that made the Vikings absolutely fearless."
"The edas and sagas... serve as the primary sources of what we know of as Norse paganism."
"Feel free, but I'll suggest you sit a little farther away from Fenrir or he'll think you're out to steal his food."
"Odin defeated me in single combat, but instead of killing me, he showed me mercy."
"Odin sacrificed one eye to gain cosmic wisdom."
"Odin is the all-father or the leader of all the Nordic gods."
"I come from the land of the ice and snow, with the midnight sun where the hot springs blow."
"Hammer of the Gods will drive our ship to new lands, to fight the horde, singing and crying: Valhalla, I am coming!"
"Thor's proven many times over that he's the mightiest."
"All father, if I fall, let your shield maidens choose me for Valhalla."
"All the answers you seek will be yours once I reclaim Mjolnir." - Thor
"This is a Norse mythology story and we follow our main character Magnus who... gets resurrected by a Valkyrie."
"Hugin and Munin fly around Midgard and report all they see to the all-father Odin."
"Sleipnir is known as the best horse among gods and men."
"The sea serpent Jormungandr also known as the World Serpent, is another of Loki's children."
"A Norse trident, this is a more unique take on the trident."
"Odin's name means master of ecstasy, an overwhelming feeling of great happiness or joyful excitement."
"The gods consider it to be the holiest of holy places."
"Odin was willing to spoon an eye out of his own head to gain wisdom."
"Yggdrasil really means Odin's gallows."
"Bifur, Bofur, Bombur... these are given as 'Bivur,' 'Bovur,' and 'Bombur' in the Codex Regius of the Poetic Edda."
"Valhalla is easily recognized if one comes to see it: the hall is held up by spear shafts, it is roofed by shields."
"Odin is my name, but before they called me Terror and Thunder."
"Drinking ale, singing songs, and training for their final fight at Ragnarok."
"Thor had to be more than a warrior, he had to become a hero."
"We're still near Order, if you've seen Ragnarok on Netflix then this is where it was filmed and you can see why because it is literally scenery for days."
"Hela rules over two of the nine specific realms: Hel and Niflheim."
"Odin has an army of fallen soldiers that come back to fight at Ragnarok."
"They are Odin's undead soldiers from Valhalla."
"The Norse worldview was that there were nine different worlds, the greatest of which was Asgard."
"Well, I guess it's my turn now," said Thor.
"No, I'm taking Hell. She said she wants to see the world too," said Thor.
"The nine noble virtues as stated in the Havamal: courage, truth, honor, fidelity, discipline, hospitality, self-reliance, industriousness, and perseverance."
"May we all die with knives in our hands and reunite in Valhalla."
"When wielding Mjölnir, Thor is considered one of the most powerful heroes around."
"Where the gold-bright Valhall stands wide, and there Odin chooses every day the men who have died in battle."
"I fear that Huginn may not come back, though I fear more about Muninn."
"Instead of saying 'I love learning about Norse mythology,' say 'I'm intrigued by several questions of semantics in the Old Norse language.'"
"The prophecy says Fimblewinter leads to Ragnarok, war is coming."
"Ragnarok, it seems, is no longer a threat to Asgard."
"The title of Odin's God King has been well deserved by now."
"Thor finishes his meal at a small cafe, and the elderly waitress approaches him to clean the table, picks up Mjolnir, wipes the table, then puts the hammer back down."
"So Freyja was not only associated with procreation and childbirth, but also with death and the afterlife, making her the very personification of a life-cycle."
"William's world tree magic is Igdrasil; it acts as the world tree from Norse mythology, where its branches connect the realms."
"To go 'berserk' was to 'hamask,' which translates to 'change form,' in this case, they would enter a state of wild fury."
"The Norse gods attempted to bind Fenrir with chains, however, no chain was strong enough to hold Fenrir's immeasurable strength."
"Odin gave up his eye for cosmic knowledge, essentially sacrificing a part of himself for a transcendental power."
"In Norse mythology, Valhalla is the Hall of slain Warriors in the afterlife."
"Soon I shall be drinking ale from curved horns. This hero that comes into Valhalla does not lament his death."
"My death comes without apology, and I welcome the Valkyries to summon me home."
"I'm princess Aslaug. My mother was the shieldmaiden Lagertha."
"You have become Frigg's champion this month," Odin exclaims.
"If you're gonna die, you want to go to Valhalla, right? And you want to be actually given some measure of renown or reward when you get there."
"It gladdens me to know that Odin prepares for a feast. Soon I shall be drinking ale from curved horns."
"I welcome the Valkyries to summon me home."
"Without his trickster brother to keep things, let's say lively, Thor grew into a very different Prince."
"The snow falls hard and don't you know? The winds of Thor are blowing cold."
"If I have to die today, so be it. I'm ready for Valhalla. At least I know life has taught me something; you have taught me something."
"Pack your bags and get ready for the trip to Valhalla."
"I'm an Old Norse specialist... now making a go at being an independent YouTube educator."
"And thus were the Norns unyoked from the chains of Destiny."
"Whatever the fates have in store for us, we're sure to meet again in Valhalla."
"Who can tell the saga of Bjorn Ironside? Perhaps only Odin, his ancestor."
"Bjorn Ironside is dead, and when he died, the High One cried."
"May the gods love and keep you; may your reunion with Valhalla be joyful, mice filled with love."
"What my death comes without apology, and I welcome the Valkyries to summon me."
"I believe with all my heart you are descended from Odin, and that makes me love you."
"We will see each other again in Valhalla, and we will be what we were always meant to be."
"Odin is the chief God in the Norse pantheon... associated with war, wisdom, and poetry."
"The term 'Thursday' has been named from the Old Norse word 'Þorsdagr', a tribute to one of the pagan gods they worshipped."
"I was thinking about maybe taking this in a little bit of a different direction, more like old school, actual Norse god Thor."
"Odin's in there like, 'Yeah, you know, I saved everyone. No big deal or anything.'"
"Disney Hyperion is sponsoring Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard: The Hammer of Thor by Rick Riordan."
"Thor has a berserker rage that doesn't really come out all that often."
"The forces that are at play here are dwarfed by the power of Odin."
"The greatest death an Asgardian warrior can achieve is to die an honorable battle."