
Unfinished Business Quotes

There are 66 quotes

"You have unfinished business and you have a future together."
"They feel as though there's unfinished business between you."
"We have so much unfinished business; we need to see where this goes."
"It became the easiest decision I've ever made because it wasn't about money, it was about unfinished business."
"Ubisoft, we ain't finished, and you ain't finished until you're finished."
"This person wants to come into being with their counterparts, there's unfinished business here and they're indicating that this is your soul mate."
"They never got to finish whatever it was they was up to and I don't think they get enough credit for that."
"The last chapter in this story has not been told."
"I felt like there was unfinished business here."
"There's still unfinished business here. The world card says it is not over."
"But that's the nature of this line of work. Things don't get wrapped up and topped off with a neatly tied bow."
"I'm not ready to go home. I got a lot left in me."
"Ghosts are often thought to have unfinished business in the mortal plane."
"It's not over patterns baggage so this cancer does feel like y'all have some unfinished business y'all have like a spiritual connection something about you being mysterious keeps drawing them back they love that about you."
"There's always some [stuff] left that I got to tell the people."
"This is called unfinished business. This time around, he won't be able to get up."
"Some spirits have unfinished business or goals to achieve and are unaware that they have passed away, trapped between two realms of existence."
"I have unfinished business in the MasterChef kitchen."
"Retrogrades are often about going back to something that you thought you had finished earlier and like returning back to and revisiting something."
"I just gotta go because I'm not done."
"Your person views this connection as something that's unfinished business. They're not done, and they're hoping that you're not done either."
"Every incomplete thing in your life exerts a draining force on you, sucking the energy of accomplishment and success right out of you as surely as a vampire stealing your blood."
"There is this feeling of unfinished business between you and them for sure."
"Your person feels like something is unfinished here and they feel an obligation to come back to you."
"Death comes way before you expect. Every single person in his grave has unfinished worldly business."
"No one has ever really supplied a satisfactory answer to this, but almost all spiritualists and believers in the spirit world agree that most of the Earthbound Spirits have some sort of feeling of unfinished business or a wrong to be righted."
"I'm not done yet, there's still time."
"They definitely want to talk to you, they want to communicate with you, and they want to talk to you about this unfinished business."
"Tomorrow I'm going to be doing a healing service and we have an unfinished business."
"Oh my God, I can't die yet! I still have to finish my finals."
"Hey guys, what's going on? Unfinished, what's up?"
"I felt however, and the team members agreed with me, that we had some unfinished business."
"I forget in Harry Potter what makes a ghost a ghost usually it's unfinished business in most ghost Lords they don't have unfinished business well you would think they do that's what I'm saying is why aren't they go so do you have control if you're a ghost"
"Good morning everybody, it's clearly the next day, I didn't finish vlogging yesterday because I have a good reason."
"I'm counting down the days but I feel as if I'm not done yet."
"We leave so many things unfinished in our lives. I'm sure you can understand."
"We might be done, but we're not finished."
"This place won't let me go. I have to finish what I started."
"The job's not finished; we got so much more to do and so many places to go."
"The game is not finished, I promise you."
"I want to face my fear; I've got unfinished business with this place."
"Ghosts are kept in place by their emotional entanglements or like unfinished business."
"You could die in the night, and then you and Jack would be in separate worlds with unfinished business."
"I yelled no, no this isn't fair, I'm not done yet."
"The story is not over till the story is over."
"When the wind turns and asks in my father's voice, 'Have you prayed?' I know three things: one, I'm never finished answering to the dead."
"Enjoy your freedom for as long as you can. Our business is far from done."
"I'm not done, I don't want to be done."
"The spirits appear because they have unfinished business in the real world."
"It can't end like this for Ron and I, you know? We haven't done everything yet we thought we'd do."
"God is still on the throne, it's not over yet."
"The deceased is said to have departed this life with unfinished business."
"I've still got a lot of unfinished business. There's still so much to do."
"Winning that one and earning obviously the championship, but it's left Amherst with unfinished business."
"We didn't do nothing, the work is far from done."
"You left me things to do, so I ain't done yet."
"Many times a spirit will linger because they have what we would call unfinished business."
"A friendly ghost returns from the grave to take care of unfinished business."
"There's some type of connection here... something that you think might be over, but there's something still here on the table."
"Someone is still secretly crushing on you, someone feels like they have unfinished business with you."
"Something is happening karmically with a lot of you where you're resolving some kind of unfinished business."
"Something that you think is done, it's not done yet."
"You're ready to confront any unfinished business in your life and clear up any misunderstandings."
"It's true, you know, and yes, there is unfinished business, yes they will contact you, yes they will come forward, no it's not over."