
Precious Metals Quotes

There are 556 quotes

"I'm saying you should have some of your money in precious metals so as to diversify."
"Precious metals retain value when currency does not."
"My financial future is secure with gold and silver."
"When there are turbulent economic times, people look to precious metals as a hedge against inflation and uncertainty."
"The amount of monetary stimulus, which, let's face it, is printing money, that's going to be required just all bodes so well for precious metals in the longer term."
"Gold and silver are honest money, they're not just sound money."
"With the growing consumption of silver for investment purposes as a hedge to a currency, obviously, fiat currency and lower do all in the future with everything's going on."
"Investors all around the world are underweight precious metals precisely at the time that they ought to be overweight precious metals."
"Gold is just beginning a truly historical bull market."
"Historically, gold, silver, precious metals have been a great investment over time."
"Gold tends to go up when people are concerned about government."
"I like gold, silver, Bitcoin, crypto. I wanna do what the little guy can do."
"Gold and silver are real money... they don't need any government or central banker to say this is money."
"We've been pretty steadfast about believing in gold and silver and in particular in our portfolio the mining stocks we've got an allocation of about 10 for most accounts we do consistently have it hedged."
"Goldco is a patriot gold company that specializes in helping you find out how you can protect your retirement with the trustworthiness of gold and silver."
"Gold and silver are the only financial assets that come with a central bank guarantee."
"Precious metals have been the number-one investment of this century."
"The end game for gold and silver is that you spend it because it will be money again."
"Just madness I mean just for buying a piece of metal but that shows how powerful it is and how much the banks don't want you to to do it that's the greatest advert ever."
"I can see there wasn't anything in history as much of a sure bet as gold and silver."
"Gold and silver are great opportunities right now."
"You can convert some of it into precious metals to retain the value."
"Gold and silver have never been worthless throughout history."
"Every collapse in history has led people back to precious metals."
"Gold is the best in a deflation, silver has mixed results but inflation there's nothing better than silver market right."
"Why do you own gold and silver? It's not to get rich, it's because we are on the cusp, I believe, of a change."
"Everybody should have some of their money in precious metals. Do not wait until the market drops more to protect your hard-earned savings." - Ben Shapiro
"Gold is a match made in heaven to preparedness and self-reliance."
"Gold and silver are not the complete picture, but they're an essential tool."
"In a world of chaos, wouldn't it be a good time to diversify your investments into precious metals?" - Ben Shapiro
"Gold and silver have proven over thousands of years to be the ultimate store of value."
"Legally, the only money is metallic gold, metallic silver, or metallic copper... There is only one sensible thing to do, and that is hedge out of total fiat dependency."
"Gold and silver are good inflation hedges on a risk reward basis."
"I didn't realize people literally carry precious metals around to try to like buy stuff with it."
"Gold and silver are an excellent way to hedge against inflation."
"Gold and silver are protecting, not necessarily speculating."
"People that invest in gold and silver are protecting their portfolios."
"Silver is still a bargain until it gets to probably 1/20th of gold's price."
"You have to think chess moves not checker moves with precious metals..."
"Gold is a better spouse than the playboy polo player."
"Expert says gold could hit 100,000 in a very short period of time."
"Silver more than doubled gold's return, so there is a precedent of something like this happening."
"I think that a silver or gold-backed digital currency would be the ideal."
"Take possession of metal. Buy gold and silver. Take possession of it. Look at it as wealth. It's not an investment, it's wealth."
"I think gold and silver are pretty good ways to hold your purchasing power, at least as part of a diversified portfolio."
"Gold can be a really important insurance policy hedge."
"Gold is a safe haven against uncertainty. Is it part of your plan? It should be. Hedge against inflation and hedge against uncertainty and instability with precious metals."
"Gold has value against the government, gold has value against a digital dollar, gold has value against a collapsing economy."
"Gold and silver offer up the ultimate insurance against collective stupidity."
"I believe in it, and I've been buying gold and silver every two weeks for almost 34 years."
"I'm a big fan of gold and silver and I enjoyed your book Fake. My question is, why do you think the gold to silver ratio is so out of whack today?"
"Silver has the ability to be a precious metal and is highly used in the industry."
"I would say silver so precious metals i think are gonna be a store of value as we go forward they always have."
"I think gold and silver are the best indication that you've got inflation about to pick up."
"Gold and silver will give you different layers of protection throughout all scenarios."
"Wealth Shield it's a piece of chocolate probably a crappy piece of chocolate up too but well Shields are made of physical gold physical silver in your possession."
"Gold is doing what it's supposed to do, reacting to the instability."
"JP Morgan's metals desk was a criminal enterprise, U.S. says." - Bloomberg headline
"The only way to get banks to stop manipulating precious metals markets is to call the bluff, take delivery, and make them feel the losses of their short position." - Reddit User
"PSLV from Sprott is outside the system and actually purchases silver on the open market as it receives inflows." - Reddit User
"Better hold at least some physical gold and silver."
"The industry of gold selling is much bigger than you think."
"It's getting real, Jack! Oh my gosh, look at that, that's like straight from the goldmine, dude, that is so cool!"
"Increasing disintermediation from savings products into gold."
"If you're interested in natural resources and precious metals please do come."
"That's the easiest thing you can do, you gotta own some gold, you gotta own some silver."
"In precious metals markets, the metal moves first because of fear."
"If the market share of precious metals and precious metals related assets returned to the three-decade mean, demand for this asset class would go up somewhere between three and four hundred percent."
"Precious metals and precious metals related assets for the next three to five years will do very well."
"You have to begin counting your wealth in ounces and not in dollars."
"So if you are interested in investing in gold then let our friends over at Lear help you out and start purchasing precious metals or converting part of your IRA or your 401k into gold and silver Ira call Lear Capital today at 800 613 3557."
"Gold is still the money of Governments, silver is still the money of people."
"Bitcoin is the most hardcore version of gold possible."
"The skepticism some investors hold towards silver often stems from its historical volatility and the shadow gold casts over it."
"Retirement enriched by the stability and growth potential of silver becomes not just feasible but firmly within grasp."
"Silver offers a hedge against the vagaries of economic cycles."
"Gold's special because it's a almost pure monetary metal."
"Gold and silver physical in any form... is so critically important to hold its value." Lynette Zang
"So I keep buying because it's on sale... what you see on the spot gold and spot silver market it does not reflect the true fundamental value of an ounce of gold or an ounce of silver." Lynette Zang
"Right now is a good time to move into precious metals right now because if they revalue, we're way ahead of the curve."
"I'm very bullish...on gold, silver, and these stocks."
"Silver is so incredibly undervalued compared to gold."
"Gold and silver are both up, things hear about gold soaring."
"A dramatically rising price of Bitcoin or cryptocurrencies is synonymous with a rising price in gold and silver."
"Gold and silver really look good here, especially with potential inflation ahead."
"Gold does tend to safeguard savings; it has never been worth zero."
"When a crisis happens, investors and citizens turn to gold and silver."
"Silver has risen more than gold every single time in major bull markets in history."
"Physical silver has dramatically lower risk compared to stocks."
"First Majestic Silver is the one to start with."
"Set the difference aside in gold and silver."
"This is why we need gold and silver... because they are coming for it."
"Precious metals play a prudent role in anybody's portfolio... for protection to purchasing power."
"I think any dip that happens with regard to physical gold, silver, platinum, palladium as well, these are buying opportunities period." - Greg Manorino
"Gold and silver: sustained for 5,000 years, surviving wars, famines, and the destruction of government currencies."
"Gold and silver are the Canary in the mine shaft. If you see one happening and the other going inversely of it, it only adds fuel to the fire."
"The big money is collecting physical metals. The big money, the banks, the profits, the nations, they're all collecting it and they're trying to convince you not to."
"I have always looked at precious metals as an insurance policy."
"Major banking crisis coming fast. Gold and silver are a flight to capital."
"Measure your wealth in number of ounces owned... it's your insurance policy against a collapsing inflationary currency."
"Gold is money, silver too. Therefore, it's not a gold price, it's a gold dollar exchange ratio."
"Once the system goes down, the demand for gold and silver is just going to explode."
"The urge for very serious money to get out of fiat and into physical metal has been unprecedented."
"Thank you to our sponsor over at Birch Gold... precious metals represent."
"Stick with your action strategy, DCA, and a little gold and silver."
"The high quality precious metals producers are cheap... particularly given the outlook that I see for gold as a consequence of government action."
"Gold is a hedge; precious metals have historically been a safe haven."
"Together we are the solution. In 45 years of precious metals trading and investing, I have never seen such passion behind a trade. It is a movement."
"This is presented a once in a lifetime opportunity for traders and stackers alike to load up on physical gold and silver at such discounted prices."
"Gold and silver really are should be looked at as insurance first profit second."
"Gold and silver are in a secular uptrend now the odds are 65 to 70 but that move will be higher sometimes."
"Everybody ought to have at least some insurance levels of gold and silver."
"And so by owning precious metals all you're doing is doing one simple thing you're securing safety for yourself and your family exactly it's um."
"They want to curb the purchase or conversion of gold and silver as a hedge against inflation."
"All you need is one billionaire to say, 'get me every single piece of silver you can possibly get your hands on,' and it's gone."
"If 10% of the American public were to invest in gold and silver, it would probably be a big event that could make this happen."
"Fernando Sanchez if you don't hold it you don't own it good look getting your metals back all right."
"I would not underestimate how bullish just the Fed being recognized or as being unable to raise rates in an inflationary environment how bullish that will be for precious metals."
"Prepare now, don't stop filling in those gaps."
"Eventually gold and silver will be multiples of what it is now."
"Hurry, buy silver now, get out of the dollar."
"Deeply negative which is a great bull foundation for precious metals."
"There's one major exception: gold and silver mining companies have never been so profitable and yet so undervalued."
"Why are those big investors not seeing hey this is the biggest increase we've ever had in global currency supply so therefore I should probably own some of these precious metals to protect against that?"
"We are at the early stages of what feels like a great bull market for precious metals."
"Silver and gold are God's money because God's money has been here since the earth was formed."
"This is a wonderful time, but we have something even more important today, something much more valuable than GameStop. It's something with real value, it's called silver."
"Gold, silver, and bitcoin prices may be on the verge of a straight-up trade."
"Is now a good time to be picking up some of the shiny stuff? Well, I definitely think so."
"I don't save dollars, I save gold and silver."
"Gold and silver represent honest weights and measures and always have and always will."
"There is no control, no one's controlling the gold and silver price."
"You don't buy gold and silver to get rich; you do it to protect your wealth."
"The best way to buy silver and gold and to defeat the bankers is to keep stacking physical silver and gold."
"The people that hold the gold and silver are going to hold the wealth."
"Look at all the gold fingers on them and a little gold foil."
"Silver goes all the way up to $50 per ounce. That's a 10x."
"If you want to protect your wealth... put some form of your money in precious metals."
"For gold investors, this fed fraud signaled clear signs to go long gold and silver"
"Over the long term I expect it to flip gold."
"Gold has had a bit of a wild ride so far this year."
"You add all that up, and I just I remain I see no reason to not remain bullish on gold and silver going forward."
"The risk of loss in gold is so minimum versus what still is going to happen to people that own a lot of stocks and bonds."
"Gold and silver hold their value despite no longer being an element of currency in most countries."
"People who don't store some of their long-term wealth in precious metals are probably making a mistake."
"I just do what rich people do rich people countries they're buying gold they're buying silver"
"I believe that you're going to see silver someday be at astronomical levels and I don't care who who who thinks I'm cuckoo bird we'll see who's laughing"
"If you really want to show off your wealth, then you adorn your plane with one of the most valuable metals in the world: gold."
"It's critical that you own gold and silver outside of the system if you want to maintain any level of freedom."
"Gold and silver are God's money, humans have intuitively known it's real."
"Gold is good money and it's been good money for 6,000 years."
"If you've been riding the gold rollercoaster, you are up just under six hundred percent."
"When it comes to precious metals, you gotta play the long game."
"Precious metals are insurance... putting this money away for a rainy day." - Adriana Reid
"That's why I stack precious metals, Tim, as wealth insurance."
"Be smart. Put some of your assets into precious metals."
"I don't think you can ever tame the beast the same way as you can gold and silver."
"Once you realize that, it still implies that gold goes to the moon."
"The Perth Mint is in default. I'm hearing horror story after horror story involving the Perth Mint. People can't convert from synthetic to physical."
"What we're seeing in the last two and a half weeks, Mario, is a revolution in the silver market."
"What is the percentage of people that hold silver in Gold I believe it's less than one half of one percent."
"Silver and gold will have a huge role, like having real money to track."
"If you're not holding real assets like gold or silver, it's going to be a costly mistake."
"The one thing that stood the test of time is gold and silver."
"Gold and silver severely undervalued and manipulated. It's going to go much, much higher."
"I'm incredibly optimistic on gold and on the miners."
"There's nothing in a sweeter spot than gold and silver right now."
"Gold and silver doesn't necessarily increase in value, it just retains value."
"Do what you can to protect yourself. And again, to me, and only speaking for myself, it's precious metals. And they've been around forever and they're not going anywhere. And you're going to start seeing more central banks buying them as well."
"Buy physical. Understand the difference between what Andy affectionately calls the casino paper gold and silver markets and the actual physical gold and silver markets. They're not the same. Don't be fooled."
"A year from now, I would be surprised if silver was less than 40 and gold less than twenty-four hundred dollars an ounce."
"To silver or silver to gold is back around 63 or 65 to one."
"So not only did the concept of trading by using money develop independently, it managed to gravitate towards the same metal."
"As high as cryptocurrencies are now or some of them are now, they're only front running what gold and silver are about to do."
"At its core, it's an initiative to restore silver and gold to the monetary system."
"Would the price of gold and silver raising? Which should I buy?"
"People who like bitcoin, people like gold, they're coming from the same place. They don't trust central banking, they don't trust paper currency."
"You want to own gold and silver, you gotta buy the physical bully, and that's the bottom line."
"The big money around the world is accumulating huge amounts of gold and silver."
"Why do I think gold and silver is still a good investment?"
"With gold and silver, you kind of hedge against all that."
"Cryptocurrencies are a huge gamble if you don't know what you're doing. It's always safer to buy gold and silver."
"Silver right now is a buying opportunity of a generation."
"Silver represents over 90% of what we're doing."
"Silver and gold for that matter but silver even more so is a very great way to protect your wealth."
"This is why I love gold and measuring things and measuring different aspects in gold because I feel like gold is real wealth."
"Gold and silver cannot bankrupt, and everything else in the system can."
"Physical metal primarily, as insurance against reckless fiscal and monetary policy. It's just insurance."
"Only gold and silver have proven to be money where they maintain their purchasing power over the centuries."
"Gold and silver know what's going on right now."
"The resolve to acquire physical precious metal is growing at a dramatic rate."
"You just have to have metals in your portfolio just to survive this trend that's continuing. It doesn't seem to be going backward."
"Physical silver will be the one that does best in the crash."
"I think it's really important for us to have a portion of our family's wealth in Precious Metals as a hedge against inflation as a hedge against the collapse of the US dollar."
"Putting some of your assets into precious metals will keep your money away from the volatility of the markets and inflation and let you sleep at night."
"People decide that their money is melting... they're going to buy bitcoin and gold and silver."
"Silver is the underlying mechanism which can change the whole system."
"Having a precious metals IRA can provide a hedge against Market fluctuations."
"Gold and silver, they want us to believe are Commodities, they're not, they're wealth."
"If we just were to get to the mean, to the average where everyone owned two and a half percent of their assets were in silver and gold, that's a five-fold increase in a market that will bend and break in a matter of hours."