
Eternal Love Quotes

There are 399 quotes

"I want to follow you through all time and all universes."
"I didn't fall in love with you, because I've always loved you, and I always will."
"She said, 'Do not hate humans. If you cannot live with them, then at least do them no harm, for theirs is already a hard lot.' She also said to tell you that she would love you for all of eternity."
"In the Mass, all persons of the Trinity are present in the Eucharist... it's the divine activity of loving eternally."
"If that's not a sign of forever love then I don't know what is."
"They want to follow you through all time and universes."
"You and I were meant to be together forever."
"Our love is eternal, I was silly to let you go."
"If I lived 100 lives, I'd marry her in all of them."
"If two people share a kiss on the roof, their love will be eternal."
"My love for you is steadfast, unchanging in the past, present, and future."
"You are the one, my soulmate, where I belong forever in all ways."
"Candle light and soul forever, a dream of you and me together. Say you believe it, say you believe it."
"Eternal love: perceive all the love that surrounds you."
"For God is all and there is nothing else beside the light of God. Love shineth forever, its radiance."
"I am yours forever if you remember my love in your prayers as strongly as I adore you then I shall scarcely be forgotten."
"So you guys are like these eternal level lovers."
"God's love is unending, he's loved you from beginning and you'll love you all the way to the end."
"You are my destiny... a thousand lifetimes with you would never be enough."
"His arms are open like the world... A Love That Never Ends."
"This love will resonate around the planet forever."
"I'll always love you, even when I'm not in this earthly world anymore."
"Only the Oneness of love and the lover is eternal surrender your heart into this Union for all else in this world is momentary."
"My love for you is an eternal covenant, my commitment is unwavering."
"His Divine love is eternal and unconditional."
"My love for you knows no bounds, it is eternal, steadfast, and unchanging."
"We're the only wife I've got I ever will have you are my whole existence I will love you until my last breath."
"Let's just go on forever, yeah." - "Let's just go on forever, yeah."
"She will always be with him, no matter what life it is."
"Love is all they need. Everlasting love. Rise up and go and show them. Revival was supernatural. Jesus is love."
"If the evil dragon had loved the woman for a millennium, patiently awaiting her reincarnation, strangely, she finds herself envious of the evil woman, contemplating how it would feel to receive an enduring love from such a mythical creature."
"The love of the Jewish people is eternal. God's covenant with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob has never been broken."
"There's nothing that can separate us from that love, there's nothing that will separate us from God ever in Christ." - Erin
"Love isn't going anywhere, it's an eternal connection."
"A thousand lifetimes with you would never be enough. So you guys are just these beautiful soulmates, like from the beginning of time for many of you."
"Nothing can separate our love, neither death nor life, nor angels nor the ruling spirits, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers from above nor powers from below, nothing in the entire created world can separate us."
"I shall love him forever," she cried, "and he forever too."
"We must generate more love more often for human love pales before eternal love."
"I love you then, I love you now, and I always will."
"You have eternal love, a soulmate connection coming towards you."
"True love and eternal connection are powerful forces."
"Love springs eternal in heaven and on your side of the planet as well."
"It's beautiful how untainted and undying his love is after centuries."
"I love you, Veronica. I will love you forever, Vince."
"The love I feel for you was always there because you were there, Divine counterpart."
"I'm happy that I get to spend the rest of my eternal days with Yuki."
"This love will continue always and forever, together or apart, happily ever after."
"I will love you for the rest of my life."
"Your love is eternal, this is definitely a soul connection, a past life connection."
"You have to believe that no matter what century or universe or world I'm living in, that I would never forget you. Never."
"I'm here for you Calvin eternal love."
"My heart burns fiercely for you always and forever."
"I will love and cherish you forever," he promised.
"I promise to love you every moment forever."
"You always carry this love for one another."
"Now there's something about eternal love in your environment as well."
"I want to be dancing with you forever, you see?"
"He said I love you with an everlasting love."
"He's going to love you 10 billion years from now with the same fierceness that he loves you with today."
"I want to live a redeemed life by your side forever."
"Remember that God loves us, He wants us to become Saints whenever we live, and He knew when we were going to live from all eternity."
"It's a love potion... amor eternum love potion."
"I just knew we were going to be together forever."
"You may reconcile. Your time has come, eternal love."
"Everyone on the internet believes this as people say they came back for each other. Eternal lovers and history hath a way of repeating itself."
"These are preserved Ecuadorian roses. Rainbow colored and ano siya umiilaw din siya and just and just like my love for you and my loyalty and my friendship these will never wither."
"Love's eternal. Even if I'm not there in the physical, it's pure love for you."
"You're in it forever, as a long, far-reaching desire."
"Surely goodness and unfailing love will pursue me all the days of my life."
"In a world that entices with temporary pleasures, let us find Eternal purpose in the love of the father."
"I wanted you to be with me forever."
"God's dream for you when he made the universe was that it would end in A Wedding Banquet which is a place where everyone has a stupidly large smile on their face for all eternity because we're rejoicing in the reception of love forever."
"This love never dies. You guys reincarnate time after time because this love is beautiful."
"Beloved one, I shall be with you always."
"It's always you in every lifetime."
"Married couples in heaven experience a deepening of their love for each other forever."
"My love is eternal. Even if we don't get into union in this lifetime, we will have eternity to make it happen."
"It's a timeless love, no beginning and no end."
"It's just you and me, you and me forever."
"Our energies and our love will always exist throughout eternity because we are eternally familiar to one another."
"Love lasts forever. If you fall in love with somebody, that's forever. You don't lose that love."
"And I came to tell you that I'll always love you."
"Love is something which lasts beyond the grave."
"Ever thine, ever mine, ever for each other."
"It would take eternity to break us, and the chains of Amor vincit omnia couldn't hold us."
"You and I will never end, little mouse, even when we're six feet under and our bones are dust. I will haunt your soul until it aches to be free of me, and then I'll hold you tighter."
"There's no end to my love for you, it's woven into the very fabric of my soul."
"Love never dies, and that's what the show is really all about is love."
"We have known you since before the dawn of time, and we love you just as you are."
"Love you till the end of time, I just want to hold you for forever, every day you're making me better because a love like this is rare, and I want to take you there."
"This is the gift of eternal love."
"Enjoy resting in His peace, knowing you are eternally loved."
"I can't wait to find out what new life you've chosen for yourself in 60 or 70 years when I see you again."
"But from everlasting to everlasting the Lord's love is with those who fear him."
"This love transcends this lifetime."
"You're my forever love, and I am yours."
"I will never stop loving you across all the dimensions."
"I love you forever, I love you forever, Lord."
"You're going to love him and he's going to love you and you're going to live forever in the Happy Kingdom."
"I will always love you, Lois, till the end of time."
"Romeo and Juliet are together in eternity... 40,000 men and women every day... Like Romeo and Juliet."
"The Garden of Love... Romeo and Juliet... they'll join each other after a million and 200,000 years."
"When the sting of anguish penetrates the heart of human love; when gloom and loneliness and desertion cloud the soul of friendship and trust, then it is that the heart turns toward the sheltering love of the Eternal, and finds rest in its silent peace."
"I will love you for the rest of my life and infinitely after."
"His love had no beginning, because he is eternal, his love can have no end."
"The ocean of eternal love is our true home."
"You are the love of my life in every lifetime."
"You are a star in my sky, and I will love you forever more."
"I love you forever, it would be just me and you, alright, forever."
"I will always love you. You are the person I was meant to spend the rest of my life with."
"We're going to live together through eternity."
"I will love you a thousand lifetimes from now."
"Look unto God with firmness of mind, and he will console you in your afflictions, feast upon his love, for ye may if your minds are firm, forever."
"True love like ours transcends time and space."
"I want that love that is the silence of eternity."
"I will love you forever, I will love you always."
"They're together in every single lifetime."
"When the Red Rose dies, that's when I'll stop loving you."
"I love you today. I loved you yesterday. I love you tomorrow. I love you always."
"Husband and wife lay together, embracing each other for eternal love during the afterlife."
"When you're in love, you will always be in love."
"I just want you to remember I will always love you and I know you will always love me."
"I will love you always until the end."
"It's love that causes this next evolution into the Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan."
"The Millennium still wouldn't be long enough to express the love I have grown for you, Naruto-kun," she smiled.
"We're going to keep loving each other forever and ever."
"My partner and I are bound together in eternal love."
"I love you, Evie Powell, for all that I am and all I'll ever be, and for all eternity."
"Something about eternal love keeps coming up about some romantic relationship here, something that's a blessing and an adventure."
"The love between you and your person is eternal, nothing and no one can take it away from you."
"I have loved you with a love that never ends."
"I will still love you forever and ever."
"The basis of Twilight is this eternal love, right? This immortal eternal love between a human and a vampire."
"You never actually lose anyone that you love."
"Each one believing that love never dies. Watching her eyes and hoping I'm always there."
"We've loved each other since Egyptian times; we will always find our way back to each other."
"Our aim is not simply to escape the negative but to achieve the ultimate abode where there is eternal love and no death."
"I have loved you and will love you for every day of my life until my last breath."
"If you want to love someone forever, you gotta live forever."
"I have loved you from all eternity, and no matter what goes down, I can't stop loving you."
"I'll absolutely love you for the rest of my life, until the stars fall from the sky."
"Our love will be as eternal as your everlasting beauty."
"When you love somebody, you love them forever."
"Let's celebrate our meeting for eternity!"
"I love you. I have always loved you. I fear I will always love you."
"I will always, always love you, my girl."
"It's like a marriage, except it never ends; it just goes on forever."
"You are my soul mate, you are my love forever."
"I'll forever love you, and you will forever be mine."
"Farewell, my treasure, my love. I am never away from you; in another world, I shall still be the one who loves you beyond measure."
"I'll never leave, I'll stay by your side for eternity, till the day I die, 'cause you're just right for me, I'm just right for you."
"Feels like I've loved you forever, I thought you knew that."
"I've always loved you, even as a child in a time I don't remember, I already loved you."
"I love you forever and always. I will continue to be your voice and fight for you until my last breath."
"I love you today, tomorrow, and forever."
"And I will live and love you forever, for all eternity."
"Experiencing the joy that comes from interacting with the perfect, all knowing, all loving God forever."
"We reunite with our loved ones over and over again through many different lifetimes."
"This love is meant to last forever."
"For love that strong goes beyond life, beyond death, beyond everything."
"A new idea Sally, if you and I continue faithful to the end, we are certain to be one in the Lord throughout eternity."
"If you will return, we'll reign together forever in the celebration of love."
"Their love is infinite and eternal."
"I love you until the end of time."
"Away from you, and you told me that we'd never die."
"I'm always going to love you, I'm going to love you forever."
"When two people really love each other, there can never be an ending."
"Divine love is stronger than all the forces of darkness and evil within the universe, and in the end, it will prevail. Love never fails; it is never exhausted, never comes to an end."
"My love for you is eternal and never ending."
"I will be in love with you until my last breath."
"If I never see you again, I'll never love anybody but you."
"The classic gold which symbolizes respect and eternal love."
"This love that predates your existence... you get to just rest in the love, the eternal love of God for you in Jesus Christ."
"I will never ever stop loving you."
"No measure of time with you will be enough, but let's start with forever."
"Be with me always, take any form, drive me mad, only do not leave me in this abyss where I cannot find you."
"True love is eternal and will endure no matter what."
"The snake is a symbol of eternal love."
"I will always and forever love you; it is a love that goes beyond what people can understand."
"Love never dies; some bonds cannot be broken."
"I love you then, I love you now, always did, always will, forever in my mind, forever in my heart."
"I have loved you for a million years, with a timeless love that knows no end."
"She would always, always love him."
"Then while we live, in love let's so persever That when we live no more, we may live ever."
"Mothers never stop being mothers when they pass away; they just return to the sky so they can have a better view of their children."
"You are eternally loved and you are an embodiment of love itself."
"The love between you is eternal, it's never going to go away."
"Her love will last forever even if she's not going to be with these people forever."
"The body may be gone but the love is forever."
"Love can't die, seriously, that's what love can do."
"Aaron was mine, and I was hers, even when the devil separated us, our love would go on."
"The love that will never die, you and me together forever."
"I don't love you for a day, or a week, or a month, or a year, a decade. I love you forever."
"You love someone so much that you would do anything to spend all of eternity with them."
"Love is a forever fire, as forever as one can actually call anything."
"You deserve a guy who's gonna love you forever."
"I love you," she whispered. "In a few days or after an eternity, I'm yours."
"As long as the sun exists, my love exists."
"They will love you until the end of time."
"They're very devoted to you, recognizing this as an eternal love."