
Love Confession Quotes

There are 61 quotes

"I love you, Rarity," she let out weakly. "I know," came a confident and tender reply.
"Elizabeth, I should have told you every day from the moment I met you, I love you."
"We'd played for two and a half years, no romance on the stream. You know, I'm in love with you, right?"
"I should have told you this a long time ago. I love you."
"September confessions of love... Somebody's whole soul being revealed."
"She loudly confesses her love for him, looks past his bloody history, and urges him to stay with her."
"Joshua confesses his love for her since the day they met, and tells her goodbye."
"Kuma warps away before Jenny says the next line... 'Kumachi, I just wanted to let you know I love you and I always have and I always will.'"
"Mary Jane finally sees Peter for the hero that he is, and Peter finally confesses his love for her."
"Meloda suddenly gives CFA a kiss, telling him she truly loves him."
"At one point he had written me a letter and said I was the only person he'd ever loved."
"Katniss, I love you. I've loved you for a while."
"He wants to confess his love for mix but he needs to find the courage to do so."
"But his life changes when he confesses his love to his childhood crush."
"He tells her that he loves her for the first time."
"He holds her face and leans towards her until their lips meet, right then he tells her that he loves her a lot."
"She confesses that she loves him too, oh they are so lucky to have each other."
"Your person is finally gonna admit that they love you so much."
"I came back to tell you that I am so in love with you. I came back to have Thanksgiving dinner at gyms with you."
"This was not planned, Kate, I love you."
"Sam, I'm falling in love with you."
"Bridger and Clover spend a wonderful night together making confessions of love and happiness."
"I have fallen in love with you, and it's wonderful and terrifying because you know how I feel about change. But I had to come and find you and tell you. And honestly, if you don't feel the same way..."
"Yes, Aqualad, I guess I've always been in love with her, but I never realized it until now."
"Tyler's confession of love to his crush over the phone making him feel bright and colorful inside like that of glitter."
"Andy, I love you. I've always loved you."
"I can't hide my true feelings anymore. I love you and want to spend my life with you."
"You are my biggest crush and I would like you, and I would like to be your girlfriend one day. I love you with all my heart." - Lindsay
"I'm in love with you. I have been for a long time."
"I'm not, Ash. I'm in love with you."
"I love you too," Ash finally confessed, and the weight of uncertainty lifted from Burke's shoulders.
"I saw her and it was all like bang," I confessed. "I was so in love with her. If it's karma, it will happen."
"Angie said that she loved me and I admitted I loved her."
"I've come out here to say that I love you."
"Can I give you something I've wanted to give you ever since the day I fell in love with you?"
"It feels so good to finally tell Anna that I love her, and it's like I've had the biggest weight lifted."
"I've fallen in love with you. I know you feel the same about me."
"I think, I know I'm in love with you."
"I love you," you admitted softly, your eyes flickering to Kyoko before leaving the room hastily.
"I've loved you for months and months," Ethan admitted, his voice thick with emotion.
"It was then that he realized his feelings for her and confessed his love, surprising CDI."
"You watch me from your window. I know you do. I've known for a long time. I watch you too. I love you, Michael."
"What it took for me and Aaron to tell each other our real feelings, that we were falling in love, was six bags, true friends, a lot of yelling, and a van waiting right outside."
"You're my most important person, hey I love you, can I be your girlfriend?"
"I think I love you, that's how you knew she was the one."
"They're completely in love with you, I can't make it up."
"I'm in love with you, Hori, have been for a while."
"To officially let you know that I love you, Courtney, and I'm your secret admirer."
"I'm going to say it, I've always loved you, Cheyenne."
"Semmel finally admits that he loves Mariem."
"Deep down, it was always you that I loved."
"Jay and Nia pretty much confess their love for one another."
"I'm absolutely infatuated and madly in love with you."
"I just wanted to tell the woman that I loved how I truly felt before I died."
"I've loved you for a very long time, and I'm happy you finally said it."
"I'm sorry, Rose. Please forgive me. I love you."
"I'm hopelessly in love with you now," he said.
"I'm not good at this, but you're my everything, and there's nowhere I'd rather be than with you."
"True love... I see you as my true love, and I messed up."
"Yes, because I already fell in love with you, and I wanted you to be mine only."