
Investment Risk Quotes

There are 338 quotes

"Investors in these banks will not be reimbursed. They took the risk and are now out of the money. That's how capitalism works."
"Investors are used to thinking of cash as a safe asset, but in the environment you describe, where governments need to print money and finance big deficits in order to stay out of deflationary depression, cash can be the most risky asset as it depreciates in value."
"Impermanent loss is a phenomenon that occurs to LPs on AMMs where the spot price of the assets they added to a liquidity pool changes."
"A lot of people are going to lose a lot of money in these stocks, a lot of people are going to lose a lot of money in cryptocurrencies."
"Buying stocks that you don't have a deep understanding of is arguably one of the easiest ways to lose a lot of money in the stock market."
"The flood of central bank stimulus and cheap money has convinced investors that risk has vanished eroding the market's role as a mechanism of price discovery."
"You do not want to be buying the top if you're getting new to NFTs because that's the most expensive ones and the highest risk ones you can possibly get into."
"Impulse is your enemy; trying to time the market can destroy even the best portfolios."
"It's only a generational buy when you lose a generation to investing."
"You're basically paying 30 40 50 60 percent interest rate to borrow GameStop shares."
"Things that go up at a high pace are the first things that come down at a high pace."
"For decades buying property was considered a safe investment in China. Now, instead of building a foundation of wealth for the country's middle class, real estate has become a source of discontent and anger."
"If you're going to go put 70% of your portfolio into a small cap coin like this and only 30% in the safer coins, you know you are gonna get wiped."
"Volatility comes with the territory and if you can't stomach the fluctuations, then maybe you're not cut out for crypto."
"It's people like, 'Oh okay, good point, like I'm gonna get in a little bit,' and then they lose everything."
"So even if you're completely inexperienced and know nothing about finance or investments you are told that there is an inherent risk."
"The highest yielding stock might not be the best for your portfolio. In fact, you could actually lose money if the stock price falls or if they cut that dividend."
"Of course you can lose money... but if there was one project that has earned their way into a blue chip category..."
"Rune survived multiple hacks and the project keeps going from strength to strength... If it does work, you'll make a lot of money."
"Putting your actual hard-earned assets up to hot chains, hot wallets, internet-connected chains is [expletive] stupid."
"Now you're down 1500 bucks so a learning lesson but a tough one for sure."
"Just because it's in the top 100 doesn't mean it's too big to fail, doesn't mean that they won't rug pull you, they may."
"I can't think of anything more bullish. It'd be very hard to think of something more bullish than making it five times more expensive to short than to long."
"Why would you want to short that? We're going parabolic; the green candles are getting taller and they're coming faster. If you short into a mania, you done screwed up, boy; you're gonna lose it all."
"Gold will do what you least expect it to do when you least expect it to happen."
"We're witnessing the biggest rug pull in the economy in history. We're going to see so many people lose so much money, it is going to be unreal."
"The risk versus reward here, okay. What is the risk of holding at this point? Go down to 19,000 over a year? That's gonna suck. It's gonna be terrible."
"If a company goes up that much in such a short period of time, you have to expect some share pullbacks."
"Profit is profit at the end of the day but we do want a more favorable risk toward ratio strategy."
"Possibly the first sign that something might be a ponzi scheme is that you are being pitched a low risk investment with an unusually high rate of return."
"I highly recommend not putting all of your money into one or two stocks."
"Let me know what you guys think: Are small caps too speculative to get involved with?"
"This is one of the most challenging and treacherous times in history for investing."
"If you have oil stocks or if you invest in energy, keeping your money in ETFs and other things backed by oil, you should know that these things are dangerous."
"If a scheme promises consistent high returns without being affected by market conditions, there's a good chance that it could be a Ponzi scheme."
"For every big winner, there's one that could go to zero."
"Cryptocurrency is money that I'm not afraid to lose."
"One of the best ways to lower your risk of investments is to diversify them."
"Far more money has been lost by investors trying to anticipate Corrections then lost in the corrections themselves."
"Trying to time the market can be extremely costly over time if you just miss the quick turn the rapid v-shape recovery."
"Your bank deposits gone, his stock market money down in value."
"Highly On is by far the riskiest investment here in my personal opinion."
"Just keep your eye on it. I think that um, you know, you gotta be careful. Getting first in on things, yes, you might make a gazillion dollars but yes, you might lose a lot too."
"Volatility that could go up or it could go down."
"You are rapidly getting to that place to where you are over-concentrated, and the risk inherent in that holding just like for those Lucent executives might not warrant your participation in the way that you are participating."
"Even if we buy now and god forbid there is a crash, that crash at some points will rebound."
"Most of these penny stocks go out of business."
"Raul Paul got to end with this of course you know crypto is risky you could lose what you put in but we are headed west this is the frontier it's not for everyone but we're glad you're with us on the bankless Journey Don't f it up."
"Risk comes from not knowing what you're doing."
"The market can stay irrational longer than you can stay solvent."
"If you want to make money by the gold mining stocks and if you want to get rich, you have to take risk."
"Nobody should or will force you to invest money, the only person who will lose money is you."
"There's an argument that you have a bigger risk not investing in cryptocurrency then you do have a risk of losing your money investing in cryptocurrencies."
"You could potentially get into a coin when it's at one cent, locked out of your account."
"Crypto is highly speculative; people need to go into this stuff with eyes wide open."
"It is a double-edged sword having real-time prices on cryptocurrencies."
"Tesla's multiple of earnings is very high in nominal terms for any company in any industry at any time in history."
"This portfolio is aggressive. It's a high aggressive risk portfolio."
"Small caps are very high risk but at the same time they're the highest potential return on investment. For instance, if you got in ethereum at the very beginning you'd be up over 1000x right now."
"Picking stocks can be quite risky, that's why there are platforms like Wealthfront."
"When you invest in your own company, you have the potential to get the highest reward."
"There will be a bear market and history has shown that bear market will be very bad."
"Investing just in these though sets you up for a fall if the interest rates fall or if the economy tanks."
"The market is absolutely ruthless this year... you just get destroyed if you buy at the wrong time."
"Investing in innovation can give you more potential upside but it also comes with more risk."
"Investing in the stock market is risky and you could lose all of your money at the drop of a hat, but that is only really true if you're investing in the short term."
"The odds of 25, 26 companies risking their full market cap and corporate reputation to compromise the network is very small."
"It was out-and-out incompetence the banks were using their reserves to back up investment tools they themselves had created but did not understand."
"Physical silver has dramatically lower risk compared to stocks."
"Nobody wants to be the bag holder who's riding this thing all the way down."
"You're not going to have a 50 Grand Day by putting a thousand dollars at risk or you're not gonna have a fifty thousand dollar day by starting off with a 500 account."
"If you can't handle a 50-80 drawdown, don't touch it."
"Investing in startup companies... Higher risk comes with higher potential return."
"When greed sets in, it's just going to be a rough ride."
"It's not clear, so just don't take too much risk."
"There has always been the potential to lose considerable money here, but there is also the potential to make a whole lot of juicy money down the line."
"If you're not open to any kind of risk, why would you be worth the gain?"
"If you do not diversify, you are set for failure."
"He invested 100,000 euros in this tournament and walks away with nothing."
"This is the real deal. This is the one where the risk reward is the most attractive of any of those stocks."
"Miami, Florida, is the most inflated market; I think it's insane."
"There's a high likelihood... that NFTs might preserve some value while the rest of crypto crashes."
"There's so many coins out there... we just don't know what's gonna happen."
"I know people have been saying this for a while now but seriously, 20 to 30% returns annually are not sustainable."
"Exploration dollars don't always get the intended results."
"To show he means business, Jamie Dimon goes all in, virtually putting all of his fortune in Bank One stocks, worth over $50 million dollars."
"The risk versus reward says a pullback is coming."
"Selling a covered call, there's not really much risk to it... your risk is minimizing your profits."
"Times of extreme fear and greed are the most dangerous times to be invested in the market."
"Super bubbles are formed when investors get greedy and buy over-inflated assets at crazy valuations."
"Crypto is fickle, make sure you're in the right place at the right time because things can change."
"If you miss the best seven days, you lose three quarters of your profits."
"Asymmetrical risk is what we are looking at when we invest in cryptocurrency."
"Don't invest what you're not willing to lose." - Warren Buffett
"Get off exchanges! It's not your keys, not your crypto. Trusting exchanges can lead to losses, as we've seen with companies like BlockFi and FTX."
"If you hold coins that have liquidity threats... that is something you need to take into mind as a risk factor."
"Crypto is risky, so is DeFi. You could lose what you put in. But we are headed west, this is the frontier. It's not for everyone."
"Don't touch Evergrande distressed debt... it is toxic waste, it is garbage."
"Most altcoins are not going to ever come back to their all-time highs."
"Do you want to be in a coma and hold your money in a historically secure place or feel like you're bleeding every single day?"
"There's not a single investment out there doesn't come with risk."
"The price you pay to be in the stock market is a 25 to 40 percent decline—that's your ticket."
"That could lead to a correction in stocks... valuations are now more overstretched than ever."
"You are literally taking more risk right now not owning bitcoin than having it."
"If you're going into an investment and every single person is telling you Robert you're crazy what are you talking about you're absolutely out of your mind don't do that, those are the investments where you've made the most money."
"Just a tiny waiting does give you that chance to double your portfolio or triple it or 10x it."
"You won't be as scared to make a risky investment. If I lose it [ __ ], I had nothing before anyway."
"Stop crowding into the same trades, leaving yourself open to this kind of action."
"In times of adversity, collective societies do better. Our ingenuity thrives in times of abundance, which is coming to a close."
"MoviePass's former CEO and the leader of its former parent company have been indicted on Securities fraud charges for deceiving investors on the sustainability and profitability of the company's movie A Day subscription model."
"Solana could offer nearly three times the return compared to Ethereum, but it's riskier."
"And also when margin debt hit an all-time high, we had the 2007 and 2008 market crash because all market indicators are saying get out now while you still can."
"People get in trouble when they do a little bit of research in this particular pie slice and then they go ahead and jump in."
"Cash is punitive right so you're guaranteed to lose value in an inflationary environment."
"This second portfolio right here has a little bit more risk than the first portfolio."
"In your wallet if there's no liquidity to that coin you actually don't have any money."
"The last thing we want to do is find out we have created a pile of unsalvageable garbage when we've already sunk 100 hours into the game."
"Having a little bit at risk sometimes does help with the emotions."
"If it's not real, you're going to lose 100% of your investment."
"Your 401ks, your money markets, your pensions, your stocks, everything, paying you in US dollars, it's all worthless."
"A market correction like an impending execution focuses the mind when you think about losing your investment capital all of a sudden."
"As bullish as I am on this over the next 10 years, crypto is extremely risky."
"Closing the day below that line will be a severe ominous signal."
"There are risks pretty much in any investment class. There is no such thing as a completely safe option, right?"
"If anyone is telling you that this is not a reason to be concerned to some degree, that it's okay to just buy the dip on USDC and have large sums of your capital in stable coins right now, unfollow them."
"The risk of loss in gold is so minimum versus what still is going to happen to people that own a lot of stocks and bonds."
"I love the Uganda Shilling I just don't know if it's gonna make the first basket or not if it doesn't I'm going in big."
"Whenever you're in a bubble, people have the same conceit. Participants think that they'll be able to know when to get out. But if you're waiting for an obvious sign, it's going to be obvious to everybody, not just you. And then it's too late."
"Even if there's a 10 percent chance that Bitcoin value will go to $100,000 to $200,000, it might be an interesting bet."
"Lump sum investing may bring on higher risk."
"The stock market can remain irrational longer than you could remain solvent."
"If you invest and the borrower does not pay you back, the chance of you getting paid any of that money back is pretty slim."
"Altcoins pump in bull markets, they get drained out in bear markets."
"In an exponential world, risk doesn't equal reward, reward massively outsizes risk as long as you're not stupid about how you invest."
"We're going to be making a live trade, a risky trade, for our 1k to 10k challenge."
"You can't really wait in the market and say I'll get in when I see the real panic happening; it's far too late by then."
"The bigger risk to this strategy is if the share price booms higher and you miss out on some of those gains."
"The stock price can never move again for the next 10 years."
"The conditioning to buy the dip has been so deeply ingrained that is what is likely to be very very destructive on the way down."
"You cannot predict five to ten years from now nobody can and that's why the returns are what they are because you're rewarded for taking that risk."
"No matter how confident you are in an investment, you cannot predict the future."
"Investors saying it can't get worse but oh yes it can."
"A 50% drawdown takes a 100% return just to get back to even."
"Stocks coming down is actually what lowers the risk in the market."
"This is why you need to seriously pay attention to these dark pools."
"Right now, the NASDAQ, the S&P... way too risky."
"Once every six years the market falls 25 percent more, that's what we call a bear market."
"Volatility is the price you pay for the world's best performing asset."
"There is always risk, no matter what you do in the markets."
"Buying an asset at the very top? That's FOMO."
"You are not guaranteed to make money when you invest."
"There's risks in everything but I love the idea that the regulator is going to really you know but when they regulate it they're basically voting as a real asset class provided they don't regulate it out of existence."
"The stronger AMC is as a company, the more people who bet against the company should be concerned."
"Are they a scam? Will you get your money's worth out of them, break even or better yet, make money off of what's inside here versus what you paid for it?"
"The downside is far smaller than the potential upside."
"The vast majority of altcoins are not going to work out."
"If there was no risk in this asset class there wouldn't be any money to be made."
"This entire crypto space has not been cleared for takeoff... anything can happen."
"Bitcoin is now a better investment right now thirty two thousand dollars than it was at a thousand dollars."
"For investors who agree with our earnings path, they may decide to simply look through the downside this year. However, given where valuations are today, we think that is a risky strategy."
"Don't always assume that just because it's rated investment grade that it's safe... in fact I think one of the cheapest things that you can buy out there is protection."
"Never ever ever buy into resistance. That's the worst way to ever approach the markets."
"Taking too little risk, you lose out on opportunity. Diminishing returns cost and stay poor."
"Goal with investing is to ride the trend and have parameters for selling with the stops but you also need to have a max loss stop point of the max that you're willing to lose which is eight percent."
"Bitcoin is a speculative store of value, which then in my perspective creates one of the highest risk-adjusted returns that you can have out there."
"Tesla's balanced approach: seeing both long-term bullishness and short-term risks."
"It's all about short-term risk, long-term when Lambo."
"If you own a Tesla right now you're crazy to hold on to it."
"The bull thesis falls apart as soon as inflation shoots back up."
"This has been going on a heck of a long time this bubble has gone on at extreme levels of valuations longer really than any other bubble or any other Market in our lifetimes."
"I've got no doubt that from these levels the stock market provides negative returns annually over the next decade with a high likelihood of a big drop of 50 to 70 percent."
"You're just gonna have a very expensive dead thing again."
"Of all the long stretch of speakers we've had, they're all saying this is an incredibly dangerous time for investors."
"Don't chase the yield... if you see something paying a 20% dividend, be very careful... it's a falling knife... not sustainable... company is likely headed to bankruptcy."
"A lot of people who are in these stocks are waiting to lose a bunch of money they just don't realize it. I'm waiting to make a lot of money."
"Even people who don't fall for scams or pay for shitty courses pitched by hustle bros are still more likely to have aggressive stock portfolios."
"The risk is back on the table, so be cautious. This is called Wall Street bets, not Wall Street guarantees."
"You're totally dependent on their business surviving. If their business collapses, then you lose all your money."
"This is what I'm talking about with moonboy euphoria and disillusion. Sure, it could work out, but does it come with little risk? Absolutely not, in my opinion."
"Cryptocurrencies are a huge gamble if you don't know what you're doing. It's always safer to buy gold and silver."
"Always do your own research and your own due diligence before investing or trading as this market is extremely high-risk and I am NOT your financial adviser."
"Deceive and buy the dip all you want, but if you're investing in a bad project you might as well be shoveling your money into a fire."
"Moreover, BSV has tanked a whopping 93% from its April 21 all-time high of $490, has failed to gain any traction during this year's rally, and is rapidly heading towards the designation of a dead coin."
"You can't just look at the dividend yield and pick the stocks on the S&P 500 with the highest yields because those dividends could be at risk for a cut or worse a suspension."
"You say well think about all the people that had money invested with him and lost everything."
"You don't have to be accredited for $5,000 on a crap table in Vegas."
"People lost their life savings in this, and when we look at regulation, we don't want to be the SEC."
"Everything is high risk right now when you're getting in this early but it's also got a great R risk reward opportunity."
"Chasing yield is enticing but it will most likely hurt you in the long run."
"All investments have risk. If someone tells you otherwise, they are lying to you."
"You bought a JPEG for a million dollars, you didn't even get the JPEG."
"Nothing in the market... is ever ever ever guaranteed."
"Crypto is volatile, it is still highly unregulated and it's maturing. There is massive potential but there's also high levels of risk."
"There's no guarantee that these are going to give you guys absolutely winning trades."
"In cryptocurrencies, you should always be suspicious. It's the Wild West out there."
"The fear of missing out swiftly became the fear of losing money."
"The stock market giveth and the stock market taketh away."
"Don't bet the farm on economic growth slowing down tomorrow."
"Don't put in more than you are willing to lose."
"Be very careful not to buy something that you're taking a risk on."