
Animism Quotes

There are 57 quotes

"The elements are entities themselves; fire, water, air, earth – all of them are alive."
"The way the Tlingits see things is everything has a soul, a spirit."
"Matter is alive. Everything has a spirit. We just haven't been able to summon it yet."
"Everything is alive, everything has something to teach us."
"Everything that surrounds you has the living spirit within it in varying degrees."
"Animism is the belief that everything has a spirit, it has a consciousness and therefore it is sentient and has potential."
"Every single entity, every object has its own kami spirit; thus, it has its own kokoro heart."
"The essence of Shinto: Spirit in all things, the way."
"Everything is alive. There is nothing in the entire universe that is not alive."
"Everything has a soul, both animate and inanimate."
"'Everything has spirits attached to it, believe me, everything.'"
"Everything has a spirit, everything has a being, even the foods we eat."
"...everything has a soul, everything has a spirit to it."
"All objects were full of Gods, Divine spirits."
"Pre-to animism in Japan was deeply rooted in animism, characterized by profound reverence for nature and the belief in the ubiquitous presence of spirits."
"I see Spirit in everything. That's animism. Animism in general is part of folklore, of traditional witchcraft. It's a working with Spirits."
"Everything is sentient. Everything has a heart and soul."
"Everything has a spirit, not only mankind."
"Everything has a soul to it. I know some people don't like you to say that. And I say, why wouldn't you want me to say that? Why wouldn't you want your dog to have a soul, an essence, a core?"
"Everything has spirit; everything is spirit."
"Fred could have been a real human being and also symbolic of the spiritual energy in the seed or sperm, and that's not that different because one of them is imitating the other and vice versa. This is just how animism works and primitive religion."
"Everything here is alive and connected to the spirit of nature."
"Everything is alive and sentient."
"The Inuit believe that everything, whether it's a human or an animal, has a soul or spirit, which is referred to as an Inu."
"The number one thing people don't realize is they think that water and dirt are inanimate and they're not."
"If the rocks are alive, if the trees are alive, if the rivers have personalities you can't just take them."
"I'd like to think about if we are thinking about rocks rivers trees bacteria mushrooms as animate."
"These buildings were sort of living entities, you know, to the Maya."
"I know every rock and tree and creature has a life, has a spirit, has a name."
"The trees hate us all, deep in their wooden hearts."
"Everything has a voice, everything has a spirit."
"Even the animals had a soul. The Egyptians did not make a very strong distinction between animals and men, even animals and gods."
"I feel like inanimate objects have souls."
"Everything is alive, and if we can again experience the world that way, the world itself changes because of that, and we change as well."
"Everything is intelligent and everything actually has a heart."
"Animists believe that all things are alive and deserving of respect and that humans are a part of that web just like any other being."
"To the people of the realm, animism is a fundamental truth."
"Instead of looking at nature as a resource, the living things were seen to have a spirit."
"All things on earth have a soul that exists in a miniature form of the body that holds it."
"My assertion or my worldview that rock has spirit, flower has spirit, trees have spirit, that will give us a different kind of outlook towards nature."
"For me, an object is alive... This matchbox contains a secret life much more intense than that of most humans."
"Every rock and tree and creature has a soul."
"We feel that everything has life, even trees."
"If you cherish something for long enough, a soul will reside within it."
"All things are animate, imbued with spirit, and in constant motion."
"Since all things have souls or contain hidden gods, the objects of religious worship are numberless."
"Recognizing kinship with other species and treating them as persons is the essence of animism."