
Kinship Quotes

There are 822 quotes

"I love him so much now, I feel like he's a kindred spirit."
"We are all together in this world, and all kin."
"Racial pride is very powerful politically and it rests on a concept called fictive kinship."
"A true sense of kinship has developed between all of the citizens of our great star nation."
"Family should stick together son, no matter what."
"When Jesus says 'my Father' and 'your Father,' it means they share the same Father, which is God."
"We are a family of light, soul brother, soul sister. That's why we love each other."
"This person is kind of preparing you to kind of get through the gate very interesting very interesting actually this person is a kindred spirit and option number two got that as well."
"It's amazing to see the ties of kinship amongst the Banu Hashim."
"There's something about this person feeling like your soul family, like you spoke the same language."
"We are cousins, we're a family, we're brothers and sisters, but we're not actual genetic cousins to the sense that a few generations ago we were all a few families."
"My gift to man is love, not only romantic love but also of nature, of friendship between kin, of oneself..."
"Food for us comes from our relatives, whether they have wings, or fins, or roots."
"In global moments of social and environmental crisis, leaning into and enacting kinship can become a radical act."
"Sometimes all you have in common with a person is that you have the same mother and father."
"You are not your brother's keeper you are your brother's brother."
"In a way, it humanizes them, for although unlike those of us in base humanity in so many ways, they are nevertheless still our kin."
"You must go to Nepal because they're your brothers."
"Anyone who takes these big questions seriously is a friend. There's a kind of kinship between people interested in these things."
"They are still considered the closest relatives within the area and have deep ties."
"I believe it is time for your people and mine to renew our bonds of kinship."
"If kinship was our goal, we would no longer be promoting justice, we would be celebrating it."
"The measure of our compassion lies not in our service of those on the margins, but in our willingness to see ourselves in kinship with them."
"Steve is my brother from another mother. We think alike, we live alike. We are like and from the first time I ever met the guy there's like we've known each other forever."
"I never wanted us to be enemies, you're the only real family I have."
"A beautiful friendship, a family born of love and not genetics."
"It takes a real one to understand a real one."
"My chosen family has been made like a sister to me for 34 years."
"Just because you my color don't make you my kind, okay, just because you my color don't make you my kind."
"You're my brother, you're my sister, and that's all there is to it."
"There will be a soul kinship between you and those people that come into your life."
"You're my best friend and my brother, and we should just be nice."
"You're part of my family, you're part of my Soul family."
"Humanity in general would like to feel some kinship with other species beyond the earth."
"May you find your kin at the end of that journey. Well then, let us part ways here for now."
"This is what it's about, your family. Your blood, my blood, flesh of my flesh. That's what it is."
"Love your brother as your own soul, protect him as you protect the pupil of your eye."
"Keith really is one of our Kindred Spirits out there online in the space."
"Proximity cultural overlap shouldn't be a measure for the strength of kinship once the wrongs have been committed."
"Nurturing tenderness and respect towards our kin remains the paramount choice."
"I appreciate you too, fam. I appreciate you too. You know what I'm saying? Yeah, you know, we could have been family in the past life, you know what I'm saying?"
"God is our Father and Mother; we are sons and daughters of the great heavenly Father and Mother."
"Sure is nice to have folks of your own."
"You're the closest thing I have to a father."
"The relationship between a magician and his aspect is like a parent and a child."
"People naturally trust you like they're your own family, people are naturally accepting of you."
"Value life, value your brother and your sister."
"We're all the children of Adam, so we're all equal, we're all family."
"You’re like my sister, and I love you."
"I'm your brother from another mother."
"Keep your friends close and your family closer."
"I appreciate the sister, because she understands me and I don't have to explain myself."
"She walks among the patterned pied brocade, each flower her son, and every tree her daughter."
"...the sheer kinship between our species kind of is magnetic for them as it is for us..."
"...there's this incredible kinship between our two species..."
"There was something about this James guy that I felt a kinship to."
"These three were adored by all, as such a relationship between brothers is only something to admire."
"Friends are like the family that you pick."
"Your soul family are forever with you."
"They are truly kindred spirits despite being so very, very different."
"The man next to you is your brother, and you're damn well better treat each other that way."
"Be nice to everyone because everyone is kin."
"We now live in big cities where the people that we meet and interact with on a day-to-day basis are unlikely to be either kin or potential reciprocators."
"Knowing that her boy had a twin brother out there was a real comfort."
"Whosoever shall do the will of My Father which is in heaven, the same is my brother, and sister, and mother."
"I think you and I are like kindred spirits, and like in another world we would have been like me and you doing a cooking battle."
"We gotta respect and love each other more because all of us is long-distance cousins somewhere else."
"You're more of my sister than my sister."
"There are my people. I am so knit to them, closer than anything that has to do with the flesh."
"Relationships with good friends last longer than a lot of other [ __ ]. You don't gotta be blood to be family, you know what I mean?"
"It's us, you know what I'm saying, we are a family."
"Jesus is not ashamed to call them brothers and sisters."
"The House of Hador marched in ordered companies, the tallest and most warlike of the three kindreds of men."
"I know that we have one very, very deep and real thing in common, and that is that we are brothers and sisters of the Human family."
"When you sleep, you can hear my voice, and when I can hear the voices of my kin, as well."
"They feel a very intense connection with you, like kindred souls."
"The homies have taught me so much, and they've taught me about kinship, they taught me about connection, and they've taught me how to reimagine the circle widening so that nobody is outside of it."
"Suddenly kinship, so quickly. Oscar-winning actress, attitudinal waitress. Exactly what God had in mind."
"Our connection and kinship are exquisite mutuality where there is no daylight that separates us."
"The beast saw rats as something of kin."
"People who felt more like kin came flooding into my life when I started living in a way that spiritually felt true to me."
"we want to create a community of kinship that says we refuse to live without you"
"One touch of nature makes the whole world kin." - William Shakespeare
"Our kids are all going to be cousins."
"We may not be direct family, but we're from the same clan. That at least makes us distant family. And whether close or distant, family is still family."
"I love seeing other kindred souls."
"No man should have to kill his own kin."
"Every so often you meet someone from your tribe which is how I felt when I met Paul Simon."
"...his whole family became like a family to me."
"I believe that a brother or a sister, or a mother or a father isn't DNA."
"And if your dad is my dad... Your dad... Then we're sisters!"
"We're all just brothers and sisters."
"If our goal was kinship, I suspect we would no longer be promoting justice, we would be celebrating it."
"Why do you think we call each other brother and sister. Because we're in the same family."
"Now you were truly impressed," you thought, finally coming to the conclusion that the both of you were becoming kindred.
"But it's only really necessary to recognize that we have a kinship and a solidarity, and that without it, we're gone."
"I've seen you genuinely content. You and I are siblings, Alpha and beta, no matter how you slice it."
"We are very alike, you and I, not in all things, but in our hearts," said Imogen. "I believe we are kindred spirits."
"Captivated by the Gnomes' technological prowess and recognizing a shared kinship."
"You don't feel the slightest bit of animosity. You know they are brothers. They are more to them than your family. They are your family."
"What if it's his brother? Oh, well, half brother."
"We finished our drinks and fell to reminiscing. It's strange, I guess, to have kin and to be without kinship for as long as our lives have led us along our separate paths."
"We're both dreamers, we both believe that anything can be accomplished."
"It's a false dichotomy, it can be both: a kinship bond and a recognition of sex difference."
"Ghanaians love it when you do speak their language. When you speak to them, they feel this kinship."
"Cal, we are like twins, you and I."
"We had a big family, a lot of cousins."
"You realize the rarity of this sort of ingrained kinship."
"If I could I would have 20 more brothers."
"Soulmates are people from your soul tribe family."
"If it is intolerable for another person, you must not tolerate it. You must realize that every person on the face of this earth is my 30th to 50th cousin."
"Anytime I see a Jew nowadays I just also feel like, 'oh that's my brother.'"
"He is the firstborn among many brethren."
"I almost felt like he was a kindred spirit in some weird way."
"You're really loyal and genuine to us, you treat us like we're your own brother or kids."
"My God and your God, my father and your father."
"...he calls you brother he calls you sister that's my brother that's my sister."
"They are your twin, just from a different background, but at heart, you are like sisters or brothers."
"I am your friend. We share the same DNA, the same blood runs in both our veins."
"It's like finding your sister that's not blood, and that's that is like the hardest thing in the world."
"It's just like we share the same DNA and we think the same."
"...it was like family being here honestly..."
"The unstable situation Tegan was born into had gradually blossomed into a large and tight-knit family."
"Jesus was made like me, his brother, in all things."
"Some people just seem like family even though you haven't known them your whole life."
"Elves and men have many shared values and experiences, certainly they relate to each other more than they could to one of the inor."
"Manwë and Melkor are supposed to be the kin brothers in the thought of Eru."
"People really do recognize the word brother and sister; that word actually means something in many places around the world."
"This person sees a kindred spirit in you."
"We are in a blood relationship with the Almighty God."
"They have the same eyes, they're related, they're literally twins."
"This is no enemy. It's almost family."
"You're a kindred spirit in diving as deep as you can into your own soul."
"I knew we were kindred spirits and her quote is life is either a daring adventure or it's nothing at all."
"Family is family even if they are not blood related."
"What kind of spirit do you have? It was once said that blood is thicker than water. It should be equally said that spirit is thicker than blood."
"Christ, I see Christ in you, my brother."
"Say to wisdom, 'You are my sister,' and call understanding your kinsmen."
"You immediately have a tangible kinship connection that is very intoxicating because it really scratches that itch that we have for connection."
"I felt a piercing and powerful kinship with that fox."
"In the cherry blossom's shade, there's no such thing as a stranger."
"It's nice to be treated like a wolf by a wolf."
"Those are brothers and sisters in the genetic family; I love them."
"Just because they are blood doesn't mean they are family."
"Step five was the answer; it was the beginning of true kinship with man and God."
"Family looks out for other family members."
"You guys have treated us like family and that's the way we feel too."
"We're all siblings of this infinite love."
"We just want to say respect, family."
"I will treat you like my own sister."
"Who is my mother and my brothers and sisters? Those who hear and do the word of God."
"You can't always decide on who your blood kin is, but you can decide on your friends, and sometimes friends can be better than what you were born with."
"We still rock with our brothers and sisters."
"If we ever discover other carbon-based life forms, we would be fundamentally related. They would be our cosmic brethren."
"It's a combination of faith and love of family."
"God did not sow a son to reap servants; He sowed a son to reap sons."
"I think he and I are cut out of the same cloth."
"Let's get along; having a sister, even with a different mother, must be nice for Mary, right?"
"If you find brothers and sisters whom you get along with, good for you, but do not be blind thinking that will extend to every relative you have."
"Blood does not make you family; it makes you related."
"This man is my uncle; he's like a father to me."
"You would be sisters, you and I. Would you like that?"
"Family's family. They don't betray each other."
"Smile showing others as even brother, sister, I feel happy."
"His passion for peace would not even be swayed in the prospect of killing his brethren."
"I want us to be like real sisters."
"The sense of shared humanity, our kinship with each other, this is what heals."
"The Spirit Himself bears witness with our human spirit that we are the children of God."
"I am a tired old man, but I have killed this fish which is my brother."
"It might not be blood, but that's family to him."
"You're basically the closest family we have."
"Sometimes family isn't just blood."
"Kinship placements have better outcomes... I'd rather them be with family."
"Our personalities differed and yet I sensed a mysterious kinship with him."
"You need to be there for your brother or your sister, whatever it is."
"Am I my brother's keeper? The answer is no, you're his brother, and God holds you to account for how you treat your brother."
"I was a kinship foster parent and even that in and of itself is fighting for something I believe in, which is the safety of children."
"We enjoy the freedom of the sons and daughters of God."
"When a family member is in need, you help them out."
"There's a great kind of a kinship that's being forged here, and I just love it."
"...Covenant is the extension of kinship by oath; it forms a family."
"It's all that and the sense of belonging that comes from being family."
"We will always be just that, family."
"We're Kindred Wanderers in this world of ours."
"I saw an animal in the distance, I got closer and I saw it was a man, I got closer still and saw it was my brother."
"Be nobody's darling; be an outcast. Qualified to live among your kin."
"Cause you were loving and caring. That's family."
"You're my best friend, it's like the same thing you feel me."
"The Sioux and all of their tribes believed in the fostering of kinship with all living things."
"The spirit itself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God."
"Aren't we all brothers and sisters under the skin?"
"No servants in the Kingdom, only brothers, only sons."
"The love of the Father, the sons and daughters of the king."
"What am I, my brother's keeper? Yes, you absolutely are."
"Samoan families are often very large and extended and stay close to their cousins, also known as 'uso'."
"How can I promise to keep a secret if I don't even know what it is? Because we're family."
"So say to your brethren, ‘My people,’ and to your sisters, ‘Mercy is shown.’"
"We are all related to Christ because we're adopted into the family."
"You will be sons of the Most High."
"So gorillas are for me like my brothers, and they are my brothers, that's why I'm playing with them."