
Atmospheric Science Quotes

There are 97 quotes

"CFCS are an industrial gas... very long atmospheric lifetimes... pretty convincing evidence of something technological going on."
"Understanding the celestial maelstrom not only unravels the secrets of Jupiter but also sheds light on the broader principles governing atmospheres, including our own."
"The vibrant colors we see are due to different types of clouds."
"We need to understand our atmosphere well enough...it's probably going to help us understand all the other planets better too."
"If you look at clouds and mountains and the way they interact in a time-lapse, it's like the atmosphere functions as a fluid."
"There's this Goldilocks zone in the atmosphere that is not too hot, not too cold, but just right for life."
"The Parker Solar Probe was designed to become the first spacecraft to enter the Sun's atmosphere."
"The ultimate effect of whales pooping is less CO2 in our atmosphere."
"Mars would also need a way to hold onto its atmosphere and keep it from being stripped away by solar winds."
"The changing of the winds with height creates a rolling motion in the atmosphere."
"Phosphine gas detected in extremely high levels in the atmosphere of Venus."
"Could there be an interlink between events in Earth's geomagnetic field and the atmosphere?"
"You don't have a healthy storm unless everything is stacked on top of each other."
"You're not breathing in just oxygen you'd be dead; you're living in a soup of gases."
"Carbon dioxide is the principal control knob of the Earth's temperature."
"Lightning sprites are hardly ever seen and were only photographed for the first time back in 1989."
"The goal of geoengineering in this case would be to seed the upper atmosphere and the upper cloud line with particulates that would aid in the reflection of electromagnetic rays."
"The stripes in the wakes are crests and troughs of the airflow. The poles remain Earth's last great wilderness."
"This balmy ocean and its humid hazy Sky really owe their existence to the invisible molecules in the archaean air."
"We have learned to read the language of Earth's atmosphere an indispensable co-pilot on this journey."
"Rain on Saturn is made of diamonds, not water."
"No atmosphere also means that there are no air molecules to scatter light from the sun."
"The typical lifespan of a small cumulus cloud is only 10 to 15 minutes."
"You could make it look like the Earth has an atmosphere but it's just a sterile atmosphere."
"Ice cores are the only archive we have of past atmosphere."
"Unstable lapse rate would not do that, it may increase or fluctuate as we go up."
"Just the fact that you could see through the clouds and still figure out the structure of the atmosphere was a gigantic leap forward."
"Jellyfish lightning sprites are electrical discharges high in Earth's atmosphere, associated with powerful thunderstorms but having nothing to do with rain."
"A mirage is an optical illusion caused by atmospheric conditions like extreme heat."
"This storm vortex is the size of like, what's how wide is it? It's estimated 18,000 miles wide."
"The atmosphere is just a very thin layer, though in the grand scheme of things, the Earth is gigantic and the atmosphere is relatively thin."
"Wind is simply air that is moving."
"The weather here is crazy; the winds blow at up to 5400 mph, which is 7 times the speed of sound."
"With those selective absorbers, the earth's temperature is kept at an average of about 59 to 60 degrees Fahrenheit, warm enough for liquid water."
"Wind is actually the atmosphere’s way of smoothing out pressure differences."
"I'm not here to tell you that wonderful story of chemistry, instead, I'm here to tell you a story of atmospheric science, of meteorology, and a human story really about the people that were first in this remarkable land."
"The sunlight is hitting most directly at the equator, causing air to rise."
"It's a direct measurement of it, so we can measure all the composition of the atmosphere back in the past for hundreds of thousands of years."
"True or false: Atmospheric pressure is generally lower near the equator than it is near the poles."
"In nature, plants have the ability to harvest all the nitrogen they need from the atmosphere."
"Did you know that the air all around us pushes on us, pushes on things? It's called atmospheric pressure."
"The higher up we go, the higher the altitude, the lower the pressure."
"The greenish blue color of the gaseous envelope of Uranus is the result of the absorption of red rays by the methane present in the atmosphere."
"If we understand how the atmosphere works, we can actually predict those events, and if we can predict them, then we can manage them."
"The influence of the air, now thinned by one-third due to atmospheric pressure and cooled to a temperature of minus 32 degrees centigrade, was evident in an increased sleepiness."
"Fortunately for our soft UV-sensitive bodies, most of the ozone in the atmosphere is up in the stratosphere, in the ozone layer."
"Why are sunsets red? As the Sun starts to sink down towards the horizon, those rays of sunlight have to pass through much more atmosphere before they reach your eyes."
"The fact that the sky appears blue during the day is because the shorter wavelengths, that is the blue of the visible spectrum, are scattered more than the other longer visible bands."
"The Earth's atmosphere looks bigger in blue wavelengths of light than it was in red wavelengths of light because of Rayleigh scattering."
"This multi-band scanner is able to collect information from inside the atmosphere on temperature, precipitation, moisture."
"The direction of the winds in the middle of the troposphere typically determines how that storm moves."
"The Hadley cell represents the rising air near the equator, poleward air moving aloft, and then sinking and then returning towards the equator at the surface of the earth in a kind of a symmetric way around the equator."
"By observing highlights of the 1962 test series, it is hoped that viewers will gain greater understanding of the extensive field operations and unique diagnostic methods utilized during the era of atmospheric testing."
"What we can do is to make projections into the future and make forecasts the same way as atmospheric scientists make weather forecasts."
"This and similar flash events are something we call TLE, which stands for transient luminous events."
"Red sprites are flashes of light that appear above thunderstorms and come in clusters."
"The sky on our home planet is blue because of the diffusion of light."
"The sky is blue because light scatters off very fine dust and even on density fluctuations in the atmosphere due to the thermal motion of the molecules."
"The clouds are not blue because the clouds have very small water drops."
"It is estimated that 50,000 cubic kilometers of fresh water exists in the atmosphere in the form of water vapor, that is about six times the water of all the rivers on Earth."
"When you add something to the atmosphere, gases or particles, what happens to it? How does it mix in? To what degree does it get diluted?"
"Some of that heat is lost back out into space, however, a lot of it just bounces backwards and forwards in our atmosphere, warming us and keeping us at a safe temperature."
"For each degree Celsius, the atmosphere holds about seven percent more water vapor."
"Only by understanding that way can we really understand how water vapor is handled in the Earth's atmosphere."
"On Mars, the same magic of physics and chemistry created an alien atmosphere and provided a source of water on a planet known to be drier than the Sahara."
"The rate at which we're putting CO2 in and changing atmospheric composition is far higher than anything one could diagnose from previous geologic eras."
"The primary cause of wind is a pressure difference usually caused by differences in temperature."
"Global warming is an increase in temperature due to the increased carbon dioxide levels of the atmosphere."
"Rossby waves are planetary scale waves which pass around the whole planet with wave number approximately 5 or 6."
"The radiation Proxima B is exposed to might be enough to strip away the key components of an atmosphere over time."
"The concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere has never been as high in 400,000 years."
"We have four General Scales: the micro scale, the meso scale, the synoptic scale, and the global scale."
"The ocean is such a big reservoir, it's really determining what is in the atmosphere."
"Polluted air is a result of harmful gases and molecules making its way up into the atmosphere."
"The carbon dioxide we've pumped into the atmosphere since the start of the industrial revolution is now leading the warming of our atmosphere rather than following it."
"We are going to talk today about a whole bunch of stuff to do with the atmosphere."
"Rayleigh scattering refers to the scattering of light off of the molecules of the air."
"Warm air weighs less than cold air and rises, then cool air moves in and replaces the rising warm air; this movement of air is what makes the wind blow."
"The radiative balance... is achieved high in the atmosphere near the top of the troposphere."
"And so when you look at the sky, the sky looks blue, that's the reason, it has to do with this strong preference for color to be scattered when it is blue light."
"The rate at which it cools down as it goes up is pretty set; it's 10°C per kilometer."
"The half-life of methane in the atmosphere is nine years."
"Barometric pressure is the way that the pressure changes as we consider the weight that gravity puts the atmosphere onto us."
"Maven will be studying processes that led to the escape of much of Mars' atmosphere."
"The lighter hydrogen escapes more efficiently than the heavier deuterium."
"The surface of the Sun is hot, but the atmosphere above it is even hotter."